PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

I think the way the game moves gives the immediate impression of PES2010'S inferiority to FIFA10, even though gameplay-wise, this may not be true...

I look back and remember WENB's description "I like the way you move" about the animations.... I mean, the animations are downright disappointing. It's time for a next-gen engine.
I think the way the game moves gives the immediate impression of PES2010'S inferiority to FIFA10, even though gameplay-wise, this may not be true...

I look back and remember WENB's description "I like the way you move" about the animations.... I mean, the animations are downright disappointing. It's time for a next-gen engine.

I know what you mean TK but in full motion it's pretty good, it's just when you see it slowed down you can see its very jerky.
For those who have yet to see the penalties at the end of the game, thanks to the Demo Time extender patch for the PC, here's what they'll look like. I presume they'll also be like this in the final game. The shooting is very sensitive on the penalties in my experience, so a I shot down the middle just for this example :LOL:. Sorry for the short length I don't have the full version of Fraps so am limited to 30secs.

YouTube - PES 2010 PC Demo Penalties *NEW*

Nice one, hadn't seen any pens yet. Hopefully this will be easily patched back to the old way if it turns out to be a miss.

Watching that just reminded me how crap the chants are, hopefully it will be patchable like last years (PS3)
I was using the rb dribbling last night and it is in fact very similiar to fifas.. it added a lot to the gameplay, and i dont think this game is bad at all. I think it has potential to be the best PES ever. I havent noticed awful response times, maybe im used to fifa, LOL. Manual passing would make this game pretty damn awesome. It is still annoying after all these years in PES and you sometimes still cant pass to the guy you want too... I was using rb with xavi and it was sweet... the 360 is there for sure, just like in fifa. They are two different games. there are goals you can score in pes that you can never score in fifa, and there are goals in fifa you can never score in PES. I honestly think we have two good choices this year.
I like it i hated the other 2 (08/09) next gen games and stuck to ps2 but the game this year is looking good i will buy it you have my £40 or whatever it is seabass

love you seabass *runs
Having played both demo's today (just got back from holiday), I think there won't be much change between which game people prefer.

PES looks great standing still, I love the misting effect at the goal ends and the very subtle misting throughout the screen the further away from the camera. Really makes it "pop". The pace feels good now, although Ive noticed with FIFA that the different camera angles has quite an effect on how you experience it. With a simalar camera distance they seem a lot alike to me. Also the more loose feel it now has with passing and movement. However for my preference FIFA ticks more boxes, good improvement on 2009 though.

Quick question, and it's not a dig or anything, but will they be adding more transition animations for the retail release? Quite a lot of the time when changing directions there seems to be a "jump" between animations to me making it look like they are missing a couple. Seeing as there is quite a difference between the gamescon version and this was just wondering. As other then that, ignoring a few ugly ones that both games have, it looks a lot better and more fluid.
Having played both demo's today (just got back from holiday), I think there won't be much change between which game people prefer.

PES looks great standing still, I love the misting effect at the goal ends and the very subtle misting throughout the screen the further away from the camera. Really makes it "pop". The pace feels good now, although Ive noticed with FIFA that the different camera angles has quite an effect on how you experience it. With a simalar camera distance they seem a lot alike to me. Also the more loose feel it now has with passing and movement. However for my preference FIFA ticks more boxes, good improvement on 2009 though.

Quick question, and it's not a dig or anything, but will they be adding more transition animations for the retail release? Quite a lot of the time when changing directions there seems to be a "jump" between animations to me making it look like they are missing a couple. Seeing as there is quite a difference between the gamescon version and this was just wondering. As other then that, ignoring a few ugly ones that both games have, it looks a lot better and more fluid.

Yes I have noticed the missing animations, what version are you playing?
I think I've finally played enough to give some impressions.

-Keepers make absurd mistakes but I'm hoping those are bugs that will be fixed in the final release. I once fired a long pass all the way to an attacker at the right corner of the penalty box, the keeper came out to meet it but then decided to just stand there, leaving the goal completely unguarded. Amazingly I didn't score, maybe because I was shocked at the keeper
-On the PS3 the game feels faster then PES09, I was surprised at this after reading comments to the contrary. The only thing that slowes it down are the reponse times which make the game more realistic looking if anything, at any rate they don't bother me.
-On an SD set the player faces look a bit creepy at times (Pirlo looks like a witch) but I've got used to them and now they look excellent (not Pirlo though)
-I've mentioned this before but the extra bright area at the top right of the pitches bothers me and I actually lose the ball sometimes in the brightness!
-getting up the flanks to whip in a cross is too easy on Top Player! Changing pace is usually enough to leave a defender and some AI players come in to assist but then just back off My biggest worry, apart from the keepers.
-The keepers still make dramatic saves when catching floating high balls but thats more entertaining then negative

-Generally the graphics look great on an SD tv.
-Lots of new animations and neat little touches, I find myself pausing and replaying small bits just to marvel at some of the new stuff.
-The new settings are very promising but I've yet to really sink my teeth into them as I'm thinking more about playing now. I have noticed that you can truly make your team insanely attack minded, yet to check the opposite.
-The shots are generally lower and just seem to match the way I play perfectly. Hammering a loose ball in front of you is so rewarding now.
-The games feel entertainingly random at times and some goalmouth scrambles are among the best I have seen.
-I still haven't scored from a free kick but this time I've actually come pretty close, I was rubbish at them back in 09.
-In General the demo gets more entertaining the more I play it which can only be a good thing. In general I am optimistic this year
@ Shields,

PS3 version, or were you hoping for a percentage build answer? :D

@ Putuco,

Cheers. If people look at my post history they will actually find little critique of the game (atleast not based on videos and stuff, I usually wait for the demo and even then I'm not overly harsh). I'm mostly critical of people instead of the game. I actually have more critique of the FIFA demo, the chips shots are pissing me right off at the moment.
@ Shields,

PS3 version, or were you hoping for a percentage build answer? :D

@ Putuco,

Cheers. If people look at my post history they will actually find little critique of the game (atleast not based on videos and stuff, I usually wait for the demo and even then I'm not overly harsh). I'm mostly critical of people instead of the game. I actually have more critique of the FIFA demo, the chips shots are pissing me right off at the moment.

That's the version I have, but I have played the 360 version which didn't seem to have that issue (someone correct me if that's wrong). It looks (at this stage)as per usual the PS3 version isn't on par with the others.
what im saying is that i dont think it matters weather or not you play football as a pro gives you some sort of expert opinion on what is a good game or not... that is what sounds ridiculous, i dont need to be on the same level as martin Scorsese in order to enjoy his movies

Fair point mate. All I was trying to do was express the 'Feel' differences that I can judge on. PES always made me feel that I was replicating what I feel when I play football in real life. Fifa has never given me that. The day it does is the day it will become my game of choice, and I mean that.

I have played for the last 4 hours and I'm loving this game and how it's now looking to be alot more simulation based. The response issues that were killing me are now very minor, could do with a little tweak but I'm happy now as I'm understanding the idea. It is coded this way, I have no doubt.

And although it killed me at first, hence my post. I need to grasp the fact this is totally different froom 2009 and any other PES game in my opinion.

Yes ok, at times on tricks its doesnt look realistic as the animations dont really finish. This does look alot like final tweaking in this area, and I dont have an issue that will be done.

The tactical side of it with the sliders is brilliant. Changing your style of play mid game is massively more noticable than just starting with the tactics you may change to. You see the difference alot as your going from playing one style to an another completely different approach.

I'm now thinking about everything before I receive the ball, and what options or passes I may want to play. Unless I'm not in space and thats when the subtle feints, tricks come into it. This actually makes more sense the more I think about it. In real life, your always looking to see whats on even before you receive the ball.

So the fact I can press pass before the ball gets to me, so when it does arrive my player will do it instantly. Whether that be a lobbed through pass, which is weighted depending on how long you hold it down, and grounded through pass, manual or simple pass with very little speed or drilled. The game is making you chose your decisions, or consider them quickly. Most of the time you have plenty of time to check whats on and pull off the relevant feed, whatever that maybe.

Alternatively, if you receive the ball in a tight spot, you can initiate the deft touch to beat a man before you receive the ball. This also feels more realistic as in real life, in a competitive game, these are the decisions you have to make in advance based on whats on around you with regards the opposition trying to close you down quickly. A little dummy, body feint, drop of shoulder, you know before you receive the ball. This is replicated here. Obviously the players with higher technique, dribbling accuracy, first touch and in some cases strength will have a much better success rate.

Holding L2 for close control is very good, not with defenders, as it shouldnt be, but it varies alot again based on the stats. You cannot pass easily or quickly when you have the ball so close to your feet. This again is true, still needs a slight tweak though as in real life you could still stab it out of your feet. You accuracy will suffer, as will the speed of the pass, but its not impossible.

The lobbed shots are great, but again, wait to take control of the ball and its more difficult and less responsive than it is if you pre-empt the lob, such as pressing the lob shot button as you run onto the ball, if it isnt in your feet. Again just like in real life. It's improvisation and decision making early. Just scored a beautiful clipped lob with Torres from 25 yards as the keeper was coming off his line and I could see it off the radar. The ball was played over the top by a sublime Xavi pass, Torres was running onto it, and I initiated the lob shot, with the power before he touched the ball. Sure enough he lobbed it first time. No response issues.

Been using Manual keeper at times and what a difference that makes if a player is through on goal with about 35-40 yards to goal. Again this is a decision you make in advance. Your reading the game. Love it.

The right trigger and the left stick pushed up then down, left then right, corner to corner etc, pull off some lovely 1st touches to deftly beat a man. Again, massively different, and player stat based. Or L2 and right stick in the same type of directions. But alot are relevant to the body angle position you push the stick to move it away in the direction you choose.

This is definatley all coded, but you need to think on your toes, or you will notice response issues that appear more realistically because you havent thought ahead with your play.

I still want the odd tweak here and there, but nothing major as I am learning to play this completely different to 2009. And it is for the better, as much as I loved that game. This is much more simulation based.

Individuality is HUGE in this game. The first touches are all different. And the cards make a huge difference. You need to know your players more than ever before.

The more I play this, the better it gets. It's the transition from PES 2009 which has been the problem. I learnt to play around the flaws for the most part. But this is completely different again. But I'm learning all over again, and the more learn, understand what Konami are trying to do, the more I seriously love it.

Some of the Xavi passes. Zlatan's incredible technique and control, and Messi's and Silva's styles to name just a few make the players feel like they do in real life. They make a huge difference. And not thank fuck because your pressing the sprint button, but with technique, guile, creativity, vision, the list goes on.

Very, very happy at the minute, which is a far cry from the other day.
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That's the version I have, but I have played the 360 version which didn't seem to have that issue (someone correct me if that's wrong). It looks (at this stage)as per usual the PS3 version isn't on par with the others.

Oh really? Oke, well I'll give that a try next week (silver account) as that was my main issue with the animations.
:) happy days!!! i have downloaded both the 360 version and the ps3 version and i think the 360 version is much better. The ps3 version seems much faster and the graphics dont seem as sharp to me. Maybe its just me but i will be getting pes on the 360 this year.
Re: PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback (closed until further notice)

Alright, in an attempt to keep this thread alive without deleting all the great things contributed in here, I've waded through the last couple of pages and deleted a plethora of replies which really shouldn't have been posted and "helped" turning this thread into a stinky pile of poo.

So before I'll reopen this thread, which will probably be in a few hours (because I want you all to read this first), let me clarify some things I'd like you all to respect from now on:

Within the last few years, our website has evolved from being a PES/WE-only site into a community that's trying to bring all videogaming football fans together. This includes FIFA. Being born as an ugly twin with three legs, it also took me some time to get used to it. Because honestly, I hated FIFA. The day we would grant FIFA webspace on this beloved site was supposed to be the final day of my administration. But I learned to cope with that. Hell, I even grew into respecting FIFA and liking it. FIFA 09 was probably the game I've played most (online) in the last ~12 months. If somebody would have told me that three years ago, I'd probably have slapped him like there's no tomorrow.

I'm telling you guys this because I can totally understand every single opinion in here, even though, in all fairness, I would have chosen some more mature words here and there ;)

This place isn't supposed to be a battlefield between PES and FIFA fans. This place has evolved into a site for people who like football and I'll do everything that's necessary to maintain the enjoyment this site has given me since 2001.

We should all unite and stop the childish "Fanboy"-yada-yada-yada. Let us all enjoy that there's two big companies still giving their very best efforts to let us all have fun playing these games.

In an effort to not let this thread go down the dumps again, show some more respect among each other. And keep your personal stories and insults out of here. Completely. Talk about the PES 2010 demo in here. Heck, you can even talk about FIFA in terms of comparisons. I love seeing constructive criticism without reading "FIFA FANBOY!" in the next reply. But the very moment I notice this thread is drifting into the (personal) gutter again, I'll equip my banhammer of doom to sort things out. Without handing out warnings. You've been warned!

End of my story. Show some more respect, we're all aiming for the very same thing: Having fun playing football games.

Tom out.
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Just tried the PES demo again. It's really not bad, but there are so many faults with the game that have been there for years now.

- Why can we only super cancel while running at full speed? It's stupid when all you need to do is move slightly to cut out the ball.. You end up running past it ffs.

Why no completely manual passing, shooting etc like in Fifa? Stupid.

Why can't we make subtle moves? I hate that the direction is 360, yet we can't make small movements. Very frustrating.

Animations, please fucking bring them up to the generation we have now.
I'll post what I think now that people will hopefully not get stroppy about it.

I think the gameplay in general just feels so restrictive... you shouldnt point the analog stick in the exact direction of one player and have it pass to another because he is closer...
360 degree dribbling doesn't seem to be present... You see players going at different angles occasionally, but you can still run in perfect lines up the touchline which shouldnt be possible if it was 360.
Manual passing is only 4 or 8 directions I think - even if fully automated passing makes players more individual, you should still have a good manual passing system so you are able to pass to areas the game doesn't currently allow you to pass to. The path and pace of the ball is entirely up to the CPU, so even if in your head you have an idea, you can't execute it as you wish unless the AI is thinking the same way as you do... I don't like that.
Defenders just let you walk past them even on top player, although it should be possible to skin defenders without tricks, you should have to send them the wrong way and use their momentum against them, on PES you just have to change direction at the right time and you have a load of space.
Your full backs just fuck off up the pitch leaving the wingers in space all the time (happens to the AI as well). I know players shouldn't keep their positions perfectly all the time, but it's very exaggerated in PES.
Response times are FIFA 08-ish at times.
Keepers are not realistic (PES5 keepers were much better)
Individuality seems dumbed down (since PES5 anyway)
The animations are very amateurish and a disgrace to this generation of consoles, considering what is possible and has already been done in other sports games (NBA 2K, Top Spin 3, FIFA 10... just about every other sports game)
The refereeing seems poor - got a pen for a VERY soft foul on the very edge of the box when my player just stumbled a little.

I like the weight to the shooting, the player switching (knows who to switch to and does it instantly) and super cancel is still quite effective and the graphics are stunning in still pictures, but in motion not so much.
I also love the replays (show the build-up, and the half/full time highlights are very nice) and the celebrations.

I just can't see anything at all in the gameplay that beats PES5... I even played 5 straight after 10 and it was so much better... I'd love to be able to enjoy the new version as much as some people here seem to...
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tried the demo again, its getting better but i really enjoyed the BAL mode, where u control one player on the feels much better then controling all eleven players
tried the demo again, its getting better but i really enjoyed the BAL mode, where u control one player on the feels much better then controling all eleven players

You can still try it mate, just stick the camera on the player and change the player selection in the controller settings to just one player.

I was pleasantly surprised how the AI are a lot better positionally than in PES 2009, and genuinely create space.
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You can still try it mate, just stick the camera on the player and change the player selection in the controller settings to just one player.

I was pleasantly surprise how the AI are a lot better positionally than PES 2009, and genuinely create space.

Im happy about this the AI in BAL 2009 was shit.

I can understand why people want manual passing but personally I feel the game will be moving away from the individualism.
I really hope this place can take criticism of PES where needed to state unlike the PES fanboy admins over at WENB who censor everybody left and right who give their impressions in a PES Demo impressions thread lol...there's logic for you!

Anyway regarding the PES demo, I downloaded the PC version first, I have to say I wasn't so keen on it, and said I much preferred Fifa this year based on the PS3 demo of that which I'd played previously - tis really good that game! I know what Tom is saying about respecting Fifa more and more as a quality football game!

But here's the thing that's strange, today I downloaded the PS3 version of the PES 2010 demo....and I really like it - it seems to flow a lot faster than the PC demo I'd played and looks almost as good the PS3 demo was being played at 720p, and I had my PC demo at 1080p resolution, but the framerate was if anything more stable in the PC version, I notice in the PS3 version it gets very choppy right near the end in certain cutscenes just before kick off - and yet I swear down blind that the PS3 version is a lot zippier in play and the game's a lot better for it in my opinion. And I don't think the difference was down to 720p vs 1080p because as I said the framerate's fine and if anything smoother in the PC version - but I wonder if they have intentionally slowed the PC version right down to accomodate the "default" keboard controls - baring in mind not everyone has PC pads whereas everyone has keyboards - conversely everyone with a PS3 has a PS3 pad by default, which by default is the best way to play PES and always has been.

So based on the PC demo - not so great.

Based on the PS3 demo - much better.

Fifa or PES this year on PS3 ? Truly neck and neck at this point, I said I wouldn't but I'm starting to think I'll buy and play both this year - and that's much more a testament to how good Fifa really is this year and this is coming from a "PES guy" - including last year - so well done EA and well done Konami, both companies have outdone themselves this year in one way or another - Fifa for it's gameplay, PES for it's graphics.

There's my impressions on the whole thing. I ask that you don't censor me like WENB staff did.
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I'm amazed by how different some peoples judgement are. Most people see this game as very mediocre and some see it as excellent. I envy those who believe it to be great. I've been dying to get that feeling I used to get on the ps2 versions years back. I've been pulling for Konami but am let down for three years straight now. Or is it four? Lost count. IMO there will be people who would like pes no matter what, strictly out of principle and loyalty, which I find very weird. Some will love it like they'll always love their embarrasing drunk uncle. Again, out of habit and loyalty. And some see greatness in it!

Clearly there's one thing I think we can all agree on....they need a new engine. A debatable other point is that they need a new motivated talented team. A shakeup of sorts. Just like in real football, you have to make changes.

About the game itself it all boils down to one major reason why I feel it is poor. Lack of fluidity. Yep. Stiff robotic running, inadequate and minimal animations...ruins the game for me. I think it has some good are pretty good although they have to lower their contrast and sharpness. It's too drastic and can make players look grotesque. Some players are great while others look weird but all in all good graphics. Nets are also greAt. Back to the poor...ball physics are exagerated. A simple backheel pass can result in a straight pass (as if gliding like a hockey puck in a football costume) 40 yards away. Response time is almost as bad as fifas used to be. Audio is poor - mediocre (especially ball thumps and players yelling in "agony").

All in all, a decent improvement over 09 but still, not saying much. I think the game can be enjoyable and would be a decent pick up if it was the only option. Being that it isn't, I'll pass on it again. The minute they surpass the competition, I'll be right there picking up my copy.

Please remember, all this is just my opinion.

unbiased reviewer
I have been playing the new pro evo demo most of the day today, i was taking notice of the many improvements they have made to the game since 2009, however i then watched the liverpool vs west ham game on at half 5 and realised that pro evo really does capture nothing about the real game. its eb and flow, they way it moves, indiviual players strengths and weaknesses. the pacey wingers and strikers in the game cannot go past (dribbling) an oppositon player, this is crazy and makes the game so un fun. Watchging the liverpool west ham game today, a player such as torres with his simply exlecctric speed was just gliding past players.
Everyone pans pes2008, cause the good players were to good, i.e gerrard could glide past a player, but thats exactly what he does in real life against any opposition. Pes 2008, in the event u were defending against this if u defended well you could neutralise the threat of these more skilled players, and was all the more satisfying when u kept a clean sheet at the end.
Then there is the shooting, whyyyyyyy????? doesnt the ball curl anymore. every shot has a load of back spin on it. the ball doesnt drop- it just rises. u have mr henry cutting in from the right hand side, u wanna calssic curl into the far corner- the shot goes in but it just travles completely staright- just ugly. that would be okay if it happened now and again. But u want variety in the finishing or situation your in. This is so unrealistic. When players shoot in real life something different happens to it every time. Fifa mirrors this somewhat, it is different every time now, whereas pro evo in the old days no 2 goals were the same, its lost that unfortunately. i could go on, but to cut a long story short my initial reactions were nice improvements, but once again konami huffed and puffed alot, but i think fans of the game are feeling somewhat deflated once again.
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Hi everyone.

I read this forum since 2008 I think, I like this demo a lot and I decided to post.

I play football games in general and Im not a fanboy, but I do prefer PES 2009 than FIFA 09 and again I prefer PES this year.
My english is not very good but I dont know well how to explain why I like PES more even in my language. I think is way more fun than "the other game" (lol) and has a lot of possibilities to score a goal, to do a normal pass or a through pass.

The demo grow a lot on me I can play on the Top Player and the game finishes 3-0, 0-3, 2-1, 0-1, 0-0... a lot of diferent results. The AI is great to me this year, in my opinion this game has a great pace and the players positioning is great.

Im not easy pleasured, just open minded. I have Winning Eleven 8, WE 9, WE 9 Liveware Evolution, PES 5, WEPES2007.... and I think we cant compare this year game (the demo) with the last we/pes editions. I will for sure play pes 2010 alot, against mates, against the cpu or online.

A simple post for a great game.

Sorry for my english.
Garrincha, no worries, your English is fine. I'm glad you enjoy pes. I wish I could. Funny cause at one point I was all about pes and looked at FIFA in disgust as it was terrible but now IMO FIFA wipes the floor with pes in so many areas. Who would have known? What were the chances that EA actually cared so much to make a brilliant game and Konami rest on their laurels for 3 years straight? I think Fifa will retain it's crown for a second year straight, easily. Let's hope Komami take it back next year and vice versa. We need this comp between the two. It's the only way us footy fans will be made happy.

I'll go as far as to say, that the last 15 mins is the most realistic football game I've ever played.

Played with Liverpool-Barcelona, and I've got to say it felt like I was watching the real game. The sliders/cards, make a HUGE difference.

I started the game with Liverpool's lineup yesterday. Masch as a defensive midfielder, Lucas as a central midfielder, and Gerrard as an attacking midfielder. Gave all 3 'Balanced' settings to make sure they'd all do the box to box work like they did yesterday. Yossi and Kuyt played as supporting strikers to Torres. Gave Agger the 'Extra man' card (or something like that), and gave both Insua and Johnson 'attacking' settings. Got the pressing and compactness settings to around 70, also gave a high value for positional switching, but gave a mid value for player support. Also started with 'Pressure' tactic in the beginning.

Game started with Barcelona trying to pass it quickly, and Kuyt, Lucas, and Gerrard were pressurizing the ball players madly. Resulted in a couple of quick counter attacks. Scored the first goal, Kuyt had the ball around the penalty area, and Gerrard was making a run behind the defense, he passed it, and Gerrard slotted it away.

Immediately, got my attacking level down to 'balanced', turned on the counter attack tactic, and gave Lucas and Mascherano 'defensive' setting. Barcelona kept passing it around, with me winning the ball a few times thanks to Mascherano, but didn't result in anyways. Eventually, Barcelona countered, Henry made a fool of Johnson, and it was 1-1. Half time, and I decided it was time to take the initiative.

Kept the ball, passed it around, and Johnson had a few opportunities, especially when he cut back on his left foot, and just missed the post (just like he does in real life). Unfortunately, Barcelona had a bit of possession, Xavi floated a ball in the box, Ibra controlled it magnificently with on foot, a little sidestep on Carragher, and it was 2-1.

Decided I needed to take a more attacking route. Got Lucas attacking, and tried to keep the ball more. Yossi had the ball on the left, he cut inside with a dummy on Alves, passed it to Gerrard, and he thumped it from 25 yards. 2-2!

Time to win the game I decided, and the pressure was mounting continuously. Gerrard had a nice 1-2 with Johnson, burst past Abidal, and cut it back, for Benayoun to score a simple tap in. 3-2

15 minutes left, and I decided to protect the lead. Got Babel on for Yossi to give me pace on the counter, shifted back Lucas and Gerrard to defensive roles, and set on 'All Defense' tactic (which works like a charm). My players hardly step beyond the half way line, with only Torres pressurizing the defenders, but once you got near the box, you had 3 players on the ball carrier. Still, it didn't seem to work, as Barcelona had to too much space, and Henry almost scored, but hit the bar.

Realized the my defense were bombing to far forward. Set up Agger's 'extra player' card, gave Insua and Johnson defensive settings, and got Aurelio on for Torres. Set up both Aurelio and Kuyt as side midfielders, and Babel as the long forward, going 'All Defense'. Just like you can imagine, Barcelona had plenty of space on their own half, but very little when the approached the area. I had left Gerrard as 'free roamer', so whenever I had the ball, he'd bomb forward, and almost scored a goal. Managed to hold onto the lead, and those 15 mins felt like I was the manager.

INCREDIBLE. Never been so engrossed in a game in my lift.

Didn't care about animations, didn't care about graphics (though they are brilliant). But it all just felt right. And at every moment, I was thinking, what should be my next step? My next move. And this was on normal difficult setting. Look for a solution, trying to remember Liverpool playing in real life, and trying to emulate it.

Defending is an art, and this game showed it. And this was ONE game. I'm going to spend the whole day, playing with different teams, and exploring this game. But my guess is that anyone who really enjoys the tactical side of the game, will LOVE this.
yeah mate the sliders/cards really making a big part in terms of gameplay..don't know why many people said the tactics is 'poo'..probably they just don't know how to use it..
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