PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

Played it some more tonight and I still love it. It probably suits my circumstanmces and preferance in football games nowadays.

I do not have a great deal of time to master the real intracat details in both games but PES is far more pick up and play and just has that feeling of weight and power that i like.

I seriously have fallen back in love with this game and i know it has faults and I am sure the final game will have improved this experience by at least 20% so I'm in footy heaven.
Played it some more tonight and I still love it. It probably suits my circumstanmces and preferance in football games nowadays.

I do not have a great deal of time to master the real intracat details in both games but PES is far more pick up and play and just has that feeling of weight and power that i like.

I seriously have fallen back in love with this game and i know it has faults and I am sure the final game will have improved this experience by at least 20% so I'm in footy heaven.

I've got a gig tonight, but when I get back I will be giving it some serious hammering. I think I may have been a little harsh before mate. Glad to see you love it though, cant wait for some online action bud.
I've got a gig tonight, but when I get back I will be giving it some serious hammering. I think I may have been a little harsh before mate. Glad to see you love it though, cant wait for some online action bud.

:APPLAUD:same here thats going to be superb.

I think the trick now is to not over do the demo and look forward to the final game. it's hard but i'm just playing when i feel like it rather than hammering it.

It's clearly an older code when you think about the time it has to get approved etc and i am sure the little niggles will be sorted come release day.
:APPLAUD:same here thats going to be superb.

I think the trick now is to not over do the demo and look forward to the final game. it's hard but i'm just playing when i feel like it rather than hammering it.

It's clearly an older code when you think about the time it has to get approved etc and i am sure the little niggles will be sorted come release day.

Just played a few more games and I'm loving it again. Once you get used to the fact you need time to get the ball under control now, it plays a much more simulated game. The lob/chip shots are beautifully initiated with the better players. The 1/2's that I thought were played too short or not hard enough is down to how long you hold down the button. I've pinged some lovely balls like this with speed. Same goes for the through ball and the lobbed through ball.

Just tried holding the L2 button and using the right stick. WOW. The top skilled players can pull off some unbelievable feints, touches, skills. So now you have the left stick and R2, like PES 2009, and the left trigger and right stick as well. Never tried this before, but what a difference. Amazing.

Imagine in ML where you can train your bought players new tricks, you will be able to sculpt your perfect team. I like the way if you train a player a new trick it takes 8 weeks and its compromised with the fact you cant improve his other stats, a lovely trade off. Man this game will be as deep as the ocean.

Messi has just flicked the ball up onto his left foot, and scooped it back over his head. Never seen that before.

Only the skilled players have the left trigger with the right stick skills, but what a difference it makes to the individuality mate. Also holding the L2 for close control when not sprint gives you so much freedom, very subtle 360 movement and very tight.

I have yet to see a keeper error myself, they seem fucking unbeatable at times. Many shots I have would have gone in on PES 2009. Not now. Time to re-think everything mate.

Have you tried left trigger with the right stick yet ?
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Can anybody tell me why Konami decided to take out the players positions zones?? Whats the problem with these people??
They seem to be programming for an spectrum with 64KB of memory, and they have to take one thing out to make room for another...
well, let's be honest here, is in the eye of the beholder, right?

So, if you enjoyed the next-gen offerings to date (i.e. '08,'09), then it's safe to say that you'll probably like '10. Why? It doesn't appear as though much has changed.

For those (like me) who'd played the series well before this (and perhaps even during the transition from PS1-2), I'm sure will agree that Konami have yet to master the PS3 platform.

How anyone can play and enjoy this demo in view of the responsiveness issues is beyond me. If I input a command, I expect it to the processed instantly (as had been the case with previous versions) - not only for passing/shooting, but for player movement also. It's as if the engine has not changed one bit since '08, and I for one refuse to ignore this. It's an insult to those who enjoy playing/watching football.

Once again, disappointed...
well, let's be honest here, is in the eye of the beholder, right?

So, if you enjoyed the next-gen offerings to date (i.e. '08,'09), then it's safe to say that you'll probably like '10. Why? It doesn't appear as though much has changed.

For those (like me) who'd played the series well before this (and perhaps even during the transition from PS1-2), I'm sure will agree that Konami have yet to master the PS3 platform.

How anyone can play and enjoy this demo in view of the responsiveness issues is beyond me. If I input a command, I expect it to the processed instantly (as had been the case with previous versions) - not only for passing/shooting, but for player movement also. It's as if the engine has not changed one bit since '08, and I for one refuse to ignore this. It's an insult to those who enjoy playing/watching football.

Once again, disappointed...

i will disagree with u, i actually expected to be dissapointed, but im quite happy with it, now the people that come and say , "oh this is crap beccause Messi didnt blink when he should have" or comments like "The nets werent blowing in the right direction" please stop being so anal for crying out loud, its a video game, im happy with it, its a huge improvement for me and pes has won me back this year!
Yeah thats the reason why i play on wide so i can see the whole pitch and who i am passing to or intend passing too. Some folks just like to see the graphics, player animation,kits etc aint nothing wrong with that as well.

I play on 32inch samsung tv with my ps3 hooked up with hdmi cord so can i still see the graphics, player animations etc.

Not that really but I like playing on normal long because I like being in the action and have better judgment for close control. Plus I feel players look tiny from wide cam.
I think we can adapt to the "response thing". The problem is after that we adapted to it, will we like this game? I still don't know if I'm loving this game or not. Time will show the true face of PES 2010.
I played it loads tonight and talked to a few people and we were all coming to relatively similar conclusions - some of us do enjoy PES's style slightly more than others I think, but generally, this demo has got so, so much wrong.

Graphically it's great up til a point. At certain distances they look poor, and up close.. well they are OK. I'm not seeing the 'amazing' faces though. Some of them are great - but most of them are surprisingly poor.

Take a look at this ABSURD one. This is by FAR the worst, by the way, but it explains to me what is wrong with all of the pictures - and it's that they exaggerate the imperfections of a face MASSIVELY. Fabregas and Silva, both young people in real life, look like old men! A small facial wrinkle is made into a thick line


Now, Pirlo looks NOTHING at all like that. It's not even close. There are blemishes and deep facial wrinkes that you wouldn't see on an eighty year old, let alone a perfectly good looking man (no homo - but seriously, if I was Pirlo I'd consider litigation!).

Even the faces which do look OK, they are more like over-exaggerated caricatures than human faces, and they are also pretty much solid, so they look really, really bad when moving. I'm not really a guy who cares that much about aesthetics but I think the amazement over the graphics is way, way over the top (and of course, the kind of thing which PES fans used to scornfully attack FIFA fans for - caring about that over gameplay). Whether FIFA's faces are better is another question entirely, by the way, I just think the praise is massively unfounded.

Otherwise, the graphics are pretty good. Pitch colours are nice, which is a change because by God they've been bad over the years, and they do look more realistic than FIFA's too-good-to-be-true limey shades. The bizarre fog effect on the other hand is ridiculous. I kept thinking to myself on corners - Oh look! Xavi's crossing from Dover t'wards Calais!

It would be one thing on an overcast day, but that isn't what we should be getting ont he demo settings.

Graphically I think they've done quite a good job, though they aren't as technically advanced as FIFA's (it's all very static), they do compete in areas, and win clearly in others.

The most important thing - of course - has to be the gameplay... and I have to say, I really don't feel it. It's glitchy and buggy as hell, but that is the tip of the iceberg. How much of this can be solved and will be solved before release is unknown, but currently I rarely have more than 5 actions (ie, a pass or a shot) without seeing at LEAST one instance of the ball fundamentally changing it's trajectory (impossible under Newton's First Law of motion kind of changes). Sometimes the ball will stop in midair, or randomly change direction - and it seems to be in aid of making the animations work.

Either this, or an animation will skip - or a player will fundamentally warp - or the animations will go bizarre 'til it seems plausible that his foot could have reached the ball. This leads to a very, very unpleasing game, and at the end of the day, whether or not it's graphics have improved, the worst thing of all is to be constantly brought back to the 'this is a game' mentality every 10-20 seconds because something which defies the laws of physics is occurring.

While PES used to be the game with the free-ball physics, it simply no longer is. The game is constantly cheating to allow the game to run smoothly. Whilst the ball IS free (it's not tied to the animations) it regularly has to glue itself together so the game will work, and, in these situation either the animation, or the realism, or the ball itself is being sacrificed. These issues are bugs, rather than fundamental design flaws, but they are what I can only imagine to be artifacts of an old engine being pushed to do what FIFA's animation engine can truly handle.

The 360 dribbling, as I said about two weeks ago in the main PES thread, is heavily restricted and there is a large caveat. It isn't true 360 - and I don't mean this in terms of directions. Whether it is 32 or 64 or 360, or anything in between isn't that important - there ARE definitely a lot of angles - the game doesn't want to allow you to play in them. In FIFA, which I believe has implemented the 360 perfectly, you cannot just run straight down a line without any imperfection. You will move a bit one way, a bit the other - and if you are on the wing you can take the ball off the pitch if you are taking it too close and not being cautious enough. This organic richness is one of the things which makes FIFA that much more convincing this year - and it's just not there in PES. I find that although I can now run in the 360 degrees, I am rarely allowed to when I want to, and the game still seems to want to run in the archaic old 8 directions.

The AI too is prone to this - it IS capable of running in the 360, but it very, very rarely chooses to do so. Whether this is true or not - it certainly leads me to consider whether, as some suspected, this feature was added at the last moment BECAUSE FIFA had it. EA had held back this feature because they wanted to get it right, and they have got it right. At this stage Konami have got it solemnly wrong - and it is not close to FIFA in the fidelity of this dribbling.

Both games seem to have some serious AI problems. Where FIFA has been criticised immensely (rightly in many cases), PES deserves the same lambasting. I - who haven't played a PES game seriously since PES6 - on my second game could already win against the top difficulty. That is ridiculous. I've been reading the impressions of others and I really can't see where they are coming from. How are the goalkeepers hard to beat? They are easy to beat. You can shoot almost right next to them. They seem to have no reach to their dives - they dive but they barely tilt over and fall flat. You don't need to stick the ball in the corner - you can just hit it and it will be fine.

The responsiveness is slow - and in some ways that can be a good thing - but the responsiveness in this game is nonsensical. In FIFA, the player will try to hit the ball as soon as he can - in PES, it just seems slow. This may have a bodge-effect of making it seem more realistic, but I really don't think it IS more realistic.

Before I move onto what I think is the crux of the PESvFIFA debate, the one REALLY positive thing on this game is the individuality - the really fine details. It's great to see players doing moves they pull off in real life, though I'm not enamored with the contextual way they are pulled off. They seem to often occur at the most useless of times, often making it more difficult for me to do what I want to do. This attention to detail is fantastic, but I do slightly feel that this obsessiveness is what should be Konami's secondary or tertiary priority - which I can't imagine it is, as it's the only thing I think they are doing really well.

The core gameplay, the gameplay which forgets whether you are using Messi or Gerrard, is what needs attention, and it needs it all over the place. It's great to have this individuality and I really hope that FIFA can start working on this HEAVILY next year, but I prefer a game which feels... complete and lacking the fine touches than the other way round.

The final thought I have is that it's fascinating to see how much more PES does for you. I find it very hard to break the mould. Very hard to take control of the way my team play, without fiddling around with the endlessly deep but ridiculously overwhelming tactics (also confusingly labelled and so forth).

If I want to play in a certain way on PES, I find it very difficult - my team wants to play in one way and it WILL play in that way, or I'll fail. Whereas in FIFA, I can, regardless of my set up at least TRY to play in a different way.

Not only this, but the level to which PES assists your primary attacking actions (passing shooting crossing) is extraordinary. I hadn't really remembered it. Though I'm a big-manual player on FIFA, even when I play on assisted it is nothing like this. I feel on PES that I have very little control over who the ball will go to. If there are two people on similar angles, it's pot luck - often ruining a move I want to try. So much more of the game is a matter of tapping a button and seeing it happen - and in fact I just feel generally a lot less in control of the whole thing. If this IS my fault, then perhaps I need to play more - but if I am playing badly - why can I win on the top difficulty?

PES 2010 is a huge improvement but I doubt many are going to be brought back from disillusionment with the franchise, unless there is a HUGE change in the final build.
Wow, I'm guessing those are instinctive, natural Messi moves, I'd be very suprised if you had to press anything for that. Highlights my first touch post that Lami, Messi's is phenomenal there.

Just gonna try a game on Top Player with Spain with the sliders compact to see the small triangles that can be played. The shooting is brilliant by the way, very heavy and extremely relevant. Tried to chip shot which is miles better, still all depends on having the ball close to your feet to gain the height, just like in real life. Better players with higher technique pull it off better.

Individuality has NEVER been so apparent. The first touch adds a whole new dimention. This is going to be a very deep game that will make you relearn PES all over again. Thats so much for the better. If you have a footballing brain, your going to be able to play some of the best football yet.

I had a free with Xavi, tried what I normally do and it flew miles over ? WTF ? Tried with Villa and much better, fuck knows what happened with Xavi.

Gripes - The ball sound. And all the condition arrows are set to green. I hate that. I want to see Torres on a red to see what he is like when he is on fire.

love the sound of that..:COOL:

though i'm not too sure what i think of the demo.
I swear to god, this might sound ridiculous, but i remember playing new winning eleven games on ps1, yes PLAYSTATION ONE, and the game was much more smoother than pes2010, this tells you how much a failure pes2010 is
Not that really but I like playing on normal long because I like being in the action and have better judgment for close control. Plus I feel players look tiny from wide cam.

I have a 32'' samsung with hdmi cable connected to my ps3 like mmeny.

But have the same problem as you. The long cam is too close(talking PES2009 of course) and wide is too far but if you go to the 'system settings' in the option menu you can zoom in on the wide cam and get a better view. I change between long and wide as well. Wide for a new formation and long when I have adjusted to the new formy and player runs.
Btw I wonder how many people play this game in HD.

The graphics in PES are fucking drop dead gorgeous and yes as a 12 year fan of the game it's not the be all and end all of the series.
But you picked one face that Btw is very wrinkled in real life and ran with it. So bugger the other good looking ones lets analyse this one.....typical.

What do you mean PES has individualism but you cant differentiate between Gerrard and Messi in terms of gameplay?
Every positive you mention is also always followed by what's wrong with it and why fifa is better....and they call me a fanboy.
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with the graphic already incredibly awesome,i hope they focus more to make the player movement smooth and fluid.try find a way to stop the players skate while running like what they did with the graphic(or put foot planting).make the passing more freedom like fifa.change all the old animations in the game with a new one..if they can do this for pes 2011 no doubt it will be a great football game..
So I gave it a go and if the comparison is made between PES2009 and 2010 then honestly the improvements are huge.Graphically let's not even speak about it because it is a pure beauty on every aspects (except for those fucking shirts).The response times are horrible and delay everything you wanna do specially dribbling and passing.

The appearance of a nice touches like close control and all is good but it feels so wrong that such a beautiful game has some old-gen animations and for me it totally ruins for used to be my favorite football game.With time expectations increase specially when we wee what can be achieved in sports games like NBA2Ks in terms realism and authenticity.

This gameplay would have been great if were back then around PES5-PES6 times but knowing what could possibly be achieved on these powerful consoles/computers the disappointment is at the end of the day even bigger.The gamespeed is great for me,makes it look realistic but useless with the average gameplay
It pains me to see what once used to be my beloved game become so average over time in terms of gameplay because as far I'm concerned I don't buy a game for its gfx.

One thing is sure I won't pay for it but I'll give it a go at a friend's if I have the courage.So yeah this is mostly negative from me but I think I did my best to be objective
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I found an interesting post on PESFan and I think this will bring up an interesting discussion overhere:

And Perhaps Some Of You Might Be Using/Tapping the Spring Button Too Much.

Hear me out, please. I too thought there was a horrible delay with the demo for both the PS3 and the 360 version as I stated even here,, but I just figured out what it is.

The action you last press will not take place until the previous actions you pressed are completed in full. This forces you to be more precise with your button pressing for each of the actions or movements you wish for your player to execute because all the moves you pressed are banked into memory and are executed in sequence.

This makes you feel as though there is a delay with passing or shooting, unless you perform a one time quick pass or shot.

I'm probably confusing you more than clarifying this whole delay issue, but try this. Press the pass or the shoot button before you receive the ball. The pass or the shot will be as you intended it. That is, there's no delay and your player passes or shoots right away. That's because there are no banked moves in the memory prior to the pass or the shot.

But if you wish to pass or shoot with other moves having been pressed, then your last action will not be executed until all those previous actions are completed. It's hard to explain, but what I noticed is that, in the previous PES versions, I had a tendency to press the buttons for my moves slightly ahead of my player, as I'm sure most of you do as well.

Try this. When you have possession of the ball, don't use the sprint button at all and only press the buttons for your moves precise at the moment you want them to be executed. In other words, don't bank your moves and just press the buttons exactly at the moment you want your actions to take place. Even when you want to knock the ball far ahead while sprinting, don't tap the sprint button way in advance before your player touches the ball again.

This way, I found no lag in the game. It's not the demo that has the lag or that the lag is hard coded in the game. You just gotta stop relying on the action banking which was part of the past PESes.

Anyway, once you start getting used to pressing the buttons for your movements at the precise time you want them to be executed, then you'll feel no lag at all. There is no lag in the movements of the players in the demo. You're just too used to banking the moves.

I think he is just working around the response-problem, but it neverthless is interesting :)
I found an interesting post on PESFan and I think this will bring up an interesting discussion overhere:

I think he is just working around the response-problem,[b/] but it neverthless is interesting :)

They still could do with a little tweak but I do understand where he is coming from and I mentioned something simliar in a post a couple of pages back.
I have played around 30 games on the demo over the last day or so and have to say that I am really like it. I hated PES 2009 but this is a huge improvement on that. It may not be as slick as FIFA10 but the more I play it the more I like, love the little touches that players do, the way I can put moves together and the sheer variety of goals that you are able to score.

I'll be buying both FIFA and PES this year as they both offer different experiences.

We also have to learn to respect each others opinions, if someone doesn't like PES/FIFA or vice versa we got to respect, they are not fanboys, it is just that they feel that way about the game and that is cool, people go on about WENB and how people are not allowed to critical, but on here I have seen over the last month or so that if someone is critical they get jumped on. RESPECT EACH OTHERS POINT OF VIEW and this community will go from strength to strength.
There is so much ignorance, and pathetic defensiveness from people in this thread.

Dags has it spot on. Its a forum for people to discuss this sensibly, why should people have a one line sentence and leave it be, and not come back.

We are here due to our love of Pro Evo. Whether that was 5 years ago, or now, its irrelevant, everyones opinion deserves respect.

That said if anyone can honestly hand on heart think that what has been dished up in the past 2 years is anywhere close to the genius of the PS2 PES/WE games needs their eyes testing.

I wish it was. And the only reason it isnt is the game has gone from Simulation to Arcade IMO, and due to peoples fondness at the start of this century to the PS2 PES/WE games, they have a phenonemal amount of brand loyalty, because PES gave so many good experiences, and also consumed so much of peoples time. Lets be honest it was the ONLY football game to play 6 years ago.

What is inexcusable is how the E in PES for Evolution, has occurred in my opinion for the worse. I feel the game I once loved has regressed, whilst the competition (thanks to the recently arrived Peter Moore's perfectionist attitude) has improved dramatically. Imagine our old beloved PES with a similar improvement growth curve. We woudnt leave the house!!

I do not care which game is better, I'll buy the better football Sim, which first got me into PES, I care about a Japanese man, moving a once fantastic game in a direction, I find inexcusable, so it is now everything I used to admire in Fifa (graphics), and the gameplay has got worse, whilst FIFA's has IMO overtaken it.

How he has let this happen and regressed the series in 5 years only he knows.

If you lot like the demo fine. It just frustrates the hell out of me how such a once amazing football simulation is now like this. Lets be honest it isnt the PES that got us here all those years ago now is it? The "holy shit my imported Winnnig Eleven has finally arrived from Lik-Sang" game. The only game people bought a bloody x-port for so we could put option files on. The reason I bought a swap magic etc etc. I still remember in 2004 at unit me and my mates doing a Tournament with England and me scoring from 25 yards with Gerrard, with the ball going in off the bar, in the last minute to get us to the final! We still mention it

Now its just a game. And unfortunately not a very good one at that. Oh well, some of you like it. I just feel frustrated for all the reasons outlined.
I'm liking the Demo*, However bear in mind guys that the last "full" version I played was PES 5 on PS2, before going to the PSP versions for 6 through to 2008 (2008 on PSP is the best version on PSP imo) as PES 2007 / 8 on a mate's Xbox 360 felt awful to me.

*I bought a PlayStation 3 today and downloaded the Demo, after reading through this thread last night (almost entirely!) Maybe it's because I read some of the bad things about it I seemed to notice them, but within about 4 games I could honestly say I tended to overlook them. There are technical bugs sure (replay a bit slow FPS, Penalty Camera Angle etc) but I found the Gameplay as sound as ever. Good speed, type of goal variation and general "feel" I get from a Pro Evo game.

I played FIFA 09 at a mate's place a few weeks back, and had not previously played it since 2001(!). Honestly, it's a good game but it has it's own technical issues as well. On the whole, I found PES 2010 similar to it really. They used to be ALOT different but now not so much.

It's pretty much becoming personal preference for me, and as a PES Fan I think PES 2010 is a large step in the right direction and I'm happy enough with that as my first "full" version after all my portable years.

For the record I started on ISS 64.
Hi everyone:))

Nice to see us all getting along;)

i have played the demo alot and I personally do not have any issues with response times. It just takes a more measured approach rather than button mashing which has brought the simulation to life IMO.

Before I could just ping the ball around effortlessly but now i have to think quickly about the first touch, the space around me and then the deciding pass. This replicates football well, I played semi pro in the old Beazer homes premier league which was a feeder to the conferance and the main difference between the pro's and the great semi pro players was the first touch, spacial awareness and decision making (in that order) i think the individuals in PES actually make you play the game that way, which is a great thing IMO.

The animations in real time are fine, its when you slow the replay down that shows the problems with poor or lazy mocap. The slight skating and shuffling feet represent unfinished work, however i am hopeful that this is down to the age of this demo rather than the game itself.

I am enjoying it so much, frustrating little things that PES has always had are still there but the direction they are now taking is what we have wanted, refine, polish and add a few more features and its a magnificent game.

For now i am happy with a great game that offers intelligent football and pleanty of fun.

@Jimmy, I am struggling with the special controls and finding it difficult to perform tricks (XBOX360) so any tips appreciated.

keep the faith and enjoy your chosen game people:))
Can we just get back to unbiased opinions, and info on the demo please.

Oops, seems like you just ordered a ban for everyone on this site.


Simply put PES 2010 is a game that'll do it for most of the ones still enjoying PES, but for those who already has 'changed side' PES 2010 won't do a thing. A few more will probably face the reality and give FIFA a real try (not the 'oh, I played 7 demo matches and it sucked' type of trying) and they'll be pleasantly surprised, but I can't see anyone that has left PES for FIFA or other games in general to come back thanks to this effort.
For those who have yet to see the penalties at the end of the game, thanks to the Demo Time extender patch for the PC, here's what they'll look like. I presume they'll also be like this in the final game. The shooting is very sensitive on the penalties in my experience, so a I shot down the middle just for this example :LOL:. Sorry for the short length I don't have the full version of Fraps so am limited to 30secs.

YouTube - PES 2010 PC Demo Penalties *NEW*
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