Having played only one game which I won 1-0 (I was playing with Man Utd against Liverpool on Top Player) I must say I liked the demo (PS3). It's so much better than PES 2008 PS3. I mean, it's not perfect, there is still things that have improve. Like the sound of the ball for instance, it reminded me the days I used to play in my Sega Genesis
and the fact that now every player does that silly feint when you turn 90 degrees and all of them with the same accuracy. But there are good things also, the trough passes looked more precise and this is more noticcable when made in the air. The lobs (the only goal I scored was in a perfect lob and I didn't have to use the R2 button along with the L1 like in the PS2 version to keep it from going over the bar) are easier now, perhaps too easy but maybe I was lucky. The shooting from long range is very nice, you can really feel the weight of the ball. Passes are probably a bit too easy (I don't recall having made a wrong one) and you have to pass all the time because the CPU pressure is so much better. The graffics are good and some animations are a bit strange but you don't have any Frame Rate problems.
Like I said, it's not perfect but IMO it's better than Fifa 09. I remember when the first Pro Evo came out for the PS2 I didn't liked it that much, I would prefer the PSone version but I kept playing it and it grew on me. In fact every time a new version comes out I have the same feeling, I always notice it's flaws before I notice the good things. I only played one game but I already decided I'm going to buy the PS3 version.
Having played only one game which I won 1-0 (I was playing with Man Utd against Liverpool on Top Player) I must say I liked the demo (PS3). It's so much better than PES 2008 PS3. I mean, it's not perfect, there is still things that have improve. Like the sound of the ball for instance, it reminded me the days I used to play in my Sega Genesis

Like I said, it's not perfect but IMO it's better than Fifa 09. I remember when the first Pro Evo came out for the PS2 I didn't liked it that much, I would prefer the PSone version but I kept playing it and it grew on me. In fact every time a new version comes out I have the same feeling, I always notice it's flaws before I notice the good things. I only played one game but I already decided I'm going to buy the PS3 version.