PES 2011 Discussion thread

They reported it as if it was first hand, if that quote above is complete. They received a tip-off and posted it. So yes they're just as culpable for not doing the 3 minutes of research it took me on my iPhone. They said it was interesting to see such a result when FIFA 11 was also at E3, when it's all too apparent that it wasn't played.

Again, I did say that may well have played other sports games. But what sport out there is going to compete for a French site's hearts over a football game. It was pretty much always going to be PES or FIFA. Given that tey didn't play FIFA, the winner of Best Sports Game at E3 2010 was pretty much nailed on before they'd checked their bags in at the airport.

Fair enough .But not enough to call WENB "liars" lol.
i think its hard for some to accept that PES 2011 is actually looking good and receiving across the board positive previews. Im pleased with how smooth the previews are saying the game plays. Smooth animations with freedom in PES makes for exciting times. The Goalkeepers and Refs must on par with everything else fulfill the potential enjoyment of PES 2011.
Sorry. Just felt like doing my Columbo routine.

Oh, and just one more thing Mr. Romagnoli......

WENB is just a PES fan site, and as such doesn't really have to be impartial. It's just light hearted "news".

I don't care if PES 2011 was considered best in show, but the fact that it's getting very good first impressions is what matters to me.
Fair enough .But not enough to call WENB "liars" lol.
Well I only used 'lies' because it fit the awful wenb pun I made. Took it out cos it wasn't really what I meant, and also because it was a piss poor pun.

Oh, and just one more thing Mr. Romagnoli......

WENB is just a PES fan site, and as such doesn't really have to be impartial. It's just light hearted "news".

I don't care if PES 2011 was considered best in show, but the fact that it's getting very good first impressions is what matters to me.

So you won't mind me pointing out, for the benefit of those who might get carried away by such a light hearted news report, that WENB are reading way too much into that news article?


Stick to the very positive hands-on reports. There's plenty of positive stuff to read out there; don't get waylaid by second hand news and speculation though. That's how you get disappointed.
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So let us get disappointed. Last time I checked we got disappointed for 3 years now, one more year wouldn't hurt. Except it won't :) (we can only hope so, yeah you know how it is, lol.)
Guys I've made some gifs, the first and the last one are at half speed:

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You're perfectly entitled to get disappointed if you want - just ignore the facts. It's easy. I'm just giving those who don't check such news stories the option.
So you won't mind me pointing out, for the benefit of those who might get carried away by such a light hearted news report, that WENB are reading way too much into that news article?


Stick to the very positive hands-on reports. There's plenty of positive stuff to read out there; don't get waylaid by second hand news and speculation though. That's how you get disappointed.

No, I don't mind at all. Go knock yourself out. Thanks for providing a great public service, as we're all too gullible and take everything at face value.

Come on, we all know WENB will stick any shit on their front page just to keep it ticking over. I'm no fan of WENB but I'm sure even they aren't declaring PES the winner this year on the basis of that article.
No, I don't mind at all. Go knock yourself out. Thanks for providing a great public service, as we're all too gullible and take everything at face value.
Well some people are, and the last few years of people getting hyped up by nothing comments and then being defalted when release day comes around demonstrably proves that fact. Euphoria going into PES 2010 being a particularly good example - even though that particular rumour wasn't posted until just before Gamescom or so (after we had seen some of the early gameplay vids), there were a few members here who still got swept up by the rumour mill rather than thinking through just how implausible adding in a completely revolutionary new animation system would be with only a few months to go before launch. That was coming from regular posters. Imagine how many lurkers bought the hype as well.

Nobody said you were, but then, this isn't your forum, is it? It's everyone's.

Come on, we all know WENB will stick any shit on their front page just to keep it ticking over. I'm no fan of WENB but I'm sure even they aren't declaring PES the winner this year on the basis of that article.

Again, I didn't say they were. I simply pointed out for those who didn't already know that WENB were being a bit silly by attaching any significance to how both football titles were at E3 and yet this site voted for PES 2011, when the fact is it is patently clear after a couple of casual clicks that they haven't played FIFA 11 at all. 'That isn't even open for debate' ;).

Incidentally I only looked into it because I haven't actually seen any E3 2010 FIFA 11 impressions, which I thought was pretty weird given how many have been coming out for PES.
Romagnoli your negativity is bringing down everyone's positive chakra and thats not good. I would recommend a more upbeat view on everything and not to take things so seriously, or for that matter looking into such trivial things in such detail as it will block your mind and heart from becoming one with the universe. :)
Romagnoli your negativity is bringing down everyone's positive chakra and thats not good. I would recommend a more upbeat view on everything and not to take things so seriously, or for that matter looking into such trivial things in such detail as it will block your mind and heart from becoming one with the universe. :)

Meh - just made an observation about something I found while looking for something else on that site. If nobody had dragged it out as if it wasn't the perfectly valid observation to make that it was, then it would've been two posts and then silence.

There's plenty to be happy about - why not be happy about the right things (the hands-on reports) rather than spin and BS?
Meh - just made an observation about something I found while looking for something else on that site. If nobody had dragged it out as if it wasn't the perfectly valid observation to make that it was, then it would've been two posts and then silence.

There's plenty to be happy about - why not be happy about the right things (the hands-on reports) rather than spin and BS?

Agreed! :))

Your passion for Fifa is warming, I share the exact same sentiments towards my beloved PES. But please be careful, your beginning to sound like the new Chris Davies, some PES fans may find your constant remarks condescending. This isnt a battle between which game is the better, that opinion will always remain within the eye of the beholder and the subsequent footballing philosophy they subscribe to.

I have no problem with the fact your Pro Fifa, and I'm happy that your getting the chance to be involved within the development feedback. But to constantly post in a PES 2011 thread about Fifa's qualities, or dismiss any pro PES comment is wrong. People's judgement's will not be swayed, no matter how eloquently you promote your personal views. As your more than aware, I'm PES to the bone, but I have more respect for people that prefer EA's offering than to constantly post in their respective thread with a dismissive nature. I have only ever posted twice in a Fifa thread and both were complimentry and genuine.

Lead by example. That is all.
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Jimmy, I chiefly post about FIFA in here when people (including you) post bullshit about it behind the security blanket of it being a PES thread.

For the last time, as I have had to repeat this over and over again, I think there is plenty to be happy about, speaking as a former PES obsessive who wants it to become a good football game again. I just don't want people to read BS news articles like that and think that it means anything, because it distracts attention away from the *real* good news which is all the positive feedback from the hands on reports.

If another BS news story comes in for PES then I will point it out. It's not about partiality - it's about separating the BS from reality, something I'm particularly sensitive at the moment given recent occurrences. I'm perfectly happy to lead the way in that regard.

Again, I'd like to remind everyone that this would have been one observational post and a one-liner if left to stand alone as the perfectly valid comment that it was.
Your concern for our well-being and potential disappoinment is touching, but we are all old enough and daft enough to make up our own minds. And I think I speak for the majority. ;)
You have to admit it's more civilized than two children typing in capital letters and repeating the same arguments over and over again.

"No you're the noob, PES/FIFA is an arcade game!"

"These players still run like robots, waaaaaaa!"
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You have to admit it's more civilized than two children typing in capital letters and repeating the same arguments over and over again.

"No you're the noob, PES/FIFA is an arcade game!"

"These players still run like robots, waaaaaaa!"


Thats why evo web is argubly the best forum on the next for quality of memebers (you do get the odd idiots but with memebers like romi, jimmiy etc... is why i like this place.
Nice preview but again... no mention of how player stats are working with manual passing. They make it sound more like manual passing is 100% determined by your input and not affected at all by stats.
I'm guessing you'll have more directions to pass the ball to, but the accuracy will depend on the stats.
I don't get why people bash Romi, he just pointed out that the French Mag did not play FIFA so then when WENB reports:

A huge achievement, especially seeing as FIFA 11 was at the event, along with a magnitude of other (American influenced) sports titles.

It makes it BS and bad reporting, specially because its a French mag whose sports preference are more than likely to be inclined towards football.

That is not to say that PES is not an excellent game and might have been the best sports game at E3, but the french mag is not in a position to say and WENB misguides the readers as shown by the quote above.
I tell you again. This manual passing thing is making me nervous.

In that IGN review (thanks Jamezinho) there's even mention of of a through pass that can be performed with a normal pass button. While it makes sense it has me worried. In PES you make tactical changes because having a left footer crossing with his right has repercussions. In my ML Aissati is a player that I buy to groom into a proper playmaker that can slide a ball through a defence like a hot knife through butter putting my striker in behind the defence. If manual passing in PES2011 takes this aspect away by making the pass dependent on my ability to weigh the pass properly it will kill it for me. It's an aspect that frankly makes PES 2010 a better football game than FIFA 10 IMO.

Please Konami don't let this happen, that is part of where the magic in PES lies.
This may sound stupid, but if you can put the ball where you want by using the pass button + directions and the length/power of the pass is controlled by the actual pressing of the button, what's the point in having a separate through pass button ?
I don't get why people bash Romi, he just pointed out that the French Mag did not play FIFA so then when WENB reports:

It makes it BS and bad reporting, specially because its a French mag whose sports preference are more than likely to be inclined towards football.

That is not to say that PES is not an excellent game and might have been the best sports game at E3, but the french mag is not in a position to say and WENB misguides the readers as shown by the quote above.

They probably didn't know or assume the french site didn't play or see Fifa 11, due to the fact Fifa 11 was at the show, automatically thinking they had access to it just like other sport titles.

Anyway that case was closed so lets not let it drag.
This may sound stupid, but if you can put the ball where you want by using the pass button + directions and the length/power of the pass is controlled by the actual pressing of the button, what's the point in having a separate through pass button ?

Isn't that passing using the :l2: manual modifier button, though? That's the only way to exactly place the direction of a pass by my understanding. So the :triangle: button will offer an assisted through-ball as normal.
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