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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The guys over at WENB have no reason to lie about PES 2009. If the game is not up to par this year, the blog will no longer need to exist. Konami will probably lose a good portion of its fanbase. The guys also run FSB blog so if they get their wrists slapped for being critical of the game, I believe they will cut their ties with Konami. If you have listened to their podcasts this year then you would know that they have been very critical of Konami. I think they have done a great job in trying to be objective.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Exactly. Everyone keeps on going about how bias they are but thats not completely true. They are the ones who own Fifa Soccer Blog. Suffwan went to Vancouver to play FIFA 09 and was hugely impressed. Also Adam's views on the PES 2009 trailer weren't all sunshine and rainbows. Just because they get playtests from Konami or EA does not mean they are tied to either company and cant say anything bad towards them.

I like how we spent ages criticising the game based on a random leak, to the point where the majority of people here had written it off, and now we have people that we know will actually play the game yet we're deeming them as unreliable.

But aye, this is bizarro world, I am well aware.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

why are people writing big long posts saying this an that over an over no one knows fuck all just wait till the game comes out kiss it an slot into your computer and play then write a comment
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Personally I think last year they made a mistake with everything they did but this year they more aware of how things work etc, Ok they do sometimes say fanboyish things but on a whole they for me our quite reasonably fair. So personally i cant wait for next weeks Podcast. :))
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

end of the day, if you ran a winning eleven blog and konami let you have a sneek peek of the game, and like someone said above, you want this to continue. Then WENB wont give pes a bad review if it was awful. They just wont, and neither would many people if they wanted to the site to grow.

IMO WENB is only useful for news, not for opinions/reviews not one bit. The minute that the WENB team wanted inside info and playtests, they almost become salesmen for pes2009. I dont want it to sound like im having a go, I completely understand why they would do this.. They do a fantastic job of reporting pes news.

Just like if there was a This is Football blog trying to expand, they wouldnt bad mouth the game either


But thats bollocks.

They have been praising a competitor, why the fuck would they endorse the competition if they were not subjective.

And to say they have become salesman is naive, childish and extremely atagonistic.

thanks for the added value:NONO:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I have got to say that I have been very impressed by the WENB guys this year. They have been much more careful on what they have reported and when they have not liked something they have come out and said (ie the trailer). Also their podcasts on FIFA 09 have also been superb. I looked forward to listening to their impressions next week.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Well, Konami wouldn't be very happy if they told everyone it was terrible and to avoid it all all costs, and that FIFA is the better game... They want to be doing the same thing next year, so they will try to keep Konami happy by trying to convince people to get PES, that's what I think they will do anyway, it seemed that way last year...

Whether they are biased or not, i take no opinion... but what i will say is that they were way off last year. Way OFF!.. because 2008 was complete garbage and they praised it like it was godsend.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They said it was horrendous last year at leipzeg itself but then they got to play it on some magical flatscreen that made the game so much better, which was very strange. If they want to criticize the game, they will. I just think with the pressure of Konami on their backs i dont think they will go overboard if there are certain issues that havent been dealt with.

If they lie in their podcast (which i can't see happening) they will lose thousands of visitors because of it so it would be stupid to go down that road.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Its more of then giving us subtle hints then them saying "the game is crap" cause if they did that then obviously Konami wouldnt give them playtests and exclusives for example so the way around it is by giving us hints etc they did this with the leaks aswell so next week its all about listening carefully to what they say. :))
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That's the name of the game really.

You need to know what heaping of salt is required for what sources and you're good to go. You also need to be ever so slightly perceptive to the great massive hints that everyone is dropping. Unfortunately there are people here that need to have every single tidbit written down in simple English, personally sent to them via Seabass himself before they believe it.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They actually only said it was horrid on the first day after that they talked to konami and thats when they said they would help them with there site etc

Then they started going on about a hidden version backstage that was improved and only for the media and then praised the game like hell up to release day
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It's a learning process, in the past they made some mistakes but that's human nature, to err is human, forgive divine and all that. If we don't make mistakes in life then it's impossible to grow and develop as a person, IMO WENB and FSB will go on from strength to strength :)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

WENB have a play test next monday. Theres also a german magazine preview somewhere on the thread too
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I want to see more magazine previews but surely not all spouting exactly the same stuff. How can they all possibly write exactly the same stuff? Whatever happened to plagiarism? Every one of them should write about their own personal experience of the game.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I've been used to getting the first bits of info from Japanese magazines. Seems strange the majority of the game will be uncovered from someone in the UK playing it
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Amused by the pages and pages of chat with no hard facts!

I used to partake in the speculation etc myself but it really is pointless. Just wait till Oct guys. Can only be an improvement on last year's disappointing effort.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Till october? What about Leipzig? Then all sort of movies will fly across the internet.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

WENB have a play test next monday. Theres also a german magazine preview somewhere on the thread too

theyve changed it til next wed when it will be at leipzig show,think they were spoofing about their exclusive playtest:LOL:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Oh dear... only 2 days anyway


Some good and bad news I’m afraid guys.

After having another quick conversation with Konami, we’ve been told a few intricacies regarding the playtest. First of all the bad news, unfortunately we WONT be able to talk about our experiences until a few days later - Wednesday 20th August. This obviously coincides with the first day of Leipzig, and more importantly the date our embargo will be lifted.

The good news? WENB will be sampling a more complete build than what will be shown at Leipzig. So rather than playing a version with a limited amount of teams and options (remember last years version at Leipzig), we’ll be seeing the whole thing.

The same rules apply though, with us not being able to shoot video or take pictures.

I’m many of you will be upset about the 48hr delay of information from us, but be assured we will have a blockbuster of a day planned for the 20th. We’re talking podcasts, videocasts and written impressions - and don’t forget about the videos being released at Leipzig.

It going to be a crazy ride
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

theyve changed it til next wed when it will be at leipzig show,think they were spoofing about their exclusive playtest:LOL:
You forgot to say that they can play the WHOLE game and not the demo version on the Leipzig conference... but that was probably too good news to tell us overhere? :whistle:
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

KONAMI's PR/Marketing is matching PES2008 game's quality...

EA has learned its lessons:
do some gaming events, allow shooting video or taking pictures, the rest is done by fans.

You have to be confident about your products quality, though
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You forgot to say that they can play the WHOLE game and not the demo version on the Leipzig conference... but that was probably too good news to tell us overhere? :whistle:

i hope its the full version they play:)) but with no video or image footage how can you be so sure they will be playin it? i could say ive the full game here but konami wont let me talk about it then go to leipzig and watch other people playin it... they should post their podcast at 12.01am wed as anybody can post footage from leipzig during wed and claim its exclusive
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You forgot to say that they can play the WHOLE game and not the demo version on the Leipzig conference... but that was probably too good news to tell us overhere? :whistle:

If they have the whole game they will be able to tell us which two new teams are added to the ML this year...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

i hope its the full version they play:)) but with no video or image footage how can you be so sure they will be playin it? i could say ive the full game here but konami wont let me talk about it then go to leipzig and watch other people playin it... they should post their podcast at 12.01am wed as anybody can post footage from leipzig during wed and claim its exclusive

Thats a good idea. Why don't you post this over there? ;))
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They could do that but I think they probably don't. They probably feel they dont have to justify themselves to us or prove themselves but I suppose it will take care of all the non-believers :D
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