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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Here again complains about Pes09 :( (Twice)The Problem wasn't the Pes2008! The problem was the Online lag who broke everything in pes2008. Pes2008 was also an awsome game at offline vs computer. This is the first thing need to be knowed by everyone! Now konami didn't removed the look but made in just better with lichts effect. Also players runs is the same as on pes2008. On Pes2008 we haved also an cheap servers with cheap online mode just 1 on 1 nothing else. That was also the second reason why the people hated pes08. Now Pes2009 looks awsome. the gras in pes09 is much better then in pes08. We saw some gameplays the keepers are fixed we can see. Defenders are more better. You need to play football now to score. and that will give the fun back to us! I can't understand why people complains about pes2009 whereas no1 know the online modes and no1 know the gameplay so far. Just wait and see first.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Thanks for the video. Honestly, how can someone like that kind of football? Its so scripted. PES anyday!

That fifa 09 video PC not Console just for record as Console is new engine that old PS2 engine with tweaks and updated graphics. :))
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Here again complains about Pes09 :( (Twice)The Problem wasn't the Pes2008! The problem was the Online lag who broke everything in pes2008. Pes2008 was also an awsome game at offline vs computer. This is the first thing need to be knowed by everyone! Now konami didn't removed the look but made in just better with lichts effect. Also players runs is the same as on pes2008. On Pes2008 we haved also an cheap servers with cheap online mode just 1 on 1 nothing else. That was also the second reason why the people hated pes08. Now Pes2009 looks awsome. the gras in pes09 is much better then in pes08. We saw some gameplays the keepers are fixed we can see. Defenders are more better. You need to play football now to score. and that will give the fun back to us! I can't understand why people complains about pes2009 whereas no1 know the online modes and no1 know the gameplay so far. Just wait and see first.

agree with you:TU:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The other mirror, I think it should work everywhere now. Download @ Speedyshare

If anyone is interested in a FIFA09 movie, take a look at this.

lol, owned.

Owned huh? I know what I am saying. I dont know which one is worse PC or console. I actually used to like FIFA, but every year by year it got more and more predictable when I played it. It just does not have the real football touch to it. Winning Eleven or PES is not the best footy game that humans could come up with but it is the one that comes closest to real football.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Thanks alot SG Eintracht !

You see at 2:15, Anelka ask to Henry "change the game to the right side" :-...
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Owned huh? I know what I am saying. I dont know which one is worse PC or console. I actually used to like FIFA, but every year by year it got more and more predictable when I played it. It just does not have the real football touch to it. Winning Eleven or PES is not the best footy game that humans could come up with but it is the one that comes closest to real football.

No you don't know what you're saying, because you can't even tell the 2 apart. You probably haven't even watched 1 single gameplay video of Fifa 09 on PS3/360.

the video is pc version is it?

Yes, if you're talking about the Fifa video.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It's dissapointing only having one good football game on the market for the second year running, but there's nothing we can do about it now except hold some hope that PES2010 can be a good game...

Actually the fact is that there will be two soccer sims....and some of us (like myself) will play PES and others (like yourself) will play FIFA.

So stop with the F-ing generalization that your opinion is the only/correct opinion. Respect peoples choice of which if any game they wish to play. Because as much as you tout FIFA as supreme it has plenty of faults IMO.[/QUOTE]

Damn right fifa has faults! Thats not the issue. The issue is that Fifa is showing improvement, ambition, love for what they produce and Konami the exact opposite. Nothing more!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No because i know Fifa will never get any better than pes unless pes stops making a game for 3 years. Its so blindingy obvious to hundreds of forum users that this game has made some tramendous strides in gameplay and modes and looks as if you will have to use your footballing brain to beat an opponent but alot of your negatives are completely wrong and are just getting in the way of peoples attemps to get hyped for this game.

Ok BEEING VERY SERIOUS AND I MEAN I AM NOT TRYING TO BE A FANBOY but there is not a single thing atm that worries me atall or anything which i consider to be dissapointing. Nothing. I was actually about to try and write a list of thing i dont like to show i am not a wanker fan boy but i just cant. There is nothing that i can see as beeing bad.

Mate...just, Mate!:LOL: You mean to tell me PES looks the better game over Fifa 2009 (from what we see so far). And do you really believe that Fifa 2009 will not be better than old PES 2008? Think online, experience, physics, sound, features, etc. Just mate! That's silly.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Owned huh? I know what I am saying. I dont know which one is worse PC or console. I actually used to like FIFA, but every year by year it got more and more predictable when I played it. It just does not have the real football touch to it. Winning Eleven or PES is not the best footy game that humans could come up with but it is the one that comes closest to real football.

No mate. You were corrected. Suck it up! All of a sudden it's ". I dont know which one is worse PC or console"???? Completely different engines. Completely! Still owned!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I didnt imply atall that fifa 09 wasnt as good as pes 2008, im not stupid. But Pes 2009 definetly will be in my 360 over fifa 09. I havnt bought a Fifa game since 2004 becuase its just not as good.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ive just watched the Seabass video, whats the difference between that one and the CG footage? IMO the video looks alot like PES2008, I have not seen anything earth shattering
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours


Just plain wow. I've been out of this thread for a couple of days, had to read through 40+ pages of comments before I even begin to post.

@Rob92: I'm glad that you admitted that you got carried away and stopped. I can accept all your arguments, but for I don't know how many pages on a row it was just you hammering on whoever tried to make a positive comment ;)

Honest, I believe that it has been put here pretty clearly: you are entitled to prefer FIFA and not like PES. You are entitled to comment on what you find faulty on the PES videos or whatever. You should also allow others to find some confort in things that they see in the videos or read wherever, and let them appreciate them - even though they may be displeasing for yourself ;) I'm glad that in the end it all calmed down, because this thread was becoming terrible to follow.

And that is why people like WENB: because they are allowed to enjoy the time before the release of a new PES version without having to be force-fed that they are wrong.

After all, even though some of you are really critical about everything, some of the rest are satisfied with it - which doesn't mean that they say it is perfect, or that they don't reckon faults in it.

I, for one, am happy with the news after the embargo. The playtests from every outlet gave me a clear image of what to expect, and it suits me fine. I am eagerly waiting for the "Be a Legend" mode, and seeing it running on the Seabass video without any slowdown was complete bliss for me. The PS2 versions' Player Camera were always slow as hell.

I liked the ball movement a lot. There were some pretty nice passes that I felt that couldn't have been done in previous versions.

The shooting seems fine. The animations do need some work, but for me they do the job competently.

The off-the-ball movement seems like a fantastic addition. For those of you who didn't understand what it is, Seabass explained it pretty well. In previous PES's, for you to pass a ball and the player keep on running, instead of halting to pass and then resume the run, you'd always have to make a one-two pass, even if later on you didn't return the ball to the original player. Expert players and players who usually play 2vs2 games should be pretty familiar with using the L1+X to pass the ball more frequently than just using the X button only. The problem with using L1+X would always be that you had no control about when the running player would stop, nor its course.

Some of the playtests mentioned that you no longer needed the super cancel. This is all streamlined in the animations - and if it works as promised, it is going to be bliss. You can see some of those slight changes in the videos.

I'm going to pick this one because I don't recall the one I wanted to show:

At 1:44, Riquelme passes to Cambiasso, and then moves to try and find a better place to stay.

At 2:48 you'll see a pass, and then the player moves just as if it had been a one-two pass in previous versions, just to stop a little ahead. It didn't stay put after the pass, as it happens in previous games, and yet he didn't continue the run ad eternum. At 3:27 Portugal does it, at 3:32 it's Argentina's turn.


At 0:41 the French attack moves seamlessly while passing - no pass and stop.

The goal at 6:27 is a goal that I have never seen in PES, and I have tried to take free kicks in this manner. I can concede that people may have seen goals like these beore, but I haven't, and I do have a history with ISS's and PES's for quite a while.

At 7:41, seeing the French players running to the box - instead of the winger getting there first and then having to wait for them - is something that doesn't happen very often in PES2008 for me at least.

For other nice touches, I'm going to pick the latest video posted here for the example - the one from SG Eintracht (for which, by the way, thanks):

At 0:10, that interception reminds me of older PES's, where the ball wasn't glued to a player. As you can see, the Argentina player just mover in front of the French one an voilá!

At 0:23, the french player tries to make an interception without it being a sliding tackle.

From 0:20 to 0:26 see Messi's movement in the radar, creating the opening on the right flank.

The pass at 0:38 is lovely. Could have been stronger, but if you tried to pull it off in ealrier versions, I bet that it would have gone straight to an Argentina player. Serioulsy.

The cross at 1:43 looks pretty nice.

Right before the end, at 3:29, you see that he passes are no longer directed to players, but to the space. He is running with Makelele after the pass, and then changes to Malouda. In previous versions, even if you had changed player, the original player - in this case, Makelele - would have continued running after the ball.


At 0:55 there's a pass which, in previous versions, would not have moved as it did here, and would have ended in the Portuguese player's feet.

At 2:31 there's the pass and the player run again.


At 2:34 there's a pass which you can't seriously say that you would see in current PES versions.

Finally, this is the one I wanted to show earlier:

At 1:33, the header followed by a run would be unthinkable in current PES's. The header animation ends, the player stops, and only then does he start running at the moment. In this video, it is sweetly and seamlessly joined into the running animation.

Honestly, from what I am seeing, I really have that PES feeling that it will only make sense when I play it and feel it. It sincerely gives me that vibe that there's a whole lot of new stuff to feel and see.

The best analogy I can think of in this scenario is porn vs. sex. You really can't have a clue of what it will feel like just from watching the videos.

And from watching them once again, I see more and more details that put these videos miles away from PES2008. Trust me, they might look like what you think you remember that PES2008 felt like, but trust me when I tell you that you should put that PES2008 disc on your consoles once again and see that it's quite different - not necessarily night-and-day differences, but morning to sunset differences. ;)

For me, I want to thank you all for making me write this post. I was less enthusiastic about the game before I started :)

And you know what will happen in 2 months?

The game will be released. It will be pretty much like the videos that are being shown today.

Many people will enjoy it. Many people will like it.

Some of them will say that the game is much better than what the videos in Leipzig showed. Go figure.

The ones who don't like the game - or just like to rant - will blame those who said "wait 'til you try the game for yourselves, the videos don't do it justice" because they got their heads filled with hopes that the game would be everything that they wanted.

Well, it won't. If you choose to take it for what it is, it will be great.

If you don't, you always have the other game - and I respect that.

Just respect us for also being enthusiastic for this game as well.

Sorry for the really, really long post. I got carried away too ;)

Best regards to all. I'll be out for the weekend.

Paulo Tavares

P.S. - For f's sake... Before I started writing the thread was peaceful, and now it's all FIFA vs PES again? Come on...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

No because i know Fifa will never get any better than pes unless pes stops making a game for 3 years. Its so blindingy obvious to hundreds of forum users that this game has made some tramendous strides in gameplay and modes and looks as if you will have to use your footballing brain to beat an opponent but alot of your negatives are completely wrong and are just getting in the way of peoples attemps to get hyped for this game.

Ok BEEING VERY SERIOUS AND I MEAN I AM NOT TRYING TO BE A FANBOY but there is not a single thing atm that worries me atall or anything which i consider to be dissapointing. Nothing. I was actually about to try and write a list of thing i dont like to show i am not a wanker fan boy but i just cant. There is nothing that i can see as beeing bad.
:LOL: :lmao: :LOL:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Still whats with all this you got owned and crap, seriously, reminds me of playing an online shooter with some bunch of kids.

Anyway I was just gonna say about the passes, someone said about them being magnetic to the floor or something and gliding etc, first of all its not magnetic, im hoping its gravity, and even then, from the videos I have seen the ball has some lift, and bounces accordingly, and then when the upwards force basically balances out it rolls along the grass, well thats what I have seen, the softer shorter passes sometimes just roll, and on a flat nice pitch, thats what I would expect?

The funny thing is, we havent even still seen most of this game, I wanna see the weather effects, we wont know until we play it, such as the passing being effected by the wet or frozen ground, probably best to 'feel' it than see it, however I wouldnt mind seeing it to be honest.

Also how can some of you talk about the shooting system etc, its easy enough to see the power bar and ball fly towards the goal, but how can you comment on the shooting system, if you haven't had a shot on the game yourself? Like rob, you said something about the 09 shooting, and then went on to say the PES5 system is better? How could you possibly tell? Not having a go or anything, im just asking.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Wow tht must of taken some time to do. Ive always wanted to do that to show some of its features off but could never be arsed. thnx
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

hey guys back from leipzig and i played 3 matches of pes 2009. let me get some sleep and i`ll give you my impressions tomorrow.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

This is a video I made yesterday at the Games Convention. It was the first match played by "normal" gamers. ;))
Click to watch

It's the PS3 version.

What I like about this video is, in the first few seconds a series of tackles using the X button are made successfully, the ball doesn't bounce back into the ball carriers path like it used to( at least in the last few PS2 versions).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

in agreement wiv da op

The Fifa folks are well within their rights to come here and say what they think of Pro Evo, but to say that Fifa is a simulation and that PES is an arcade game and not expect to be picked up on it is a little ignorant on their part. There also seems to be a little bemusement at how people are excited for PES2009, again with the ignorance, people here are looking for something that Fifa doesn't offer, simple as.

Me and a select other have made the same points for the past 12 months and we go over the same ground over and over again. The only way to really stop it is to make long, bullet-point posts which aren't all that fun to make.

We need to draw a line in the sand at some point and say that we all have different opinions. There's no right or wrong, etc. etc.

If I have to read another "konami dead seaturd lammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmo" then uggggg
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