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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I also want to make it clear that I am not a fan boy of either, like some have insinuated. When Fifa was awful, I was right there in the front lines voicing my opinions on forums like this so that the game makers take note. Now that Konami are trying to pull a fast one on us, I am here in protest as well. They can;t fool the smarter fans. They are shovelling us shite is how I see it. You mean to tell me that they worked for 12 months on this PES 2009? From what we can see? Don't think so. I think they are resting on 5 year old laurels and praises and that's our fault perhaps for turning them into Gods in the first place.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

This place can be so demoralising. Thank god WENB is back up
People are just telling the truth about the game, commenting on what we see, and what we see is shite so people have said that... Nobody is making things up as to why the game is crap, people are making things up as to why they think the game will be good though (early build excuses, the people playing it, difficulty level etc).

People on the WENB forums get their accounts deleted for just being negative about the game... Shows just how much of a fanboy place it is.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Surely there are some other users who are a bit miffed at this ''smoke and mirrors'' development to the previews of PES 2009.

I'm very cynical about this 2 versions talk because frankly aye we heard the same last year and we got a duff game.

If i'm being optimistic i might reason an earlier build was perhaps more er...solid? more accessible for the PR chaps? But saying things like this make me feel like i am making excuses for Konami.

The whole situation is just a bit, unnecessary in my eyes.

Alarm bells are ringing at the ''week of release'' for the demo too. Pre-orders and early adopters will have already got the game then, and while perhaps patience is sometimes prudent in this case often those with pre-orders do so for the convenience of getting a game through the post where they might not get the chance to run around shopping for it.

Bashing on or trolling around on a computer games forum isn't my thing. I think it's outright silly really but this whole mystery regarding ''real versions and PR versions'' just leaves me raising my eyebrow towards Konami and rubbing my chin saying ''Hmmmmm....riiiiiiiight!''.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I also want to make it clear that I am not a fan boy of either, like some have insinuated. When Fifa was awful, I was right there in the front lines voicing my opinions on forums like this so that the game makers take note. Now that Konami are trying to pull a fast one on us, I am here in protest as well. They can;t fool the smarter fans. They are shovelling us shite is how I see it. You mean to tell me that they worked for 12 months on this PES 2009? From what we can see? Don't think so. I think they are resting on 5 year old laurels and praises and that's our fault perhaps for turning them into Gods in the first place.

Ok so you are here to voice how much you dislike this game over and over again in order to get the message through to the masses. Halleluha I'm a believer praise the fifa, halleluha. I hope konami hears your plight because you have done an amazing job with the fifa franchise.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ok so you are here to voice how much you dislike this game over and over again in order to get the message through to the masses. Halleluha I'm a believer praise the fifa, halleluha. I hope konami hears your plight because you have done an amazing job with the fifa franchise.

It's not my fault that my opinions from what I see from Fifa are positive and the exact opposite for PES! A few years ago, my stance was the opposite as well. It pains many PES fanboys to hear positive things about Fifa, but sorry, you're hearing it for a reason. What's your response to the rest of the PES players here who have dogged Konamis showing and effort so far? Are they on drugs? Or is it perhaps plausible that they see it how I see it? The reason why Fifa has converted its trash games to good games is because they listen to the community and because they care about what they do and are ambitious. Don't hate.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The Spanish website says Konami make a BIG announcement in 15 day (a good one, specialy for the Spanish public)

Finalmente un pequeño apunte. En Konami nos han avisado de que sigamos el juego de cerca porque en breve (cosa de unos quince días como mucho) harán un importante anuncio que ilusionará especialmente al público español.

Thanks Jjoseca
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ok so you are here to voice how much you dislike this game over and over again in order to get the message through to the masses. Halleluha I'm a believer praise the fifa, halleluha. I hope konami hears your plight because you have done an amazing job with the fifa franchise.

From what I've seen of his comments, he appears pretty balanced, so I don't really see why you feel the need to sarcastically praise FIFA. Surely all football games improving is beneficial to everyone!? Admittedly, at this moment in time, there's a huge selection of... TWO games to choose from.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

A ver si el anuncio va ser que tienen los derechos para el bernabeu?

(I hope the big announcement isn't that they have exclusive rights to the Bernabeu)!
i don't think because the Bernabeu are already on PES2008 and under licence
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

PESFAN - PES 2009 Playtest Report!
One major alteration to the core gameplay is the implementation of true manual control. In the past, once a player had passed the ball to a team-mate, the cursor would then automatically switch to the player receiving the pass. However, in PES 20009 the cursor will not switch unless you select him. This new control system seems like a step forward as it allows you to pass the ball to a computer controlled player whilst you run into space with the passer, before switching control to the ball carrier and playing a through ball to the man you ran into space with. This new control system may take a bit of time to get the hang of, even for a PES veteran, and expect to find yourself in many keystone cop defending situations as you lose track of who you’re controlling!

That's not new. It was in the game at least 2 years ago, possibly more. And it's hardly true manual's simply manual player switching.

It feels as if the developers have gone back to PES 5 and developed from there. The results mean it not only plays like 5 but all the problems of 6 and 8 are erased.

So why not just play PES5?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

From what I've seen of his comments, he appears pretty balanced, so I don't really see why you feel the need to sarcastically praise FIFA. Surely all football games improving is beneficial to everyone!? Admittedly, at this moment in time, there's a huge selection of... TWO games to choose from.

Are you serious? Balanced? Have you read his posts? I don't mind his arguments, but to ram it down everyone's throat every chance he gets is just annoying.

And I don't understand why someone that presently supports FIFA posts exclusively in a PES thread. He has posted 79 times since signing up and 78 of those post have been in this thread. Just weird. Seems fishy to me.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That's not new. It was in the game at least 2 years ago, possibly more. And it's hardly true manual's simply manual player switching.

So why not just play PES5?
Yeah, "true manual" control would be free movement, passing, crossing, shooting... everything. Passing the ball then running somewhere was probably just added so they didn't have to upgrade the AI to do that itself - which it should. Also, I can't see it working anyway as by the time the ball reaches the recipient then you won't have had time to run where you wanted to.

I also agree with you about playing PES5 - why bother buying essentially the same product with better graphics, much worse animations and no doubt more glitches? Makes no sense, I am certainly not stupid enough to do that.

Are you serious? Balanced? Have you read his posts? I don't mind his arguments, but to ram it down everyone's throat every chance he gets is just annoying.

And I don't understand why someone that presently supports FIFA posts exclusively in a PES thread. He has posted 79 times since signing up and 78 of those post have been in this thread. Just weird. Seems fishy to me.
It's not like he's just saying "pes sux lol" is it? His comments have been truthful and justified - and I fully agree with him.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That's not new. It was in the game at least 2 years ago, possibly more. And it's hardly true manual's simply manual player switching.

So why not just play PES5?

Because PES2009 isn't PES5?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Are you serious? Balanced? Have you read his posts? I don't mind his arguments, but to ram it down everyone's throat every chance he gets is just annoying.

And I don't understand why someone that presently supports FIFA posts exclusively in a PES thread. He has posted 79 times since signing up and 78 of those post have been in this thread. Just weird. Seems fishy to me.

I have accounts in different sites. Listen, I have been very critical of PES and perhaps overly critical. My frustrations! I had high hopes for PES 2009. In all fairness to Konami, I will chill out and see what else is revealed by them. And perhaps I am overly excited about Fifa this year and can't help compare the two games. I'll chill the fifa talk. C'mon Konami! Deep down inside I am really upset because I wanted Konami to be king again. I miss those WE9 days :(
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Would it be a good guess that the spanish announcement is that they have licensed all the teams in la liga?

zakov said:
Have u ever stopped and think that someone might like what everyone else dislikes?

Stop accusing them of being bought by KONAMI, because it makes no sense for them to suck up to a bad game so that they could play the next version of that game.

Quit slandering, these people are just giving us their thoughts on the game, u don't like it, no need to accuse them.

Not to have a go at WENB, or PESfan, as I appreciate the effort they make. But your point about them having no reason to "big up" the game is missing an important point, namely their sites existance is totally reliant on the games popularity and any positive financial / free games / previews etc is directly related to how many people enjoy/buy the game. It's in their interest to improve sales.

bw..something or other said:
They are shovelling us shite is how I see it. You mean to tell me that they worked for 12 months on this PES 2009? From what we can see? Don't think so. I think they are resting on 5 year old laurels and praises and that's our fault perhaps for turning them into Gods in the first place.

Agree with the first sentance (since pes5), but I'm hoping the reason pes09's main improvements seem to be making it a full/bugfree PES08 is that most of the "new" team is working on a new engine for next year.

Ofcourse better judgement is telling me that won't be the case. Seeing as Seabass has said that the pes08 engine will be finetuned like pes3-6, but then Seabass also said the crap in Lami's sig so who knows. :D
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You mean to tell me that they worked for 12 months on this PES 2009? From what we can see? Don't think so. I think they are resting on 5 year old laurels and praises and that's our fault perhaps for turning them into Gods in the first place.

I'm genuinely surprised at how little seems to have been done for PES2009, particularly after 2008 was so badly received, resulting in Seabass's publicly humiliating, apologetic interviews.

And yet, the list of improvements for 2009 are just fixing the glaring flaws of 08 (horrendous slow-down, etc) and beginning to add back into the game features that were already in place years ago (edit mode, stadia, Fantasista/Legend mode).

I'd like to know what Seabass genuinely thinks about how things are going, about how much resource he's being allocated by Konami, how much staff and money he's being given to really develop the game, particularly when he knows the huge resources EA are putting into FIFA. This years list of PES improvements gives the impression it's being developed by a 5 mean team or something. He must be green with envy of the guys at EA.

Having watch the Seabass PES2009 interview, he didn't strike me as an upbeat guy who was hugely confident about the new game, more like someone who's trying to hide how disappointed he is at the lack of progress he can make because of how little support he's getting from his employer.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I can't see it working anyway as by the time the ball reaches the recipient then you won't have had time to run where you wanted to.

If I understood you correctly, I think you've slightly misunderstood the feature (assuming I've understood it correctly :)).

As far as I know, when you play with full manual player switching, you can pass the ball and not have the cursor move to the player you passed to. So far we agree.
But I think you meant that the cursor switches to the other player as soon as he receives the pass.
That is not how I've understood it. The way I've read it, even after the player you passed to receives the pass, your cursor won't switch to him. Which means that you control the passer even after the teammate receives your pass. Meaning you can run around with the passer while the teammate, now in control of the ball, is controlled by the AI. This means that you can run around wherever and however with the original passer, until you either press L1 to get the cursor to the ball carrier, or press pass or such to get a pass from the AI-controlled teammate.

That is, if I've understood everything correctly. ;)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Oh okay, I wasn't completely sure, but on the gameplay videos I have watched, I havn't seen an example of it yet - the cursor switches like it always has done.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

There was one, in the earlier videos where the brazil player is testing it out. Although he wasnt very good with it as half the time he ended up being the cpu player with the ball a second or two after passing the ball. But you could see how it´s supposed to work a couple of times.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Oh okay, I wasn't completely sure, but on the gameplay videos I have watched, I havn't seen an example of it yet - the cursor switches like it always has done.

The manual cursor switch in previous PES games was optional. If I recall, you simply moved the cursor switch sensitivity all the way to the left to have fixed cursor mode (where you controlled one player all match, eg. you were Rooney all match), and one more click back to the right made it full manual switch, so it only switched to a new player when you told it to, meaning you could pass the ball but retain control of the passer.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Really? Didn't know that, atleast the second option with switching. Guess the only difference then is that you can ask for passes back :D
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The manual cursor switch in previous PES games was optional. If I recall, you simply moved the cursor switch sensitivity all the way to the left to have fixed cursor mode (where you controlled one player all match, eg. you were Rooney all match), and one more click back to the right made it full manual switch, so it only switched to a new player when you told it to, meaning you could pass the ball but retain control of the passer.
And this is one of their main gameplay "improvements" :LOL:. It's just an old feature which I didn't even know about so it can't have been that good (I knew about the fixed cursor though)...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It was actually a very nice feature. As soon as I realised it was there, it became my cursor mode of choice.

You could do off the ball runs and stuff, and also opt out of tedious defending if you couldn't be bothered, just leaving the dirty work to your AI team-mates whilst you swanned around on the half-way line waiting for them to get the ball to you :).

Of course, if they were taking too long, you still had the option to intervene by switching player to that nearest to the ball and get stuck in (which you invariably had to do).

Can't remember if this mode was still in PES2008 - I played that game so little I have virtually no recollection of it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well it's still nothing we havn't sen before then, and it's certainly wrongly called "true manual control".

If they have to try and big that up as a main gameplay feature then they can't have done much to the game at all can they?

It's dissapointing only having one good football game on the market for the second year running, but there's nothing we can do about it now except hold some hope that PES2010 can be a good game...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

If you really tried like you are towards pes 2009 you could find many faults with cod 4 even though imo its the best game of all time or atleast up there. Its so easy to critisize games but i bet you could say loads of good things that are in pes 2009, you just dont though.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It's dissapointing only having one good football game on the market for the second year running, but there's nothing we can do about it now except hold some hope that PES2010 can be a good game...[/QUOTE]

Actually the fact is that there will be two soccer sims....and some of us (like myself) will play PES and others (like yourself) will play FIFA.

So stop with the F-ing generalization that your opinion is the only/correct opinion. Respect peoples choice of which if any game they wish to play. Because as much as you tout FIFA as supreme it has plenty of faults IMO.
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