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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Agreed muzza - I think the edit mode will also add longevity to the game. But the make or break for me concerning keeping it longer than say 6 months is whether it has a good online play. For me if they get this sorted it will be a keeper till PES 2010.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yh, get online sorted and this game will rocket. I really want to be able to take my ML team online with all the accumulated stats like when they had memorial match for offline.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Not sure you adequately showed that the same people both bashed PES6 before playing, and said "PES was best" after playing PES2008. You mention "everyone", but that's not true (I neither bashed PES6 before I played it, nor did I say "PES6 was best" after I played PES2008).

You make alot of generalizations which doesn't help your conclusion. Some people said they felt PES6 was going to be crap before playing it. Some people said they liked PES6 the most after disliking PES2008. Without more details into what individuals said what and when, your argument doesn't hold a lot of water since you've not been able to show that many of the same people expressed both those opinions.

I will agree that having very strong opinions before playing a game might seem a bit premature. However if the game doesn't look anything like real football looks, then playing the game won't make it look any more realistic. Also I haven't really seen anyone complaining about the response times from controller input to on-screen reaction. What I have seen is complaints about the animations, ball physics, controller methods (8-way), etc. All of them complaints that don't necessitate actually playing the game to be valid. Just like I don't need to participate in a Premiership match between Liverpool and Man Utd to be able to say, once the match has ended, whether or not it was a good game.

A more valid complaint would be that the final retail discs haven't hit shops yet, and before they do, it is impossible to know how the version we will have will play. Thus anyone making claims about how it WILL play once released (ie "PES2009 will be shit") is a bit premature, while a more conservative "PES2009 looks like it will be shit" would be a better comment on the situation. For all we know the game COULD be canceled before it is released, and then the game will not play at all, have 0-way passing and have nonexistent AI. So saying the game "will be shit" is far too definitive, since it might not, potentially, even "be" at all.

I'm just saying that alot of people use to say things are shit before playing it. i don't say everybody. the thing was at pes6 people even said it was shit at the beginning but the ones i heard say that now think it is the best game...

Pes2008 has always been a failure but i'm just saying i will play it and say my opinion. its hard to listen to all those people saying it will be shit.

and sorry. I'm not that good at english but i understand all of what you say. I'm dutch :w00t:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

:( HOW COME, there is no new news re pes 2009? I mean why they don't release some good quality VIDS to show the game, maybe with day / night and rain effects .. what I would really like to see in pes again! kits getting dirty after a match ! that was in older Pes, i cant I understand why they took it off.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

seraphs said:
To be totally fair now, EA have had longer with the next gen consoles than Konami have, if I remember correctly, they released a PES late for the 360 for starters, as they wanted to stick to the PS3, but they was forced to make a 360 version, which in turn was crap, but they haven't had as long to work with the next gen consoles as in depth, which isn't a excuse as they should have concentrated on it straight away.

However, having 5 iterations of a game, isn't just a stat and I don't see how anyone would say that, you should surely know, the more games you bring out, surely the more comfortable you will get, they've had stepping stones where they can see what works well and what hasn't. Where as PES just had yearly things it seems we wait longer to get the same crap etc. Where fifa splits that wait up, so it doesn't feel nearly as bad.

You make the same point as someone else, but better written so I'll respond to your post.

Firstly, you contradict yourself, see bold. Someone else said the same but didn't bother with the correct note at the end. It's nonsense that EA had longer with the nextgen console's then Konami. Some of you make it sound like ps3/360-Sony/MS only allowed EA to work on it and then after a couple of years said, "Ok Konami, now it's your turn to try it out". Obviously that's nonsense. Both companies got the console's/development units at the same time, or atleast very close together.

The difference is Konami choose to continue to milk the ps2 versions / us consumers while EA actually put a lot of money into creating a brand new engine. Now whether they have released 5 new engine versions or not isn't much of a point. Konami have still had the same amount of time (months/years) with the consoles to make a new game engine as EA have. The main difference is EA realised they had to invest and restart the game, while Konami thought they could continue with what they had.

EA's investment and FIFA's continued improvement have shown up Konami's gamble to stick to what they had being doing for years with little development, i.e. the cheap option.

So really there is no valid defense of "But EA have made 5 versions" or anything like that to put Konami/PES in a better light. EA have just invested more and now, after 3 "full" versions of FIFA are looking like taking the crown, ... or not.

A valid point could be that EA have had the opportunity to listen to the consumers for 5 versions now whereas Konami have had 3. But that would mean Konami listens in the first place. Another argument that is invalid.

I don't know why people feel such need to defend a company that is earning money by doing little? In the same way we used to critise, and still do, EA for their decisions. Some in here act/post as if they are family/friends of Konami and you take the bad with the good. It's quite delusional to think that you have such a relationship with a profit making company.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Ok then forget the bit about the TV and just count the bit about the console.

You buy the console to play games on, most/all of us here play football games more than any other type of game, therefore we ARE paying all that money just to play a game really... Other games are in and out of the console every few months, but the only real mainstay in there is a good football game.

When we pay £300 (or thereabouts) for either a console or a PC upgrade, we should expect better than simply PS2 gameplay (PS1 even, PES2 on PS1 has very similar gameplay to the new ones, in fact it's better!) wrapped in some better visuals like PES is now...

Also, even from what i've seen of the two games, even if you disregard the graphics, most of t he gameplay aspects look superior in FIFA too...

Nobody is on a campaign against PES, we want two good football games, but we can already see from the videos that it is still almost the exact same game, and with people playing it saying there is nothing in the gameplay we havn't seen before in PES, there isn't much to be positive about really for me (and quite a few others...).
A bit like watching coleman's sky blues.:-pp
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I don't know why people feel such need to defend a company that is earning money by doing little? In the same way we used to critise, and still do, EA for their decisions. Some in here act/post as if they are family/friends of Konami and you take the bad with the good. It's quite delusional to think that you have such a relationship with a profit making company.

It's the tribal instinct in humans. Some people are more in touch with their tribal instincts. They make their choice and stick with it, regardless of how it performs. It becomes part of their identity, like supporting a football team through thick and thin.

Others just go with the whatever's the best at any given time, glory seekers, you might say.

So people, which are you, a glory seeker or a primitive cock?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Hmmmm, I support Liverpool since the early 90-ties and now play FIFA as its the better game imo. Guess I'm a Glory Cock, weheeeeeeey :D
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Good post TikTik.

Another thing is it that the 360 had been out a full year before Konami released a football game (PES6), even though they would've had a dev-kit long before hand. Then Konami apparently spent two years making PES2008 (hence why PES6 was a rush job) and look at the mess they made of that. PES2009 was supposed to be the big leap onto next-gen we had all been promised (many on here said the same), but it's nothing of the sort.

Now 2010 will be the big one? Don't bet on it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Now 2010 will be the big one? Don't bet on it.

Yup, just under a year ago, when PES2008 met with scathing criticism, Seabass was out appeasing everyone, promising a major overhaul for next year.

Next year has arrived, yet no major overhaul in sight.

So, now it's 2010 for the big overhaul, right?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Yup, just under a year ago, when PES2008 met with scathing criticism, Seabass was out appeasing everyone, promising a major overhaul for next year.

Next year has arrived, yet no major overhaul in sight.

So, now it's 2010 for the big overhaul, right?

The game has not even been released yet.

Calm the fuck down because I don't want to have another month and a bit of this.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Were being starved of news with no sign of new news arriving and even if there is news then it'l be some review/preview of stuff we already know
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Badgerman the WENB team played a near finished product and they say there is no big overhaul. He just pointed out that fact and hopefully the next title will actually be something new. It's ok that people find this style of PES fun, it's just that some of us love realism and I guess we have already started to look forward to 2010 because we know the overhaul didn't come in this version.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

You make the same point as someone else, but better written so I'll respond to your post.

Firstly, you contradict yourself, see bold. Someone else said the same but didn't bother with the correct note at the end. It's nonsense that EA had longer with the nextgen console's then Konami. Some of you make it sound like ps3/360-Sony/MS only allowed EA to work on it and then after a couple of years said, "Ok Konami, now it's your turn to try it out". Obviously that's nonsense. Both companies got the console's/development units at the same time, or atleast very close together.

The difference is Konami choose to continue to milk the ps2 versions / us consumers while EA actually put a lot of money into creating a brand new engine. Now whether they have released 5 new engine versions or not isn't much of a point. Konami have still had the same amount of time (months/years) with the consoles to make a new game engine as EA have. The main difference is EA realised they had to invest and restart the game, while Konami thought they could continue with what they had.

EA's investment and FIFA's continued improvement have shown up Konami's gamble to stick to what they had being doing for years with little development, i.e. the cheap option.

So really there is no valid defense of "But EA have made 5 versions" or anything like that to put Konami/PES in a better light. EA have just invested more and now, after 3 "full" versions of FIFA are looking like taking the crown, ... or not.

A valid point could be that EA have had the opportunity to listen to the consumers for 5 versions now whereas Konami have had 3. But that would mean Konami listens in the first place. Another argument that is invalid.

I don't know why people feel such need to defend a company that is earning money by doing little? In the same way we used to critise, and still do, EA for their decisions. Some in here act/post as if they are family/friends of Konami and you take the bad with the good. It's quite delusional to think that you have such a relationship with a profit making company.

Sorry, but I guess I should have put more thought into the post, maybe I should of split it up.

What I meant was that EA have had longer on the next gen systems as they CHOSE to make a game for them straight away, hence why they will have better games, as I'm sure they made the same mistake as Konami did, but the fixed it as soon as they could, and for a nice change took on board a lot of customer feedback, which I very well respect. However I personally, didnt like a Fifa up till Fifa 08 which was better and currently the only next gen footy game I have.

Konami simply havent spent as much time and thought on the next gen systems as they SHOULD have, this isn't an excuse, that was what I meant in the second term, as all in all, they should have concentrated on a next gen version as soon as they were out. But as I previously said, EA still have had longer I believe testing and making games for the next gen systems in total, hence why they are so far ahead, but yet its only Konami's own fault.

But I have more patience, as for me, my first ok football game next gen was fifa 08 and I had to wait long enough for that, being their 5th attempt, im willing to give Konami the same chance, especially if I have Fifa 09 to tie me over (Presuming response time faster, my main gripe) to see if they have something special in a year to come.

I hope that makes sense, sometimes its hard to explain what I mean through text, but I try.

I wasn't meant to defend either game.

I also don't think they use the PS2 engine for the next gen versions as surely it would be as good as the PS2 versions, but clearly is no where near :D
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Why bother coming into this thread just to keep bashing PES....some can't understand why others might really enjoy this game and do see it as a more accurate representation of a real football match (than what the competition has to offer). For some it seems sacrilege to even ponder the thought of playing PES because FIFA is soooo much better; if that's the case then why spend so much time here just bashing and trying to get people to convert to what you like. If you want to critique the game that's fine, but if the only motive is bash PES and talk up the competition maybe that's a sign that FIFA may not be all that.....
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I cant even be arsed to here the pes critics anymore. Its just boring hearing non stop "this game could be so much more", "konami havnt tried", "they need a new engine". OMFG its getting to the point where i wanna put my head through the screen. Just shut up. If you cant be arsed to say something interesting that i can take on board and think "yh that was a good point which has me hyped for the game" then get lost. We dont need you here

Why do some of you CONSTANTLY, and i mean almost every hour of the day, sit there and write nothing but negative dribble. What in jesus christ's name do you get out of it. Your ONLY motive is to bring us down into your pit of sorrow with you. Well you know what? Im not going with you. Why dont you cheer up notice the massive stides this game has made and enjoy the build up. What do you actualy get out of saying how much you dont like it. It bores me let alone you and a lot of us end up having to skip about 3 miles of rubbish befor someone sais something good about it.

I dont give a monkeys if you like fifa or hate konami's guts but just dont bring into here. For the millionth time, will you just go off this site and into a fifa site or go onto a different thread becuase there is no need for a fun police here where all the positivity get rounded and ignored.

"omg your actually hyped for this game". Yes, so screw you
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I cant even be arsed to here the pes critics anymore. Its just boring hearing non stop "this game could be so much more", "konami havnt tried", "they need a new engine". OMFG its getting to the point where i wanna put my head through the screen. Just shut up. If you cant be arsed to say something interesting that i can take on board and think "yh that was a good point which has me hyped for the game" then get lost. We dont need you here

Why do some of you CONSTANTLY, and i mean almost every hour of the day, sit there and write nothing but negative dribble. Whta in jesus christ's name do you get out of it. You ONLY motive is to bring us down into your pit of sorrow with you. Well you know what? Im not going with you. Why dont you cheer up notice the massive stides this game has made and enjoy the build up. What do you actualy get out of saying how much you dont like it. It bores me let alone you.

I dont give a monkeys if you like fifa or hate konami's guts but just dont bring into here. For the millionth time, will you just go off this site and into a fifa site or go onto a different thread becuase there is no need for a fun police here where all the positivity get rounded and thrown away.

"omg your actually hyped for this game". Yes so screw you

I just like doing it. Sorry you get so upset by it.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I sort of think that the Fifa folks here hang out because they know that the football game they lust for is going to come from Konami. Like it or not, it's going to happen, we all know it.

Yeah, I'm breaking the fourth wall.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I Like Fifa and am dissapointed with the stuff I am hearing about PES.

But I agree with Muzza and Badgerman et al - People need to Lay off. Just let them talk about PES if they are excited about it.

It gets really annoying going through all of this Arguing Malarky.

I don't know why people keep going on and on going over the same points.

I do think it is also premature to completely write off PES - I won't until I try it.

So everybody knows why people are pissed off with the news about PES. So lets just leave it at that and let people get excited about PES and enjoy the build up to it. Stop pissing on people's parade.

I for one hope PES is a cracking game - After hearing both sets of news etc I am looking forward more to Fifa but I really hope PES suprises me.

I think from now on - If you haven't got anything positive to say then don't say it at all. Everything negative has been posted about a million times already and there is no point going over it again and again!!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

i think a million times is an understatement

Is there any hint of news on the horizon. Also i cant believe Man City got
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

A good way of pre-occupying yourself so you don't check this thread every 5 minutes is to take up an interest in hurricanes.

I tell thee 2005 was such a corker of a year, I was actually in Florida 2 weeks before Katrina went by. Katrina, I love ye, surely one of the greatest storms ever.

Rita and Wilma also made 2005 pretty groove-tastic. Ugggggh yeah Wilma get down to 882mbar, woop.

Gustav was a pussy, don't believe the hype.

Also if you can't get your mind off PES on a day when Man City were taken over and subsequently made offers totalling £300mil then you need help.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

A good way of pre-occupying yourself so you don't check this thread every 5 minutes is to take up an interest in hurricanes.

I tell thee 2005 was such a corker of a year, I was actually in Florida 2 weeks before Katrina went by. Katrina, I love ye, surely one of the greatest storms ever.

Rita and Wilma also made 2005 pretty groove-tastic. Ugggggh yeah Wilma get down to 882mbar, woop.

Gustav was a pussy, don't believe the hype.

Also if you can't get your mind off PES on a day when Man City were taken over and subsequently made offers totalling £300mil then you need help.

I was in Cuba for the start of Katrina - that was fun!!!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Also if you can't get your mind off PES on a day when Man City were taken over and subsequently made offers totalling £300mil then you need help.[/QUOTE]

Im taking medication.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I also don't think they use the PS2 engine for the next gen versions as surely it would be as good as the PS2 versions, but clearly is no where near :D

True, if konami is still using the ps2 engine for next generation consoles why PES on ps2 is better? (btw i will be happy to have the same game of PS2 with hd graphic and a working online)

Maybe PES 2008 is already using their "next gen" engine?

the truth to me is that, as seabass said, they have not enough money/budget to compete with EA and they are still working as they were used to do in the ps1 days

Why konami spend a lot of money for MGS and other project instead of investing on PES that is their most successfull franchise is beyond my comprehension.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

The game has not even been released yet.

Calm the fuck down because I don't want to have another month and a bit of this.

I even agree. but it still holds true that last year we hoped for a major overhual and this year doesn't seem to be like the one eitehr. i honestly have to say that they have to build the game frm the ground up again and yet now being on next gen for the past 3 to 4 years they have not? hmmmmmmmm
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

if they take a year to make a few tweaks by my calculation it would take 3 million years for them to design a new engine.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

guys, like it or not,PES2009 just won't be as decent as you want. in fact you can have it now. play pes2008,and patch it up well,imagine the player's skin more shinny and plastic...DANG you have yourself a pes2009!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

how the feck would you know man?

From what I've read, it all seems pretty solid. Better defending, zippier shots, more realistic defense..PES5 was a solid game and some have said it reminds them of that one, if it's a new pes5 with some enhancments, then it will be a solid title.

Pes2008 was poor in the gameplay dept. , if this is rectified, then who gives a crap about Chelsea's licence, boot colours, silly net graphics etc.?
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