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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

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Completely disagree with everything said there.

Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I see good things in this video but at the same time something just feels like a total turn off.. The running animations maybe?

Yes, the running animations are just ugly and it looks way off to the real thing. But scoring seems to be way to easy again. That just makes me sad. Make it harder Konami, make it more than just push the button with any Star Player.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

On every clip i've seen so far, the keepers still look fucking terrible.

How do you know that the GK's fuck terribly ???
Are there cut scenes with sex in it ???
Has Konami fallen so low that they need sex to sell their game ?
I'm a bit worried because on the previous page in this thread there was also talk about sex.
Is it integrated in the ML for example: the goal keeper is very bad at sex and so his wife leaves him for the defensive midfielder which of course is not good for the moral of the GK and his friends and which also lowers certain stats of the whole team. If it is integrated in this way it could be happens IRL too (Michel Platini in St-Ettienn...his wife left him for a team mate...very realistic...good to hear that PES is a simulation again...).
Can't wait to buy the game and look at the screens in the ML menu: "Rooney is terrible in bed and Colleen leaves him for Neville"..."Ashley Cole is too good in bed and has had sex with the WAG of at least four team mates and three opponents").

This is a PES2009 discussion, not a terrible comedy thread.

Learn to speak English properly my friend. I said i thought the keepers were fucking terrible, not fucking terribly.

My main point being....if it's as easy to score when the game is finally released as it seems in the clips i've seen so far, then a lot of us won't be happy. We all know the problems with the goalkeepers in PES2008. Some of the goals i've seen so far on PES2009 are a joke....Mascherano's 45 yarder v Portugal for example in the demonstration vid with the Japanese dude playing. I've also seen 2 shots straight at the keeper and they just simply let them in...i think the player animation while not perfect, is a lot better than PES2008 and totally acceptable to me. But for me as an online only player....if the keepers are still THAT bad....the game is not worth playing.

However, i'm remaining optimistic until i have played it for myself.
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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I was only trying to joke about it...if you feel offended: i'm very sorry...i thought this thread could use a litle irony now and wasn't meant to be a personal attack.

About my English...i know, but i think it's quite good for a non-native speaker...well anyway i've learnt something so i guess i should thank you.

Thank you very much.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I was only trying to joke about it...if you feel offended: i'm very sorry...i thought this thread could use a litle irony now and wasn't meant to be a personal attack.

About my English...i know, but i think it's quite good for a non-native speaker...well anyway i've learnt something so i guess i should thank you.

Thank you very much.

I'm only joking too really mate, i got a sense of humour. No problemo.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

PES2009 is simply PES5 in HD. That's it.

It's not next-gen. The animations say enough. If they can make an animation overhaul and fix the skin and cloth textures, and they'll have a winner :)
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

PES2009 is simply PES5 in HD. That's it.

It's not next-gen. The animations say enough. If they can make an animation overhaul and fix the skin and cloth textures, and they'll have a winner :)

Hope you're right!! I'd be happy with that being the case (so long as the online is lag-free too)
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Good afternoon, gents.

2 random thoughts for the day:

Topic 1 - animations:

The Street Fighter 2 HD Remix game has been an ongoing development for quite a while. "Why", you ask? Because to convert an older game which had a native resolution of 320x240 or similar to 1080p (or even 720p), asides from hand-drawing the assets, they are re-doing the animations for the whole game. If they would re-use the older game's animations - which were pretty good for their time - the game would look jerky, and would appear to skip frames even though the animations were just the same as the older game where they suited fine. This is because of the higher resolution.

Where before one kick would move, suppose, 32 pixels in 60 frames in one second - which amounted for 1 pixel each 2 frames more or less - the kick now moves 192 pixels in 60 frames, so the animation and the frames must be redone from scratch.

I know that the example I'm providing is pretty rough, but before I even came up with it I was having a hard time getting why it was so hard to re-use the old animations.

I'm not sure if PES faces the same problem, being it a 3D rendered game and not a 2D drawn game, but it could well be something like this that is hampering the animations for you lot.

Topic 2 - demo release date speculation:

Until the game's actual release date, we have the following PSN updates:

Sep. 18th
Sep. 25th
Oct. 2nd
Oct. 9th
Oct. 16th

Considering that it's rare to have two blockbuster demos on PSN for the same week, let me print out the calendar for what is rumoured to happen so far:

Sep. 18th - Fracture
Sep. 25th - ???
Oct. 2nd - Bioshock
Oct. 9th - ???
Oct. 16th - ???

I'm betting that on the 25th, the PES demo will see the light of day - which coincides with the "3 weeks before release date" comments from Konami PR.

What do you guys think?

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Oct 2 is most likely to me. Pure marketing-strategy.
What did they do on 11 sept ( FIFA demo, remember? ) They brought a lot of news including a CL trailer. That was to distract the attention from the FIFA-demo.
Oct 2 is the release date of FIFA 09, so marketing-wise I think they want to distract the attention from FIFA again, so they bring the demo on that day ;)
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Doesn't seem too strategically smart for them to wait until Oct. 2nd, most people these days that time it would be too late to sway whoever is on the fence (at least that's how I see it).
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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I think it should be on thursday, so in your view the best will be 25 september, right? That might be too early to get impact.
Not everyone buys the game on the release-date or before...
I keep my opinion: 2 october :)
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

it may very well be the 2nd of october, I just don't think it would be the smart move on their part...25th seems like a logical date; 3 weeks before official release date & a week before FIFA's release.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

It will be the 2nd because it's my b-day and konami owes me as I'm the no.1 fan.

Has anyone tested for the pk glitch that was in pes2008 (shoot straight and score every time) and what the stamina is like.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

i think you wrong guys, they will make like last year in pes2008 demo, to x box and pc will be released to ps3 not.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Yes, but is Konami logical ?!:D

Not their marketing department (at least anything to do with PES).

By the way, is the German player in your avatar receiving a quite jubilant titty-twister :w00t:
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

The shooting in that latest video looks pretty good to me. But everything else seems to be on rails... guess I'm spoiled thanks to FIFA now.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

i think you wrong guys, they will make like last year in pes2008 demo, to x box and pc will be released to ps3 not.

With due respect, that's just as sound an argument as those who claimed that this year PES would revert back to being a Sony exclusive because Konami couldn't do multiplatform.

And a slight FYI for you and all the rest:

The Portuguese press event showcased both a beta version of the game - pre-CL license - as well as the demo that will be released in the internet.

And guess what: both were on the PS3. So apologize me if I dismiss your argument so fast.

Not that it can't happen that the demo is released earlier on PC and/or XBox, but there's absolutely no sign whatsoever of why that should happen, unless Sony's PSN schedules are all filled up.

On a nostalgic side note, the guy who filmed that video which is on youtube is the Webmaster and founder of the Portuguese community that I helped found, and used to moderate.

I talked to him, he was thoroughly impressed with the demo, and all the press here in Portugal really enjoyed the game as well. Nothing new, though. He reinforced that those who used to dribble through everyone and run past defenders with ease a la PES4 will have a hard time in this version.

We actualy met in a very old - and defunct - french ISS community, that went down one day because of some database problems or such, and didn't come back after that...

ThomasGoal, you and KaiWai should recall it, what was its name for nostalgia's sake?

[Edit] Just found it: , where Plume - who later on became a writer for Joypad - was the webmaster, if I'm not mistaken.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

In JAP the demo which was released is for Winning Eleven. not PES.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I had pes2008 for ps3 and i give it to the store 3 months later. is not so cheap buy ps3 games for the rich guys is not problem, but for that people who dont have so much money and enjoy real football its very sad buy a game like pes2008, and the hope is this year things get better...
i enjoy more iss98 than pes 2008 ten years later the next gen game had more bugs than iss98, they sleep at work???
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

With due respect, that's just as sound an argument as those who claimed that this year PES would revert back to being a Sony exclusive because Konami couldn't do multiplatform.

And a slight FYI for you and all the rest:

The Portuguese press event showcased both a beta version of the game - pre-CL license - as well as the demo that will be released in the internet.

And guess what: both were on the PS3. So apologize me if I dismiss your argument so fast.

Not that it can't happen that the demo is released earlier on PC and/or XBox, but there's absolutely no sign whatsoever of why that should happen, unless Sony's PSN schedules are all filled up.

On a nostalgic side note, the guy who filmed that video which is on youtube is the Webmaster and founder of the Portuguese community that I helped found, and used to moderate.

I talked to him, he was thoroughly impressed with the demo, and all the press here in Portugal really enjoyed the game as well. Nothing new, though. He reinforced that those who used to dribble through everyone and run past defenders with ease a la PES4 will have a hard time in this version.

We actualy met in a very old - and defunct - french ISS community, that went down one day because of some database problems or such, and didn't come back after that...

ThomasGoal, you and KaiWai should recall it, what was its name for nostalgia's sake?

[Edit] Just found it: , where Plume - who later on became a writer for Joypad - was the webmaster, if I'm not mistaken.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares

yes paulo, i saw in the last video ribery scores a left foot goal without any angle, and tevez supersonic leave the defense 10 miles away... please... we will see the bugs when we have the game than we talk about it. :)
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I had pes2008 for ps3 and i give it to the store 3 months later. is not so cheap buy ps3 games for the rich guys is not problem, but for that people who dont have so much money and enjoy real football its very sad buy a game like pes2008, and the hope is this year things get better...
i enjoy more iss98 than pes 2008 ten years later the next gen game had more bugs than iss98, they sleep at work???

I dont know huh? You shouldn't be buying PS3s if you're poor. But I hear what you are saying PES2008 was a big disapointment and was really not fit for the market yet. However, we shouldn't write KONAMI off for one poor decision. Also be more careful and try demos and rentals in future.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

On this note, and for Peter's information, I usually order games online instead of buying them here.

Here in Portugal the prices are pretty high for games, I end up saving 20 to 30€ when ordering online from It takes a couple of days, but so far I haven't had any problems. I completely understand that you complain that PES2008 was not worth your money - the PES2008 demo for PS3 did indeed come out at a later stage here in Europe.

Nonetheless, this year it'll hopefully come at the same time as other versions.

Back to topic now.

Paulo Tavares
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I dont know huh? You shouldn't be buying PS3s if you're poor. But I hear what you are saying PES2008 was a big disapointment and was really not fit for the market yet. However, we shouldn't write KONAMI off for one poor decision. Also be more careful and try demos and rentals in future.

girl friend ofter ps3 :) yes try demos is a good option, but when we talk in pes we just want play the full game not demos or betas because is diferent. and we should trust in konami but sometimes the good must fail to learn .
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

On this note, and for Peter's information, I usually order games online instead of buying them here.

Here in Portugal the prices are pretty high for games, I end up saving 20 to 30€ when ordering online from It takes a couple of days, but so far I haven't had any problems. I completely understand that you complain that PES2008 was not worth your money - the PES2008 demo for PS3 did indeed come out at a later stage here in Europe.

Nonetheless, this year it'll hopefully come at the same time as other versions.

Back to topic now.

Paulo Tavares

yes paulo, here in portugal games are to expensive and our salary... you know... lol. but this is a financial problem from the country, thanks, i will order games from there :)
we expect always a good pes, because they have one year to make a project the project must be good, one year is many time for a professional team make a good game, i think when they need money they do great things, when they have money and fame they dont care about the rest and the great fans are forgeted.
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