PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback


Before I start I would like to point out that I thought all the 'next gen' PES games including PES 6 on Xbox 360 have been a huge disappointment. PES 2008 was the worst of the bunch and while 2009 improved on it I was still disappointed with the effort. On the other hand I thoroughly enjoyed FIFA 08, FIFA 09 and currently have FIFA 10 on pre-order.


PES was once my favourite football game. PES 3, Winning Eleven 8: Liveware Evolution and PES 5 are in my opinion the best football games ever and also some of the best games ever. However since Konami's move to next generation platforms such as the 360 and PS3 the series has become stagnant, unrealistic and arcadey. In contrast the FIFA series has become more of a simulation year after year and in many ways both series have switched positions vice versa.

As a result of this I booted up the PES 2010 demo not expecting an 'out of this world' experience. While I had seen a definite change in the way Konami operated this year I didnt want to become engulfed in the hype and possible excuses of early build talk. So after playing the game for a good hour I must say im genuinely quite surprised. Its really good. Its a major improvement over the last two games. Players now have more control via the 360 degree movement mechanism. The feeling of rails which has plauged previous PES games is all but gone. The new animations do make the game more fluid but I wouldnt dare say the game has received an animation overhaul. Its a solid increase over PES 2009 in this respect but I believe that Konami need to really focus on improving the animations of the players for next years game.

Passing is more crisper. Its less likely to land perfectly at your players feet. Sometimes it goes wide, short and long giving it a more manual feel. Manual passing is also available in a large amount of directions than before but I personally think that it would be far better if this function was available on the regular pass button (X/A) like FIFA.
Crossing and long balls are less floaty that in 2009 due to the improved ball physics which is also apparent in shooting which seems more free than before. Thankfully the invisible wall during throw-ins has been removed which is a great thing. In addition the tactics system seems to have a major effect in how you play the game and seems to be very deep. Player individuality is also very apparent. One major issue however is the responsiveness of players. There seems to be a delay in performing actions. While it isnt game breaking I do hope it is removed for the final version. Overall at this current stage I think that the gameplay in PES 2010 is solid.



The graphics in PES 2010 have seen the biggest change. They are simply fantastic. Lighting is spot on. Player models are brilliant. Players like Torres, Puyol, Alonso etc are instantly recognisible. This level of detail is also apparent on the kits which look great too. The stadiums available (Anfield and Ville Marie) both look very good. Sadly the demo only offers a day option so I was unable to test the night lighting. The menus are somewhat experimental but in my personal opinion have come off rather nicely. All in all the graphics in PES 2010 are some of the best ever in a football game.



Commentary is unavailable in the demo. I hope its not as appalling as previous versions. The chants and crowd noises are average at best. Sadly the silly 'Liverpool, Liverpool' chant is still in the game. Thankfully these can be changed in the full games edit mode. The thud of the ball has been reduced which is a minor bonus as is the inclusion of proper bands finally. The audio in PES 2010 is perhaps the weakest part of the game. I hope this is looked into more for future versions of the franchise.



I am really quite happy with what PES 2010 has become. I understand peoples frustrations at the game especially if you have just played it after a lengthly session on the FIFA 10 demo. There are some major issues such as the lack of animation overhaul which in all honesty should have happened this year and the response problems (hopefully it will be rectified in the retail release). But if you look at it in comparison to PES 6, PES 2008 and PES 2009 on next gen platforms than PES 2010 is without doubt the best so far and is a solid football game. I know some people will not be happy with the game and thats fine since we are all entitled to our opinions but I honestly got genuine enjoyment from the short time I played with the demo. If the final version can fix some of the issues that I have seen then I think I will be really happy with PES 2010 this year. My pre-order with the game is cemented now after the demo and I look forward to enjoying two football games this year. I hope you do too. :)

83/100 (This only the score based on the demo)

In my humble opinion, that was one outstanding post. Well done Sir.
I played on top player. I have not played PES for years. Didnt play 08 or 09. I didnt even use the sprint button as i dont know what it is lol. I managed to score though 1st game. The game is awful though. Never feel really in control of the players. Graphics are superb but it doesnt simulate real football at all.

Honestly I admire you, you must very skilled to score in the first game when I have failed to score in 6 of 7 games. And as I said, I consider myself pretty good in past PES games.

What I agree with you is the control of players, it feels a bit off.
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just found these videos, There show what changes there have been to the animations. There has been no overhaul but a subtle change, plus some animations are missing which should be in the final build.

YouTube - PES 2010 - Lionel Messi Skill

YouTube - PES 2010 - Dani Alves Skill

WTF, the second video looks like syncronized swimming, and the ball NEVER touches the grass!!! that is shit, the demo is OK, i think they need to re work the physics, the ball seems to only go in 8 different paths. it never really curves, hits a bump or a player, it never seems to veer off course, maybe that is what people mean when they say "its on rails", the ball does not seem free at all, like in the "other game". I think if they fix that and the animations you would have a really good game.
Forgot to mention I'm on the PS3 demo. Not sure about the rest of you? I think its better to mention the platform because maybe there are few differences.
Not read the other posts, but good god, this game is so "MEH!" it should come with a warning.

I'm a massive PES fan since ISS on the SNES, but its getting dull now - each year the game gets worse IMO.

They've taken more options out now for the controllers and the game just overall feels so basic when you compare it to the F game (which I'm not totally in love with either).

I must be getting old...
I remember back in the day getting Winning Eleven months before my friends got PES. The excitement, the editing of every player into English before I started master league and my friends being so happy to play the new release. Those days are long gone. This demo does nothing for me.
I remember back in the day getting Winning Eleven months before my friends got PES. The excitement, the editing of every player into English before I started master league and my friends being so happy to play the new release. Those days are long gone. This demo does nothing for me.

We got the point you know ;)
just finished playing the demo for the last 3hours,have to say im pleasantly surprised with the way it has turned out,the way the game is set up really suits my playing style.i think the 360 dribbling is really good and the overall look of the game is amazing,have seen a few little strange things but im sure they will be ironed out by the release date.the shooting feels really meaty and the defensive side of the game has improved alot,the game doesnt feel broken like pes09 and the only bad thing id like to change are the controls back to the way they were in the ps2 days,the r3 stick should be used for the tricks.i found the higher difficulty levels still easier than in previous pes games(ive scored goals from dribbling from halfway line with both messi and henry)but im hoping that will be addressed,

have to say im looking forward now to having two good football games to play next month,i didnt think that would be the case
This game is shockingly..


My short review:

The only good thing happened me in the demo, when I finally exited..

Fresh air...

This happens, when a developer forces itself to make 3 games on the same broken engine..

No way will PES beat fifa this gen... Only if Next Gen PES engine is in development for 2 years now - No chance

This year they listened to the fans ..

This game exactly is:
slowed down, defensive PES 2009, with a nice new rendering system

everything else is bullshit..

In 3rd consecutive year, it's autumn, I have the flue, PES demo comes and disappoints...

This year I stay with ps2 pes and next gen fifa..
OK played about 10 games and I.......................


This is just what I had hoped for, lovely pace, fantastic graphics and superb ball physics.

The player individuality is just superb abd I love the first touch. All my games have been gritty 1-1 draws or narrow losses (on professional) its just awsome.

I do not see all the so called clunky animations its super smooth and captures the magic of 5.

I'm over the moon that I finally have a next gen PES:APPLAUD:

I've already seen so many ding dong moments in the box and a couple of back post scrambled goals:BOP: The final game will be a 20% improvement so for me its a must buy and I can see hours of fun on this.

Well, I for one, chuffing love it. Straight off the bat during my first game I felt this was a considerable move forward for the series, and now after playing five games, my opinion is even more reinforced that way. Even from this demo I can feel the game has come back to its roots with a much more considered, evenly paced approach.

For the record, I admit to being somewhat of a PES fanboy since ISS Pro Evolution PS1, although last year I bought and really enjoyed FIFA 09 too. PES 2009 was overall a good game for me, an 8/10 perhaps but with a number of problems that held it back. One of my chief issues with PES 2009 was that even though Konami had ironed out a lot of the kinks from the disastrous 2008 edition, there was nonetheless still a bit of a hangover from the botched transition to current gen. Amongst a few less significant others, the one that stuck out for me in particular was that the dribbling and first touch of even average players was for me, too precise. This sounds like an odd criticism on the face of it; that a sports game can be too accurate, but the implications were in practice somewhat of a hindrance.

For example, even though my Become A Legend player had dribble accuracy of around 69, I was still able to wriggle myself into quite a few scoring opportunities and poke one home. In single player this was less of an issue as I was only playing for fun on my own, but any self respecting PES fan will tell you the joy of the game comes in multiplayer, and it’s here that this aforementioned problem came to the fore. Quite simply, ‘god players’ like Ronaldo, Messi and Kaka were, given the right operator, unplayable. This made scoring far too easy and took the shine off what was otherwise a very solid football game. I maintain; if you play against someone who agrees not to pick the top teams, PES 2009 is a great game, as good as the olds, but unfortunately those opponents are few and far between.

So, onto PES 2010 (finally) and my first, unmistakable reaction is that this will no longer be a problem. For the first time I can now advocate playing with the analogue stick over the dpad. In my first game I went for dpad out of instinct, but after a few heavy touches, it became clear this was not the way to go. PES has always been about the player individuality, a feature which has kept me coming back year on year, but this year the differences between a good dribbler and a poor/average one are night and day. To make the most out of the 360 dribbling you have to go analogue, but more to the point, for me this game feels like it was made for analogue control. The players’ first and second touches are so crucial in this game as you get such little time on the ball. The slight angles that the 360 dribbling creates make so many opportunities that weren’t possible in previous games.

And it’s hard. I’m yet to win, four draws and a loss so far. At first the new dribbling and realisation that my old ‘tricks’ weren’t going to cut it anymore meant that I struggled to adapt. Then it started to click, and to prove it I’ve included a video:

YouTube - PES 2010 DEMO - Germany chance

When this game is cooking it’s a joy to play. See here how Lahm flicks an unsighted back heel, the ball is played across to Frings who stops it dead while on the turn, has a quick look up to spot Ballack’s run before playing him in, beyond Gallas’ outstretched leg. Ballack spoons it against the keeper but I paused straight away to record this. And even though watching the replay back now it looks a bit lame, it’s all about the details. This move was so satisfying to link together.

For the first time in a long time I’ve got that old Pro Evo buzz, so much so that I’ve not packed at all for my holiday tomorrow and have taken the time out to type this up. And I’m not even going to go into the presentation, graphics, new animations, tactics, weightier ball physics etc etc. I love it, PES is most definitely back for me at least. :BOP:
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just found these videos, There show what changes there have been to the animations. There has been no overhaul but a subtle change, plus some animations are missing which should be in the final build.

YouTube - PES 2010 - Lionel Messi Skill

WTF, the second video looks like syncronized swimming, and the ball NEVER touches the grass!!! that is shit, the demo is OK, i think they need to re work the physics, the ball seems to only go in 8 different paths. it never really curves, hits a bump or a player, it never seems to veer off course, maybe that is what people mean when they say "its on rails", the ball does not seem free at all, like in the "other game". I think if they fix that and the animations you would have a really good game.

I'm more concerned about the Messi video; the ball stops dead for no reason at 42 seconds.
Anyone figure out how to take penalties properly yet? I was excited at the prospect of this new penalty system (opposed to the randomized versions from the past), but the controls aren't doing what I'm telling it to do. It doesn't seem to work with the D-pad at all, as the kicker will shoot it straight no matter how much I hold down the D-pad... and when I do it with the analogue stick, almost always it goes completely wide. I put less pressure on the stick, the kick goes straight again. The power aspect seems straight forward enough but I don't get why directing the kick gives you so much trouble (and can't be my controller as both of my PS3 controllers do the same thing)... any help?
The 360 is there, but it's almost as if the game doesn't want you to use it, and tries to get you to go in one of the 8 directions..

The game, even with the 360 movement, isn't subtle enough. It won't let you make small movements with your player, which SUCKS.

This is an improvement, but not enough for a buy
The 360 is there, but it's almost as if the game doesn't want you to use it, and tries to get you to go in one of the 8 directions..

The game, even with the 360 movement, isn't subtle enough. It won't let you make small movements with your player, which SUCKS.

This is an improvement, but not enough for a buy

Thats what I found. Its like you cant do what u want to do. The game is always trying to pull you into a certain direction.
The game just doesn't feel "free." I like the graphics, even though some of the effects are over done, but is there anything in this game gameplay wise that couldn't have been done on the PS2?

I can see animations from PES3 in there for fuck sake.
I think the 360 dribbling is really good when you have physical play between the players like in fifa 10 so you can try to get in a good direction when a defender is bothering you or you can turn away with players like xavi. In pes its totally different, because of the poor animations its all about quick feints so you can get past the defender so that 360 doesn't have a great influence.
I really like it in fifa 10 when you have the ball with a middfielder you can do small bursts and when you come near a defender try to get the ball close to your feet to look for an opportunity to pass
I don't know why, but i like this game very much ! I played fifa, the last 2 years because i hated pes08 and didn't want to wast my money in pes09. But pes10 finally plays like PES again.. I can't understand why people say the demo is crap.
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