PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

Well ive played it and i have to say i actually enjoyed it.

Not played a next gen pes game at all really as theyve all been gash so far. But this is an improvement. But what made me laugh was that i was satisfied at its simplicity and arcade style. Didnt have to think much and enjoyed the experience.

I will be getting FIFA 10 primarily but as soon as this is in the sale, i will get it too for a football game with no brain required. (its not a bad thing)
I tried playing on wide cam but its too far for me. How can you guys see? Do yous have xxl tvs? I'm on a 42 incher btw.
PES 2009 (PS2 version) or PES 6 (PC version) are the best soccer games of history. Why Konami doesn't assume this and stops committing year after year the same errors with these shit next-gen versions? (sorry for my bad english)
I tried playing on wide cam but its too far for me. How can you guys see? Do yous have xxl tvs? I'm on a 42 incher btw.

I agree, wide is too damn far. Also it makes the game uglier.

Then again, on the default cam (i believe normal long) i dont get a big enough view of the pitch to see my teammates.
I know there's a radar for that, but i'm already too busy trying to control my players and figuring out what button to press next.
i had 2 spot kicks and missed both :RANT::RANT::RANT:
how do you take these spot kicks (me verse goalie . foal in the box )

reaction time is major problem . like your playing online and cpu is lagging connection
Is this "spot kick" a new rule made by Platini??? What's a spot kick btw??

anyway current penalty system makes little sense since u have no idea where u are aiming. There should be a way to let you determine speed and angle and at the same time involving skills.

For those who played EA rugby something like a the power bar for free kicks, or something like the power/direction bar in golf games.
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It plays miles, miles better than PES 2009, but it's still missing something that made the PS2 games so very good, so I doubt I'll waste my money on it. Still, I think I like it more than FIFA this year.

The reaction times really are horribly bad though, you wonder why your players just carry on running half the time when you've pressed a button to offload the ball, and it means you lose it most of the time.
Played the game a bot more and i'm enjoying it much more now. They still need to tighten the responsiveness. and i dont like the new lob, through balls. They seem too floaty. Especially the lobbed through-ball. I dont know if they're going to have the controller types again for crosses, high passes. when i was running 1v1 towards the keeper i tried to lob him with B (or circle>Ps3) and Torres just dinked the ball in a different direction. The penalties feel a little weird - i felt the could have done a bit more. Not the evolution i was looking for. I'm loving the 360 degree dribbling and the overall pace of the game and i'm using the super cancel more than ever as players are 'waiting' for the ball a lot more. All in all its better than it was yesterday and is starting to appeal to the PES purist in me

I made a quick video about the slider system and how it impacts the game >>

YouTube - PES2010 Slider/ tactic comparison
Can anyone help me!

I am playing PES for a long time, and i was always using "Alt" key for special moves. In PES2010 demo,when i press alt it goes in windowed mode, and then i can use "alt" key normally. But in full screen mode i can`t. Is there any way to resolve this?

I can alwasy reasign alt key on some other, but i am so used to alt that it would be hard to change now. I try space button, but i cant assign anything to space button.

Thanks for help!
Have you tried the manual keeper? It's great for defending a corner kick. (R3+L1) and you get the keeper.

That's a very good move....
Eh? How on earth do you play the game without wide cam? Unless your just looking for the graphics its best to play as far out as possible allowing you to see most of the pitch. :SS
Played the demo, I must say my first impression was how much this game reminded me of WE8LE, wich IMO was one of the slowest and most realistic Winning eleven titles ever. The responsiveness was very slow compared to the previous WE titles.

I also remember the first matches I played WE8LE, I couldn't get used to it, it took me a lot of matches to get in the "flow" of the game, but once mastered it was great!
I agree with the people who said there isn't enough shot variation, I love a low hard shot and it's something PES excels in, but is there any other type of shot in this game?
Even when I use the R2 placed shot it goes low and hard in to the corner.
I played about 13 matches yesterday. Overall, after playing the game, I just don't understand some of the people and comments here.

There's no depth in this game AT ALL. I played in TOP difficulty and began winning on my third match to win all the rest (varying the teams all the time). That's because there is NO DEPTH in the controls. They're easy as hell and I get the feeling that people who likes the game may be usual gamers or people not particularly skilled at it. That could explain why they never "get" or "feel" into other games.

First, the main thing. Since the first minute, I was able to pass like an angel to anyone almost anytime. Most of the time it doesn't event matter if your player is backing the ball or if he has no legs. You press X and a perfect pass is done. No skill needed at all. It's easy as shitting. I can literally pass the ball between my players to no end without even taking into consideration any other factor than pressing X and a vague direction (again, it doesn't matter that much because the CPU will put the ball where it wants to sometimes).

L1+X is as effective as always, completely breaking defenses. From the third match and on I managed to play passing at first touch through the whole pitch until a cross / through ball / shot ended the play, and scored a couple of goals by simply getting into the area passing (without any other button used other than X, note it) and shooting. What depth is there? I don't do anything special, simply point and click X, and the pass is 90% of the times PERFECT, no matter the context, no matter the player, no matter the opponent.

Once I saw how freaking easy it was to pass around (that includes long passes for me) I tried dribbling, that in general's opinion is very hard. I found it as easy as it was in pes 5, pes6, that means I can regularly skin the defender simply by changing direction, do a little feint and sprint. Of course, you can't dribble the entire team, and I feel people thinks it's very hard only because they can't just dribble all the time.

Then shooting. yes, physics are nice most of the times (though I've found there's no swerve, no dip, nothing, the ball uses to go straight), but the problem is still the scriptedness. There's very little relationship between what you do with the pad and the outcome. Many times I shoot to a corner but the player ends up shooting straight to the keeper just to keep scorelines low. Yep, cheatvision is still there. More later.

Then the worse thing: collision detection. How awful it is. It's amateurish at best. I've seen things of all colours, but ashaming if you see them in close view. Balls trespassing bodies, balls getting the opposite rebound to what reality would expect, balls frezzing suddenly in the air until they are kicked, ball changing direction without any contact registered, the list is so long... Not to mention body collisions, that are a joke, I've seen players trespassing each other, or even some instances in which players rebound between themselves and suddenly appear at "the other side" of each other. How amazingly ugly is this? There's a random component into collisions but in a very bad way, you can expect to succeed previewing what will happen if you're guided by what would happen in reality.

AI is terrible terrible terrible. Players that walk away of the ball, players that suddenly walk away of their position by no reason, SIDEBACKS always away from WINGERS (you can't avoid this in any way in this demo, and I'm a tactical bitch)...

And then goalkeepers. They can makes splendid moves and have great reflexes (though it's quite suspicious that no matter which team I choose, my keeper is more prone to error than my opponent...mmmm, must be the excelling teamvision again). But at the same time the ammount of bugs / stupid behaviour is appaling. Half my goals came from stupid defenders suddenly leaving the striker alone in the area (and I mean literally walking away from him), but half the goals came in absurd goalkeeping behaviour.

They have BIG problems trying to catch soft bouncing balls, most of the times they simply walk sideways through the goal line. Sometimes the cpu shot and my keeper was simply walking to the direction of the ball without diving / trying to catch it), Some times a soft shot went under his body when he dived as if the world was ending tomorrow. Simply put there's so much problems to be fixed in one or two months. Impossible. The fantastic saves, though have a terrible feeling of "scriptedness" because in goal scrambles sometimes a spilled ball comes to my striker and when I shoot the ball doesn't go where I point, but to the keeper that is automatically executing the "great save" animation.

Animations look awkward by the same reason of late, the animation engine fails miserably again and again and you can see where an animation starts, ends and "tries" to blend. The quality of the animations themselves varies from great to poor. Feels terribly unfinished (not to the quality level you would expect in a demo anyways).

Finally, reaction times are shit. Period. We all agree. Only a fool would try to defend this.

Even though all this points sound very negative (but I'm not making up anything, you can check all this in the game by yourselves or you can deny reality...), there's many positives.

The pace of the game is better than in pes 2009. It's odd that the "passing" game plays at an incredible speed but the "dribbling" game feels heavy and slow.

Lightning engine is great! A shame it's a football game and lightning doesn't have any impacto on gameplay. The time spent on this could have been put into really important areas, but the result is awesome. Faces are good, but not as impressive as some told. They have a strange bump mapping applied that makes them cardboard-looking and you can see the photos stretched through the mesh. But overall graphics are vastly superior to other football games.

Tactical options are good and can potentially make human vs human enjoyable and a longer experience in time.

I don't understand people who praise this as the perfect simulation of football. It doesn't look like that at all, and most importantly, it's a pick and play product for casual gamers and kids.

Maybe having manual everything in Fifa has had a good effect in my gaming skills, but really I'm not a pes fan and I could win 90% of my games in my first day. I scored free-kicks, volleys, headers, long shots and a LOT of spilled balls to tap in. Where's the fuss of it? Maybe some people like it because it's so easy to play and you don't need to be 100% focused to get the most of it.

I respect it, I mean, not everyone wants to play with complex control layouts, some people simply wants to stay simpler and play for fun. It's great and I do it randomly. Simply I don't lie to myself saying it's a depth football simulation. I used to play COD 2 and had great times with friends when it had only 2 buttons.

Hell, I enjoyed SWOS and was even simpler than current games. And yes, I enjoyed sometimes the demo for what it is, an action-oriented football game to people who wants a pick-n-play experience. Though I'm not sure slow response times will convince this kind of audience.

I wasn't going to add anything more to my one word review of the demo from a few pages back, but your mention of cheatvision has lured me.

This game is now so bad that, in my opinion, it's not worth talking about. It's just like one of these crap games that get released on PSN as a freebie.

But there was one particular cheat that reminded of the worst cheat I'd ever seen...the "player spasm" cheat from WE/PES around 2004/5. You'd pass a ball straight across the face of the 6 yard box, leaving your striker with an emtpy net to shoot into, but your player would them going into some weird, jerky spasm animation, the ball would roll right past him, and only when the cpu defender had strolled in and cleared the ball would you be able to move your guy again.

Was playing around with the manual passing in PES2010 demo (I think this may be slightly better than it was in previous versions, albeit you still have to use the RAS), and from a cpu corner, I won the ball and played a perfect manual through-ball to my striker just beyond the half-way line. He was clean through on goal as all the cpu defenders were pushed high up, with just 40 yards of open space and then the keeper to beat, but as soon as he started sprinting towards the opposition goal(I was obviously aiming my LAS towards the opposition goal), he mysteriously changed direction 180 degrees, took two steps back towards the half-way line, allowing the defenders to catch him up and steal the ball.

Was a strangely fond reminder of the bad old days of PES.

That, and when I scored a goal in the PES2010 demo, the cpu team went straight into the infamous turbo mode. Ah yes, it's undeniably still the same old PES engine.
Eh? How on earth do you play the game without wide cam? Unless your just looking for the graphics its best to play as far out as possible allowing you to see most of the pitch. :SS

Yeah thats the reason why i play on wide so i can see the whole pitch and who i am passing to or intend passing too. Some folks just like to see the graphics, player animation,kits etc aint nothing wrong with that as well.

I play on 32inch samsung tv with my ps3 hooked up with hdmi cord so can i still see the graphics, player animations etc.
Im not happy, but certainly better then Pes 08 and 09.
I wouldnt say 6 is better since its a really old game... but when it was new it was way better then this.
Maybe I have missunderstand most of things Ive read, but...

No 360 movement while joggning? Only sprinting.
The dribbling controls are still fooked up, I have to use my movement button?
The animation of people running, its really annoying. Some movements looks better though.
People stuck on each other when fighting for a ball and a sound of a flipper ball stuck somewhere going crazy between walls. Like earlier PES.
Many time I only want to touch the ball in front of goal but my player lobs it instead of shooting.
I read somewhere about manual passing, I hope they dont mean the right stick?

Few stuff that I think about when first played it, there is more details I cant stand. Like every PES since 08

Else, I think the game looks better generaly, Im glad they dropped the throw in zones and stuff. The pace of the gameplay is relaxing. Not feeling so arcade anymore, its more slow and realistic. Lots of clearences ending up somewhere else when my player are under pressure, like in real.

Still felt FIFA was more enjoyable. Lets hope they fix this, because I love the tactics and the AI in PES. The games have always looked more like how a real game can occur then FIFA.
Just a quick question guys : how is the lighting?
I'm playing the pc demo, but the lighting is really shit there.
Very bright indeed, making the players look like they never had any sun in their life. And near the penalty area it is very very bright, as is you are watching directly into the sun. Pc gamers should get a free pair of sunglasses when buying the final product.
Other then that the game is really starting to grow on me.
:lol: that's no good.

Yeh i just scored (top player) and messi celebrated as the ball was going in. That's cocky as hell. I like it.

YouTube - PES 2010 Demo - Messi Celebrates..


:LOL: Class.

I remember on PES 2009 in my ML, Giovinco lobbed the keeper from the edge of the box. The shot beat the keeper, and looked like it was going in, but hit the angle of the far post and missed. When I watched the replay, I noticed that as soon as the ball had cleared the keeper, Giovinco turned away in celebration of the goal with his hand raised. Play continued and he turned around to see his shot had actually missed. He genuinely looked shocked. I'm sure I still have it on my replay highlights. Will have to upload it.

It looked awesome, one of the most realistic things I have ever seen. Unbelievable that was actually implemented in to to code of the game. Talk about covering all eventualities. Genius.
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Played the game a bot more and i'm enjoying it much more now. They still need to tighten the responsiveness. and i dont like the new lob, through balls. They seem too floaty. Especially the lobbed through-ball. I dont know if they're going to have the controller types again for crosses, high passes. when i was running 1v1 towards the keeper i tried to lob him with B (or circle>Ps3) and Torres just dinked the ball in a different direction. The penalties feel a little weird - i felt the could have done a bit more. Not the evolution i was looking for. I'm loving the 360 degree dribbling and the overall pace of the game and i'm using the super cancel more than ever as players are 'waiting' for the ball a lot more. All in all its better than it was yesterday and is starting to appeal to the PES purist in me

I made a quick video about the slider system and how it impacts the game >>

YouTube - PES2010 Slider/ tactic comparison

Excellent video mate, thanks for taking the time with that, most appreciated. :SAL:

For those who still have an issue with the fake shot. They changed it in PES 2009 and made it harder but more realistic. As well as pressing shoot then X you have to aim the left stick in the bottom left or right corner or vice versa, depending on which way your running. It's better this way, harder to pull off as it was too easy before, and falls in line with how your body needs to be, and how to change direction.

Has anyone tried the L2 and right stick for skills ? Apparently that system is in the full game, not sure about the demo, will try it later. I would assume its for players with high dribbling accuracy. Adam has it in his latest code.
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