PES 2011 Discussion thread

PES 2011 + libertadores precisa ter as barra bravas, trapos e as bandas, pois este é o espírito da libertadores. isso vai ser muito importante para o jogo. Particulamente eu detesto esse estilo de torcida sentado igual uma estátua.

PES 2011 + libertadores need to have the barra bravas, rags and the bands, because this is the spirit of the libertadores. this will be very important to the game. Particularly I hate this style of fans sitting like a statue.

for those who do not know what is barra brava:

essa é a nossa cultura sulamericana, que precisa ser colocada no PES 2011.

this is our South American culture, which needs to be placed in PES 2011.

sorry my bad english, I'm use google translator.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~this is what we need
I think KONAMI was very intelligent..they no need to buy full licensed because they known fans can make every things for the game,and its there's strategy for attract fans
More of the same shit this year! Im glad because Shollym says he will keep patching PES6 until Konami make a great PES Id say 3 or 4 years more of great patches. Woohoo!
More of the same shit this year! Im glad because Shollym says he will keep patching PES6 until Konami make a great PES Id say 3 or 4 years more of great patches. Woohoo!

If you say that without seeing anything (nothing was shown, nothing was said yet), how come you still predict "more 3 or 4 years"? Is there some kind of a limit of years a game can suck? :THINK:
Wait, we were promised some news two weeks ago, Mid-April. Whatever, for the first time in 3 years I'm actually playing PES for more than half a year.
Wait, we were promised some news two weeks ago, Mid-April. Whatever, for the first time in 3 years I'm actually playing PES for more than half a year.

To be fair, we were never promised news this month, it was just speculation because the first PES2010 info hit in mid-April last year.
Anyone heard more on this bit of news I read the other week:

an extract from the Seabass interview from a famitsu article

Winning Eleven games until now, he said, have been just extensions of the Famicom era. Players were fine with this through the PlayStation 2 , but the development staff now need to change their concepts and ideas to something more appropriate for the new generation machines like Xbox 360 and PS3.
He wouldn’t give share specifics about what kind of changes to expect, but he did say that the area of the game that most clearly shows the changes is the relationship between AI and player motions.
Anyone heard more on this bit of news I read the other week:

I think the indication from the un-mentioned site, is that we will have some info next week. There is also a string indication that it will be more than a usual press release. Lets face it this year the public need to see some evidence of change from the beginning. I have a feeling we may get a short vid showing off some animations (hopefully smmother). I live in hope.
I'd guess at the début trailer/info being nothing more than usual 'the game will be better' 'we've improved these areas (while showing no gameplay to prove it)' and some BS CGI with Messi or whoever their poster boy is.
Anyone heard more on this bit of news I read the other week:

It's a possible suggestion that PES needs a new engine, which would make sense given the news that 200 extra people have been working on the game for quite some time now. Whether PES gets a new engine, or if it even needs one is another matter but I'm living in hope that Konami show something really meaningful this year. A high-res image of Messi wont cut it.
It won't be a new engine.

We'll see. You might be right but I wouldn't rule it out so confidently.

The 200 extra staff (the 'Blue Sky' team) and the highly publicised mo-cap sessions certainly didn't manifest themselves in PES2010, so perhaps they've been assigned to a bigger project, i.e. PES2011.

Personally I think there will be a new engine this year, or at least massive changes. Who knows what can be done with the current engine?
2010 already showed what can be done with aging game code and major gameplay tweaks from 2008/2009. I expect animations that will rival FIFA's, along with completely reworked referees and goalkeepers. My personal wish is that set pieces got some more love, but the major changes needed for 2010 were animations, keepers, and referees.

The Copa Libertadores license should be great too since PES has always needed more licensing deals.
We'll see. You might be right but I wouldn't rule it out so confidently.

The 200 extra staff (the 'Blue Sky' team) and the highly publicised mo-cap sessions certainly didn't manifest themselves in PES2010, so perhaps they've been assigned to a bigger project, i.e. PES2011.

Personally I think there will be a new engine this year, or at least massive changes. Who knows what can be done with the current engine?

New engine? You are very optmistic. I think KONAMI will add new mo-capture animations to current engine without creating special new engine.
We'll see. You might be right but I wouldn't rule it out so confidently.

The 200 extra staff (the 'Blue Sky' team) and the highly publicised mo-cap sessions certainly didn't manifest themselves in PES2010, so perhaps they've been assigned to a bigger project, i.e. PES2011.

Personally I think there will be a new engine this year, or at least massive changes. Who knows what can be done with the current engine?

Exactly. The 200 weren't hired for PES 2010. They were all hired for the 2011 project. Lets see what that team will bring.
2010 already showed what can be done with aging game code and major gameplay tweaks from 2008/2009. I expect animations that will rival FIFA's, along with completely reworked referees and goalkeepers. My personal wish is that set pieces got some more love, but the major changes needed for 2010 were animations, keepers, and referees.

The Copa Libertadores license should be great too since PES has always needed more licensing deals.

While I agree, it also highlights the limitations of the ageing code. But then again I know nothing about game development and there could be huge untapped potential in the current engine that Seabass and his team have lacked the resources to exploit. PES2011 could be a complete transformation and we would never know what engine was used - unless Konami comes out and says so.

We know that 200 extra people were brought in to the PES productions team well before PES2010 was released, and they worked concurrently alongside the PES2010 team, but on a separate project. WENB has pretty much confirmed this to be the case (if you believe them). You don't recruit that many people to simply tweak a game. It points to a much bigger project - maybe a new engine - but certainly an overhaul.

lons_pl said:
New engine? You are very optmistic. I think KONAMI will add new mo-capture animations to current engine without creating special new engine.

I'm optimistic because I love PES and someone around here has to be.:))
Not sure they really need a new engine. I mean if they hook in HumanIK like EA have done so they have dynamic and soft animations it would look like a completely new game. Then work a bit on the ball physics and we're starting to get there.

Never see anyone complain about 99% of the shots in all PES games having back spin, when in real life it is pretty much the opposite. The only time in PES when there is no back spin is free kicks and when you get one of those screamers without much spin at all. Play some PES and watch the ball spin on every shot, and then watch a real football game and look at the shots. I hope they fix this and also add more variety in the shots with proper top spin and swerve and so on.
hopefully they fix the automatic pathfinding...

i found myself hitting supercontrol about 40% of the game because i am anticipating the direction of the enemy player when they try to control a ball after a pass.

Please just turn off the automatic pathfinding and make it be used when a button is hold. so the 360 degrees movement would also be much more useful!
While I agree, it also highlights the limitations of the ageing code. But then again I know nothing about game development and there could be huge untapped potential in the current engine that Seabass and his team have lacked the resources to exploit. PES2011 could be a complete transformation and we would never know what engine was used - unless Konami comes out and says so.

We know that 200 extra people were brought in to the PES productions team well before PES2010 was released, and they worked concurrently alongside the PES2010 team, but on a separate project. WENB has pretty much confirmed this to be the case (if you believe them). You don't recruit that many people to simply tweak a game. It points to a much bigger project - maybe a new engine - but certainly an overhaul.

I'm optimistic because I love PES and someone around here has to be.:))

I also love PES but I'm realistic. One year for make new engine? I don't thik so..... I quess they implement a lot mo-capture animations for current engine. They lost too much time and 1 year for make special new engine is not enough period to do it.
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I also love PES but I'm realistic. One year for make new engine? I don't thik so..... I quess they implement a lot mo-capture animations for current engine. They lost too much time and 1 year for make special new engine is not enough period to do it.

I'm realistic, too, but I think you missed the point. The Blue Sky Team have been working on PES since well before PES2010 was even announced, if the information from wenb is correct. They had nothing to do with the development of PES2010 so they've had well over a year working on a separate project. You don't need 200 extra people just to implement a bit of mo-cap.
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