PES 2011 Discussion thread

Dont really care if its 360 or not, every single preview has mentioned how free the game. And as none of the journalists has reported that the game is restricted does it matter that its not full 360.
But reviews and playtests aren't reliable, surely that's proven by how promising the last 3 games have sounded before release. I'm not arguing whether 360o is good or not, what I'm saying is coming out and saying 'we have implemented 360 dribbling, or 32 directional dribbling or w.e' has a lot more substance then claiming 'Total Freedom'. Total Freedom doesn't mean anything, why don't they outline what they've actually coded to make it play more freely. That's my problem with Konami press releases, every statement is vague and subjective with no real definitive proof of improvement. EA Sport's feature names may sound gimmicky I admit, but at least you know exactly what they're trying to achieve with them and how.
Well, too bad that's all you have to respond to that. It's kind of hard to take you seriously when you just avoid the subject when you're proved wrong.

At least try to show me some kind of proof of your claims. You said yourself that EA confessed that it's not true 360 degree dribbling - they haven't. I've never heard about some kind of credible people claiming it's not either.

EA (and most certainly Gary Patterson) are a lot more credible than Konami etc.

Err.... I don't have to prove anything to you when you can easily search the net and ask Fifa players. Whether you like it or not, Fifa does NOT have 360 dribbling. And for the life of me I can't believe you are trying to convince me with EA's PR campaign.

But that's not my point, in fact I don't mind Fifa's dribbling angles, but to say they have 360 dribbling is just nonsense.

I thought people learned to never believe EA's PR crap. 1000 decision per second anyone? Fgs..
I have a concern that might not be an issue but wanted clarity on it if possible:

- If PES has all new animations, will players off the ball runs be minimized or slowed down in order for the animations to run smoothly or will it be all timed accordingly (hope not because I feel that players off the ball runs and tactics is what makes PES more of a football sim than FIFA, FIFA players take way too long to develop runs/support if they even make the run at all!...PES has players making overlapping runs, 3rd man release, triangle support, forwards making diagonal runs [plays that create space] i.e. they ANTICIPATE the play not REACT to play like in FIFA)

Just a thought not to get off topic or anything
Err.... I don't have to prove anything to you when you can easily search the net and ask Fifa players.

I have and I have found nothing.:FAIL:

Whether you like it or not, Fifa does NOT have 360 dribbling.

Yes, it does.

2And for the life of me I can't believe you are trying to convince me with EA's PR campaign.

That's not EA PR, that is one of the developers explaining in their forums how it works.

But that's not my point, in fact I don't mind Fifa's dribbling angles, but to say they have 360 dribbling is just nonsense.

To say it's not without any proof what so ever is nonsense.

I thought people learned to never believe EA's PR crap. 1000 decision per second anyone? Fgs..

I have no doubt that they do make 1000 decisions a second. Humans makes much more "decisions" every second though.

Sorry, but you're just being silly and embarrasing yourself.
360 is the easiest way to explain the end result - movement with the ball that feels close enough to 360 to be indistinguishable from an actual 360 directional system. You will never find someone truthfully say they wanted to move in a certain direction in FIFA but the left stick wasn't sensitive enough to give that result. You can already see that the 16 directional movement in PES 2011 is not as free.

I assume you are referring to PES 2010 not 2011. If you are talking about 2011 then I really don't know where you got that fact from as its obvious from the videos that the game is much more free.
How would new animations affect the tactical side though? It only should be affected by using the cards or sliders etc.
I have and I have found nothing.:FAIL:

Yes, it does.

That's not EA PR, that is one of the developers explaining in their forums how it works.

To say it's not without any proof what so ever is nonsense.

I have no doubt that they do make 1000 decisions a second. Humans makes much more "decisions" every second though.

Sorry, but you're just being silly and embarrasing yourself.



Nope I ain't being silly and not embarrassed myself. I've read many people saying it ain't true 360, and I tried it myself and it can't be 360 dribbling. That's pure nonsense. Just like Konami saying PES 2010 has 360 but it didn't. It did have more angles though.

Also if you're that positive of it being 360, why don't you go ahead and show me a video showing a player doing a 360 dribble?
How would new animations affect the tactical side though? It only should be affected by using the cards or sliders etc.

thats what I figured, but just wanted to ask becuase I remember reading somewhere a while ago that FIFA 10 had trouble implementing a proper tactical game because the animations where getting in the way of the players A.I.???? I know it sounds dumb but I am not a game programmer and don't know if that stuff gets in the way.
thats what I figured, but just wanted to ask becuase I remember reading somewhere a while ago that FIFA 10 had trouble implementing a proper tactical game because the animations where getting in the way of the players A.I.???? I know it sounds dumb but I am not a game programmer and don't know if that stuff gets in the way.

Well, that's your answer right there mate. FIFA. ;) They always had that problem, never in PES. Their tactical side was never that good. The one thing that was and still is always good in PES is the tactical side of the game. I'd never worry if I were you :)
Also if you're that positive of it being 360, why don't you go ahead and show me a video showing a player doing a 360 dribble?

And now what the fuck is a 360 dribble? Unless I have some kind of robot that controls the analog, I won't be able to run in a (large) perfect circle but that's not what this is about.
thats what I figured, but just wanted to ask becuase I remember reading somewhere a while ago that FIFA 10 had trouble implementing a proper tactical game because the animations where getting in the way of the players A.I.???? I know it sounds dumb but I am not a game programmer and don't know if that stuff gets in the way.

I doubt you've read that anywhere because it's inaccurate.. Actually, the fact that FIFA has better and more animations should just be positive for the tactical aspect of the games, thanks to more running speeds etc. Hopefully PES11 will include more running speeds too.
And now what the fuck is a 360 dribble? Unless I have some kind of robot that controls the analog, I won't be able to run in a (large) perfect circle but that's not what this is about.


I thought you knew? Since you're that sure of it then I thought it was an easy thing to prove it to me? If you can't then lets just leave it here. You believe it's 360, and I don't. And I believe we don't need it even, 32 angles should be good, imo ;)
As a programmer I can say that 1000 decisions is easily possible. Problem is they shouldn't say these things because people that have no clue about it doesn't understand what it means at all.

I thought you knew? Since you're that sure of it then I thought it was an easy thing to prove it to me? If you can't then lets just leave it here. You believe it's 360, and I don't. And I believe we don't need it even, 32 angles should be good, imo ;)

I know what 360 degree dribbling is, not what a 360 dribble is. It is as easy to prove that to you as it it to prove that god doesn't exist to someone religious. You claim to want a simulator and a realistic game of football and yet you're arguing that one of the most important things in football isn't important..geez.
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Nope I ain't being silly and not embarrassed myself. I've read many people saying it ain't true 360, and I tried it myself and it can't be 360 dribbling. That's pure nonsense. Just like Konami saying PES 2010 has 360 but it didn't. It did have more angles though.

Also if you're that positive of it being 360, why don't you go ahead and show me a video showing a player doing a 360 dribble?

Here is a link to the famous 360 degree dribble: YouTube - FIFA 10 - Gameplay (Ajax-Feyenoord)

Oh, and yes, I just took the very first search result on youtube. Seriously, what do you mean when you want to see a video with 360 degree dribbling? Could you show me a real life video?

The only meaning of 360 degree dribble is that you can put the ball in whatever angle you want. That should be essential to create a good football simulator (and is, if you learn to use it in FIFA for example). It is not some kind of feint or trick as you seem to think (which is laughable), and I should have given up trying to explain these things but this is probably the last try.

And I can't for the life of me think that anyone that has played FIFA 10 doesn't think that they can push the stick in any desired direction and get the player on screen to take the ball in that direction, it's beyond me.
I know what 360 degree dribbling is, not what a 360 dribble is. It is as easy to prove that to you as it it to prove that god doesn't exist to someone religious. You claim to want a simulator and a realistic game of football and yet you're arguing that one of the most important things in football isn't important..geez.

Well, 360 degree dribbling, show it to me. If you can't, then we're done here.
Here is a link to the famous 360 degree dribble: YouTube - FIFA 10 - Gameplay (Ajax-Feyenoord)

Oh, and yes, I just took the very first search result on youtube. Seriously, what do you mean when you want to see a video with 360 degree dribbling? Could you show me a real life video?

The only meaning of 360 degree dribble is that you can put the ball in whatever angle you want. That should be essential to create a good football simulator (and is, if you learn to use it in FIFA for example). It is not some kind of feint or trick as you seem to think (which is laughable), and I should have given up trying to explain these things but this is probably the last try.

And I can't for the life of me think that anyone that has played FIFA 10 doesn't think that they can push the stick in any desired direction and get the player on screen to take the ball in that direction, it's beyond me.

You guys are going in circles with all that 360 degree dribbling.

And when did I say or even think 360 degree dribbling is a feint or trick? It's pretty clear what the words say. I just want anyone to prove to me that it actually exists, and yes, show me a real player doing it fgs to back up your point. You want me to be easily convinced by some PR of a company that have said many things and barely delivered. Now that's laughable.

If you can pick any angle of the 360 angles while dribbling or running with the ball then you must be a hell of a great player that no one have ever heard of. It's not even easy. Hell I ain't even sure some of you even play real football. Great players with low body mass, not sure if thats what its called, can pick more angles and dribble while running, but not to the extent of 360.

EDIT: Watching the clip and I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here? Are you being sarcastic? All I could see is players dribbling in certain directions and definitely not 360?
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If you can pick any angle of the 360 angles while dribbling or running with the ball then you must be a hell of a great player that no one have ever heard of. It's not even easy. Hell I ain't even sure some of you even play real football. Great players with low body mass, not sure if thats what its called, can pick more angles and dribble while running, but not to the extent of 360.

That's not the point. I've already said that no, it's next to impossible for a player to choose to go 96 degree instead of 97. The point is that there is NOTHING EXCEPT FOR HIS OWN INACCURACY that is stopping him from going there. That is already replicated in game due to the fact that your thumb on the analog stick is just as inaccurate. I can TRY to go for any of the 360 degrees, however, just as in FIFA.

Reality: you can go any of the 360 degrees available, only prevented by your own inaccuracy
PES: I can only go in some, predetermined angles, prevented by scripted, artificial constraints

That is what games should aim for, not add an artificial constraint to prevent you from total freedom.

And yes, I've played football. By the age of 15 I was one of the top goalkeepers in Sweden, thank you very much.
You're missing the point again Lami. It's not any direction and keeping the same speed. While jogging in real life you can pretty much move in 180 degrees, from one side to the other side, without losing that much speed. Running is only 45 maybe, 22½ to each side. More than that you'll lose control and have to slow down. But what makes it 360 is that at any time, depending on the situation, you can move in any direction you want, and not on predetermined rails like in PES.

Football Kingdom also have 360 degree movement, although it cheats with the touches a little. That's why FIFA can claim to be the first game to do it properly, because each touch is real (with the help of IK).
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That's not the point. I've already said that no, it's next to impossible for a player to choose to go 96 degree instead of 97. The point is that there is NOTHING EXCEPT FOR HIS OWN INACCURACY that is stopping him from going there. That is already replicated in game due to the fact that your thumb on the analog stick is just as inaccurate. I can TRY to go for any of the 360 degrees, however, just as in FIFA.

Reality: you can go any of the 360 degrees available, only prevented by your own inaccuracy
PES: I can only go in some, predetermined angles, prevented by scripted, artificial constraints

That is what games should aim for, not add an artificial constraint to prevent you from total freedom.

And yes, I've played football. By the age of 15 I was one of the top goalkeepers in Sweden, thank you very much.

Why didn't you continue? ;)

But again, can a player really pick any of the 360 angles while running or dribbling with the ball? I understand a player can pick certain angles since his pace and balance would restrict him from being more free. That's my understanding of dribbling and angles. I also understand if I'm standing still or moving really slow then I surely can achieve more angles, still not the accuracy of 360.

So based on this, I'm saying we don't really need that many in a game, that a game should be both free and fun. Free enough to have more angles to pass to and dribble, and fun enough to still maintain the precision/accuracy. In the end it's a video game that should achieve both, and I don't think a video game should stray far away from the fun factor. I'm with simulation, but not to the extent that makes it boring.

When I'm trying to argue this 360 degree of dribbling, I'm always trying to imagine myself doing it and actually getting off my ass to try it.

I'm sensing some aggressiveness here tbh. Lets not go there.
You're missing the point again Lami. It's not any direction and keeping the same speed. While jogging in real life you can pretty much move in 180 degrees, from one side to the other side, without losing that much speed. Running is only 45 maybe, 22½ to each side. More than that you'll lose control and have to slow down. But what makes it 360 is that at any time, depending on the situation, you can move in any direction you want, and not on predetermined rails like in PES.

Football Kingdom also have 360 degree movement, although it cheats with the touches a little. That's why FIFA can claim to be the first game to do it properly, because each touch is real (with the help of IK).

That's what I'm trying to say this whole time. I think I'm being misunderstood here. I'm not getting this whole 360 degree dribbling thing. What you said there is my perception exactly. Maybe the wording is not helping.
That's what I'm trying to say this whole time. I think I'm being misunderstood here. I'm not getting this whole 360 degree dribbling thing. What you said there is my perception exactly. Maybe the wording is not helping.

Yeah but if you think at it like that, old PES only had like 4 possible degree dribbling.
Yeah but if you think at it like that, old PES only had like 4 possible degree dribbling.

Wasn't it 45 degrees? Meaning it was 8 directional? Anyway, that's my understanding of this whole degrees of dribbling thing, as in every degree = a direction, in the case of 360 degrees.
You just have to go into the arena on FIFA 10 and jog towards the goal with the ball, slightly moving the analog stick after each touch to see the small changes in direction - it's definitely 360 degrees.

It doesn't add much to the game in FIFA though, most likely due to the piss easy closing down and crappy AI. 360 degree movement should be in every football game these days though, it's 2010 ffs, analog sticks have been on controllers over a decade, not making full use of them is just pathetic.
Wasn't it 45 degrees? Meaning it was 8 directional? Anyway, that's my understanding of this whole degrees of dribbling thing, as in every degree = a direction, in the case of 360 degrees.

Well every direction is limited to 45 degree "rails", meaning if you jog to the right, you have four more possible degrees to go without going backwards again (45 or 90 degrees to each side/ 4 directions).

With 360 directional dribbling you have 1 degree "rails" instead.
Well every direction is limited to 45 degree "rails", meaning if you jog to the right, you have four more possible degrees to go without going backwards again (45 or 90 degrees to each side/ 4 directions).

With 360 directional dribbling you have 1 degree "rails" instead.


EDIT: Found this

Hey all,

First let me introduce myself. I'm Gary Paterson (obviously), I'm from Scotland (Aberdeen supporter so REALLY bad week for me ) and I'm the Creative Director on FIFA10. I work with David, Mike, Christophe, Aaron, Santiago and Marcel to design the features of the game. I have been on FIFA since 07 on PS2 where I was gameplay producer and programmer, before joining the PS3/360 team for FIFA08 and 09 as lead gameplay designer/producer. Apologies for not being on here sooner, its been quite a hectic year as I'm sure you'll all understand.

I see that there has been quite a lot of traffic on here recently regarding 360 degree dribbling and I just want to send a quick post to let you all know how it works and why we chose to make it work the way that it does.

Let me begin by saying that 360 degree dribbling will have an affect on all dribble speeds: Jog, Skilled and Sprint, and will affect trapping. However, the effect on sprint is different than the others for reasons I'll explain in a moment.

When jogging with the ball FIFA10 will give you full 360 degree control, when requesting a turn you will get exactly the angle you input on the left stick. One note on this however is that for turns less than 22.5 degrees (22.5 degrees may sound like an odd limit but this is basically 360 / 16 ) you will not get a turn immediately. Instead he will make the small adjustment the next time he catches up to the ball. This is because we don't want your player to constantly be playing a turn animation as this will affect the fluidity of the dribble and also affect pass responsiveness as we do not allow you to pass while you are about to touch the ball in a dribble turn.

The effect of this is that FIFA10 feels more fluid and you can now beat defenders, protect the ball and ultimately make plays that you could not before.

Skilled Dribbling
Like jogging, skilled dribble is fully 360 degree though the real power of the feature is really in the sideways movement.

The affect on sprinting is slightly different from jogging. The reason for this is that when sprinting your momentum dictates that you cannot adjust your body to perform the same turns that you can when jogging. In FIFA10 the range of turn that we allow when sprinting is ANY angle from 0 degrees to 22.5 degrees (plus 180), this is different from 09 as in that game we could only turn 0 or 22.5 left or 22.5 right.

Again, the reason we do not allow full 360 in sprinting is that it is just not physically possible to turn say 94 degrees and stay at sprint speed. Obviously if you did want to perform a 94 degree turn you could release the sprint button and the player would perform a 'Sprint to Jog' turn that would satisfy your pad angle request and turn 94 degrees or whatever angle you were requesting.

The result of this is that you can finely adjust your sprint direction in order to not lose so much momentum when turning and potentially get away from a defender without slowing down and getting tackled like you would in 09.

Hopefully I have explained that clearly, its difficult without diagrams

So in summary and as a comparison to FIFA09, these are the ranges of movement that you will see in the game:

Jogging 09: 8 directions (0, ±45, ±90, ±135, 180)
Jogging 10: 360 degrees

Skilled Dribble 09: N/A
Skilled Dribble 10: 360 degrees

Sprint 09: 4 directions (0, ±22.5, 180)
Sprint 10: 45 degrees (any angle from -22.5 to +22.5) and 180
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