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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It's completely natural to compare PES and Fifa, they're both football games, comparing PES to some other sport is obviously unnatural but when any game is in a genre it's perfectly normal to compare to others in said genre.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It's completely natural to compare PES and Fifa, they're both football games, comparing PES to some other sport is obviously unnatural but when any game is in a genre it's perfectly normal to compare to others in said genre.
It might be natural because of the genre, but it is equally natural that it ends up in a useless discussion between fanboys. :DD
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

As long as things are done constructively there should not be a problem, fans of one game over the other should try not to take criticisms personally, and in return everyone offering criticisms should do it within the boundaries of not-trolling. If all else fails and someone posts something objectionable, click the splendid little
rather than biting back :)

Maybe we could use a system similar to youtube comments, people leave comments and you can choose the thumb up or thumb down, easy way to spot the trollers from the decent comment makers :)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I think it will be obvious who the trollers are. That's not the point.
Using the
is a good idea though. If everybody does this, the board get cleaned from those trollers, leaving a good discussion.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yeah it's much easier for the admins/mods to clean up a thread if people don't respond to the trolls but instead report the post (with a simple reply of "post reported" if need be), once people get the attitude out of their heads that "grassing is bad" the sooner the threads stay nice and clean and discussable ;)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The thing is, with this being a PES forum, I can see the mods/admins not being strict on PES fanboyish comments but anything that is negative about PES and positive about FIFA being got rid of.

I will also use the
button on any posts I think are too stupid :)).
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Too stupid? Suppose there is a very un-intelligent person who loves PES ( like me for example ;) ) then you use
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Sorry if the answer has already been posted but does any1 have an idea if we can play with more than 2 people online? It seems that you can play with more in the Legend mode but the ability to have a 2v2 in normal game mode would be awesome.

Also, one of the most annoying things ive found when you play with a m8 online. We've chosen the same side before and played against the computer but everytime you play a through ball the receiving player ALWAYS stops and stutters as though he is not in full control. Hope they fix this too...

Looking forward to the new game :w00t:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Too stupid? Suppose there is a very un-intelligent person who loves PES ( like me for example ;) ) then you use
Nah, just trolls who post fanboyish crap in "txt spk" or just start flame wars for no reason.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Be much better to have all the info put on to one thread, rather than tons of pages with loads of responses and opinions.

just makes it easier to navigate.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees the nets have changed:w00t::DANCE:

Straight from WENB:DD

The PES 2009 Myspace page have provided us with a few more answers regarding PES 2009. They seem to have focused on the presentation side of things in this latest batch of answers and they sound positive!

Q: This might sound like a daft question but are all the nets the same just as they were in PES 2008?
A: No, they are different. We think they are much more satisfying this time, really stretch out when the ball hits. They have a much more ‘European’ feel to them now.

Q: Does the crowd still look like the people are made of cardboard or will it be more alive and realistic during the games?
A: In order to get a fully fledged working crowd would use up so much processing power of any machine, that it would render the gameplay virtually redundant, so it’s a case of weighing up what it more important. The crowd isn’t as one dimensional as previous games and you can see them rise when something happens in a replay for example, so there are improvements yes.

Not a huge update, but something to keep you guys busy with tomorrow potentially being the biggest news day for WENB ever!
Don’t forget to tune in to WENB tomorrow at 11 30 am with a videocast, podcast editorials and more all coming your way tomorrow!

Let us know what you think on the forums!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I hope that they are like Football Kingdom!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Q: This might sound like a daft question but are all the nets the same just as they were in PES 2008?
A: No, they are different. We think they are much more satisfying this time, really stretch out when the ball hits. They have a much more ‘European’ feel to them now.

Interesting choice of words.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees the nets have changed:w00t::DANCE:

Straight from WENB:DD

The PES 2009 Myspace page have provided us with a few more answers regarding PES 2009. They seem to have focused on the presentation side of things in this latest batch of answers and they sound positive!

Q: This might sound like a daft question but are all the nets the same just as they were in PES 2008?
A: No, they are different. We think they are much more satisfying this time, really stretch out when the ball hits. They have a much more ‘European’ feel to them now.

Q: Does the crowd still look like the people are made of cardboard or will it be more alive and realistic during the games?
A: In order to get a fully fledged working crowd would use up so much processing power of any machine, that it would render the gameplay virtually redundant, so it’s a case of weighing up what it more important. The crowd isn’t as one dimensional as previous games and you can see them rise when something happens in a replay for example, so there are improvements yes.

Not a huge update, but something to keep you guys busy with tomorrow potentially being the biggest news day for WENB ever!
Don’t forget to tune in to WENB tomorrow at 11 30 am with a videocast, podcast editorials and more all coming your way tomorrow!

Let us know what you think on the forums!

Ohh for crying out with a slightly raised voice. :)

The problem with the PES2008 nets wasn't the way they moved or reacted to shots, it was their shape with only 2 anchor points in the corner and the huge sagging middle part.

We have seen from the screenshots that atleast some arenas still have the old look of the nets. So not sure how they have improved really.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees the nets have changed:w00t::DANCE:

Straight from WENB:DD

The PES 2009 Myspace page have provided us with a few more answers regarding PES 2009. They seem to have focused on the presentation side of things in this latest batch of answers and they sound positive!

Q: This might sound like a daft question but are all the nets the same just as they were in PES 2008?
A: No, they are different. We think they are much more satisfying this time, really stretch out when the ball hits. They have a much more ‘European’ feel to them now.

Q: Does the crowd still look like the people are made of cardboard or will it be more alive and realistic during the games?
A: In order to get a fully fledged working crowd would use up so much processing power of any machine, that it would render the gameplay virtually redundant, so it’s a case of weighing up what it more important. The crowd isn’t as one dimensional as previous games and you can see them rise when something happens in a replay for example, so there are improvements yes.

Not a huge update, but something to keep you guys busy with tomorrow potentially being the biggest news day for WENB ever!
Don’t forget to tune in to WENB tomorrow at 11 30 am with a videocast, podcast editorials and more all coming your way tomorrow!

Let us know what you think on the forums!

Sorry but they wrote about reaction nets but still looking the sam as Pes 2008 i think that.....Reaction and looks are two importand things.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You lot do realize thats from PES2009 MySpace? not exactly going to bad mouth the game are they.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

To be fair I have no idea why they felt the need to change the nets in the first place for PES2008 since the nets always had a good shape to them previously. The nets in PES2008 look... I'm gonna say it, ameteurish....I always had the opinion that PES2009 would be virtually the same as PES2008 or at least that is what I am weary of since it looks almost identical....But the yardstick measurement for any PES game and really any football game in general including FIFA is the gameplay and not the graphics.

One thing I will say and I am only going to say this once and have done with it, is that IF PES2009 is basically an updated PES2008 and IF FIFA09 is an improvement on FIFA08 and is as good as it sounds then PES will be in real trouble and Konami will have to take a year or two out and rebuild a new game on a different engine because this one won't be working.....but.....on the other hand, PES is STILL the king of football on the pitch no matter what anybody says and hopefully PES2009 will be a return to form shall we say. I think it's just in the last two years or so PES has started to go downhill and FIFA has improved significantly since.....and it's only good for the competition in the long run if you ask me.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You lot do realize thats from PES2009 MySpace? not exactly going to bad mouth the game are they.

I suppose it helps when you have neutral sources praising the game.

I'm wondering now what is going to be unveiled tomorrow. I'm expecting lots of gameplay details but I have a sneaky suspicion that they have something up their sleeve.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I suppose it helps when you have neutral sources praising the game.

I'm wondering now what is going to be unveiled tomorrow. I'm expecting lots of gameplay details but I have a sneaky suspicion that they have something up their sleeve.

They have something in there shorts.

A tucked in shirt. :-pp
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours


What I'm hoping is that they fix the free kicks. I've said it numerous times but before they rewarded skill, in 2008 it was a game of chance which isn't much fun. Also I'm interested in how altering the ball physics will affect the gameplay, I am indeed rather partial to the odd volley so if the ball is more "floaty" then I suspect that I'll be able to crack a few nice ones in.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours


What I'm hoping is that they fix the free kicks. I've said it numerous times but before they rewarded skill, in 2008 it was a game of chance which isn't much fun. Also I'm interested in how altering the ball physics will affect the gameplay, I am indeed rather partial to the odd volley so if the ball is more "floaty" then I suspect that I'll be able to crack a few nice ones in.

I'm hoping they fixed the bug in PES2008 where the ball would change spin direction mid-air by itself.

Looking forward to tomorrow.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'm hoping they fixed the bug in PES2008 where the ball would change spin direction mid-air by itself.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Yeah, that one confuddled me as well, the ball didn't actually change direction but it started spinning the other way.

Another one I noticed was when the ball goes in after only glancing the post ever so slightly, the spin will change as if it's spinning towards the post, when it should be spinning away.

Hopefully these bizarro physics are gone.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The biggest bug fix i'm looking for in the whole game is the keepers.

Besides the bay watch running this has to be changed!

Ruined games in 2008 to no end
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The Swedish site Level7 will be publishing a preview of PES 2009 right after midnight (Swedish time). As some of you may know, they have been playing the game since 15th August, so hopefully they have a lot of information and opinions about the game! =)
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