PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

@joystik I had an erection watching that video. I simply loved that build up and the way the ball bounces and bobbles is off the map. That deflection off the keepers knee to deflect it away from goal is excellent.

So far so good....I am loving the response from some people here, especially the ones that have been optimistic about the build up since day one. I do believe that more people are going to latch onto this game as time goes on.

@Jimmy this first touch thing seems to be the biggest thumbs up from you and I have to agree fully. I want to have to work those fingers again till it's second nature to me to press R2 to trap the ball.

@billyboy that is an awesome reveiw, I love the setup you have there. It's so much more substantial than "I played one game and it's wank shit/10 ha ha ha".
i'm not one for typing up 15 page of bollocks on why i like/dislike the game but played it last night after a long day at work, around 10pm last night...played two games and turned it off, wasn't in the mood and wasn't that impressed

turned it on again this morning, two words "love it"....of course with all games there are a couple of grievances but overall it plays much better than pes2009 and that's all i can ask for

the way the game has slowed suits the way i play the game....doesn't feel like ping pong anymore

scored a cracker this morning with stevie G...torres got tackled just outside the box and gerrard took one touch and shot along the floor across the keeper and into the far corner with his left rippled just the way i like..B E A UTIFUL

last night when my eyes were like piss holes in the snow i was reading this thread and thought perhaps jimmy was going overboard for his love for pes2010 but now i agree....nice one Jim! oh and also Dr Force summed it up for me aswell
If anyone has got the PS3 and 360 versions could they please give us a comparison.

I think the 360 has better (slower) pace, and the PS3 seems to have missing animations.
My feedback:

Great game. Great graphics. I have the same 'I've got to learn this game' feeling that I used to get back on PS2. As I predicted and got heckled for the 360 dribbling is there but doesn't mean jack.

I tested Fifa 09 for 4 months before switching back to PES so I am pro-PES but how can anyone seriously enjoy a game that has such clumsy tactics activation - I am assuming that Fifa 10 has the same game-ruining system. I mean forget about the offside trap - by the time you activate it in Fifa the ball is back on the centre circle. You can't even change formations without pausing in Fifa!!

Anyway - each to their own but I just don't get it. PES has nailed it this year. That is of course unless you have OCD, never seen a woman naked and wear 4 pairs of specs (ie you need perfect animations, 360 dribbling, keepers that never ever screw up and ideal ball sounds and new nets).

I gotta say, I am a die hard PES fan but this year, 2010 has not made the jump I have been expecting, whereas FIFA 10, having copied ALL of PES's concepts, has finally succeeded. Seriously you owe it to yourself to try Fifa 10, with jostling and the 360 movement, it is light years ahead of this garbage.

Don't get me wrong, PES will still be a lot of fun to play in 2 v 2 mode etc and with mates but if I could take the ML and the shooting and crossing over to Fifa I would stick with Fifa because there's a fluidity and reponsiveness in Fifa that PES has failed to match.

I just....argh....OMFG I cannnot believe how bad this demo is. I am so pissed as ML has got such a huge upgrade and I'm still seeing B.S A.I and there's still those shitty A.I offsides and lack of urgency

I used to laugh in fifa fan's faces and say Fifa = soccer, Pes = football. This time it's the other way around. I feel so let down. :RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT::RANT:

Here's some highlights of my first few games...

YouTube - PES 2010 Demo Highlights PC

I think I will really enjoy this game as long as they sort out the delay issues when passing/shooting. It might be more exaggerated on my laptop but it seems lots of people are talking about it. There are so many little things that I like which I keep spotting, you can see some in my video. I'll post some more thoughts once I've played some more games.

As to Fifa 10 which inevitably gets compared, I played the 360 demo which at first play I thought was excellent (I'd never played a Fifa game since 2002), for me it was a breath of fresh air with all the animations and subtle touches and jostling. However, there are two factors which still hold it back significantly for me:

  • the ball physics when shooting and long balls seem very airy compared with PES, even short passes seem like they have little weight.

  • you lack that player individuallity that you get with PES

both I know are common problems I know, but annoy me nonetheless and slightly ruin what probably would be an excellent football game. I think this year I'll be getting both for the first time and play whichever one I'm in the mood for.

I want to play the PES demo a few more times before posting my fews on that, since I'm finding as I'm adjusting to it, I'm liking things more, whilst also finding a few things I hope they iron out. As for PC, I don't know why Fifa can't get it together, it's definitely gonna be PES again this year.

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I haven't bought FIFA since 1994! I will be this year though...

PES 2010 is much better than the previous 2 efforts but having played FIFA 10 demo thats what I will be buying this year.

Shame as I thought that this would be PES's year...
I have PS3, and I downloaded the FIFA 10 demo yesterday before the PS Store was updated, and managed to play 2 full games before feeling great agony and wondering what the heck I was doing. It didn't appeal to me at all, as usual when it comes to FIFA. (Though I did have a few acceptable games on 09 or maybe it was 08, can't remember) And I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but it just didn't feel like football to me, and it didn't feel like I was in the game at all.

So when the PS Store finally updated last night, and with very low expectations considering how awful PES 08 & PES 09 have been (didn't buy either one), I installed it and got ready to play. And...

It actually felt a bit like PES again. The response times aren't a big issue for me since most people are saying that they will have been improved in the final version, the graphics are great, you're able to play the ball around without the pinball feel to it. Compared to the PES 09 demo, which was a complete waste of my time, this actually feels like a football game again.

The only real problems I'm having concerns the way players move in some situations. I don't really care about the running animations and such, but the way the players turn sometimes feels really jerky and sudden, as opposed to the slower allround gameplay that's in the game this year. It doesn't feel really balanced. Other than that, I'm happy with the demo and have scored some good goals and put together good passing plays like in the old days. I'm thinking I'm gonna buy this.
Hammered it for a few hours, here.s my opinion

Graphics: Excellent, especially lighting, replays are a joy

Ball physics: Much improved from 09, crosses are better, passes are not slow anymore, long balls are heavier and lofted throough balls are effective, when played correctly.

Speed: Much better than last year, much better than FIFA

Dribbling: A return to old school PES, excellent. You need to hold the ball up, not force it forward everytime, use your brain, play football and you'll see this is a recreation of real football when attacking. Much imrproved.

Keepers: spill it sometimes, make leg saves and reflex saves very good.

Defense: fantastic. Never pressure with the man in front if he is exposed, force them to play it around by pressuring with midfielders, your players come back and close space beutifully, if you use this intelligence you will get tight, close games.

Response times: noticed it, now its a non issue as long as you take into account individuality and space with the ball. Let go of the sprint more often than in 09. Your players will have more time to control.

Individuality of teams/players: This is the defining factor of PES, beutifully recreated physics which really mean you need to know who u r playing with, what he can do and how to approach your next touch. Same for teams, Barca makes triangles, Liverpool swings wide and crosses, Italy will pass al game if 1-0 up. This may be the best version yet for individual traits.

AI: Still pisses me off, sometimes they just don't make clever runs. Other times they have something in mind but alas, you cannot force the ball there.

Animations: Some were breathtaking, others leave a lot to be desired. Keeper animations look clumsy when ground shots come in, some lass animations look like the player will break his hip attempting the easy pass..but therese are minor annoyances thus far. Other animations are delightful, especially the first touch heel pass. Doing a backheel now sees your player twist and fall on his arse, anyone have this issue? Backheels were easier in 09.

Overall, footballs best binary incarnation on next gen. Fluid, deliberate, tight and gives you that PES factor back, lost for so long. I'm overjoyed and so were all my mates who hammered it yesterday. Transition play is also gold when you have attacking bias set to 4 or 5.

This blows the FIFA demo out of the water.
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:LOL: That was my Drogba goal zee. Glad you liked it. :)

I must say that build-up and goal from jcbwfc is the best goal I've seen in this demo. SICK build-up play. You must be a pain to play against. I play a similar way. sending people on runs etc (with 1-2's in PES) and then passing it back and switching play.

I won't bore/annoy you guys with my opinion on the demo. I'm digging the graphics and some of the context sensitive tricks of PES, but overall I'm liking Fifa more at the moment and I don't see it changing for this year.

On the plus side, Mr.A says the response times are much better in his 90% version of the game.

Lastly, I'm glad someone addressed that very off-base point about manual controls. Actully, PES could really do with semi-assisted controls to make use of that 360 control.
@joystik I had an erection watching that video. I simply loved that build up and the way the ball bounces and bobbles is off the map. That deflection off the keepers knee to deflect it away from goal is excellent.

Glad to be of service :LOL:

Some really mixed views on here, perhaps some of you will appreciate it more after giving yourself time to adapt.

I don't really understand these rigidity arguments. Using the analogue stick lets you open so many new angles and changes the game so much. I really think this game is nigh on impossible to play using the dpad.
I have PS3, and I downloaded the FIFA 10 demo yesterday before the PS Store was updated, and managed to play 2 full games before feeling great agony and wondering what the heck I was doing. It didn't appeal to me at all, as usual when it comes to FIFA. (Though I did have a few acceptable games on 09 or maybe it was 08, can't remember) And I'm not trying to be a hater or anything but it just didn't feel like football to me, and it didn't feel like I was in the game at all.

So when the PS Store finally updated last night, and with very low expectations considering how awful PES 08 & PES 09 have been (didn't buy either one), I installed it and got ready to play. And...

It actually felt a bit like PES again. The response times aren't a big issue for me since most people are saying that they will have been improved in the final version, the graphics are great, you're able to play the ball around without the pinball feel to it. Compared to the PES 09 demo, which was a complete waste of my time, this actually feels like a football game again.

The only real problems I'm having concerns the way players move in some situations. I don't really care about the running animations and such, but the way the players turn sometimes feels really jerky and sudden, as opposed to the slower allround gameplay that's in the game this year. It doesn't feel really balanced. Other than that, I'm happy with the demo and have scored some good goals and put together good passing plays like in the old days. I'm thinking I'm gonna buy this.

I know what you mean, I've played both the PS3 and the 360 version, the 360 didn't seem to have those odd player movements, so hopefully this will be sorted in the final game.
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whats up with the lighting? Its nice on midfield, but in the goal area its just too damn bright. like watching into the sun
I have to agree with you sir. The feeling is gone. It's still there for PS2 vesion for me against my mate. This Demo feels stiff and robotic as it can get. It feels like a polished version of PES2009. Many restrictions in gameplay. The automatic stuck on rails crap is blatantly there. Especially on through balls. I don't feel any freedom on the pitch. The awful ball sounds and even the goal-post sound is very arcadish for my taste. Everything just feels clunky, stiff, slow, and heavy. It does not seem like a totally different game positively. It really feels like a slight upgrade from last year's version. I have a feeling we were lied to again. I also have a feeling this is the Gamescon version, and even if it isn't, it isn't that inspiring since Adam sounded very dissappointed with his more current dated version. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone but this is my opinion. I have cancelled my pre-order. Just not worth paying full price for a slight upgrade full of restrictions and good graphics.

That's how me and my mates felt last nite. After a few tries we went back to our beloved pes6. Even if for single player i am still preferring we9lek(Best Footie Game to date).

Ideed "Everything just feels clunky, stiff, slow, and heavy".
Dunno what happened to the dev team...maybe the new 100 employee weren't enough...
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I played about 13 matches yesterday. Overall, after playing the game, I just don't understand some of the people and comments here.

There's no depth in this game AT ALL. I played in TOP difficulty and began winning on my third match to win all the rest (varying the teams all the time). That's because there is NO DEPTH in the controls. They're easy as hell and I get the feeling that people who likes the game may be usual gamers or people not particularly skilled at it. That could explain why they never "get" or "feel" into other games.

First, the main thing. Since the first minute, I was able to pass like an angel to anyone almost anytime. Most of the time it doesn't event matter if your player is backing the ball or if he has no legs. You press X and a perfect pass is done. No skill needed at all. It's easy as shitting. I can literally pass the ball between my players to no end without even taking into consideration any other factor than pressing X and a vague direction (again, it doesn't matter that much because the CPU will put the ball where it wants to sometimes).

L1+X is as effective as always, completely breaking defenses. From the third match and on I managed to play passing at first touch through the whole pitch until a cross / through ball / shot ended the play, and scored a couple of goals by simply getting into the area passing (without any other button used other than X, note it) and shooting. What depth is there? I don't do anything special, simply point and click X, and the pass is 90% of the times PERFECT, no matter the context, no matter the player, no matter the opponent.

Once I saw how freaking easy it was to pass around (that includes long passes for me) I tried dribbling, that in general's opinion is very hard. I found it as easy as it was in pes 5, pes6, that means I can regularly skin the defender simply by changing direction, do a little feint and sprint. Of course, you can't dribble the entire team, and I feel people thinks it's very hard only because they can't just dribble all the time.

Then shooting. yes, physics are nice most of the times (though I've found there's no swerve, no dip, nothing, the ball uses to go straight), but the problem is still the scriptedness. There's very little relationship between what you do with the pad and the outcome. Many times I shoot to a corner but the player ends up shooting straight to the keeper just to keep scorelines low. Yep, cheatvision is still there. More later.

Then the worse thing: collision detection. How awful it is. It's amateurish at best. I've seen things of all colours, but ashaming if you see them in close view. Balls trespassing bodies, balls getting the opposite rebound to what reality would expect, balls frezzing suddenly in the air until they are kicked, ball changing direction without any contact registered, the list is so long... Not to mention body collisions, that are a joke, I've seen players trespassing each other, or even some instances in which players rebound between themselves and suddenly appear at "the other side" of each other. How amazingly ugly is this? There's a random component into collisions but in a very bad way, you can expect to succeed previewing what will happen if you're guided by what would happen in reality.

AI is terrible terrible terrible. Players that walk away of the ball, players that suddenly walk away of their position by no reason, SIDEBACKS always away from WINGERS (you can't avoid this in any way in this demo, and I'm a tactical bitch)...

And then goalkeepers. They can makes splendid moves and have great reflexes (though it's quite suspicious that no matter which team I choose, my keeper is more prone to error than my opponent...mmmm, must be the excelling teamvision again). But at the same time the ammount of bugs / stupid behaviour is appaling. Half my goals came from stupid defenders suddenly leaving the striker alone in the area (and I mean literally walking away from him), but half the goals came in absurd goalkeeping behaviour.

They have BIG problems trying to catch soft bouncing balls, most of the times they simply walk sideways through the goal line. Sometimes the cpu shot and my keeper was simply walking to the direction of the ball without diving / trying to catch it), Some times a soft shot went under his body when he dived as if the world was ending tomorrow. Simply put there's so much problems to be fixed in one or two months. Impossible. The fantastic saves, though have a terrible feeling of "scriptedness" because in goal scrambles sometimes a spilled ball comes to my striker and when I shoot the ball doesn't go where I point, but to the keeper that is automatically executing the "great save" animation.

Animations look awkward by the same reason of late, the animation engine fails miserably again and again and you can see where an animation starts, ends and "tries" to blend. The quality of the animations themselves varies from great to poor. Feels terribly unfinished (not to the quality level you would expect in a demo anyways).

Finally, reaction times are shit. Period. We all agree. Only a fool would try to defend this.

Even though all this points sound very negative (but I'm not making up anything, you can check all this in the game by yourselves or you can deny reality...), there's many positives.

The pace of the game is better than in pes 2009. It's odd that the "passing" game plays at an incredible speed but the "dribbling" game feels heavy and slow.

Lightning engine is great! A shame it's a football game and lightning doesn't have any impacto on gameplay. The time spent on this could have been put into really important areas, but the result is awesome. Faces are good, but not as impressive as some told. They have a strange bump mapping applied that makes them cardboard-looking and you can see the photos stretched through the mesh. But overall graphics are vastly superior to other football games.

Tactical options are good and can potentially make human vs human enjoyable and a longer experience in time.

I don't understand people who praise this as the perfect simulation of football. It doesn't look like that at all, and most importantly, it's a pick and play product for casual gamers and kids.

Maybe having manual everything in Fifa has had a good effect in my gaming skills, but really I'm not a pes fan and I could win 90% of my games in my first day. I scored free-kicks, volleys, headers, long shots and a LOT of spilled balls to tap in. Where's the fuss of it? Maybe some people like it because it's so easy to play and you don't need to be 100% focused to get the most of it.

I respect it, I mean, not everyone wants to play with complex control layouts, some people simply wants to stay simpler and play for fun. It's great and I do it randomly. Simply I don't lie to myself saying it's a depth football simulation. I used to play COD 2 and had great times with friends when it had only 2 buttons.

Hell, I enjoyed SWOS and was even simpler than current games. And yes, I enjoyed sometimes the demo for what it is, an action-oriented football game to people who wants a pick-n-play experience. Though I'm not sure slow response times will convince this kind of audience.
I'd just like to point out, echoing what others have said.

If you look at the FIFA thread, there has been an equal amount of praise as there has been negativity. It's been discussed, agreed or disagreed with, with respect.

Then you come to this thread. If you post a negative you are instantly labelled a fanboy of the FIFA series.

I don't know - there have been a ton of people posting in here just to throw out negatives in childish ways. A lot of the negatives have also been 'Pes is bad because fifa does it better.' Someone was telling Jimmy and others to go kill themselves last night!

It's as if they played the PES demo already with the thought that 'Fifa is the game for me this year'. Then they came on here thinking...

Note to self.... jump into the PES thread and tell everyone how you hate it and make sure to use the words realism, realistic representation of football, simulation and opinion as many times as possible when referring to Fifa. No one can then argue back with you then.

I don't find Fifa to be as 'realistic' as some say myself as there's little to no player individuality. Some players stand out like Gerrard can kick the ball hard and keep it down but when he doesn't play in the liverpool side you hardly notice he's missing. The team are just as strong and his replacement is not the weak link in the chain.

Personally I'm a bit bored of the Fifa style. I can see the good in it but it's just the exact same stuff this year yet again from them with tweaks. They can't even be arsed redesigning the menus so they're more user friendly. I bought fifa last year on day 1 and 2 months later was fed up of it.

It's like eating a subway every day. You can change the fillings and meat but eventually you get fed up and want something else. That's where I'm at currently with Fifa and PES is really my only choice. Thankfully I'm not finding it as terrible as others.
Played 4 matches. you can see potential for the game. the thing I don't like though is the assisted passing. I want to have some freedom. With Semi or Manual Controls this game could be pretty good. For all the fuss on mo-cap though I really can't see too big a difference.
One thing that surprised me was the overlapping fullbacks. One of the main drawbacks of previous PES games (in an attacking sense) was that fullbacks didn't support the attack sufficiently. In my first match on the demo yesterday, I was in control of Gerrard in the final third, under pressure from some Barca defenders, and I didn't have many choices available. Then, I saw Glen Johnson haring up the wing like a man possessed. Great to see.
Good post Rad.

(Apart from the Subway bit, you can keep that)

It has only been one day since the launch of the demo and again I get the impression people are on a personal crusade to outdo one game with the other, we've seen it in the FIFA thread, although not as severe, and now it's turned to this thread. Sure, there are only two football games to choose from so you are naturally going to compare the two. Some people have given their opinions really well, and I can respect a lot of the dissenting opinions against PES. However, there have also been a glut of "It's shit" comments. How does that help the discussion? Who are they trying to convince? Other people or themselves? It's already turned personal and a lot of insults have been thrown out which is utterly ridiculous. They're not stupid for having their opinion, it's how they feel.

There are a lot of things that annoy me about the latest PES demo gameplay-wise, which I have already expressed above, but above all, it's fun, it's unpredictable, it's entertaining. It's by no means perfect, nor does it require the same level of skill as the other game, but it's entertaining for me and I'm still playing it, so that says a lot. I can genuinely say in the 30+ matches I've had on both the PC and PS3 versions, not one has been the same. I like that. I did really enjoy the FIFA demo also and the gameplay is superb to my eyes, but this has been hampered by the short playing time and the lack of teams available to play with, and some niggling bugs, which thanks to CD, have now been brought to the attention of EA so hopefully will be sorted by the final release. Of course I'm going to buy FIFA, I'd be stupid not to give it a real go. I just really hope this year I can get stuck in with the MM and learn how to use different teams to my advantage, rather than being forced to play the same football with the same teams, with the majority of players that feel the same. PES already has that individuality as far as I can gather from the demo, so I'm not worried about the tactical aspects of the game and I'm really looking forward to learning how to play with different teams and how to craft my tactics to suit them. I just hope I can live with the gameplay.
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For those who are saying the fake shot isnt in. It definately is, and alot smoother than its has ever been before. You press shoot then X to cancel it. It's always been like that unless your talking about something else ?

The players abilities determine alot of the subtle natural tricks depending on their stats.

So, it makes the whole movement? In my game, the player just cancel the shot but he doesnt change the direction like previous games. It looks weird...
I played about 13 matches yesterday. Overall, after playing the game, I just don't understand some of the people and comments here.

There's no depth in this game AT ALL. I played in TOP difficulty and began winning on my third match to win all the rest (varying the teams all the time). That's because there is NO DEPTH in the controls. They're easy as hell and I get the feeling that people who likes the game may be usual gamers or people not particularly skilled at it. That could explain why they never "get" or "feel" into other games.

First, the main thing. Since the first minute, I was able to pass like an angel to anyone almost anytime. Most of the time it doesn't event matter if your player is backing the ball or if he has no legs. You press X and a perfect pass is done. No skill needed at all. It's easy as shitting. I can literally pass the ball between my players to no end without even taking into consideration any other factor than pressing X and a vague direction (again, it doesn't matter that much because the CPU will put the ball where it wants to sometimes).

L1+X is as effective as always, completely breaking defenses. From the third match and on I managed to play passing at first touch through the whole pitch until a cross / through ball / shot ended the play, and scored a couple of goals by simply getting into the area passing (without any other button used other than X, note it) and shooting. What depth is there? I don't do anything special, simply point and click X, and the pass is 90% of the times PERFECT, no matter the context, no matter the player, no matter the opponent.

Once I saw how freaking easy it was to pass around (that includes long passes for me) I tried dribbling, that in general's opinion is very hard. I found it as easy as it was in pes 5, pes6, that means I can regularly skin the defender simply by changing direction, do a little feint and sprint. Of course, you can't dribble the entire team, and I feel people thinks it's very hard only because they can't just dribble all the time.

Then shooting. yes, physics are nice most of the times (though I've found there's no swerve, no dip, nothing, the ball uses to go straight), but the problem is still the scriptedness. There's very little relationship between what you do with the pad and the outcome. Many times I shoot to a corner but the player ends up shooting straight to the keeper just to keep scorelines low. Yep, cheatvision is still there. More later.

Then the worse thing: collision detection. How awful it is. It's amateurish at best. I've seen things of all colours, but ashaming if you see them in close view. Balls trespassing bodies, balls getting the opposite rebound to what reality would expect, balls frezzing suddenly in the air until they are kicked, ball changing direction without any contact registered, the list is so long... Not to mention body collisions, that are a joke, I've seen players trespassing each other, or even some instances in which players rebound between themselves and suddenly appear at "the other side" of each other. How amazingly ugly is this? There's a random component into collisions but in a very bad way, you can expect to succeed previewing what will happen if you're guided by what would happen in reality.

AI is terrible terrible terrible. Players that walk away of the ball, players that suddenly walk away of their position by no reason, SIDEBACKS always away from WINGERS (you can't avoid this in any way in this demo, and I'm a tactical bitch)...

And then goalkeepers. They can makes splendid moves and have great reflexes (though it's quite suspicious that no matter which team I choose, my keeper is more prone to error than my opponent...mmmm, must be the excelling teamvision again). But at the same time the ammount of bugs / stupid behaviour is appaling. Half my goals came from stupid defenders suddenly leaving the striker alone in the area (and I mean literally walking away from him), but half the goals came in absurd goalkeeping behaviour.

They have BIG problems trying to catch soft bouncing balls, most of the times they simply walk sideways through the goal line. Sometimes the cpu shot and my keeper was simply walking to the direction of the ball without diving / trying to catch it), Some times a soft shot went under his body when he dived as if the world was ending tomorrow. Simply put there's so much problems to be fixed in one or two months. Impossible. The fantastic saves, though have a terrible feeling of "scriptedness" because in goal scrambles sometimes a spilled ball comes to my striker and when I shoot the ball doesn't go where I point, but to the keeper that is automatically executing the "great save" animation.

Animations look awkward by the same reason of late, the animation engine fails miserably again and again and you can see where an animation starts, ends and "tries" to blend. The quality of the animations themselves varies from great to poor. Feels terribly unfinished (not to the quality level you would expect in a demo anyways).

Finally, reaction times are shit. Period. We all agree. Only a fool would try to defend this.

Even though all this points sound very negative (but I'm not making up anything, you can check all this in the game by yourselves or you can deny reality...), there's many positives.

The pace of the game is better than in pes 2009. It's odd that the "passing" game plays at an incredible speed but the "dribbling" game feels heavy and slow.

Lightning engine is great! A shame it's a football game and lightning doesn't have any impacto on gameplay. The time spent on this could have been put into really important areas, but the result is awesome. Faces are good, but not as impressive as some told. They have a strange bump mapping applied that makes them cardboard-looking and you can see the photos stretched through the mesh. But overall graphics are vastly superior to other football games.

Tactical options are good and can potentially make human vs human enjoyable and a longer experience in time.

I don't understand people who praise this as the perfect simulation of football. It doesn't look like that at all, and most importantly, it's a pick and play product for casual gamers and kids.

Maybe having manual everything in Fifa has had a good effect in my gaming skills, but really I'm not a pes fan and I could win 90% of my games in my first day. I scored free-kicks, volleys, headers, long shots and a LOT of spilled balls to tap in. Where's the fuss of it? Maybe some people like it because it's so easy to play and you don't need to be 100% focused to get the most of it.

I respect it, I mean, not everyone wants to play with complex control layouts, some people simply wants to stay simpler and play for fun. It's great and I do it randomly. Simply I don't lie to myself saying it's a depth football simulation. I used to play COD 2 and had great times with friends when it had only 2 buttons.

Hell, I enjoyed SWOS and was even simpler than current games. And yes, I enjoyed sometimes the demo for what it is, an action-oriented football game to people who wants a pick-n-play experience. Though I'm not sure slow response times will convince this kind of audience.

Watching the videos, I strongly agree... especially with the animations and collisions part, which is only expected with an old-gen engine when all other sport games have moved on years ago...
Has anyone scored a penalty yet?

What were they thinking changing to that camera angle?!
Has anyone scored a penalty yet?

What were they thinking changing to that camera angle?!

The penalty cam hasn't been implemented yet tobi, it's going to be in the final build. So they've just left it for these incomplete builds.

I've scored a few penalties, but they've all been down the middle. I daren't try and direct it for fear of it ballooning over the bar.
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