PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

Only just downloaded it and all i feel like doing is crying.
PES on PS2 was one of my fav footy games after SWOS but I cant believe how shit clunky and bad pes feels these days.
I will play it for a few hours tonight and hopefully might have a few positives to say about it but so far i would rather play Matchday on the spectrum as it is more responsive.

then keep playing SWOS online via Amiga emulator and the japanese versions of PS2's Winning Eleven (the latest of which was released in August, such a beautiful game) instead. Problem solved.
They really should have given you longer with this demo. What's the point of all the tactics in a 2/3minute match?? Waste of time. And the response times are shocking @ points. Weren't we all moaning at EA for the same thing in Fifa07/08 and some for 09?

I will say though, if they sort the response times (and keeper madness) then this is passable for an old school PES and they're on the right track. But if the response times remain then playing through master league will be a chore.

"The kids on the street never miss a beat".

You clearly have konami. Should have cut the response times before releasing the demo.
They really should have given you longer with this demo. What's the point of all the tactics in a 2/3minute match?? Waste of time. And the response times are shocking @ points. Weren't we all moaning at EA for the same thing in Fifa07/08 and some for 09?

I will say though, if they sort the response times (and keeper madness) then this is passable for an old school PES and they're on the right track. But if the response times remain then playing through master league will be a chore.

"The kids on the street never miss a beat".

You clearly have konami. Should have cut the response times before releasing the demo.

I know what you're saying mate, but do we want an old school PES now? PES 5 was fantastic, but why would we want to go back to that only with bells and whistles on when gaming is supposed to be evolving and making advances?

We shouldn't be wanting a game of PES5 with fancy graphics, we should be wanting and playing a revolutionary game of football which sends PES back to where it was all those years ago : At the top of the pile looking down on so many other games trying to match Konami's efforts.
Has this been posted from Adam on WENB?

OK just played a match (way too short)

Like people anticipated code is old, reminds me of the code I had at 75% - but seems a tad sharper. Really bad response issues, these are so much better in the code I have. Secondly I've seen AI take over your player, this is non-existent in the 90% code. It was in the previous code I had, but not as common as this one short match in the demo!

Also, silly things players running away from throughballs are in the demo.

Well there's a lot of refinement when comparing this demo to the 90% one I have.

Have to say, the CPU taking over your player is a joke in the demo, even worse than the old code I had. Far too much AI interference.

Secondly, players (when defending) seem to be unresponsive when wanting collect loose balls. Like the throughball problem, always seem to be running away from the ball.

Finally, Top Player is way easier in the demo than my code. You guys are lucky LOL.

but all the issues I've stated are better in the code I have. Apart from that you get a good idea about what PES 2010 is about
Someone a few pages back said it's the same on all levels. Kinda shocking if true.

Fifa seems alot better when playing 1v1.

I looked closlely on this issue. It happens only on regular and lower difficulty. The defence don't do it on pro and top level.

Im starting to like it more the more i play. If they only fixed the goalkeepers...
I don't have big problem with response times (playing on PC).
I know it's political correct these days to criticize PES and praise the fifa but i really like it. Sorry :)
Don't know about all the negativity in here but I'm genuinely enjoying every bit of this. Its amazing. I launched it thinking in my head its just another pes 2009, but I was shocked to see the overhaul. I can't understand all the negativity in this thread tbh. Some people don't even belong in this thread. They know they're in here to flame and add nothing. You know who you are. If you don't like what you see then I don't see the need to depress the ones who are enjoying it.
I looked closlely on this issue. It happens only on regular and lower difficulty. The defence don't do it on pro and top level.

Im starting to like it more the more i play. If they only fixed the goalkeepers...
I don't have big problem with response times (playing on PC).
I know it's political correct these days to criticize PES and praise the fifa but i really like it. Sorry :)

That's good to hear.I'll give it bash later when I get back.
After seeing the GK's vids I hope they clean that up.

Fifa 10 demo has bad GK's at times are they trying to compete for worst GK's in a demo lol.
I'd just like to point out, echoing what others have said.

If you look at the FIFA thread, there has been an equal amount of praise as there has been negativity. It's been discussed, agreed or disagreed with, with respect.

Then you come to this thread. If you post a negative you are instantly labelled a fanboy of the FIFA series. I think everyone with that label would agree that PES outshines fifa by a country mile in terms of tactics, and probably just shades it on gfx (some love pes gfx some don't see the fuss) and also i'm now seeing people love the PES nets.

So with that in mind, can you guys not just show a bit of respect to each other, whether you dislike the game or not. You wouldn't think we are all supposed to be like-minded, football loving humans :LOL:
My first impression was good game, I liked the gameplay, reminiscent pes6, but much looser, more mobile, I liked the graphics were very well done, I first match spain vs france, won the 4x0 playing in the middle, the only thing I did not like the first game was the excitement of the race, it seems a little better than that of pes2009 but still ridiculous, if they improve it in the final version as I appreciate the PES2010
I was going to post my reaction to the demo at pesfan but from what I seen earlier it appears that the pathetic shill's that moderate the forum are purging it of any comments that may hurt their pay masters feelings, hopefully someone from Konami will be visiting this forum also.
I have put a bit of time in with the demo and I am very, very dissapointed.... AGAIN!
To the people saying this plays like PES5 when was the last time you played PES5? I went back to playing PES5 for the last year because no football game has been able to better it. PES2010 does not feel like the PES5 I have been playing.
The only good thing I can find to say about this demo is that the graphics are good. This however highlights the ridiculous animations, there are some nice ones but the lack of transitions and running ruin everything.
To avoid going into a long rant listing all my grievances that no one will read I will simply say that every game since PES5 has gotten progressively worse, I dont know what has happened to PES, I doubt I will waste the time downloading next years demo.
One last thing, after playing the PES demo I fired up the FIFA demo and after a while began to really appreciate it. Playing on full manual I get a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of putting together a good passage of play, I used to get this from PES until they broke the game. I have not bought a football game since pes2008 but the more I play FIFA and stop trying to play it like PES the more I like it and I think this may be a future purchase(if I can figure out the shooting).
Don't know about all the negativity in here but I'm genuinely enjoying every bit of this. Its amazing. I launched it thinking in my head its just another pes 2009, but I was shocked to see the overhaul. I can't understand all the negativity in this thread tbh. Some people don't even belong in this thread. They know they're in here to flame and add nothing. You know who you are. If you don't like what you see then I don't see the need to depress the ones who are enjoying it.

Its been like that all day mate. Like I said before, they just feel the need. My parade wont be pissed on though. I really like it. Its very PES 5 with regards working for the openings. I'm not sure about the response times though, they seem apparent with lesser skilled players, but definatley quick with top guys. It adds to the simualtion element for me, even though its not like I'm used to. It's winning me over.

I have played it to death all day and still feel there is so much to learn, again.
I was going to post my reaction to the demo at pesfan but from what I seen earlier it appears that the pathetic shill's that moderate the forum are purging it of any comments that may hurt their pay masters feelings, hopefully someone from Konami will be visiting this forum also.
I have put a bit of time in with the demo and I am very, very dissapointed.... AGAIN!
To the people saying this plays like PES5 when was the last time you played PES5? I went back to playing PES5 for the last year because no football game has been able to better it. PES2010 does not feel like the PES5 I have been playing.
The only good thing I can find to say about this demo is that the graphics are good. This however highlights the ridiculous animations, there are some nice ones but the lack of transitions and running ruin everything.
To avoid going into a long rant listing all my grievances that no one will read I will simply say that every game since PES5 has gotten progressively worse, I dont know what has happened to PES, I doubt I will waste the time downloading next years demo.
One last thing, after playing the PES demo I fired up the FIFA demo and after a while began to really appreciate it. Playing on full manual I get a real sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of putting together a good passage of play, I used to get this from PES until they broke the game. I have not bought a football game since pes2008 but the more I play FIFA and stop trying to play it like PES the more I like it and I think this may be a future purchase(if I can figure out the shooting).

I will and did read this. Sound's like another convert...


Welcome to the darkside...
I honestly never expected to see so many negative comments today.

What? You must be at the wrong site. This my friend is fifa-land. I still mentioned yesterday that I'm looking forward to the demo being released but not to the comments that will be made. Not because I cant handle negativity but because I cant handle irrationality.
It seems the people that defended the fifa demo a few days ago are the ones attacking PES.
The graphics are definitely blinding a lot of loyalists.

Are they definitely?

Yes. because there's no way you'd be satisfied if this game was titled "Fifa10".

Look, i have no bone to pick. Check my gamertag. I'm playing right now, trying to understand why Konami made the decisions they have. I'm not saying that some won't enjoy the game. Just saying my opinion. It's a flawed game at the very basic level: PASSING. If they can sort the response time it will definitely be more than worth investing time in a Master League campaign.

A few more things i noticed while playing.

+ Seriously the player models a the best i've seen. They actually have wrists! TAKE NOTE EA.

+ The intros are really life like. From the keeper adjusting his gloves to players just contemplating the match. It can be eerie at times.

- I'm 1-0 up on top player with about a minute to go and the CPU chips my winger, runs down the flank and crosses it in to score from a header. I have no qualms with this but It's happened 3 f-ing times and i normally have a defender right there who does nothing when i press the clearance button. This is what I meant by my lack of trust in button input earlier. Shocking.

- How come two of their players can close down much quicker than two of yours (top player)? Slightly unfair if you ask me). Especially when passing quickly in this will lead to many interceptions.

- Also noticed the AI recovering from tackles and chopping me down for fun on top player.

Anyone else noticed this? Cheating AI in Top player I mean. It's frustrating cause I'm the verge of enjoying the game and then some shiteness crops up. :CONFUSE:
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feel my pain fella's, I'm still at 75% and been downloading since 5:30. My golf lesson went well in the meantime, making great strides there:))

@ Lami...positive report my friend so looking forward to it even more. I am keeping an open mind with not too much expectation of it being a PES5 beater, but if it's close with all that gloss then I will be thrilled.

Great to hear some +ve feedback;)
What? You must be at the wrong site. This my friend is fifa-land. I still mentioned yesterday that I'm looking forward to the demo being released but not to the comments that will be made. Not because I cant handle negativity but because I cant handle irrationality.
It seems the people that defended the fifa demo a few days ago are the ones attacking PES.

There is at least three of you now who have said these sort of things. Go and read the FIFA thread and see how many negatives are being pointed out. Why can't you lads understand people who play FIFA play it because it quite blatently offers a more realistic approach to football. Every memeber of this site joined here because of our love for PES/WE. It ruled my life when I was younger, it was all I played (as well as most if not all the "fifa fan boys").

You go on like people come here with negative comments just to upset you :LOL:
Well, since I got the link for the demo from this thread, and since I've been lurking here from like forever, I think it's finally time to post at least once.

Trying to explain my impressions in a verbose manner would be too complicated for my poor english, so I'll make a list of positive and negative impressions.

Here we go.


Graphics. What else can be said? They're astonishing.

Some animations are much fluider than the 2009 versions, and the brand new are quite good.

The tactics system seems to be improved really much and, as long as I played, it seemed smarter than the previous star-system: Watching Zambrotta doing a defensive overlap (hope that is the right english term :|) was actually satisfactory.

Passing seems improved from pes 2009, like shooting. I have been capable to serve several killer long pass to a running player without sending the ball on another dimension.

AI Seems a little smarter, it's harder to penetrate the box with a single player.

Keepers look like they can actually stop the ball.

Untucked shirts are back, even though I don't really care I red someone cared. So here they are.

I like the new menus, kinda reminds me of the N64 days. I like the music and the star player feature too.

Also, ball seems to actually curve much more on free kicks.


Reaction times are horrible. Players have to touch the ball at least 2 times before you can actually pass.

I don't know why, probably it's only my version, but it seems impossible to clear the ball efficiently, while in the previous versions it was sufficient to press the goddamn square button.

Running animation is still there.

Sometimes is impossible to dribble a man: even if you have a huge position advantage and a player with a good balance stat (e.g. Luca Toni), the defender will magically steal the ball.

About the dribble, I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good one. I panicked the first time I attempted to dribble, but if they fix the reaction time it could actually go far better than pes 2009 super fast tempo.

360 movement is there, but it's at least ineffective.

In the end, I can't say I didn't like the game: I really enjoyed it, and still find it funnier than Fifa, but of course it's only my opinion, ready to oblivion :)

Well, that's all. Please forgive my bad english (again) :D

P.S. Chants are annoyng, but I don't really care this much about that.
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There is at least three of you now who have said these sort of things. Go and read the FIFA thread and see how many negatives are being pointed out. Why can't you lads understand people who play FIFA play it because it quite blatently offers a more realistic approach to football. Every memeber of this site joined here because of our love for PES/WE. It ruled my life when I was younger, it was all I played (as well as most if not all the "fifa fan boys").

You go on like people come here with negative comments just to upset you :LOL:

Nope it upsets me that people have a negative views before they even give it a chance. I couldn't give a flying if everyone doesn't like it. I can spot a person that voices his/her opinion and one that just sticks around to stir shit up.
BTW I like how you say fifa offers a "realistic" approach as if it's fact. That my dear friend is called opinion which is why these threads get messy, people cant differentiate between fact and opinion.
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Nope it upsets me that people have a negative views before they even give it a chance. I couldn't give a flying if everyone doesn't like it. I can spot a person that voices his/her opinion and one that just sticks around to stir shit up.
BTW I like how you say fifa offers a "realistic" approach as if it's fact. That my dear friend is called opinion which is why these threads get messy, people cant differentiate between fact and opinion.

That's more than true. I can't take PES serious enough to mention it in the same sentence of realistic though.

But remember we all just want the best game, and I've not seen anyone in here trying to stir anything...
I think people are taking all of this very seriously and in some cases personally. Reality check people, it's only a game.

I think a lot of people need to get over themselves and stop trying to impress or outdo other people in here. It's getting ridiculous now.

Can we please just get back to constructive views, something that we can all have a valuable discussion about.
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Hey guys played the demo very +++ i thought much better than 2009 things i took from demo

+ passing is much better
+ the case of running through 6/7 players in a row has gone :D
+ the deflections are more real now intead of that pin ball stuff in 2009
+ ability to move keeper on the line for pens .. not too sure of the biew tho
+ if feels like your team is playing with you as player run into space.

my only downside to the demo is the pace of the game its a bit slow but tbh i prob would get used to it but yip big thumbs up from me.

tbh with all demos not matter what game it is its never exaact same as final game there are always diffrences so even i will take the demo with a pich of slat ..... anyhoo off to get a few more games in
have not got ps3 linked to pc modem /router and have not got a wireless one at the mo. is there any way i can get to play pes 2010 ps3 demo
I'm about to play my first game, I'm in the tactics menu and I can't see the option to have players constantly switching sides. Is it there?
That's more than true. I can't take PES serious enough to mention it in the same sentence of realistic though.

But remember we all just want the best game, and I've not seen anyone in here trying to stir anything...

You cant help yourself can you, are you just sitting there waiting to pounce at the next opportunity to tell us you don't rate PES and Fifa (as a fact) is the more realistic, what are you hoping to gain in this thread, because you have made it clear which game you prefer. You see I'm not in the Fifa thread, because it doesn't matter to me, you see how simply it is.

Everyone ! attention please ! kevano22 loves Fifa because its way more realistic! and thats a fact.

There that should do it, now we all know for sure, anything else.

Are you fascinated by us, are you studying us as if we are some strange breed because we don't agree with your opinion. It must be eating away at you lol

He waits....ready to pounce
Was a good messi goal above, but OMG it looks really awful with the chip up..

I was really looking forward to pes, but the demo has put me off a bit..
The animations are awful, still wooden, and the way you dribble the ball without actually touching it is a big turn off, the reponsivness is off as well although i dont know wether this is more realistic or not..

In short i really hope the demo is an early build, things sounded so good.

2 more questions:

1.) is the 360 dribbling fully implemented in this demo does anyone know?
2.) I dont consider my self a good pes player, but as liverpool vs barca - i found myself 4-0 up at half time? Is the difficulty adjustable?
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