PES 2010 Full Game Impressions Thread

I've saved a few replays that made me want to smash the pad, in-particular where two players murder Torres at once in the penalty box, destroying him, missing the ball by a country mile, taking him out on his standing leg, and the game carries on.

But you can't say that doesn't happen in real football ;)
But you can't say that doesn't happen in real football ;)
Yeah but not game in game out, it's ridiculous! I'm sure the programmers didn't sit down and say "right, we want the referee to piss you off big time", but fuck me it feels like it!

I genuinely think it's one of, if not the, best PES I've played. But it's still PES, it's still got everything I've hated about it for years, i.e. (the main one) having no control when you take a shot other than hitting it and hoping the game decides to put it inside the post for you - yes it's great that the stats are taken into account but I know shooting with e.g. N'gog is nearly always going to go wide. There's no difference between aiming slightly left of the keeper and aiming for the corner flag. So if you have no control then why play it, why not watch a real game - that's been my feeling for a long time now.

That along with things like response times chopping in half when you've got a player anywhere near you, meaning all the shots I've taken inside the box have been blocked etc. etc. etc. - BUT I've got to accept that the game is always going to be like that because that's PES. I know that, so I should stop giving it a chance every year now that FIFA's gameplay is (IN MY OPINION!) so good, but... It's so frustrating when A) Konami have finally got all the off-the-pitch stuff spot on and B) EA have totally screwed their game up off-the-pitch with a catalogue of bugs. :(

I was addicted to the game for a few days but purely for the same reasons I was always addicted to PES - because there's so much shit that goes on, where your players are murdered and your passes go to the wrong man and your shots are piss-weak for no apparent reason, you get SO FUCKING ANGRY that you have to sit there and wait until you beat the CPU 5-0 so that you can scream at the screen "SHOVE THAT UP YOUR CHEATING FUCKING PIPE AND SMOKE IT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

But it would be so much more satisfying for the CPU to beat me by actually playing well; perhaps that would remove some of the "soul" in the eyes of many, perhaps it's not even possible with CPUs as primitive as they are now, but for me personally I can't bear this kind of stuff any more.

(All of the above won't annoy people as much as it annoys me and if that was the case with me then honestly, I think this would be one of the best football games I've played. I've always hated the ML but the way they've done it now, bar the missing lower league teams, is SUPERB. The tactics, the training, the finances, the scouting, the headlines, all of it.)
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I'm finding I'm having more fun with PES than FIFA now. Whether that's just because I've hammered FIFA and PES is still fresh, we'll see.

But right now, PES is my go-to game when I want to play football.
I'm playing on Professional so maybe that's the problem, but in my Master League, almost all teams I face play exactly the same way: Move the ball around their defensive line, up to the defensive midfielder, then back to the defenders. This can go on for a long, LONG time without me being able to intercept or do much anything since they're just kicking the ball around their own half. This happens regardless of the score.

set pressing as one of your auto tactics, then move up the pressing and compactness slider. Your players will hound the opponents much quicker.

I did this in an online match when I had just got it back to 3-2, and the guy I was playing started passing around the back, from 66 minutes!
That happens to me as well, on Top Player. When Birmingham City started doing it I couldn't believe it, passing it around with 100% accuracy and not going anywhere for half an hour. It doesn't even matter if they're a goal down, they still do it!

I found that if I literally just let go of the pad for a minute (originally it was out of sheer frustration), or just run away from them until they get the ball a considerable distance into your half, they will come forward and actually attempt to do something.
I have both games and FIFA has the best gameplay,there is no doubt about it. But it misses something to hook it prejudice (i'm well aware of it) or "soul"...but PES has something immersive that FIFA doens(t have (and i haven't played to ML yet, i just have set up one with Le Mans).

When i read Chris and some other guys here who seem to become bored quick with both games, i can maybe try to give some advice (yes, i know, who am i ?).
I noticed that you guys only play with English teams...try a ML or MM with a foreign team of lesser quality or a team you don,'t know at all...i became a fan of teams like Palermo, Lille, Valenciennes, Sevilla and Wolfsburg by playing a ML/MM with them.
IMHO it's more exciting if you play with lesser known clubs and players...

At the moment i'm having big fun with a BAL as an Australian player in Serie A....i'm currently with Catania.
That happens to me as well, on Top Player. When Birmingham City started doing it I couldn't believe it, passing it around with 100% accuracy and not going anywhere for half an hour. It doesn't even matter if they're a goal down, they still do it!

I found that if I literally just let go of the pad for a minute (originally it was out of sheer frustration), or just run away from them until they get the ball a considerable distance into your half, they will come forward and actually attempt to do something.

I know, it's ridiculous. But pressing works to a degree for me. It's not foolproof but it can work.
I have a question, do you have to get raped - I mean literally, do they have to pin one of your players to the ground, whip their fella out and sodomise him in-front of the TV cameras while they scream like a bitch - to get a free-kick?

I know in one of the recent PES games the referee blew every time it detected a fart with that free fart-detecting add-on you got with the game, but this is even worse!

I've saved a few replays that made me want to smash the pad, in-particular where two players murder Torres at once in the penalty box, destroying him, missing the ball by a country mile, taking him out on his standing leg, and the game carries on.

I hope they patch the referees at some point!!

Off the pitch I have to admit, bar having a real English/French/Dutch/Spanish/Italian lower league in the ML, it's perfect. The whole CL/EL integration in the Master League, the training options you've got, the masses of Europa League teams I've never heard of, even the headlines you get... Very, very good. Same for the atmosphere, bar the "Riverpoooo... Riverpoooo..." crowd and slightly dodgy commentary (why they have copied FIFA's awful idea of shouting the same bit of nonsense after a certain player's name all the time, e.g. "Wright-Philips, BUNDLE OF ENERGY!", I don't know), the CL stuff is great. All the matches at the proper time, all the proper presentation... PES and FIFA have swapped roles for me, FIFA used to be great off the pitch and PES was a horrible boring monotonous experience off the pitch, and now it's the other way around.

My sentiments exactly!!!!! I had posted this somewhere already, but its getting worse and worse. I've had tackles made against my players that would put them out for a season, yet no whistle, whereas in some occasions the ref blows the whistle when all i do is press the stick towards the opposing player, not even pressing x or square. I'd like to see that ref's bankacount.

Its taking away so much of the game since i'm already suffering from the unresponsiveness when attacking screwing up chances because of it. Adding the ref to it makes me feel i'm playing against 12 men.

The unresponsiveness has also cost me a few goals when trying to clear it in my penalty area after a fumble from my goalkeeper. Thats hard when you play champions league with the agregate goal system.

I'm still in the phase where i like the game, but something needs to be done.
By the way, unticking frame skipping did help a little bit with the responsiveness as was mentioned in another thread
I have both games and FIFA has the best gameplay,there is no doubt about it. But it misses something to hook it prejudice (i'm well aware of it) or "soul"...but PES has something immersive that FIFA doens(t have (and i haven't played to ML yet, i just have set up one with Le Mans).

When i read Chris and some other guys here who seem to become bored quick with both games, i can maybe try to give some advice (yes, i know, who am i ?).
I noticed that you guys only play with English teams...try a ML or MM with a foreign team of lesser quality or a team you don,'t know at all...i became a fan of teams like Palermo, Lille, Valenciennes, Sevilla and Wolfsburg by playing a ML/MM with them.
IMHO it's more exciting if you play with lesser known clubs and players...

At the moment i'm having big fun with a BAL as an Australian player in Serie A....i'm currently with Catania.

This is a really good point for both games. Fifa's MM really starts to hook you like PES always did/does once you go to an offbeat team and develope your own youngsters. You have to get to know them and play to their strenghts, like the classic ML players. Just playing with the top teams won't keep you playing a whole year, atleast it didn't with me. However that's the one aspect Fifa beats Pes' ML is that you can change jobs/teams at the end of the season. Means you can win the CL with Liverpool and then move abroad and try to have the same succes with a new team. Can you change jobs in ML?
Nope Tik, you still can't change jobs. I think it's their philosophy, they want you to stay with that club forever, and I don't think there's a lot of people who want anything different in Japan (which is the only audience I think they actually listen to).

I always start with a PL club in PES, which I know isn't the done thing, but the reason behind it (apart from the fact that I'm not a hugely knowledgeable messiah of world football, I find it difficult enough to keep up with the comings and goings of one league let alone two or three so I never know who anyone is), is that I've always played FIFA to be a lower league team (i.e. Tranmere) and PES to be a Premier League team (my "second" team if you like, Liverpool). Until Konami decide to go down lower than the top flight, that's how it will always be for me.

Saying that I've played a fair few MLs as Portsmouth over the years, and not all of the experiences I've mentioned so far are from playing as Liverpool.

There's no doubt in my mind that the ML as it is now is a more fulfilling experience than the MM in FIFA. It's the actual gameplay that spoils it for me!
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The dribbling isn't that bad. Players like Henry still look cool when you press R2 when dribbling IMO. Anyone know what the Player Cards are for yet and how they are best used??
Has anyone noticed how the players shirt sleeves look like a wizards sleeve abit, they just look black and too rigid to me.
Well my impressions are as follows.

I'm still finding the game a little unmanageable and puzzling but that's always the case with a new PES game. My initial thoughts are that:

1. It looks gorgeous, the graphics are truly amazing
2. The pace of the game is very close to real life
3. The long balls (lofted passes) are strange, the physics are bad for these, which is strange. I can't for the life of me play a fast raking ball from one side of the pitch to the other.
4. Shooting is very enjoyable, (I hear complaints about scoring screamers is too easy, and that may be true with the most skilfull players, however with the more ordinary players you don't hit the target as often) the stats really matter
5. The individuality of the players is more advanced than ever.

Ok, I like the game but time for the niggles.

Online so far for me is shocking. Maybe just unlucky with the opponents connections

The throw-ins. Why can the opposing player stand so close to the trow-in taker?

Goalkeepers. Why do they turn their back on the game? and face their own net? very weird.

On something not completely unrelated I played Liverpool vs Man Utd today, for obvious reasons.
I was Liverpool, and I found that Gerard was clattered in the box by Vidic and my reaction was penalty and I couldn't believe it when the ref didn't blow.
So I paused and checked the replay. It turns out (and I didn't dive) Gerard was on his way down just before the tackle came in.

So it's more realistic than you think. They've got Gerard's number.
BAL is shit, unfortunately. Completely pointless games so far playing as an AMF as both defences are just knocking it between themselves, eventually the ball goes up field where the opposition defence gets it and knocks it around for the rest of the half.

Pointless mode so far, how exactly am I meant to influence a game when the centre backs are having five times as much possesion as any other player?
Fellas, please, post some vids for us poor folks in the States. Although I hate the stiffness, lack of animations, at times bad GK, and rails, I have to say that I would be pleased if the final version plays as the Jap WE demo does. The game is very enjoyable despite all these things.
I really don't get how people keep saying the graphics are amazing. Fair enough, up close the players do mainly look good but while the game is actually playing i think the graphics are pretty average. The sprinting animation is truly appalling, they look so stupid. Bad enough that all the players seem to sprint the exactly the same way, but when that animation looks awful itself it makes it even worse. Aaron Lennon seems stupidly slow compared to Walcott who is stupidly quick, so much so that he looks like he's been given the benny hill treatment.

I really wanted to love this game like i did the games of old but at the moment i just can't. It just doesn't feel right at all.
Phil, I think the great graphics talk is unanimously taking animation as an entirely different beast. It does look very good stationary (though I'm not enjoying the night game lighting so much - the shadows on the players seem a bit older gen compared to the grand daytime lighting), but they've completely ignored touching up any animations. I don't know what the mo-cap animations were for at all. There's also a weird post-processing effect onscreen in dusk games where you can see a faint oval outline, as if looking through see-through Far Cry binoculars, which once I noticed it I couldn't avoid noticing on it.

I bought this on Friday but I just can't play it for long stints. I had fun in training mode, which brought back memories (where is the 'press select and go back to retry what just happened'? That was pivotal to learning how to time things!!). But actually playing competitively isn't really enamouring me at all. I can see it's good pick up and play fun, but it feels a lot more arcadey than FIFA or the hallowed PES's of Octobers Past and I've conceded/scored a lot of goals because of keeper ineptitude, fumbling the tamest of shots.
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I really don't see how there is anyone who can't notice the new animations?

Also, does it feel like it's too easy to whip in an accurate cross? It's like you can put any player down by the corner flag, and he can whip it on to someone's head
Hi Pes fans,

Unfortunately I am now living in the US and was forced to purchase the 2009 European version of this game, this was due to the Americas version having it's own lobbies. I'm sure many people experienced how shockingly bad gameplay could be if the host connection was poor. Pes 2010 arrives here November 3rd. I would love to hear from any British owners of the game to find out how the community and online modes are working?:WORSHIP: Does anybody know if this will truly be an international version this time. I just can't wait to find out, if not then I'm gonna be forced to buy another version from the UK... Thanks to all who reply!
I hate the 360 movement, the players take an age to turn with the ball.The animation of some turns look stupid.

In 2010 for the 1st times ever, im having problems with shooting, about 50% of the time when i shoot using R2 or just square my player does a stupid little dink chip ??? Im making sure im not nudging L1, i don't understand. Im missing certain goals/grear chances because of this.
I hate the 360 movement, the players take an age to turn with the ball.The animation of some turns look stupid.

In 2010 for the 1st times ever, im having problems with shooting, about 50% of the time when i shoot using R2 or just square my player does a stupid little dink chip ??? Im making sure im not nudging L1, i don't understand. Im missing certain goals/grear chances because of this.
Need to fill the Powerbar a lot more than on previous Versions when shooting.
set pressing as one of your auto tactics, then move up the pressing and compactness slider. Your players will hound the opponents much quicker.

I did this in an online match when I had just got it back to 3-2, and the guy I was playing started passing around the back, from 66 minutes!

is this how you get the effect on sliders in game?
BAL is shit, unfortunately. Completely pointless games so far playing as an AMF as both defences are just knocking it between themselves, eventually the ball goes up field where the opposition defence gets it and knocks it around for the rest of the half.

Pointless mode so far, how exactly am I meant to influence a game when the centre backs are having five times as much possesion as any other player?

I play as an AMF and i have lots of ball possession in most matches. Of course now and again there is a match where team mates could paas the ball more to my player, but isn't that the case irl too...generally if i'm well positioned, i get a fair amount of good balls...
I am really stunned...The game is the same as last year.
I've played now for 4 days and i have to say: There is nothing REAL in this game, well maybe the shooting.
Am i the only one thinking that there are 22 sick players in a field of madness???It feels like they take drugs!!!To damn fast and stressy.
I really miss winning eleven for Ps2...It was SIMULATION!!!
Konami: Just take the game back to its root and make him look good that's all!!!
We played your game for all these years cause it was the best simulation's ever but now(since 4 or 5 years for me) there is nothing more about it.
Stop watching what Ea Sports is trying to do just come back to an old PS2 version of the game but make it for the PS3...It cant be so difficult...
Exactly!!!!! All say "Te King is back " but not so. This game just will kill that PES series the last 2 years have been in a coma .
I do not understand, as are many old fans of the game here, and nobody dared to say how many problems there are in PES 2010? A new fan might like it to be impressive , but old fan may not be so easily deceived! I do not care how good graphics, gameplay once is boring and you fed after 3 days. Not to mention that the online mode is terrible! You Can not play an entire match, they constantly discarded from the game ( PC Version ).. For 3 days , only 2 full games. And it's not only me. Many people have the same problem.
can i say both of our footy game is shait this year? that's what feel with both game. darn..hard to even like them both. just for fun sure can, but couldn't stay more than 2 or 3 matches with both is not as what i expected, more hype and hope than the real outcome.
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