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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Dude, you killed the thread!

No-one is posting!

Whats going on, where's the blind optimism, the over-the-top negativity?!

Has Evo-Web matured within a couple of posts? :D
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

seriously though this thread is news and no inspiration

truly awful
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

PES 2009 playtested!

Posted by TheEditor on 14/08/2008

As you will know, TheBoss was invited by Konami to travel to their headquarters yesterday for an exclusive playtest of Pro Evolution Soccer 2009. As TheBoss had to sign NDAs before playing the game, we can't say what new game modes are in the game and things like that (yet), but we can tell you some little bits before next Wednesday when everything will go crazy in PES world.

The version played was 10 days old and the game is roughly 70% complete, so it's at a similar development stage as this time last year. The demo that will be on show at Leipzig will be from a different build of the game but it shouldn't differ drastically from this version apart from features removed for public display (licensing issues etc).
TheBoss played PES 09 on the PS3, which shows Konami were confident enough to show it off on the console that received the most amount of criticism last year for it's slowdown and jerky framerate. No mention of any slowdown this time around.

So, you want to know his initial impressions?

It felt like Konami have forgotten about the last few efforts and gone back to making a good football game. Even at 70% complete it's showing many improvements over the last version of the game.

And online mode wasn't tested before anybody asks about lag ;)

A full report is being put together right now with information on all aspects of the game, so make sure you check back here!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

'A full report is being put together right now with information on all aspects of the game, so make sure you check back here!'

For wednesday right? :D

70% sounds like a long way to go but I generally feel it will be getting rid of bugs, fiddling with menus and player stats.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

New Engine or Not New Engine. That is the Question.

Pes 5 with beautiful HD graphics, would that cut it in 2008, going into 2009?

I don't think so, although a smooth, slowed-down, not-broken, version of last year's game would be half decent.

Konami continue to make ££££Millions out of this series and they need to deliver the same great gameplay and football emotion that they used to, but with new mechanics, modes and true next-gen aesthetics.

Whatever tricks they used, PES always delivered more emotion and simulation than its rivals.

There was more of a hussle in midfield. Tactics counted more. And Shooting seemed always dependent on creating enough space for the attacker, as it does in real life.

Now, they need to learn new tricks. They were always better at mimicking the way top, marquee players moved: Roberto Carlos (back then) Beckham etc, they need to get back to that. They need to model the Ronaldos, Benzemas, Torres, Aguero, Modric more closely and give them a new distinctive high-definition look- we think this won't be ready in 2008, it had better be in 2009.

If Konami can concentrate of bringing out the individual character of players again, this is something they can do better than E.A's game but they also need to make the game look beautiful, or at least sharp in the key areas, there is no excuse for that: we are in the Blu-Ray era.

Tactics. One on Ones. And player simulation: these are the areas Konami can win again. But it's getting harder by the year for them.

It seems Fifa now have a game with lovely animations, but some people think these animations actually make the engine/players less responsive; a different type of footy game, nothing wrong with that.

Maybe PES can fight back with new animations of their own, but with that old responsiveness that many of us knew and loved?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

So, you want to know his initial impressions?

It felt like Konami have forgotten about the last few efforts and gone back to making a good football game. Even at 70% complete it's showing many improvements over the last version of the game.

Sounds amazing! It will undoubtedly be one of the best Japanese football games released this year!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Press release not enough for you? How about a bullet point list of all the new, key additions for PES!

Close control more intuitive:
• Manual cursor control
• Adjusted trick control for easier control – more within natural control parameters than via special movements

Ball movement more realistic:
• Ball has always been treated as separate entity, but 2009 has new air resistance calculations for trajectory of ball
• Instant control. Buttons presses are no longer stored, making for a crisper playing style
• Heavier foot-in tackles, depending on the length X is depressed
• New friction routines to affect ball movement in terms of ground conditions
• Backspin routines calculated so ball slows accordingly
• The bounce of the ball can be used more effectively: players can flick the ball up to tee a shot, or to lift it over a defender’s trailing leg
• Skills are now integrated more into the game. If a player has the ability, they will be able to perform deft turns others cannot and will be able to feint and shimmy within the confines of the control system
• Player has to compensate for heaviness of ground when weighting passes in wet conditions or frozen ground

Teamvision enhanced:
• Tactics change according to situation
• Better off-the-ball movement – running to receive passes, etc
• AI recognizes strategies that work and accumulates data on an ongoing basis within Master League and League modes

• Graphic depiction of weather conditions unique to each stadium
• Much more detailed lighting effects that mimic the time of day more closely
• Key new grounds like Wembley, in total about 20 stadiums
• LED hoardings (PS3 and 360 versions only)
• All new players models in game: everything reworked for additional detail
• Specific new animations to make the game flow more: players now stumble, place a hand down so as to keep running
• More individuality to movement of players: running and kicking styles, for instance: Ronaldo’s stance before a free kick

• New vertical camera, allowing end-to-end view including ‘Player Focus’ zoom, panning in on key one-on-one situations
• New distance drawing techniques using adjusted chromatic fields

Front End - Menus:
• All new, clearer menu system
• Match stats now on sub-menus if required
• Much improved music choice

• In addition to the importation of graphic data, music and crowd chants can also be added
• Pixel Paint function allows users to create team badges from scratch

Game Modes:
Become a Legend:
• New long-term mode sees player guiding one player to glory
• Control the destiny of a midfield/striking star
• Player works within team structure, akin to popular ‘Fix’ mode – assisting play, scoring goals, etc
• Default vertical view
• Dedicated development data for player as game progresses
• Full range of transfer opportunities: but fail to play well and you will be demoted to bench or even transferred
• Based on popular Japanese mode, first time in Europe

• Online version of ‘Become a Legend’
• Use player created in solo mode
• Play online with other ‘fixed’ position friends
• Intricate play and teamwork rewarded with PES points
• Upload finest moments for others to view and rate

Master League
• More intuitive menus
• Easier to understand two-tier negotiations: team level and individual terms
• Loyalty: players unhappy with terms, etc, will not play as well. A happy player will play better

Teamvision gets mentioned for the first time, whether it will truely affect gameplay this time around only time will tell but there's still plenty of positives to take from this I feel

What do you think?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Sounds decent, BAL sounds great, Master League updates are pathetic and IMO should have just been left off the list.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Heres hoping that we have 2 footy games to play :))
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Become a Legend - awesome.

• In addition to the importation of graphic data, music and crowd chants can also be added


• Pixel Paint function allows users to create team badges from scratch

Very nice especially for PS3 with shareable save files
But if it still plays like ISS i'm not interested.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Teamvision :total BS
Only good about that key additions is
• In addition to the importation of graphic data, music and crowd chants can also be added
• Pixel Paint function allows users to create team badges from scratch
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

• Default vertical view - I hope we change the camera, I prefer wide cam.

• Upload finest moments for others to view and rate - I hope this isn't restricted to single player only.

All in all everything sounds really promising. say that their going to spill some info today.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Sounds decent. Nothing that 'blows us away' but lots of little details that sound intriguing.

The lack of Master league changes was what I was expecting really. A shame but oh well :/
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Everything on that list sounds very good but where's manager movement in ML for gods sake :(

EDIT: Just realized, no mention of CL either..
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Maybe they are saving it for Wednesday, perhaps they think its still a secret.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Do we really think they've had time to implement a Champions League Mode for this game?

Separate "PES Uefa Champions League" game to come out in April?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They can add all this Be A Pro bollocks but cant add untucked shirts. :brick:

Cammy, they are saving this big news for Leipzig:

the lights will come up, accompanied by an amazing soundtrack by
Gun's N Roses.

Whilst all members of KCET production team come out on stage
to lift their shirts out of their trousers, the triumphant text will appear on a huge HD screen:

Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Player has to compensate for heaviness of ground when weighting passes in wet conditions or frozen ground

That was the only bit that got me interested. If this means they have a new, rewritten manual passing system, then great. If it's simply something they've tacked onto their existing laughable "manual" passing system, then pathetic.

A few other things almost tempt you "Backspin routines calculated so ball slows accordingly"...but if it's just scripted into the game and not something you can actually control when to apply backspin, then crap. They can script as much physics as they want into the game, I want real gameplay where I control things, not just a bunch of scripts.

All the other stuff is just the usual list of uninspiring tweaks the churn out every year.

Become a legend? If anything like the Fanatatista mode (or whatever it was called), you'll find your team-mates are hopeless, that the only time your team ever scores is if you score or set up a team-mate with an open goal (which he's still liable to miss), scripted results from other matches to ensure you don't run away with the league. When you get dropped (despite being the best player on your team), you team will lose nearly every match, even if you'd got them to top of the league.

I'd forgotten how much I'd grown to hate this game.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

• In addition to the importation of graphic data, music and crowd chants can also be added
The question is that it will be possible to do this in xbox 360 not only Pc.
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