PES 2011 Discussion thread

I'm confused now. None of the playtesters so far talked about combo moves. I hope it's not a case of pressing one button to unleash a string of four skill moves. That's just silly.

As I understand it, you can choose what tricks you want to be able to string together. Then in game you press up, right, bottom or left to start the tricks. So maybe left first, then when that trick is done you press right and so on. Or did I misunderstand this? It seems way too easy to me, also I don't understand how this could work for every player. Surely every player won't be able to do the most advanced tricks? So what if you have a really advanced trick as number two and use it with a bad player?

At least in FIFA you have to do pretty advanced thumb moves which makes it pretty hard to string 4 different tricks together. In PES it seems to be only a flick in one direction.

I can see this could be a potential mess online if they aren't careful with the implementation. Not many wants PES to be played like FIFA Street.
i think what would work is that only a few selected players can perform tricks. i wouldnt expect rio ferdinand to be able to perform fancy feint/dummy tricks as an example whilst ronaldo is capable of performing many tricks that u can choose from.

that would be better.
Ball motion really does still look unreal & sticky; the ball still seems to constantly roll back and forth whilst moving forward. Am still seeing the usual uncorrelated, non-contextual animations creeping in there plenty times. [i.e. stuff like Deco's pass (~1:55)& Mascherano (~3:57)]. 360 Degree movement? I'm not sure at all, game still looks like it could or is being played with the D-PAD with some sharp angular turns.

Some animations did look a tiny bit odd, i was actually going to point out the Mascherano pass at 3.57 sine the pass just didn't sit with the animation. The amount of power in that pass dosen't correlate well with the animation which procceded. Still i have issue with the arms but they look fantastic on the whole.

Ball phyics seem ok, maybe because i'm comparing it to the jubilani which is similar to the cheap plastic balls you get to play on the beach. The ball has far more zip to it compared to typical balls we have come acustom to and is unlikely to dip as much. I watched the trailer again a few times an nothing seemed out of place really with the physics.

The main thing is for the animations to be fluid. They have the system and technology finally to do this (unlike with PES 2008, 2009 and 10) so it really should be all ironed ot and working consistently when the demo comes in late august/september.

Animations are much improved from PES 10 but also seeing the usual jittery player movements, especially off the ball controlled players. Some decent animations & some very PES 2010 ones still in there, very uncanny valley. Can't see the whole analogue player acceleration that was mentioned fundamental to how players move, still appears to be between jogging and sprinting. In all it doesn't look fluid enough, suspect the rigidity will be still very entrenched.

The videos look to me they are set to a very low level, in the Germany, Cote D'Iovre video off the ball especially the playeers looked very clumsy and inconsistent in their animations but it's just a demonstation of counter attacking and close control dribbling with Oezil. no ever the dire PES 2008 was that poor defensivley so i'm not worried about that.

Seems like they continue to progress in presentation and the tactics screens seem expansive ... actually this looks like the one section I can see they've really worked on.

'sigh' I think this year's game will be playable but not convinced they will have done enough by release date. They still have it all to prove & the demo continues to be pivotal.

The demo is the real 'D-Day'. I really should be one of the best games, rather than before with PES 2009 were it was hoping for a miracle or with PES 2010 were it was very much more hope than expection since it was obvious the game would be rather limited. They have worked on the main issues holding the game back and looked to have done very well.
Also, if they think that is what is meant by a stadium editor ; they're in trouble

I'm not fussed, as long as i can edit the nets :)
Don't get me wrong I've not seen it in action obviously but I don't like the sound of that at all, why not let the player just try to pull two or three tricks on the bounce as it were, if they want?..
Simplifying it, even if it is hard to pull them all off seems the wrong way to go to me and you'll end up with trick filled messes, even if they only get through the first parts of their combo's...

in all fairness most of FIFA10 and WC tricks are so excruciatingly hard to pull off that Ive stopped bothering ages ago, this aint Street Fighter IV, commands execution should be bypassed entirely to let the player focus on the flow of the game and imho feints should be easy to perform and easily accessible, the drawback being the fact that the amount of feints you can link, their availability and their overall effectiveness should be entirely dependant on the technical skills and stats of the player under your control.
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As I understand it, you can choose what tricks you want to be able to string together. Then in game you press up, right, bottom or left to start the tricks. So maybe left first, then when that trick is done you press right and so on. Or did I misunderstand this? It seems way too easy to me, also I don't understand how this could work for every player. Surely every player won't be able to do the most advanced tricks? So what if you have a really advanced trick as number two and use it with a bad player?

At least in FIFA you have to do pretty advanced thumb moves which makes it pretty hard to string 4 different tricks together. In PES it seems to be only a flick in one direction.

I can see this could be a potential mess online if they aren't careful with the implementation. Not many wants PES to be played like FIFA Street.


I have hated the sound of the tricks system from Day 1. It sounds like a sell-out. Why change the trick system that is currently adopted in PES 2010 ? It's all perfectly motion based, very hard to master, and very rewarding when successful. It's takes skill and timing and knowledge of the individual player, which is THE perfect way to replicate the skills and subsequent technique.

It seems only the timing of the trick is whats required now. This is smells very much like Fifa, and if this is what Seabass meant by winning back it's 'Hardcore' fanbase, then he has got it horribly wrong. In saying that, even Fifa requires a directional skill, so it's even worse. Oh dear.
As I understand it, you can choose what tricks you want to be able to string together. Then in game you press up, right, bottom or left to start the tricks. So maybe left first, then when that trick is done you press right and so on. Or did I misunderstand this? It seems way too easy to me, also I don't understand how this could work for every player. Surely every player won't be able to do the most advanced tricks? So what if you have a really advanced trick as number two and use it with a bad player?.

Seems about right, thats what i was going to explain but this computer i'm using has a broken spacebar so i'm writing as little as possible.

At least in FIFA you have to do pretty advanced thumb moves which makes it pretty hard to string 4 different tricks together.
In PES it seems to be only a flick in one direction.

nah it's the same really, it's very easy to pull of tricks in fifa! Stuff like the McGeady spin is too eay to do and too effective.

I can see this could be a potential mess online if they aren't careful with the implementation. Not many wants PES to be played like FIFA Street

Depends how effective the skills are i think.

in all fairness most of FIFA10 and WC tricks are so excruciatingly hard to pull off that Ive stopped bothering ages ago,

You really should've started learning back with FIFA 08, they are really, really easy!
Someone at NEWB posted a pic of Mesut Özil:

in all fairness most of FIFA10 and WC tricks are so excruciatingly hard to pull off that Ive stopped bothering ages ago, this aint Street Fighter IV and imho feints should be easy to perform and easily accessible, the drawback being the fact that the amount of feints you can link, their execution speed, their availability and their overall effectiveness should be entirely dependant on the technical skills and stats of the player under your control.

I agree, though you can pull the feints off easily in FIFA the problem is it's very hard to use them to beat the AI as it's to clairvoyant..
I don't like this whole linking idea at all, is this something PES players have been asking for?..

As Searani says it should be down to player stats as to whether or not you can pull off a trick or not, whether you do it by the EA star system or any other way if you want to pull a trick it should be hard and pulling two or even three in a row should be very hard indeed even for world class players, this is not like close control and dribbling...
I agree, though you can pull the feints off easily in FIFA the problem is it's very hard to use them to beat the AI as it's to clairvoyant..
I don't like this whole linking idea at all, is this something PES players have been asking for?..

As Searani says it should be down to player stats as to whether or not you can pull off a trick or not, whether you do it by the EA star system or any other way if you want to pull a trick it should be hard and pulling two or even three in a row should be very hard indeed even for world class players, this is not like close control and dribbling...

Most PES fans have been asking for the tricks to be moved to right stick, but the ability to link moves and map them to the right stick was not called for. The trick system in PES2010 is fine, all it needed was to be moved to the right stick as it was possible to inadvertently execute tricks on the left stick.

And I'm sure all the tricks will be stats-based. It's always been that way in PES.

When you read that and he says you can pull off "almost inch perfectly " passes, it kind of sounds like "fully manual", that is that there isn't that much difference in accuracy error between players. Hopefully this isn't the case.

On the other hand it is probably very hard to know if you aimed wrong or if it was error in accuracy because of attributes.
George Washington from mount rushmore calling blue 'o's out of his mouth.

Komani, seriously?

They're just showing off that you can edit the ad boarding areas, so why not throw in some good old Gradius bits.


Create your own stadium sounds great especially if we can actually make and save more than 1. I hate taking a team in ML from nothing and making them into something amazing and having to either have a amazing stadium to start with (which makes no sense as we're rubbish) or have a rubbish stadium at the start and end up stuck with that when you're ranked 1 in the world.

Great to see some gameplay coming and I like the tactics and how the teams play differently. Hopefully that will mean that not only will play stats be felt still but tactics will add a whole new feel to the game. So a team of great players will play more like a team of great players than just 'the same as every other 11, but they will hit the target more and save more shots'.
Most PES fans have been asking for the tricks to be moved to right stick, but the ability to link moves and map them to the right stick was not called for. The trick system in PES2010 is fine, all it needed was to be moved to the right stick as it was possible to inadvertently execute tricks on the left stick.

And I'm sure all the tricks will be stats-based. It's always been that way in PES.

I'm sure Seebass is trying to copy fifa with their trick stick tbh. In PES 2010 the feints only suited players like Oezil who would drop a shoulder or do a quick step over turn to beat a man, but for players like Quaresma, Ronaldinho, Fat nose and Alexis Sanchez it's bad since you couldn't link tricks toghether :(

I won't judge the tricks till the demo :)
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Jeez, I wish I had the freaking playtest code to answer my own personal questions. The more I read, the more I become disappointed. Also, these people reviewing the game and the passing seem to be ignorant to so many important facts. I was hoping that the through ball wouldnt use the Power Bar. That would ensure the weight and direction of the pass is totally stat based. The way it has been described doesnt seem to be that way. The new passing bar with the X button gives you that extra weight if you need it, so why have the very same system for the Through Ball ? Madness. I cant believe they have people reviewing the new code that dont know what the fuck they are looking for. It's ridiculous. I want the player's ability to dicate an inaccurate pass not me. I just want to be able to put all the real-life physics and technique in place for the required pass and let the individual skill of the player to be the deciding factor. How the fuck are these supposed PES fans that are playtesting the game not even commenting on this whole 'Freedom' buzzword and how it links to players stats ? Thats the heart of PES FFS.
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The way the ball slows down at the end of each pass is worrying.

Again tactics wise it looks amazing, nice FM influence there but I hope that the next feature video is played at a higher difficulty.
The way the ball slows down at the end of each pass is worrying.

Again tactics wise it looks amazing, nice FM influence there but I hope that the next feature video is played at a higher difficulty.

I Agree the ball movement worries me like hell... it;s just too unrealistic. The ball rolls, slows down, again speeds up, slows down, stops, speeds up... and so on! So confusing...:SHOCK:

In the other hand, the new tactics menu looks amazing, the tricks look good and the passing system seems to be not bad.

Now we need a real gameplay video and after that a demo, so August Gamescom videos, September Demo :)
Two things worried me in that trailer:

1- The ball physics look off.
2- I only counted 28 Copa Libertadores teams. I thought there were more? Does this mean not all the teams will be licensed?

Everything else was great. There wasn't enough information on BAL but from the screens you can see more manager input along with more detailed objectives and the ability to play in any outfield position. The stadium editor will hopefully be very deep. I think that screenshot was just showing how you can change the adboard hoardings. I hope that you will be able to build the stadium from scratch, edit the adboards, nets and turf and make more than just one. Far too many sceptics who are just saying negative stuff for the sake of it. Its like its turned into a repetitive based syndrome. If you have criticisms then back it up. Don't just say 'it looks crap just like the last 3 years, Konami have blown it again' because your a bit of a retard then. Lets be a bit optimistic. They have shown a lot more than previous years and are far more confident this time around, plus there are plenty of playtest reports from people like Riot etc who have said great things about the game. Lets see what Gamescom brings and then make your mind up with the demo, but until then don't write it off so easily.
Two things worried me in that trailer:

1- The ball physics look off.
2- I only counted 28 Copa Libertadores teams. I thought there were more? Does this mean not all the teams will be licensed?

Everything else was great. There wasn't enough information on BAL but from the screens you can see more manager input along with more detailed objectives and the ability to play in any outfield position. The stadium editor will hopefully be very deep. I think that screenshot was just showing how you can change the adboard hoardings. I hope that you will be able to build the stadium from scratch, edit the adboards, nets and turf and make more than just one. Far too many sceptics who are just saying negative stuff for the sake of it. Its like its turned into a repetitive based syndrome. If you have criticisms then back it up. Don't just say 'it looks crap just like the last 3 years, Konami have blown it again' because your a bit of a retard then. Lets be a bit optimistic. They have shown a lot more than previous years and are far more confident this time around, plus there are plenty of playtest reports from people like Riot etc who have said great things about the game. Lets see what Gamescom brings and then make your mind up with the demo, but until then don't write it off so easily.

People that write it off early are people that dont even play the game bud. Take no notice, I certainly dont.
I'm not impressed. Almost all the pass animations are not consistent with the power of the pass (this was clear even from the Pirlo through-ball in the first trailer), and even with the direction. The midfield passes among Argentinians versus Ghana are just dreadful, they encapsulate the worst of PES2010.

Hope they still have time to polish, but we all know how that turned up in the past three years. The bad things you see in trailers are more likely to become shortcomings in the final game. We can only hope that the new FIFA conversion will not be messed up.
ertadores teams. I thought there were more? Does this mean not all the teams will be licensed?

Lami said earlier in this thread:

I for one am quite impressed with what I've read and seen so far.

Counted the Copa Libertadores teams and they were 28. That's great

I know nothing about this competition but I trust Lami on the issue.

Right now I'm pretty impressed, stadium editor looks like a bit of a joke, at least they chose a very strange way to introduce it, with a horrendously ugly screenshot. But I really don't care about stadium editor anyway.

Right now my only concern is what the new passing system does to player individuality. And that trick system... well I haven't seen anything solid about it so I'll give it the benifit of the doubt for now.
I love how much controversy there is about different aspects of the game. PES desperately needed a shake up, and the fact that what it has opted for is causing so much consternation is proof enough that they've done that. A lot of people talk about having to relearn how to play a football game year in year out, but I hadn't felt that was the case since PES 3.

Definitely interested in playing this. Even if it ends up not being so good once the novelty wears off, it's still doing some bold stuff with the passing and the tactics setup that will influence the direction both games take in the coming years.

Not convinced by the credibility of the PESFan hands-on reports - as Jimmy says they don't really knuckle down into the sort of detail you expect from someone who really knows their stuff. One report says it's manual and one says it isn't (and that even the most skilled players would find manual impossibly hard! :LOL: )
I love how much controversy there is about different aspects of the game. PES desperately needed a shake up, and the fact that what it has opted for is causing so much consternation is proof enough that they've done that. A lot of people talk about having to relearn how to play a football game year in year out, but I hadn't felt that was the case since PES 3.

Very true, and change is most certainly happening, if we like it or not.

I'm a bit underwhelmed by the trailer if I'm honest because half of it was regurgitated from the E3 trailer, and it still highlights a few concerns of mine. Ball physics for one. In some instances it still looks as if the ball adjusts itself to fit the animations rather than the other way around. It's a little worrying.
It was a strange picture to introduce the stadium editor thats for sure, they should have showed some silhouettes of different stands etc to add to a template rather than some sort of sticker album.

If that was EA they would have had a detailed blog by now, whether it actually worked well or not would be a different matter (manager mode).
I love how much controversy there is about different aspects of the game. PES desperately needed a shake up, and the fact that what it has opted for is causing so much consternation is proof enough that they've done that. A lot of people talk about having to relearn how to play a football game year in year out, but I hadn't felt that was the case since PES 3.

Definitely interested in playing this. Even if it ends up not being so good once the novelty wears off, it's still doing some bold stuff with the passing and the tactics setup that will influence the direction both games take in the coming years.

Not convinced by the credibility of the PESFan hands-on reports - as Jimmy says they don't really knuckle down into the sort of detail you expect from someone who really knows their stuff. One report says it's manual and one says it isn't (and that even the most skilled players would find manual impossibly hard! :LOL: )

To be honest Rom, I have had to re-learn how to play PES, more so this year than any other since PES 5. The problem is though, I choose to try and simulate playing football like I do in real life, and this has required me to be alot more astute with regards body posture and timing. Alternatively, trying to simulate real football isnt the only way to play PES and be effective. Ever since PES 6 you have the opportunity to sprint, dribble and whore great players to be effective. This spoils the game. No longer does the footballing brain have the upper hand. Thats what I dont like. I choose to try and win with 'Death by passing', very similar to the way Spain play. But, other's choose not to play this way, and it's proves to be very detrimental to PES simulation philosophy. I hate that.

I'm not really sure how Konami can get away from that though, when everything is stat based, for every poor Honduras side, you have a polar opposite in a great Brazil side. It's a double edged sword.
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