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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

really if there is fifafans they are proud about what Ea do for them at least they try their best to let their fans happy not like seabass

Well, going back to PES5 gameplay is going back to something fans liked. We also don't know if Japanese fans hate the game, since they are a major influence on Konami.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well, going back to PES5 gameplay is going back to something fans liked. We also don't know if Japanese fans hate the game, since they are a major influence on Konami.

They must going back to PES 6 not to PES 5 ....:SS
PES 6 still the best football game 4ever
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well, going back to PES5 gameplay is going back to something fans liked. We also don't know if Japanese fans hate the game, since they are a major influence on Konami.

So if they jump back for PES5 so that something we like !! there is a lot of points we beg them to be added to the game they dont even add it ! they remove the old things ,, and this game is world wide game not J-Rpg so konami will care about japanese only So EA wins in that point they just keep improving their game every year
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

what's this wait til next year crap i keep hearing about
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Spanish League EA´s exclusive
"Bad news! EA have announced today that La Liga will be exclusive to FIFA 09. Here’s the press release from the rivals:

“Today, EA also announced it has secured an exclusive licensing agreement with the Spanish Liga BBVA and Adelante. The exclusive partnership with the Spanish La Liga grants EA SPORTS sole rights to include every Spanish La Liga club and enables the EA SPORTS FIFA franchise to deliver the most realistic and up-to-date game with current kits, squads and player likenesses.”

What this means to La Liga in PES 2009 we aren’t 100% sure right now. But I can see it becoming a similar situation to the Premiership in PES. Fans of the series, say a prayer tonight! Otherwise its Asta-la vista la liga!

WENB Team"

instead stepping forward, PES is goind backward...:banned:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

some of u too easily pleased, again comments "at least they are taking something that we liked and building on it" are u not tired of waiting till "next year" for that game? bunch of sheep

Is it such a problem to you if people actually look forward to the game?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

review of jeuxvideo from france.........someone can translate it?

Mouille ton maillot, Honore ton brassard, Arrête ton bla-bla, ce qui compte c'est le score final... Ce n'est pas moi qui le dis, c'est Sixcoups MC. Dans son hymne à PES 2008, le rappeur français n'a sans doute pas volontairement traduit ce que l'on attend des équipes de développement de Konami pour PES 2009. Pourtant, il est dans le vrai. Ne plus promettre, faire honneur à la série et surtout y mettre tout leur coeur pour nous proposer une vraie bonne simulation de foot. Cette première version, encore en chantier, nous apporte les premiers enseignements sur le futur proche de la franchise. Renouveau ou décente aux enfers ?

Comme nous réclamons moins de bla-bla, tâchons de faire l'impasse sur le passage qui raconte que l'année 2008 fut celle de la déception pour PES. Tout le monde le sait. On privilégie la philosophie d'un dirigeant parisien qui fait table rase sur la saison passée, souhaitant le meilleur pour le futur, oubliant toutes ces erreurs qui ternirent l'image de son équipe. Konami souhaite tout autant faire oublier sa production 2008 et s'avère déjà capable de nous fournir une version proche du PES 2009 que nombre de joueurs attendent. Toussotant quelques grains de poussière évidents (effectifs à peine actualisés, maillots pas encore texturés, menus incomplets, licences oubliées...) dus à son état d'avancement, cette preview permet toutefois de se pencher en profondeur sur l'essentiel : le gameplay. C'est aussi l'occasion de prendre la température des nouveautés qui doivent aider à relancer la machine, quelque peu enrayée et surtout dépassée par la mécanique du meilleur ennemi voisin, FIFA. C'est enfin le plus court chemin pour se faire une idée précise des moyens dont dispose Konami pour reconquérir son statut de référence, à moyen et à long terme. S'il est impossible d'être catégorique, on peut d'ores et déjà affirmer que le défi se présente comme relevé, et le mot est faible.

Le mode "Vers une légende" permet d'incarner un seul joueur sur le terrain, durant toute une carrière.
A l'instar d'un club plongé dans une crise profonde qui rappelle un entraîneur l'ayant conduit à la gloire, PES 2009 s'appuie sur ce qui marcha jadis, c'est-à-dire la version PS2. Rassurez-vous, on ne parle pas de downgrade graphique mais bien d'un gameplay tourné vers la simulation. Si quelques tares persistantes rappellent que l'on joue bien à un PES sur consoles nouvelle génération, le rythme de jeu et la progression sur le rectangle vert n'ont plus grand-chose à voir avec PES 2008. Out les fusées qui remontent le terrain aussi rapidement qu'un Usain Bolt et qui jouent à la baballe avec un ballon de plage. Cette fois, les petites gambettes des 22 acteurs adoptent une cadence plus réaliste et subissent bien les effets d'une course folle sur 95 mètres de gazon. Le tout est donc largement plus lent, plus posé et donc logiquement plus tactique. La physique du ballon est certainement le meilleur symbole de ce revirement de mentalité. Plus lourd et plus indépendant que jamais, le ballon n'est plus cette sphère qui traverse le terrain dans tous les sens, quelle que soit la façon dont il est frappé. Désormais plus sujet aux faux rebonds ou aux caprices d'une pelouse détrempée, le cuir a donc gagné en crédibilité, comme les frappes, plus en phase avec le positionnement du tireur et l'angle dont il dispose pour ajuster sa mire.

Le moteur du jeu accuse toujours un gros retard sur FIFA, en dépit de quelques améliorations.
Si l'on pourra encore ponctuellement pester contre des joueurs maladroits dans la surface de vérité, leur aptitude à appréhender la trajectoire et le rebond du ballon leur permet de placer davantage de frappes faciles dans le cadre. Ils ont notamment appris l'une des bases du football, à savoir utiliser l'intérieur de leur pied pour assurer un tir cadré. Par exemple, si vous allumez le gardien et qu'il repousse dans les pieds de l'un de vos joueurs, celui-ci saura se contenter d'un plat du pied à l'opposé du dernier rempart, encore le nez dans le gazon. Idem dans les phases de regroupements massifs sur coups de pied arrêtés (à ce sujet, les ralentissements intempestifs semblent avoir déserté, ce qui n'est pas du luxe). Les cafouillages défensifs sont mieux exploités par les attaquants, plus enclins à donner le coup de rein nécessaire pour pousser la balle au fond des filets. On note cependant, malgré des efforts notables, que l'attitude des gardiens n'est pas souvent exempte de tout reproche. Gants en peau de savonnette, chasse aux papillons sur des centres aériens... Des erreurs indépendantes du joueur qui pèsent lourd dans le résultat d'une rencontre équilibrée. D'ailleurs, s'ils sont clairement plus mobiles et plus réactifs sur leur ligne, les portiers ont toujours autant de peine à bloquer des ballons faciles et les repoussent régulièrement dans les pieds adverses ou carrément dans leurs propres filets. Espérons que ce point sera corrigé aussi rapidement que possible.

Les gabarits des joueurs ont été revus et surtout affinés et sont désormais assez proches de FIFA 08.
Là où PES faillait à tous les étages la saison dernière, c'est au niveau défensif. Les défenseurs centraux ouvraient grandes les portes de la surface de réparation. Cette période est révolue. Le déséquilibre parfois honteux entre les attaquants et les défenseurs a été corrigé pour donner naissance à de véritables duels insistant sur les points forts et les faiblesses des joueurs concernés. Plus intelligents dans leur placement, plus retenus dans leurs interventions, ils jouissent également d'un traitement moins injuste en termes de contres favorables. Enfin, pour gagner son duel, il faudra dribbler, crocheter, feinter. Un vrai pas en avant qui conduit à lui seul les scores fleuves de PES 2008 à des tableaux d'affichage plus raisonnables. Après plusieurs heures de jeu, nous pouvons également confirmer la nette régression des buts gags, bien que quelques c.s.c. font toujours autant rager. Concernant les défenses et la ligne de derrière, précisons également que les arrières latéraux participent davantage au jeu offensif. Si on les savait déjà bons débordeurs, bons centreurs, on les découvre parfois bons finisseurs lorsqu'il faut porter le surnombre dans les 16m50, en glissant au second poteau. Cela leur permet de ne plus être les seuls joueurs de votre effectif à ne pas planter un seul but tout au long d'une saison en championnat ou en Ligue des Masters.

Les maillots font partie des petits détails qui ont été retravaillés pour oublier ce côté plastique de PES 2008.
Techniquement, PES accuse toujours un retard conséquent sur son concurrent direct. Si l'angle de vue global témoigne d'un moteur de jeu pâlot, grossièrement texturé et assez loin d'une retransmission télé, les détails plaident en revanche en la faveur du titre de Konami. L'exemple le plus flagrant est le gabarit des joueurs. Les modèles permettent vraiment de ressentir l'immensité d'un terrain, contrairement aux équipes de gros costauds de l'opus précédent. Plus fins, mieux proportionnés, tout simplement plus "réalistes", les protagonistes paraissent avoir été dessinés à partir des courbes de leurs homologues de FIFA 08. Il suffit également de jeter un coup d'oeil à leurs tenues pour remarquer des textiles moins plastiques, moins lisses, affichant de nombreux plis çà et là. En parallèle, la modélisation des visages continue sa progression et fixe une nouvelle fois la barre très haute, avec toujours plus de joueurs capturés et ressemblant comme deux gouttes d'eau aux véritables pros. Il demeure cependant nombre de modèles lambda portés à tous les joueurs peu connus présentant une caractéristique physique commune, comme la couleur de peau par exemple. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que l'éditeur offre cette année une mine de possibilités pour retoucher chaque centimètre du faciès de ces "oubliés", pour les plus patients d'entre-nous.

Malgré de meilleurs réflexes et une meilleures détente, les gardiens sont toujours régulièrement gaffeurs.
L'autre bonne nouvelle, c'est la présence de nouveautés dignes de ce nom. L'une d'entre elles est censée répondre au mode "Deviens Pro" de FIFA 08. Dans PES, le joueur devient "une légende". Si le jeu d'EA n'a rien inventé (on se souvient de Libero Grande ou encore du mode Fantasista de la version nippone de PES la saison dernière), on se demande bien pourquoi Konami a attendu le réveil de son concurrent direct pour proposer "Vers une légende" aux joueurs européens. Quoi qu'il en soit, des variantes suffisent à lui donner une certaine personnalité. Dans ce mode, l'utilisateur créé son avatar puis débute sa carrière en tant que jeune espoir. Il signe tout d'abord dans une équipe de seconde zone (dans notre partie, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse et Caen nous proposaient leurs services) et doit faire ses preuves étape par étape. Briller d'abord à l'entraînement pour gagner sa place sur la feuille de match, puis marquer les esprits à chaque période de temps de jeu accordée par le coach pour espérer devenir un titulaire en puissance et attirer ainsi l'oeil de recruteurs de clubs plus huppés. Tout au long de sa carrière, le joueur progresse et peut même être appelé en équipe national si ses performances le justifient. Un historique de la carrière permet de constater des progrès, qu'il s'agisse d'attributs boostés ou tout simplement d'un salaire de base régulièrement revu à la hausse.

Le ciel de Konami s'éclaircirait-il partiellement après la déception de la version 2008 ?
La seconde nouveauté qui a attiré notre attention est la possibilité d'importer des mp3 pour les associer ensuite à n'importe quel club en tant que chant de supporters. L'idée est excellente mais prouve encore une fois que Konami peine à concurrencer FIFA au niveau sonore. Qu'importe, le joueur peut profiter à fond de cette option qui fait à la fois office de révolution que de cache-misère. En effet, le duo de commentateurs Jeanpierre-Paganelli a été reconduit. Plus que le choix des hommes, c'est la persistance des développeurs à enregistrer des commentaires robotisés et en décalage total avec le contexte qui fait grincer des dents. Dans cette version, tout juste a-t-on pu noter une poignée de nouveaux commentaires, le reste reprenant mot pour mot les interventions douteuses qu'on ouit dans PES 2008. Ce n'est donc pas demain que cette éternelle difficulté sera surmontée. En attendant de se plonger plus profondément dans la Ligue des Masters, légèrement améliorée, et le multijoueur auquel nous n'avions pas accès dans cette version, c'est donc l'essentiel à retenir de cette nouvelle itération. Si nos impressions générales sont plutôt bonnes, précisons qu'un certain sentiment de gâchis rejaillit inlassablement lorsqu'on repense au temps perdu avec le précédent opus. Car finalement, PES 2009 ressemble davantage à PES 6 qu'à PES 2008. Tout en étant une bonne nouvelle, cela prouve que les équipes de Konami ont dû faire machine arrière et ne semblent pas encore prêtes à apprivoiser la nouvelle génération aussi aisément que le voisin américain.

N'ayant pas eu l'autorisation de capturer nos propres screens, les visuels qui accompagnent cet aperçu sont fournis par l'éditeur, Konami.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

also if you player Fifa 07 and tried the 08 u will feel a big change in the game but i promise u from pes2008 to 2009 you will only NOTICE little change thats my point
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just hope La Liga teams will be there with fake team names but with real player names...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

yes it is actually, because i dont want to play a shit game, i want to play a brilliant game! people that are happy to play something average are the ones that are easily pleased, amusing really

Its completely subjective whether the game is shit or not. People seem to think its completely objective.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

LooooooooL KONAMI K.O !! EA Wins Perfect !!

Damn you Konami Damn you ,,, the footy game legenad finished

its clear yer just here to bash PES aimlessly, i can't believe a wanker like u is still allowed in this thread.
We haven't even touched the demo yet, as far as licence goes, I'm not too bothered by it(since I've been with the PC ver, I've always enjoyed editing teams) but I could understand it if others are.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

who cares about the licenses... For me they may lose all licenses so they need to go back where they are the best at, making a soccer game with a good gameplay ! If pes2009 looks like pes5 its not bad news. I think its very good news because pes5 was great! Building on a great game can result in making a better one.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

But unfortunately the majority of players run with the same animation as last year although the game does feature individual running animations (mainly for more recognisable players).

Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

really if there is fifafans they are proud about what Ea do for them at least they try their best to let their fans happy not like seabass

we already happy with seabass ... coz we didn't forget all of PES series that seabass and his team made it .. it's only one version it was bad .. and this year come to the line .. so we still like seabass .. not like someone plays PES series for all years but if he just dont like one version he start complying and change to other game ...

like someone fan of MAN united and if they lose he will say I'm not a fan of this team .. i will change them ... lol
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Intervened, it was a temporary ban when I started but then it got worse...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Can somebody copy and paste the newest editorial from WENB? It doesnt show up at my pc.. Allthough I already read on Gamespot that they can't tell anything about the Edit mode (allthough PESgaming said it's possible to edit the chants and the music).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Disappointing to see how soon people turn their back to the game. I am really annoyed with one or two people overhere.
In my view it is a good move to build on to PES 5, which is the best PES ever. If you read the improvements in gameplay it is impossible to say that the gameplay is the same, as some people said. The article of Adam lifts some details on gameplay that made me very happy.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

old Pictures in HD


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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They say some things are classics and are best left untouched, whereas some need to be constantly tweaked or updated. This has been the debate within the WE/Pro Evo community for years. There is a fine divide within the faithful followers of this beautiful game that has served them well for well over a decade now, with many believing that the title should remain true to its core gameplay and not deviate. Other however believe that the game should advance with the constant progression of technology even if its means trying new things.

Change…. It can be a scary thing for many. I am of the opposite breed, one that embraces change in video games and welcomes it with open arms even if it means that mistakes are made. After all, “Why do we fall, sir? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up.” said Alfred to Bruce Wayne. You are probably wondering right now, “Has our old friend Suff lost his mind? This is no PES 2009 preview!” There is a reason to this intro that will become apparent as you churn your way through these words.

Monday morning, walking through London to meet Adam I was thinking “Will Konami deliver this year or will I be left disappointed”. Either way, I was about to find out. Load up the system and you are met with a fresh new intro video that is much better than last year’s effort although still in the same “Art-Deco” style. Clearly more of a European branding influence on the game. All the menus in this game have been revamped and the game has been given a complete refresh. The menu system is much clearer and team selection is now using a rotational system that you will no doubt see in many of the Leipzig videos.

The Menu list was as we all know it with the exception of three new welcome additions; BECOME A LEGEND, LEGENDS (Online Variant) and MESSAGES (Talking to friends in-game via messages). Once we had gotten through all the menus, I popped straight into the Exhibition mode to load up Liverpool vs. Milan for a quick one player experience. A quick look through all the team options I didn’t spot anything new with regards to team customisation and formations etc. But getting through that I was then met with the faces of Torres and Gerrard, which I must say look even better than they did last year (Ronaldo looks phenomenal by the way). So instantly the graphical progress from last year is evident.

The match starts off with some nice cinematic type camera angles and nice graphical touches that are based around last year but the improved visuals make all the difference. The crowds are now blurred into the stadium by focusing solely on the players and action on the pitch, a great cinematic technique which means you avoid having to deal with the hassle and complexities of a good-looking crowd. The most obvious improvement in the stadiums is how good the grass now looks in the wide cam. Added to that that each stadium had its own different grass that wears during gameplay and you realise how much this game has come along graphically. Unfortunately a video of the game will not highlight this. The lighting effects in-game compliments the new improved visuals and varies depending on season and time of day. But along with the grass, the other key graphical improvement was the weather conditions, our build only had rain built in as it was 75% complete but it looks awesome. We are told that the final build will definitely have snow and frozen turf.

There are many other graphical touches including LED ad-boards, new animations unique to players (i.e. Ronaldo free-kick) and slight improvements to the player models. The animation set has also been expanded with a few new ones that we noticed during when performing skill moves, during tackles and all round player movement. But unfortunately the majority of players run with the same animation as last year although the game does feature individual running animations (mainly for more recognisable players). Taking a look at the camera options, Adam and I spotted two more. But disappointingly no sign of the Panning feature that I loved so dearly during the PS2 days. I am silently praying it makes the final cut. All the time playing I had completely forgotten about one of the primary reasons for out visit, Slow Down. Non-existent…. Absolutely no sign of it what so ever. We saw the rare frame rate drop for a millisecond, but that’s me being extremely harsh as the game flows flawlessly at what I assume to be 30 frames per second. Slow down in replays? Again, perfect and with the addition of some nice camera effects during replays (a bit Hollywood-esque)

Now let’s get into the real nitty-gritty, Gameplay. The minute you pick up the controller you notice that there is a significant difference between PES 2009 and its predecessor. Pace. Adam and I felt this game had a slower more conservative pace to it a la PES 5. Later on we decide it was more between PES 5 and 6. Big tick for Konami there, out the window goes the ridiculous arcade pace of PES 2008 that I absolutely refused to review (for those of you whom were wondering where my review for PES 2008 was last year - in the garbage). This time you can actually play a game of football, by passing and moving and simply enjoying the pace of the game.

Looking at the other aspects of play, one of the key improvements to the overall game is Ball Physics. This has had the knock-on effect of improving the game all-round. I thought it would be impossible for Konami to match what its rival had done with shooting this year, but they have really got it. The ball actually feels like it has weight on it and gone are those ridiculous shots from last year. You can only hit those if you connect perfectly. The ball also travels realistically on true-to-life trajectories mimicking what you would see in real life. During set-pieces you really get a feel of the ball physics improvements, as free-kicks take a lot of getting used to. Fill up the power meter half way and it’s too much!

Passing is slightly better with less of that “tuck, tuck, tuck” sound effect, however it’s still not quite organic enough. Being fair however this may be due to the fact that the trapping in this game has not been improved for years now. The new manual passing system is a welcome addition, but will take some getting used to as it relies entirely on the right analogue stick. But if it means less misplaced passes that sometimes have you furious at the game, then Hallelujah! Move the stick the in the direction you want to pass and the longer you hold it down the more weight on the pass.

Skill moves and player pace you ask? Skill moves now are now based on quick intricate-movements of the D-pad or left analogue in conjunction with holding down the R2/RT button. The R2 button is pretty useless in some of the lesser known players but pick Ronaldo and Messi and simple flicking of the stick will make you look like a king in front of all your mates. This is a much more intuitive control system, which allows players to manoeuvre their players based on their own natural accuracy and speed using a controller. Player pace is also realistic but this time players with pace can’t automatically burn a defender. Ryan Babel would be able to just edge out Zambrotta on the wing to whip in a cross, but when I switched him to the other side; he had more luck beating Maldini. Gone are the days of players with pace absolutely humiliating slower wing-backs.

There have also been some changes made to tackling in this game. The intensity that you hold or press the X/A button will decide what kind of standing tackles your player performs (bonus for SIXAXIS, DUALSHOCK 3 players). Goalkeepers worries? I can’t remember which PES it was that had seen the most improvement in goalkeepers, but this was almost on par with that. They respond well, rush off the line quickly to make themselves big and collect from a striker one on one. Even their reactions are better and when they smother it, they are always first on top of the ball. So, we give the crew at Konami another tick.

The big one though has always been artificial intelligence. It’s truly what makes or breaks a game in most cases. So how does PES 2009 compare to PES 2008. Well still no sign of TEAMVISION for me personally but there does seem to be some improvement in the player responses. I personally did have some issues with player positioning although that may be more down to tactics than AI faults. One issue I did have though was the lack of intelligent CPU controlled runs by players in front of me when in possession. Sometimes they made the moves, other times they were static waiting to receive a pass. Try to trigger the runs and there was almost no response until you were within 5 yards of the player. The other issue I had is that of defenders running in circles sometimes like their feared their lives when a player is running through. I was assured this is being addressed.

PS. I still can’t find TEAMVISION! Is it real?

Focusing on game modes specifically now, the Become a Legend mode is one that Europe has been anticipating for years. Konami were first to incorporate it in a football game (PS2- Japan only) however EA have now stolen the show and made a massive feature of it particularly with online play. So how does Konami react? Simple, a much deeper mode that last more than 4 seasons and gives you more control and customisation of your player attributes based on your own individual performances. Pass well in a game and your passing stats can go up quite a bit. Do it in practice and the increase is less significant but still enough to boost your stats. Consistently show poor heading ability and you will see that downwards arrow meaning your heading ability is going down.

So what’s the aim? Well create your player, start in a non-league side playing an introductory game and wait for the offers to come in from the league that you select first. Go to a mid-table club and you will find yourself warming the bench. Sign for a lower table side that may be in the relegation dog-fight and you may be the man to save them from the drop and get more first team action that helps your career progress. Get my jist? Unfortunately we couldn’t test the online variant of Become a Legend as the game’s online servers aren’t up and running. But we are told you can take your player online to play with friends.

“Master League, tell us all about it!”

Well unfortunately there isn’t much to report here as it’s predominantly based on last years. With that I mean the only change being that the transfer system in game is no longer a ridiculous wait with no hint as to what Club and Player requirements are and before you know it the transfer deadline has passed. These are now much easier with separate negotiations between you and the club and you and the player once the club accepts your offer. Also, no need to wait a whole day for an answer, the ticker means its almost instant so you can make more offers. Thank god, no more time putting in 5 offers before I actually get the Player!

So all in all PES 2009 sounds like the total package, given that there weren’t that many complaints. Well unfortunately given that it is a big improvement on PES 2008 isn’t really saying much, especially for PS3 players. Last years game was a shock to all fans and still remains an enigma to the WENB team. But Konami went back to its roots to make this game more playable and enjoyable, in an effort to make it much more of a simulation that all the previous titles were. This brings me back to the jargon I was talking about in the first paragraph which I’m sure most of you have forgotten by now! Should PES as a title change or deviate from the core gameplay system that has made it so successful in the last generation or should it remain faithful to it?

Picture this; You go to buy your first car; you see many in the dealership. All your friends have Golf GTI’s, a car that you know is brilliant with a great engine that has been well publicised and highly praised. Do you buy it because your mates have it and praise it? Do you buy it although you know that it is based on the old V6 engine and chassis, one that is superb but been around for 5 years? The car you are buying is brand new, fully loaded with options, fresh paint job and zero miles on the clock. It’s a dilemma….

Bottom line is that PES 2009 is a very good game. It is everything I expected it to be given that Konami only had one year to fix a whole host of problems that crippled their game last year. This is clearly what last year’s version should have delivered. But what used to be the games biggest strength I feel is now becoming its Achilles heel. It is now three years since next-gen systems appeared on the block, yet PES is still running on what is essentially a PS2 engine. Yes, the front-end is looking significantly better and there are new game modes but it remains at core a PS2 game. It was a successful engine and it is still highly enjoyable and almost classic. This will make many fans of the series rejoice and sing in glory, but for many others they will feel it hasn’t improved significantly enough. Next-gen requires completely revamped gameplay that supplies a much more real and immersive football experience. This is why I have stated many times in previous podcasts that PES 2010 will be a huge year for Konami. Add to the equation that their main rival is getting there… my worry is that although PES 2009 is a highly enjoyable game with a host of all new features and great classic gameplay, Konami are one year behind with a lot of catching up to do. Its time for change, even if mistakes are made along the way. As Alfred told Bruce Wayne… we all learn from our mistakes and it makes us stronger.

Fans of the series will enjoy PES 2009, because it has gone back to its essence in a good way. But don’t expect a revolution; this is an evolution and a much needed one.

All the best,


There you go.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

WTF!! WENB cant talk about the edit mode :?

WTF!!! how stupid
Other websites talked about it and they said "the same think"
The only think that would be good, it is doing infinity editing stuff, and not only 20 slots.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

we already happy with seabass ... coz we didn't forget all of PES series that seabass and his team made it .. it's only one version it was bad .. and this year come to the line .. so we still like seabass .. not like someone plays PES series for all years but if he just dont like one version he start complying and change to other game ...

like someone fan of MAN united and if they lose he will say I'm not a fan of this team .. i will change them ... lol

dont compare games and nextgen technolgy to a real life match :) and seabass did`nt fail with this ver only :) thats mean you are not WE/PES fan to say something like this go back and play the old ver`s and you will see :) from WE/8 to WE10 you not notice any big change
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