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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours


Off to practise your pedantry?

Actually, off to take a break from it :roll:

TikTikTikTikTik said:
The difference being a level of professionality and objectivity is required to be a professional reviewer. I seem to remember quite a few of the positive reviews disregarding important negative elements just to give the game a positive slant. Comment like "And now Konami have added the licenses of Newcaslte and Spurs". Ofcourse they disregarded that fact that Chelsea and Arsenal were removed.

True, and I'm not arguing that. But it's the same level of professionalism that I would expect from a preview who completely discards the relevance of the new mode in PES2009, the "Become a Legend" one, saying that it is a lighter version of "Be a Pro" (even though we know that "Be a Pro" is 4 seasons long only, and that, from what Konami has been doing with Fantasista, it shouldn't be considered "light" at all), and that it's a frustration because you can't request for the ball and depend on the AI to pass you the ball, when this is contradictory with all that we know from previous versions of the mode, as well as what PSM3 Uk now confirmed, alongside some previous playtest impressions.

What I'm saying is that a reviewer is pretty much objective through his own lenses to the world. For instance, if he values the older gameplay of PES, he's bound to be happy with PES2009, no matter licenses and game modes. On the other extreme of the scale, there are those who value licenses and huge strides forward, and they are legitimately bound to bash PES completely. And then there's everyone in between who tend to tip one side or the other of the scale.

Well, I'm not adding much new, nor arguing what you're saying.

I was just trying to make a point that the fact that a magazine is enthusiastic about a game doesn't mean that it's not credible, nor are the only credible ones the ones who bash the game.

That's just extremist, but sadly it was a trend that was beginning to come up in this thread.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

mmm I dont think its true (release date) altough my heart wishes it was true!! hehehe ... Cannot wait, but has the NDA finished? i mean can konami now starts to really give out good quality vids of the game of the older builds!?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

A few days ago during the Spanish SuperCup I saw the Santiago Bernabeu's adboards about PES, the message was Konami -> PES 2009 October

So the release date for United Kingdom could be wrong or the United Kingdom will have a release date different than the rest of Europe...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'd say the game will release a week or 2 after Fifa.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Regarding the release date, don't we usually wait for a semi-official press release saying when the game's coming out?

I share in your opinion of PES, but the Obama comments aren't doing you any favours. Picking sides in American politics is a futile endeavour. Just another joker in a cheap suit reading his lines off a card.

I am intrigued, what is your political persuasion? I'm looking to dispell a myth here that people who share your views are 911 truthers or crazy Hillary cat ladies. The other stereotype is that you're a crazy hippie that has a less than stellar opinion of George Bush.

Let's join hands and learn together, mon frere.

What's that? That the game should remain the same the coming twenty years? ;)

I think my choice of words was a bit off, then again it was some ungodly hour in the morning. With Riot, I can understand what he's saying. PES always has a lot of bullplop following it but Riot is our Deepthroat, he knows the dealio.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Last time I checked, FIFA's release date was October 3rd. I believe that this still holds true.


In what concerns PES, all dates for now are pure speculation.

The only info so far is this video,

It's in french, and was given during the final of PES League, in the Stade de France by Stéphanie Hattenberger, Marketing Director of Konami-France, on June 29th. (source:

She says that the game doesn't have an exact date, but they're pointing for the second half of October. So, unless there's new official info somewhere, I'd say that:

- 30th September is highly unlikely
- 17th October is possible,
- the most probable is October 24th, just like last year. The October 17th is usually the date that shops put in place when they know it's the second half of October.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Fifa 2009 just got a 9 from PSM! If the majority of the reviews are like this... it means that PES 2009 will average at the very least a 9.1 since there is an unwritten rule that states that no matter what, PES is the better game
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Does anyone know if generic Adidas kits are available in Edit Mode? I still can't quite get over the fact that you can make a good Chelsea kit using the image import tool in PES2008 but you cannot choose an Adidas kit with 3-stripes down the arms and shorts EVEN THOUGH ADIDAS ARE LICENSED!! What is that all about? This has got to be sorted this time around.

Adam from WENB confirmed that the 3-stripes template IS available in the edit mode.:))
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yeah, like he got any credibility left

I don't see why he wouldn't have *some* credibility, last year it was a bit obvious they were getting carried away with their new status and overselling it whilst ignoring the flaws (though some of those weren't evident until the release anyway). But the overly positive reviewers (including IGN) would have to be stupid not to take our new attitude to their opinions into consideration - and indeed WENB are being careful to note that what they saw and what the public have seen are not the same.

Ok they said it last year too, but this year from what I can see, what you want to think of PES2009 seems to come down to whether you want to believe that Konami would release a poor build to Leipzig and at the same time nicer later versions to individual reviewers.

There are reasons this could happen - the Leipzig version has to be "sealed" for public consumption, and not have obvious problems or crashes or the public would report those, whereas a continuing work in progress released to reviewers can have glitches - the game buyers don't see it but it allows comments on the progress to be made WITH the problems taken into consideration.

Of course SOME people just want to deny the existence of different versions altogether, which flies in the face of every piece of software development since time began, so I can only assume they want to bash the game irrespective of its quality.

For me, the game being what it should have been last year is perfectly adequate. Yes I want it to be awesomo-monkey-brilliant, and I want the Master League shot on sight, but having a ton of teams, a return to a game engine like WE10's and an edit mode that allows me to create my mates and waste hours recreating the Premier League works absolutely fine for me.

All the stuff about online Leagues, and stats collection and Official Licensing has NEVER been what PES is about. It's always been about the gameplay. Last year, PES2008 wasn't a balanced game and it was extremely flawed. If they can just release an HD version of WE10 on 360 or PS3 with all the editable features the best versions of the PS2 releases had (and maybe a few more), I'm a happy bunny.

If they want to progress beyond that, we're looking at a more convenient editor for kits, faces, names, copy to shirtname, boot templates that reflect FUTURE boot designs not current, online leagues and various other things. But let's at least get a decent, competent PES game on Next Gen first, cos we haven't had one yet. It still makes Seabass a liar for his comments this time last year about the next version, but it's a start.

Whoops, went off on one there, this is where I find out that FreMM meant McCain or Obama, not Adam from WENB ! ;)
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Taken from Erik from level7 who playtested PES 2009 before, now its time for FIFA 09

Sedan jag testade FIFA 09 i maj har det inte riktigt hänt tillräckligt på de viktiga områdena bollfysik, responstid och hur pass fritt bollen uppför sig på plan. Jag lovades att flera av de här sakerna skulle finnas med i spelet, men det är inte tillräckligt för min smak. EA har gjort mycket med FIFA i år. Framför allt när det gäller animationer, dueller och nya spellägen. Det är ingen tvekan om att FIFA 09 är väldigt bra, men utifrån de ungefär 15 matcher jag spelat så är de fortfarande en bit efter PES 2009 när det gäller spelet på plan.

“Since i tested FIFA 09 in may it havent changed enough on the important areas ballfysic, responstime and how free the ball behave on the field.
I was promised that many of these things would be in the game,but its not enough for my taste.
EA have done alot with FIFA this year .Specially when it comes to animations, duels and new playmodes
There is no doubt that FIFA 09 is really good ,but acording to the around 15 games i played they are still behind PES 2009 when it comes to the action on the field”
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Taken from Erik from level7 who playtested PES 2009 before, now its time for FIFA 09

Sedan jag testade FIFA 09 i maj har det inte riktigt hänt tillräckligt på de viktiga områdena bollfysik, responstid och hur pass fritt bollen uppför sig på plan. Jag lovades att flera av de här sakerna skulle finnas med i spelet, men det är inte tillräckligt för min smak. EA har gjort mycket med FIFA i år. Framför allt när det gäller animationer, dueller och nya spellägen. Det är ingen tvekan om att FIFA 09 är väldigt bra, men utifrån de ungefär 15 matcher jag spelat så är de fortfarande en bit efter PES 2009 när det gäller spelet på plan.

“Since i tested FIFA 09 in may it havent changed enough on the important areas ballfysic, responstime and how free the ball behave on the field.
I was promised that many of these things would be in the game,but its not enough for my taste.
EA have done alot with FIFA this year .Specially when it comes to animations, duels and new playmodes
There is no doubt that FIFA 09 is really good ,but acording to the around 15 games i played they are still behind PES 2009 when it comes to the action on the field”

No matter what, Fifa will always be behind to people like this. You can ship a dead mouse in the PES case and it'll be better than fifa. Why? Simple. To some people, PEs is a religion. Common sense and sensibility goes out the window. Fifa 08 was so much better than pes 2008 and so far, Fifa 09 is looking in a total other class compared to pes 2009. Take a look at the whole picture. Physics, online stability, features, sound, presentation, etc. It's night and day.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No matter what, Fifa will always be behind to people like this. You can ship a dead mouse in the PES case and it'll be better than fifa. Why? Simple. To some people, PEs is a religion. Common sense and sensibility goes out the window. Fifa 08 was so much better than pes 2008 and so far, Fifa 09 is looking in a total other class compared to pes 2009. Take a look at the whole picture. Physics, online stability, features, sound, presentation, etc. It's night and day.

No no you are wrong.Its not day and night.Sorry but your opinion is to simply at this moment.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

so far, Fifa 09 is looking in a total other class compared to pes 2009.

But hasn't this guy played both games?

I think he's in a better position to judge the game than people sitting at home looking at a few shaky beta videos. Just because it's negative towards Fifa doesn't mean that the guy is dellusional.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Some of the FIFA fans sound like scorned ex-girlfriends....why is everything related to PES such crap.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No matter what, Fifa will always be behind to people like this. You can ship a dead mouse in the PES case and it'll be better than fifa. Why? Simple. To some people, PEs is a religion. Common sense and sensibility goes out the window. Fifa 08 was so much better than pes 2008 and so far, Fifa 09 is looking in a total other class compared to pes 2009. Take a look at the whole picture. Physics, online stability, features, sound, presentation, etc. It's night and day.

yup, but who cares what others think right? its down to yer own self in the end. FIFA is way ahead in presentation, online stability, I think we're all aware of that. But some people just prefer PES more, its really mind-boggling innit?:D Don't need to be bitter just because of some reviewer's opinion.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I think this whole battle of which game is better should be discussed after the release of each game. I remember playing the EURO demo and found it quite good, but the actual release was bad.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The thing I always wonder from low reviews of FIFA 08 and possibly 09, is if how deep have they really gone. I very much doubt they even play in MANUAL controls, which is the main factor that makes FIFA a much better simulation of the game.

So, any review not mentioning the depth of control, to me is like a cinema critic rating Blade Runner 6/10 because it's dull and there's no action all the time.

Having read reviews on both games, I'm still intrigued to know what the hardcore PES fans think about MANUAL control and POSITIONAL off the ball movement. I still haven't found any PES fan who actually says "I would prefer the control depth of FIFA" and that really surprises me. It's just the kind of improvement I had been waiting for since PES 4.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Manual control and off the ball movement is mentioned to be in PES 2009, have to wait and see how it actually works.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

All thats happend is Fifa gained another year of development on pes because of 2008. I have atleast 9 close friends that loved fifa to death but now all love pes. I dont see how anyone can even say fifa's gameplay is better. There is not 1 single bit of fifa's gameplay that i would take into pes. Hand on heart
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

All thats happend is Fifa gained another year of development on pes because of 2008. I have atleast 9 close friends that loved fifa to death but now all love pes. I dont see how anyone can even say fifa's gameplay is better. There is not 1 single bit of fifa's gameplay that i would take into pes. Hand on heart
Well then get clapping!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well I'd probably take the commentators from Fifa but I guess that's not really the gameplay.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

yeah, listening to Tyler and Gray makes it more realistic on FIFA since watching EPL matches on Sky, those two are the usual commentators for big matches. I'd take Gray over Lawrensen any day.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

yeah, listening to Tyler and Gray makes it more realistic on FIFA since watching EPL matches on Sky, those two are the usual commentators for big matches. I'd take Gray over Lawrensen any day.

Andy Gray = one of the best English speakin commentators, if not, the best.
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