PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

I'm very dissapointed. Also thinking about stepping over to FIFA as well. Starting to apreciate FIFA more and more, the 360 movement there is just great. When you play the FIFA 10 demo and after it play the PES 2010 demo, the players really look like they are made of wooden. The ball sounds are just plain stupid and overall it doesn't feel like a real step forward from pes 2009. Don't know what's wrong with konami, but they really lost it somewhere. I've been driven into the (used to be) enemey's hands.
Has anyone else noticed that the AI doesn't use 360 motion and still moves the old 8 ways? Seems like 360 motion was rushed in and they didn't have time to implement it for the AI.
I'm very dissapointed. Also thinking about stepping over to FIFA as well. Starting to apreciate FIFA more and more, the 360 movement there is just great. When you play the FIFA 10 demo and after it play the PES 2010 demo, the players really look like they are made of wooden. The ball sounds are just plain stupid and overall it doesn't feel like a real step forward from pes 2009. Don't know what's wrong with konami, but they really lost it somewhere. I've been driven into the (used to be) enemey's hands.

I take the exact opposite view.
Right played a few matches and my impressions

Firstly I'd like to say I'm not comparing it to FIFA because I feel PES of recent years isn't a simulation any more nor does it probably have the complete package of FIFA.

I've spoilered the FIFA comparison as it seems to anger a few.

I started the game hoping for a decent PES for a change and im pretty much happy with it, My expectations were very low indeed but I'd say its probably exceeded them.

The pace of the game is perfect, it really is for a game which I consider to be blend of arcade and realism the pace is better for the latter which is good news for me. The passing is something which is just weird and doesn't let the game flow properly, not does it just do this but the amount of times it passes to the wrong player is just fucking awful, PES needs to make its passing more "accurate" or allow us to have minimum of Semi controls if their not willing to go Manual. Shooting is pretty good, when you strike a shot you can really hit them well but I'd like Konami to add a feature where you can "place" a shot instead for situations where theirs a empty net and your player attempts to rifle it into the top corner.

Response times are just so bad it makes me wonder what Konami are thinking, Something which has been championed by fans of the series has been totally removed :SS. Something similar to this is the dribbling, It just doesn't feel right at all, you can't beat a man cause of the response times and when you do its down to the CPU standing still.

360 dribbling then? ....No you didn't notice it either? Well its definetly not 360 dribbling but it has improved the certain aspects of the dribbling (which in turn is ruined cause of the response times) with you moving in directions you couldn't before but its not 360.

Something which PES is suffering from badly is the rigidness of the game, it just doesn't feel free at all, it seems like your running in straight lines or moving in straight angles. Needs major work this. Another issue is the way players turn, it feels like your turning a tank!

Overall its a much better game than PES 2008/9 simply because some of the basic flaws have been removed. A solid PES title for people who enjoy what the game offers, Something difficult but not ultra hard, something simple and not so much depth and good fun.

7/10 (Demo impressions, Retail version will differ my opinion) :))

Well comparing this to FIFA, isn't right because one is ultra realism while the other is a blend of arcade, good fun and realistic aspects. Something which is interesting me though is the way EA have slowly improved on things which PES has got worse at.

FIFA 08 was a very good game and the start of the EA dominance but it had things missing from it which PES had over it. Response times, Players feeling stiff, Dribbling being utterly impossible, Individuality and shooting. These were all aspects which PES had over FIFA but now all these aspects FIFA has not just closed the gap with but with some beaten PES convincingly. PES improved a lot this year but the worrying aspect is in such a year EA probably improved a game which didn't need the same amount of improvement even more than the competitor. Apart from the general aspect of the two games PES IMO doesn't offer anything "Better" than FIFA other than and better close up graphics.
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Some nice videos there by the way.

A few concerns and niggles for me after playing it all day. Although the shooting is solid, I dont feel there is enough variation. Alot of shots stay very straight, little dip, swerve etc. I also think the shooting isnt responsive enough. Keepers are brilliant though I'm finding.

Its lacking its instinct in certain areas, hopefully this will be fixed.

Anyway, this is my best goal of the day. A Gerrard screamer, not a bad one to open my PES 2010 Free-Kick account with. Pick that out keeper. :LOL:

YouTube - Gerrard Freekick
Nice freekick man. I'm not that good yet. I used to be sick with Becks back in the day. I'm still going to pick up PES and Fifa, both have their issues. I find it very hard to compare the actual games, but I can say that I've enjoyed the Fifa demo more.

PES however is throwing up some nice touches. I literally just now scored another sick goal with the Ribery/Gourcuff partnership. I'm better than Raymond Dominech mate :lol: Just uploading. ahaha Everytime I think I'm done with the demo I do something sweet and need to upload it!!

here it is:

YouTube - PES 2010 Demo - Ribery Skill & Gourcuff Goal

YouTube - PES 2010 Demo - Ribery Skill & Gourcuff Goal (WIDE / TV Cam)
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its good so far

1) Response time is letting the game down.
2) keeper has done some weird things

These should be fixed for release. There is also quite a few new animations which i like. This feels like a completely different game when compared to Pes 09.
I saw that flick too. Shame that Kuyt was actually using his standing foot to pass the ball along the floor! I wondered why the hell he was cocking his leg like a dog.

:lol: that's no good.

Yeh i just scored (top player) and messi celebrated as the ball was going in. That's cocky as hell. I like it.

YouTube - PES 2010 Demo - Messi Celebrates..

I'm settling into things and top player is definitely going to be worth the purchase. No other difficulty though. There are some frightening moments while defending in this game though (due to response times. I simply DO NOT trust myself passing around at the back. One delayed kick results in a 1v1 and the CPU is brutal at those.
I remember back in the day getting Winning Eleven months before my friends got PES. The excitement, the editing of every player into English before I started master league and my friends being so happy to play the new release. Those days are long gone. This demo does nothing for me.

i co-sign that feeling...this demo is "MEH" like the english say, same feeling i got when i played pes2009 last year...unfortnatly actually, since i miss the good ol WE days.

btw the guy who said u could see untucked shirts on the wide camera lied, at least on the ps3 its not seable...all the players look the same in this aspect on the wide camera...its that bad.
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i co-sign that feeling...this demo is "MEH" like the english say, same feeling i got when i played pes2009 last year...unfortnatly actually, since i miss the good ol WE days.

I have to agree with you sir. The feeling is gone. It's still there for PS2 vesion for me against my mate. This Demo feels stiff and robotic as it can get. It feels like a polished version of PES2009. Many restrictions in gameplay. The automatic stuck on rails crap is blatantly there. Especially on through balls. I don't feel any freedom on the pitch. The awful ball sounds and even the goal-post sound is very arcadish for my taste. Everything just feels clunky, stiff, slow, and heavy. It does not seem like a totally different game positively. It really feels like a slight upgrade from last year's version. I have a feeling we were lied to again. I also have a feeling this is the Gamescon version, and even if it isn't, it isn't that inspiring since Adam sounded very dissappointed with his more current dated version. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone but this is my opinion. I have cancelled my pre-order. Just not worth paying full price for a slight upgrade full of restrictions and good graphics.
Hi all.

I'm sorry, I've arrived late from work and I still am on page 7 of this thread, so if this has already come up, pardon me.

Main gripes with the demo:

- The shot feint is really hit and miss... It now must be a timing thing, where it didn't use to be. I'm really not getting to grips with it.
- Where did the option of HAVING to press R3 for a manual pass go? In PES 2009, if I'm not mistaken, you could still change whether or not you wanted to press R3 or just move the stick. I cannot do any accurate manual pass this way!
- In free-kicks, I used to be able to use the manual pass to pass the ball to a different direction than the one the player is facing - useful for blind spots! Now it's also gone...

...I can't say that I'm not liking the demo, but I'm not thrilled about it yet. What comforts me is that I've been through this road before. In every previous PS2 PES, every time a new one came out, initially it felt weird, and I tried to go back to the previous one. After a while, however, I just couldn't play the old one anymore, though.

Let's hope it's the case.

I appreciate anyone's help.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
I have to agree with you sir. The feeling is gone. It's still there for PS2 vesion for me against my mate. This Demo feels stiff and robotic as it can get. It feels like a polished version of PES2009. Many restrictions in gameplay. The automatic stuck on rails crap is blatantly there. Especially on through balls. I don't feel any freedom on the pitch. The awful ball sounds and even the goal-post sound is very arcadish for my taste. Everything just feels clunky, stiff, slow, and heavy. It does not seem like a totally different game positively. It really feels like a slight upgrade from last year's version. I have a feeling we were lied to again. I also have a feeling this is the Gamescon version, and even if it isn't, it isn't that inspiring since Adam sounded very dissappointed with his more current dated version. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone but this is my opinion. I have cancelled my pre-order. Just not worth paying full price for a slight upgrade full of restrictions and good graphics.

i agree with all that man...its just so sad to see konami kill the WE feeling year after year, more and more...

well there will aways be PES6, thank god thres still lots of editors liking it and making it alive, i do admit that i play it now with a retro game midset tough, i wouldnt stand the gfx if i didnt.

bottom line to me is, konami has taken a pacth that its not my cup of tea(again the english), but its just what it is, and i must thank god every day that EA made a great option for my needs since the next gen consoles came out, otherwise i would be football game less...wich would be a huge sadness for me since im a huge football gaming addicted.
I've played a few games, I cant make up my mind what I think about this. Even if Im not happy with this game Ill still play it for the reason that I have issues with FIFA also. For me they both fall short of what I want, though maybe myself and others have expectations that are too high.
OK played about 10 games and I.......................


This is just what I had hoped for, lovely pace, fantastic graphics and superb ball physics.

The player individuality is just superb abd I love the first touch. All my games have been gritty 1-1 draws or narrow losses (on professional) its just awsome.

I do not see all the so called clunky animations its super smooth and captures the magic of 5.

I'm over the moon that I finally have a next gen PES:APPLAUD:

I've already seen so many ding dong moments in the box and a couple of back post scrambled goals:BOP: The final game will be a 20% improvement so for me its a must buy and I can see hours of fun on this.


Defn agree with u there. I really like this years game. Fifa 10' is pretty good. However, there are some things in the game that I just can't stand. Its nice, but not that big of an improvement over Fifa 09'. The last PES game I played on PS3 was 08' and that game was atrocious. Took me about 8/9 games to get the feel of Pes 2010 and I like it. I love the player individuality. Can't wait to see how the final version plays once I have made all the necessary corrections to the player database. Not gonna go into the + and - because most of them have already been said.;)
I've played a few games, I cant make up my mind what I think about this. Even if Im not happy with this game Ill still play it for the reason that I have issues with FIFA also. For me they both fall short of what I want, though maybe myself and others have expectations that are too high.

...I can't say that I'm not liking the demo, but I'm not thrilled about it yet. What comforts me is that I've been through this road before. In every previous PS2 PES, every time a new one came out, initially it felt weird, and I tried to go back to the previous one. After a while, however, I just couldn't play the old one anymore, though.

sums up my feelings about PES2010 this year, I think. I went back and played FIFA again and what a surprise, it has the responsiveness that PES doesn't. I'm still waiting for the full game before I really decide though.
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I was really looking forward to this demo, downloaded it and couldnt wait to play it, love the menus and its cool to have proper music instead of the generic jap crap, i picked Liverpool against Barca, tunnel scene looks fucking amazing, getting really excited still, then I seen the players walking out and it looked a bit weird but i though its ok the running animations should be fine, i kicked off and past it to Torres, held sprint and thought of god no!!! wtf, he ran like he had a stick up his aris, I got into a shooting position and tried to shoot, nothing happend, thought ok it must of been me, tried to pass it to gerrard on the left of me and it took ages for him to pass.

When i did score i watched the replay and the ball moved well before the players foot reached the ball, but again the graphics are awesome, all the players look really life like, but it isnt enough :(

I noticed the 360 dribbling now and again but not very often.

overall impression is im Gutted, I even played the Demo more than the FIFA demo, I will defo rent it out to see if its any better but not happy
have not got ps3 linked to pc modem /router and have not got a wireless one at the mo. is there any way i can get to play pes 2010 ps3 demo

I have no wireless router or ethernet connection on my modem. What i did is used my laptop as a router via the wireless adapter/internal card. Works a treat.

-Plug modem into my laptop
-Enable Internet connection sharing in firewall settings
-Set my wireless adapter to operate as an Access Point
-Made a new wireless connection called PS3 on my laptop
-On PS3 i just put all options on auto settings

Wireless card is a realtek one, i think it a common used in laptops.
Dont forget if you wanna make the connection more secure your gonna need to set a wap/wep key up when you make your new wireless connection on your laptop/PC.
My impressions are;

Players more lifelike in appearance than Fifa.
Lighting in the stadium is a bit better than fifa
Replays and Half time highlights are much better than Fifa, really miss how PES does this.
Like the shots, but they are assisted.

But Gameplay is the key word for me.

I really can't see how anybody that has played Fifa on Manual settings can go back to playing PES the way it is. Fifa on Manual is so free, it takes ALOT of time to get used to, but it is worth it.

PES just feels so restrictive. It feels so assisted and I don't feel fully in control with my players.

If I had never played Fifa on Manual, then I would probably have a high regard for the game. But I just feel like I am Handcuffed, I can't do what I want.

There are alot of problems with Fifa, But I feel I can play a better game of football with Fifa and have more control.

PES has a lot in its favour and I wish that Fifa would take some of the elements from PES. But overall, gameplay wise it is like going back in time a few years and we shouldn't be going back. Maybe PES needs a Manual setting or a better implemented one, then I might like the next installment :DD

I will give it a few more plays and see if I am wrong :)).......but I doubt it.

(Small print: these are just my opinions. So don't go all mental)

I am trying to catch up reading all of this but have to say - This is one of the best impressions I have heard :APPLAUD: That is real, not any of the elitist rag we usually hear that lead to flamewars.

I like the demo so far but you never know how good the game is until you play hours upon hours.

I liked the physical play (dont know what others are talking about - you can body opponents off the ball - the only negative is the god awful spin-o-rama (this is the only animation that truly bothers me) - even backed into a defender and got a high ball off of him, then sped away.

The game is free somewhat - players go on the rails but you can move them off it - that is a drawback to some but others who need a little assistance would prefer it.

Defensive AI and Offensive AI improved - very noticeable

Response time - have to agree, it seems hit and miss - sometimes very realistic (you definitely have to set up stuff with less gifted players) but then again you expect to make a play and nada for no apparent reason.

Tried FIFA directly after (only became available today in the US) and though it is more responsive than last 09 and PES2010 it is still FIFA and not for me - may still play it if Konami screw up online.

Quick edit - Dont know if this has been mentioned - I was losing 0-1 and the COM took the ball into the corner to run down the time:SHOCK:
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if the response times are improved by launch I'll definitely play it. the tactical depth is a huge step up from 2009 with the sliders.
Hy guys. I played a lot of matchs in the top difficult level (Estrela, in portuguese), for the PC version of the demo. Yeah, i know. This topic is for the PS3 and XBox 360 versions, but in the end, they will be the same.
I played with Barcelona, Liverpool, Italy, Spain and Germany. I won 07 matchs, lost 02 and draw 01.
My pros and cons are:

- Amazing graphics, with excellent textures, nice turfs, stunning lightning and very quality models of players;
- The teams which you play against, are simulations of the "real-world" ones. Barcelona is very offensive, Liverpool, is very compact at the defense, Italy plays using the midfield a lot...;
- The top players really make the difference, they have a "genuine fell", when you control then;
- Is more harder now to dribble;
- The rhythm, the speed and the pace of the game is very good;
- Improved ball physics;
- Very improved A.I. for the midfielders and defenders,
- Improved A.I. to the fowards;
- Tactics Menu is very functional and effective;
- Good music and menus;
- No loadings.

- Very crap A.I. for the goalkeepers;
- Lots of own goals (to be true, there was for me or to the CPU, at least, one goal in SEVEN matchs! Simply unbelievable!!!);
- The sound of the ball looks like a watermelon;
- The sound of the crowd/supporters/fans is VERY poor;
- A little bit unresponsive controls;
- Player's physics of contact is a little bit better, but light-years of distance from the EA's game;
- The animations aren't that good. There are lots of new animations, but ALL of them looks like old-gen, especially the master-trash-running animation;
- Very crap A.I. for the goalkeepers (yes, it's need to be mentioned again!).

So, said that (sorry for my bad/poor english), i think the game is a GREAT improvement from the last version. The gameplay is great, very fun, and potentially very deep. I think, which in this year we will have two great football/soccer games, both with pros and cons. IF, the online gameplay for the PES 2010 works well, so it will be a great buy, to fans and no fans.
Again, sorry for my bad english.
Only played a few games when i recorded this , my 1st video for PES2010 ,

It seems a tad slow, and through balls are harder .

Ive set my tactics and i like them, bit of a pain not being able to save your formation and have to redo it again when you play the game, even though you can copy it , it goes if you quit the game.

Spain v Germany nought special really.

- Very crap A.I. for the goalkeepers (yes, it's need to be mentioned again!).

In general, your review is pretty good. I am afraid that probably the keepers in PC's version are a bit dull, who knows why. I only have saw a really bad goal when Ribery faced Valdes in almost a 1-on-1 situation, where the ball was parried by him but not enough to take the ball out of the field, ball went to the bottom corner of the net. But apart from that particular moment, I feel the keepers are better than last year - I did not see a lot of parried shots to the center of the penalty area, and they have some cool saves sometimes. Another bad moment was in a high through ball, I used triangle to hurry my keeper, he forgot the ball and goes for the striker and slide tackle him :D he did not fell and refereee did not blow the whistle LOL - that goes to my next point - I was playing with three more friends, sometimes 3 against 1 and 2 vs 2 and the quantity of challenges not penalised/called was immense. LOTS of them were not taken in mind by the referee, even a few "from behind" tackles. I hope that also gets fixed, as well as the advantage law since you can hack a passer and the referee wont bother at all. I miss that from the PS2 days, when you hack a passer, later the referee books you or even sent you off.

EDIT: Response times needs to be fixed, they are not so baaaaaad but they take a bit the feeling of PES.

EDIT 2: I have seen a couple of automatic slide tackles. A little worried about it. Also, I feel the deflections with square from your area (kicks to get the ball out of danger) are not so good, should go more far from the area. In the bright side, I FUCKING LOVE THE BALL PHYSICS, I consider it outstanding, with ball taking height after a rebound, and taking some strange backspins when backspin should occur. For me it is one of the strong points of the demo, things that I have not seen before in any PES title.

I honestly enjoyed a lot the game after almost 4 hours with my friends and 1 hour alone. I guess some of the bugs appearing will be fixed, and if the online is a bliss, we have a very solid game here. What I dont understand is how people can call it crap. The game is not crap at all.

I feel the game also more free compared to past itinerations. I have to expriment with the analog stick + R2 to see what happened with 360 dribbling, I feel it too subtle.
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I like what I've played of the demo...

My mates who I'll be playing with like what they've played of the demo...

Playing 1 v computer doesn't interest me...

1 player in comparison to 2 human players or better still, 2v2 online lag free is where the game will come alive for me.

If online plays the same as offline, It'll do me...

I don't care for anyone else's opinion.

It's my money that will be spent and my gaming experience that matters.
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