PES 2011 Discussion thread

The jostling looks lovely, doesn't it? The new defending might be very good or very bad, but Messi must have an unique type of dribble only for him! When he is dribbling the ball is always in his feet and it might go 1-2 feet away, but not like in the video, anyway this is obviously not a dribble made only for Messi and it look kinda ok to me, except the fact that the ball was moving like a projectile when it touches Messi's foot.

But the jostling! :WORSHIP::LOVE:
YouTube - Entrevista a Jonathan Murphy , productor de PES 2011.mp4
Only 2 vs 2 and this year :FAIL: ridiculous !
At least I am grateful to Jon, because by now I can raise money for Xbox 360 + FIFA 11 . I do not care how good graphics, I do not care how good the gameplay and animations as the online mode does not give me what I want and must have to give in 2011 year ... is a shame!

P.S. Yeah Lami , now you will ban me again ??Because I see that you infected by " ADAM Syndrome " - Ban on for all who do not like some PES 2011 informations and is not with your opinion.

PES will have only 2 v 2 online and you will buy FIFA 11? Sorry but it's fu.c.king ridiculous!
Really impressed with defending now. It is much more an art now.

Gamespeed changer looks good really. Much easier than reducing speed stat for all players.

Jostling looks interesting as well. Hope we have more variety there.

I guess what Jon Murphy said about new animation and physics engines was right then.

This is looking more promising by the day.
I seriously do not get this 10 v 10 lark. It's sounds like pure bedlam. In fact, anything more than 2 v 2 does to me personally, the epitome of frustration, anarchy. I play 2v2 online sometimes with the guys from PEEL, and even with great football minded players, it still gets very hectic even when using lesser teams. 2 players hounding you, with the Pressure tactic and Top Player AI is about as much as I could handle personally. Jeez, how many touches of the ball should you expect to receive with another 19 human players on the pitch ? Also, how many of those other players could you really guarantee wouldnt be sprint, ball greedy whores ?

I think I'd rather take 10 Viagra, cut off the end of my dick, and practice belly-flopping into a vat of salt. :CONFUSE:
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Also more on them clips, I now understand why Seabass decided to place the power bar under the player. Makes much more sense now to keep the player's eyes focused on one place, and not distracted by moving it. That's clever imo. For people who don't want to see it anyway I guess you can always turn it off.
Most people who have played Clubs would strongly disagree with you. It's still in it's very early stages and is still attached to an arcade game, but most people who have played Clubs learn fairly quickly that you are much better off holding your position than being one of the 'more than 2 people hounding' the ball carrier.

FWIW I've never played Clubs in 10v10. I've played 7v8 once I think. There's no denying it's something that can go wrong if your game isn't suitably balanced to encourage gradual play - nobody could watch a FIFA 10 Clubs match and say it is an accurate representation of football - but the potential it has for the future is almost too big to really grasp. Especially when you think about how AI is going to work in 5, 10 years. Imagine a CPU va CPU match. Rather than being two teams playing against each other as it currently is, you'll have 22 AI players controlling each footballer, being able to represent their individuality on a much deeper level than you possibly can with FIFA or PES's current setup.
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Really impressed with defending now. It is much more an art now.

That was what most impressed me too. I love the look of the 'stand-off' defending, can't wait to try it out. It should lead to some great one-on-one battles. I wonder how often other players will use it online, though? I'm sure sprint pressing will still be king. That goes for the CPU, too - will it defend intelligently?

@ Jimmy - I've played some 10v10 on Fifa and never understood the appeal. It's just chaotic and frustrating, and not much fun in my opinion. 2v2 is fine for me.

Konami need to get the 1v1 right first, so why Antracsa was crying about no 10v10 I will never understand. Sure, most sports games have much better online modes than PES, but let's be realistic, PES isn't ready for 10v10 just yet.
Certainly the 10v10 against randoms is shite. I don't see how anyone can enjoy that. But Clubs is the future. I can see hardcore sim players preferring it to 1v1 given enough years to grow.

So 10v10 or 11v11 in PES is inevitable and you'll be grateful for it. But 1v1 needs to work first.
I'd rather FIFA offered 2vs2 rather than 10vs10 tbh. Only played clubs a few times but it always essentially playground football with everyone chasing the ball then sprinting until they were tackled. It's good in theory but almost impossible to organise enough sensible players, especially on a console. I had great fun with 2v2 on PES6, can put together some lovely moves and especially in a league it can be brilliantly dramatic.

Not too convinced by PES 2011 yet but remain hopeful. I refuse to take any playtest reviews seriously after all the 'THE KING IS BACK!!!11' shite last year. From what I can tell it's looks disappointingly similar to last years, but it's difficult to tell without actually playing. Either way Konami have done nothing to get me hyped and will simply wait until the demo.

edit; Actually that bit about tackling was interesting. Looks like both games are finally addressing the need for defending to be a skill rather than simply bashing the pressure button.
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we play 10v10 clubs and our team is full manual and we hold our own against assisted/superstated/exploit whores to an extend

it is highly frustrating but we still manage to have fun playing football regardless of the score line

it is far from bedlam and we play as a team, as a player within that team and keep to our positions

it works really well

would be even better if the other team was on manual then it would be a proper simulation of football rather than a fast paced arcade game which it can be played like
Certainly the 10v10 against randoms is shite. I don't see how anyone can enjoy that. But Clubs is the future. I can see hardcore sim players preferring it to 1v1 given enough years to grow.

So 10v10 or 11v11 in PES is inevitable and you'll be grateful for it. But 1v1 needs to work first.

I've played plenty of 10v10 with friends and that's shite too. It's just not for me, regardless of if you think it's the future or not. I'm a 'hardcore sim' player but I much prefer 1v1 as I want control over my whole team in a managerial way. The 1v1/single player element of sports games will always be strong for that very reason.
you need to play with the right minded people who play the game how you see it is played. once you have that, clubs is awesome

if you don't it can be so rubbish
I play Clubs all the time, its a great mode when your playing with regulars until the clones/cheaters/exploiters/assisted folk emerge from their hiding spots and ruin it for the honest players. Tis a shame that EA don't care enough to do something about it, particularly the clones.

I would prefer Konami to achieve lag free 1vs1 and 2vs2 games before the branch out into bigger plans. Having said that the online ML is obviously a big project but I think that is similar to online franchise in Madden.
i just hope pes brings something to the table for me this year as i have been playing fifa since fifa 08. (was playing pes up until then)

i will give pes a chance this year as it looks like they are moving in the right direction.
Forgive my ignorance, but I guess Fifa Clubs is similar to PES Legends ?

I did play alot of Legends last year with 3 other human players against the CPU AI, and it was good fun to be fair. Especially when my Legend player had such a wealth of stats accumulated through 7 seasons of BAL. I was like Maradona compared to my fellow players, but it was great fun. As for 10 v 10 being the future Rom, it certainly isnt my future, I like to have full control of the reins, that will never change.
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i have never played pes legends so not sure what that is

clubs is where you have your own club, upto 50 players. any 10 players can play at the same time.

you can choose 1 any player. so if there was 5 of you, you could go any and control the 5 other players that the single players don't choose.

the other players control a single player and it is their own custom player which allows you to have your own face on the player

you can make the player to represent yourself, choose a position and play with your team mates against other teams and players in a ranking league system

you get attributes, accomplishments which improve your player the more you play and the different things you succeed at the better your player becomes, players can also buy with microsoft points stat boosts (which in my opinion doesn't help)

i personally think it is the future as if you want it to be as real to life as you can i.e simulation then you are only ever going to be one player, part of a team and you control this player and you are a key factor to how the team works. if you get a bunch of selfish people playing then it isn't going to work. however if you get the right pepople to play with who play as a team it is the best game mode i have ever played
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10 v 10 needs adjusting to. You can't just have a couple of games with people and expect things to click. It's a completely different experience.

You can't just extrapolate 2v2 up to 5v5 or 10v10 because in 2v2 you are still allowed to run around with relative impunity while the other 8 CPU players on the pitch do all the defensive covering and positional groundwork that requires discipline and self control. Bring the numbers up beyond 2v2 and it starts becoming your job to hold your position.

I may have been relatively lucky being drafted into a club of relatively sensible, pretty competent players, but I most definitely enjoy playing as a centre back for Arsenal B Team. It's a terrific way to concentrate your learning experience into one or two specific disciplines, like doing one of those week-long, 40 hour driving courses, rather than doing one lesson a week for months. I'm a much better defender in 1v1 because of my experiences defending in Clubs.

Fair enough if people can't get on with it in it's current form but an awful lot of that is more to do with the game it's attached to rather than the concept itself. You might not like it now, but given more refinement of the gameplay to suit such a mode and further improvement of stuff like latency and matchmaking, I guarantee it will become a hugely enjoyed mode for both titles. There is nothing quite as immensely satisfying as having a great game as a single player, particularly as a centre back or a midfield possession retainer. It's great to complete a well worked team move in 1v1 but it's incredible to do the same as part of a team of like minded users.
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I don't like clubs either, or be a legend, or be a pro.

Just doesn't feel like you have enough realistic control over that one player yet.

Is 2v2 fun on PES? I've tried it on Fifa but having 2 players on one team on Fifa is just a nuisance.
Very good presentation, PES (whether its as good as FIFA or not isn't the case) but I think its safe to say it will be "Back" this year. :))

Regarding 10v10/Clubs, Its an amazing concept. The problem is currently its been implemented pretty poorly but when it's right its unbeatable whether your finishing off a team move or scoring a wonder goal to win the game* for your team or a last ditch tackle nothing can beat that.

*Like Suarez might have just done their.
The great thing about 2v2 (shame FIFA doesn't support it) is that you can find someone in 1v1 who you know you could hit up a good partnership with. At it's peak 2v2 was incredible, but a lot of that was actually down to how finding a 1v1 match worked. The lobby system in PES dicks on the FIFA one.
The lobby system in PES dicks on the FIFA one.

Yeh it's good that you can see how good the player is and how fair they are etc but they need to get some feature in that allows you to choose what kind of team you want to play against and as. Right now it's basically as random as choosing quick match in Fifa team wise.

Having the choice to play as and against Low level, medium level, high level and elite level clubs for example would be great if they added it to the lobby system.
Surely adding online ML should mean they nail 1v1? Tbh I can't see the point of having online ML if 1v1 isn't perfect yet. Playing online ML with the right people should be awesome. I hope it is flawless so I can try trading, buying, loaning in/out and selling players with people :D
I've played plenty of 10v10 with friends and that's shite too. It's just not for me, regardless of if you think it's the future or not. I'm a 'hardcore sim' player but I much prefer 1v1 as I want control over my whole team in a managerial way. The 1v1/single player element of sports games will always be strong for that very reason.

100% agree as well with the Jimmy's post.
Here I have had played 3 vs 3 with friends and honestly is a complete mess. And we are talking about all the 6 were in the same room, trying to coordinate and stuff. A disgrace, but a lot of good moments and laughs LOL...
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