PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

i will be buying pes10 this year in the hope that the final game will be great. hopefully online will be sorted and the new champions league online will be as good as it sounds.
If not i will be buying pes5 again for the pc downloading the latest patch and playing the best pes again ever!!!!
The game is a big improvement from PES 2009 but still isnt good enough, the graphics are sexeh tho.

Does anyone have any problems with the replays being really low fps? I mean the manual replay part where you can zoom and move the camera manually, the fps on that is TERRIBLE :(
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The game is very enjoyable and I was actually happy with the demo so any improvement in the final game will be a bonus.

I just wish they had a more european influence on the match atmosphere, nets, crowd etc.
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I'm happy with the game, personally, as long as the keeper bugs are fixed for release.

Response times are deliberate and are fine once you get used to them. It's completely easy to do one touch passing/first time crossing/shots if you press the button at the right time, although a minor tweak wouldn't hurt either way.

The game also looks great and the animations are better.
I'm happy with the game, personally, as long as the keeper bugs are fixed for release.

Response times are deliberate and are fine once you get used to them. It's completely easy to do one touch passing/first time crossing/shots if you press the button at the right time, although a minor tweak wouldn't hurt either way.

The game also looks great and the animations are better.

Same here.

Make the animations less jerky and improve the keepers and I'm happy.
Rob said:
The refereeing seems poor - got a pen for a VERY soft foul on the very edge of the box when my player just stumbled a little.

Same happend to me aswell, but seeing as they have changed the penalties I sky-ed the ball into row Z. Does the camera always stay at "Tele" now?

@ Abhi,

Haven't tried that, but that is one point I find FIFA lacks. They may have started all this slider stuff but really it has too little effect. I used to love being able to change tactics with the r2 button on pes, going attack / possesion to dropping deep and it really showing. In fifa I change my mentality to ultra defensive, go on a counter and find that when the AI attack most of my team is in their half. I want them to stay in their own f#$king half and atleast not let the AI counter and get in behind my defense! That combined with the amount of menu's you need to go through to really change it all makes it a bit pointless and lacking. Basicly it's like a slight change to the overal setup, which helps a bit, but not the change it should represent.
Tactics has always been one of PES's strong points and I'm pleased that it's still the case in 2010. The team set-up menus are a joy to use compared to the clunky menus in fifa.
Had a quick 10 minute bash on this and must say I am extremely impressed. It seems this year might be finally the year where I will have 2 good football games to play. The graphics are very nice and the general WE/PES feel is there. I really liked some of the player runs (AI) and the shooting. The only thing that looks sort of odd is the way some animations look robotic - e.g. when you make a sudden turn it doesnt look natural.

But other than that, I like it so far.
How on earth do you perform dribble moves. I press and hold R2 and experiment with the stick but nothing. I noticed in the dribble commands that the d-pad is supposed to be used for dribbles as it was with PES2009.

I was hoping for different dribble animations/moves a la FIFA. Also, how do you curve?

Having fun with the Demo though. My mind has changed and I will be buying this one when it hits.
Its a bit avereage the first time you play it, but as you come back and have a couple more go's its great.

It really grows on you, just like the old PES titles
Same here.

Make the animations less jerky and improve the keepers and I'm happy.
I don't think that's possible...given the dated engine and time left to fine tune. For the most part what you see is what you get. There's just so much they can do with this ps2 engine. I wonder what it's gonna take to build a new engine! Maybe when the next consoles come out? Probably, taking into account that it'll take 2 or 3 seasons minimum to get maximum effect from a new engine. Look at EA. They built a new engine in 2006-2007 and only now were seeing near full potential. And that's that EA have resources and a very talented and motivated crew behind FIFA. It takes time is what Im getting at. IMO Konami are gonna keep playing catch up for quite some time. Also IMO, I think they can benefit from a year off and bringing in some new talent...people with ideas and enthusiasm. Look at Seabass. He looks bored and stale all the time and it reflects in his product. Just like in real football, a shakeup is needed and this is the right time to do it otherwise Konami will never won the crown back. All in my opinion only.
after playin the demo for quite a few days now im convinced this is the best pro evo to date, i can understand the unresponsiveness, it makes sense, when u press the pass or shoot button, the player shoots or passes with his good leg which i can understand the delay, which i believe is genius to the konami team. to me this is a simulation, its not just that, the players are individualized which makes this game even more great..also the reason for fifa being so smooth and free flowing is cause everyone can shoot or pass on there left or right foot thats why theres no delay in response, to me thats very unrealistic, all i can say well done konami after a terrible pro evo 2009 they make up for it big time with 2010, cannot wait for the final release
Something is bothering me and I don't know if it has been mentioned before but the shot feint animation doesn't work. it's like the player is trying to do something then suddenly he's just running!!
after playin the demo for quite a few days now im convinced this is the best pro evo to date, i can understand the unresponsiveness, it makes sense, when u press the pass or shoot button, the player shoots or passes with his good leg which i can understand the delay, which i believe is genius to the konami team. to me this is a simulation, its not just that, the players are individualized which makes this game even more great..also the reason for fifa being so smooth and free flowing is cause everyone can shoot or pass on there left or right foot thats why theres no delay in response, to me thats very unrealistic, all i can say well done konami after a terrible pro evo 2009 they make up for it big time with 2010, cannot wait for the final release

agree 100%!!!!
Hello guys,

For me it's simple: it's far better than PES'09. And why? Just BECAUSE of the responsiveness. It's given far far more reality with this 'delay' (or how you will call it) of responsiveness. In real football, you either can't give a pass every time you would like. There is something that is called 'control' of the ball, what you need before you pass or shoot a ball. This is what PES10 got now, and when you really want to pass quickly you have to look where you want to pass to BEFORE you get the ball, like in real football.

All the guys who play football themselves, know what I mean. For me this is game is perfect, good pace, nice passing, good ball physique and GOOD RESPONSIVENESS. It's reality, you just have to get used to it mates. Like all the PES-editions before where you'd have to get used to after playing it for the first time.

Grtz. :)
thx for posting my vid here xD

Thanks again for this spooky. That shot from messi at 2:02 mins that ricocheted off the bar and on the outside of the goal behind the keeper brought tears to my eyes.

I just want to see one shot in PES and that is the one on the intro of PES 3 methinks, where a spanish player receives the ball in the air on his instep and after one bounce chips it over the keepers head at the far post. I have been trying to emulate that sequence since then and have not been able to barring a few times in training mode.

I cannot wait for PES 2010 I almost completely forgot I am getting FIFA 10 next week :BOP:
Hello guys,

For me it's simple: it's far better than PES'09. And why? Just BECAUSE of the responsiveness. It's given far far more reality with this 'delay' (or how you will call it) of responsiveness. In real football, you either can't give a pass every time you would like. There is something that is called 'control' of the ball, what you need before you pass or shoot a ball. This is what PES10 got now, and when you really want to pass quickly you have to look where you want to pass to BEFORE you get the ball, like in real football.

All the guys who play football themselves, know what I mean. For me this is game is perfect, good pace, nice passing, good ball physique and GOOD RESPONSIVENESS. It's reality, you just have to get used to it mates. Like all the PES-editions before where you'd have to get used to after playing it for the first time.

Grtz. :)

Well said :FISH:
This new penalty system sucks!! i'm experiencing a lot of glitches in this demo, e.g. keeper froze after the ball hitting the post from a penalty kick.
Responsiveness is clearly different from what it was but hasn't bothered me either. I've found it doesn't hinder me in anyway from the things I want to do, passes, shots, crosses, tackles, etc. If anything the game is too easy on top player, I want to have a harder time getting up the flanks. Don't want it to be impossible, though, it's most likely a hard thing to balance out.

I love the corners in this game, the number of players piled in the box and the ensuing craze of everyone trying to score/clear it looks so amazingly real.
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