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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I tell you what lads,

I just Picked up pro evo 2008 on the PS2 for a tenner in asda

what have I been doing??!!??!!??

arsing about with pro evo one the ps3/ fifa08/ euro08

this is the game to have!

its fantastic!

you have to get over the shocking graphics if played on a PS3 but the gameplay wipes the floor with any other footy game.

It has reminded me what pro evo could be like.

so all this "its like pes5 with knobs on" is making me feel good about it.

I am just gutted that I picked up this version only a month before the new one is out.

if u want to go a step higher get J.league winning eleven 2008 Club Championship on ps2 ( released last week )
its realy 2x better then pes2008 on the ps3.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Got a problem,the PSM3 scan are not visible instead can see the Message,"Bandwidth Exceeded Upgrade to Pro".
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

if u want to go a step higher get J.league winning eleven 2008 Club Championship on ps2 ( released last week )
its realy 2x better then pes2008 on the ps3.

thanks for the advice

will it work with an english ps3?

I dont think i could bring myself to dig out my ps2 and do the 'slide card trick', even for old times sake.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

if u want to go a step higher get J.league winning eleven 2008 Club Championship on ps2 ( released last week )
its realy 2x better then pes2008 on the ps3.

It would be great if that worked on my PS3, or if I had an NTSC PS2, but unfortunately I don't :((
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

what junka said, but ps2 graphics are hard to take if your used to playing on your ps3
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

On the contrary Dan, I happen to think the PS2 graphics are more realistic.

They don't have the clay filter than the PS3/360 versions have. Better lighting, more realistic textures, etc.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

On the contrary Dan, I happen to think the PS2 graphics are more realistic.

They don't have the clay filter than the PS3/360 versions have. Better lighting, more realistic textures, etc.


Personally its not the graphical quality or lighting that makes it more realistic, its the way they imitate human behaviour.

This is where PES is struggling.Players dont feel natural anymore when comparing it to EA's animation, whether its less fun to play, is a matter of preferance, but its still looking far to mechanical for it to be considered realistic.

I also think the lighting on the PS3/360 is brilliant and the night shots are much better that FIFA's with its dark patches in the corners etc.

The good thing, is that PES is back to where it should have been last year, so in my book its now going forward after 2 years of confusion.The PS3 will have a 10yr lifespan and its only in its third year so lots to look forward to, starting with PES09:))
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

FIFA is the winner this year, no doubt about it. Konami is now playing catch up and you know what I hope they do retake the crown in the future because it's me and you the gamer who benefits. PES is running on an old engine, it's been the same for years, I was a a total PES convert after WE5 on PS2, even though I had dabbled with ISS etc before that. And I couldn't stand FIFA until they started making an effort with the NEXT GEN systems. Even though FIFA 07 was hugely flawed and basically rubbish, it was immediate to see that EA were trying something new and that struck me as PES/WE hadn't changed for years and each incarnation like UCL , FIFA 08 , UEFA and now FIFA 09 has improved and they have really listened to what the fans wanted, something Konami has never done. And now FIFA due to this is the #1 footy game on the market and due to financial status and stratergy of listening and improving will be hard to displace. But as I mentioned before if Konami do take their finger out and make PES 2010 the updated game it needs to be and goes beyond FIFA that's where my money will be going but until then EA will have it for what is undoubtedly the best value for money package there is.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I am still playing 2008 now and you do occasionally still get that ‘PES’ feeling despite it's numerous flaws. One or two PS3 pads have been broken online after big Samuel just breezes through my back four.

But let’s look on the bright side, all of the signs point to 2009 being a solid improvement over 2008. If this is the case then I'll be happy enough.

I guess the most frustrating thing is that if Konami asked any of us “What can we do to improve the game?” we could give them a list as long as our arms and most of the suggestions would be quite easy to implement or have already been in past games in the series :(

I've been playing since the N64 days and I really do miss the manual feel to everything and also the way you could deliberately jump and chest control a long ball in ISS98. Bring this back Konami!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I am still playing 2008 now and you do occasionally still get that ‘PES’ feeling despite it's numerous flaws. One or two PS3 pads have been broken online after big Samuel just breezes through my back four.

But let’s look on the bright side, all of the signs point to 2009 being a solid improvement over 2008. If this is the case then I'll be happy enough.

I guess the most frustrating thing is that if Konami asked any of us “What can we do to improve the game?” we could give them a list as long as our arms and most of the suggestions would be quite easy to implement or have already been in past games in the series :(

I've been playing since the N64 days and I really do miss the manual feel to everything and also the way you could deliberately jump and chest control a long ball in ISS98. Bring this back Konami!

wtf is wrong with ur avatar:w00t:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Isn't it the funniest thing you've ever seen? I guess you don't remember knightrider?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

FIFA is the winner this year, no doubt about it. Konami is now playing catch up and you know what I hope they do retake the crown in the future because it's me and you the gamer who benefits. PES is running on an old engine, it's been the same for years, I was a a total PES convert after WE5 on PS2, even though I had dabbled with ISS etc before that. And I couldn't stand FIFA until they started making an effort with the NEXT GEN systems. Even though FIFA 07 was hugely flawed and basically rubbish, it was immediate to see that EA were trying something new and that struck me as PES/WE hadn't changed for years and each incarnation like UCL , FIFA 08 , UEFA and now FIFA 09 has improved and they have really listened to what the fans wanted, something Konami has never done. And now FIFA due to this is the #1 footy game on the market and due to financial status and stratergy of listening and improving will be hard to displace. But as I mentioned before if Konami do take their finger out and make PES 2010 the updated game it needs to be and goes beyond FIFA that's where my money will be going but until then EA will have it for what is undoubtedly the best value for money package there is.

I agree with you 100%. This year FIFA 09 is a definite purchase for me and I cant wait for the demo. As for PES 2009 I will wait for the demo but I will probably buy it anyway since it does seem somewhat better than 2008. I hope next year with the new engine that PES 2010 delivers the most realistic football title on all platforms. :)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just watched Playr on Bravo and they had a brief segment showcasing both PES 2009 & FIFA 09 at GC08. For PES 2009 they confirmed that the game will have the UEFA Champions League license but did not specify what it includes. Also the PS3 version will have trophies.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just watched Playr on Bravo and they had a brief segment showcasing both PES 2009 & FIFA 09 at GC08. For PES 2009 they confirmed that the game will have the UEFA Champions League license but did not specify what it includes. Also the PS3 version will have trophies.
They're stuck in ML land, I reckon they will just have CL logo and titles all over and just bodge the ML a bit...:((
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

They're stuck in ML land, I reckon they will just have CL logo and titles all over and just bodge the ML a bit...:((

Your probably right Nick. The best possible outcome of the UEFA Champions League license is that all the teams are licensed, official music, adboards, balls, stadiums, incorporation into ML, seperate cup mode and perhaps an online mode. I can dream cant I? :LOL:
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

if pes 09's ballphysics/ gameplay are close to we2008jl cc on ps2 it would be nearlly perfect...
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I just saw a preview of the game for the first time on Playr, on Bravo, and the game doesn't look that bad.

The gameplay looks realistic and improved.

Lets hope it feels like that when i play it. ;)
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

if u want to go a step higher get J.league winning eleven 2008 Club Championship on ps2 ( released last week )
its realy 2x better then pes2008 on the ps3.

Don't take this the wrong way, but as long as we the customer keep supporting Konami, and excepting an outdated engine they will never progress. The PS2 has a massive user base way ahead of the 360/PS3 so at this moment in time Konami make a shed load from this especially in Japan. This is one of the key reasons the next gen efforts have been and continue to below standard. EA learnt the hard way by loosing sales to Konami across the board, now Konami need to feel the same. We deserve a true next gen PES / WE but until we make a stand with our cash it won't happen.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

If you remember JayD, I said the same thing about PES6; I had a sig that said "don't stand for the same game every year, let Konami know that adding the latest transfers and fixing one bug is not worth your money, hit Konami where it hurts, don't buy PES6 or you're ruining the series for the rest of us". At the time it was because the game was the same game every year, not because it was a lot worse than the others (as I believe PES2008 is). But still, a lot of people agreed with the sentiment but it didn't stick because it was still the best football game around at the time.

Even now with FIFA improving massively people still prefer the roots of PES, the fact that they can pick it up and play the football they have since day one of PES, and we all have to have a football game. So even if they want to boycott the game for the good of the series, A) they won't be able to stop themselves because they don't like any other football game and B) it doesn't really matter anyway because as long as Japan laps it up, we will get the same game they get. And bear in mind some people actually liked PES2008.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

If you remember JayD, I said the same thing about PES6; I had a sig that said "don't stand for the same game every year, hit Konami where it hurts, don't buy PES6 or you're ruining the series for the rest of us". At the time it was because the game was the same game every year, not because it was a lot worse of a game as I believe PES2008 is. But still, a lot of people agreed with the sentiment but it didn't stick because it was still the best football game around at the time.

Even now with FIFA improving massively people still prefer PES and they want to play a football game, so even if they want to boycott the game for the good of the series, A) they won't be able to stop themselves because they don't like any other football game and B) it doesn't really matter anyway because as long as Japan laps it up, we will get the same game they get. And bear in mind some people actually liked PES2008.

Yep you do have to question who are Konami really making the game for to me it feels very much for Japan. To much change and they will be scared that the loyal fanbase will turn against them and this is catch 22 Konami now im not sure break up of Winning Eleven was good thing but although was tweaks last gen they could use it to target different audience this gen.

The sales of Fifa 08 in Japan are really bad to Fifa but this is nothing new same happens for Microsoft Xbox they like there homemade things. Only 5k sales in first week for Fifa 08 in Japan compared to PES 140k and that just PS3 360 Fifa 08 sales were 2k and it went downhill from there.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Very true Chris. There bread and butter in Japan where they sell shed loads of the 2 or 3 versions they bring out every year on the PS2, so that will be their main focus for a few years to come until the PS2 units are on par with Next Gen consoles. I think the main reason people persevere with PES/WE in it's current state is that they are so used to it and because it used to be so ahead of the competition, they have convinced themselves that the gameplay/physics are realistic. When in actuality this is far from the truth.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It seems to me that most people in this thread have declared FIFA09 the winner by watching a couple of videos and reading info. about the game. Wouldn't it be ironic if after purchasing it and playing for a month, the gameplay doesn't hold up? It would be hilarious to see some of the people on here come out and eat humble pies when they turn to PES for a more fulfilling gameplay experience.

Do you all, always build up something like this before trying it first? Surely, you've been disappointed some of the time. What makes you certain FIFA09 won't let you down when you get your hands on it? Videos? What David Rutter says?

I agree FIFA09 looks better in videos, in certain aspects, now but I'm sure that won't keep people playing 3 months and beyond after release after the candy wares off, unless PES09 turns out to be a poorer experience, which surprise, may NOT.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It seems to me that most people in this thread have declared FIFA09 the winner by watching a couple of videos and reading info. about the game. Wouldn't it be ironic if after purchasing it and playing for a month, the gameplay doesn't hold up? It would be hilarious to see some of the people on here come out and eat humble pies when they turn to PES for a more fulfilling gameplay experience.

Do you all, always build up something like this before trying it first? Surely, you've been disappointed some of the time. What makes you certain FIFA09 won't let you down when you get your hands on it? Videos? What David Rutter says?

I agree FIFA09 looks better in videos, in certain aspects, now but I'm sure that won't keep people playing 3 months and beyond after release after the candy wares off, unless PES09 turns out to be a poorer experience, which surprise, may NOT.

to be fair m8, we're not basing it on videos fully, we've also heard comments and opinions from people here and WENB that have tested the game. And they all agree that the game should please FIFA fans and that it is a decent game. But the question remain is how decent will it be, and how long will the replay value last.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It seems to me that most people in this thread have declared FIFA09 the winner by watching a couple of videos and reading info. about the game. Wouldn't it be ironic if after purchasing it and playing for a month, the gameplay doesn't hold up? It would be hilarious to see some of the people on here come out and eat humble pies when they turn to PES for a more fulfilling gameplay experience.

Do you all, always build up something like this before trying it first? Surely, you've been disappointed some of the time. What makes you certain FIFA09 won't let you down when you get your hands on it? Videos? What David Rutter says?

I agree FIFA09 looks better in videos, in certain aspects, now but I'm sure that won't keep people playing 3 months and beyond after release after the candy wares off, unless PES09 turns out to be a poorer experience, which surprise, may NOT.

I'm still playing FIFA 08 - eleven months after release - just as much as day one. It's the first FIFA game to hold my attention for that long, in the same way PES used to.

So, I think we are entitled to be confident that FIFA 09 will keep us hooked for the long haul.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

yeah. and most(i say most) people who had their hand on pes2009 didn't really enjoy it. maybe some,but most not,cuz it's the similar experience when u playing pes2008,with few graphical enhancement. that's not evolution,that's customization,with same old engine,old bug,old animation,old net,old boot,new ball =)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

It seems to me that most people in this thread have declared FIFA09 the winner by watching a couple of videos and reading info. about the game. Wouldn't it be ironic if after purchasing it and playing for a month, the gameplay doesn't hold up? It would be hilarious to see some of the people on here come out and eat humble pies when they turn to PES for a more fulfilling gameplay experience.

It seems to me that most people in this thread have also declared PES09 better than 08 by watching a couple of videos and reading info about the game. Wouldn't it be doubly ironic if after purchasing it and playing it for a month, the gameplay doesn't hold up? It would be hilarious to see some of the people on here come out and eat humble pies when they turn to FIFA for a more fulfilling gameplay experience (doubt that would happen tho - most PES supporters would likely just keep playing it, stating that it wasn't that bad and just wait til next year) ;-)
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I'm still playing FIFA 08 - eleven months after release - just as much as day one. It's the first FIFA game to hold my attention for that long, in the same way PES used to.

So, I think we are entitled to be confident that FIFA 09 will keep us hooked for the long haul.
Exactly why I'm hopeful for FIFA 09.

I still play FIFA 08 and think "Christ the reaction times are awful, in PES I would have backheeled that pass straight away and created an opportunity but in this he just runs straight into the defender like a MONG ARRRGGGH" etc... I play PES2008 on the PSP and put some passing moves together which aren't possible in real-time playing FIFA (you have to press to do the action half-an-hour early).

But all it takes to make me happy with FIFA 09 is better response times and human goalkeepers (and the AI but we've already heard from people playtesting the game in Leipzig that the AI is the same :(). For me, the rest is perfect, from the physics, to the fully manual controls, to the game modes (lower league teams so I don't have to play as Liverpool all the time, a realistic management career mode, a realistic "Be A Pro" career mode, online "Be A Pro" 5v5/10v10 play, but most importantly, online leagues - something I wrote a letter to Konami about, begging them to include, five years ago ... I HATE ranked matches, playing random friendlies over and over and over).

Now it may well turn out that the goalkeepers are the same as before, in which case it will be a huge disappointment. The videos would suggest otherwise but we don't know without playing it, especially those of us who use lower-league teams (there was never going to be a FIFA 09 video featuring teams outside of the Premier League, God forbid :roll:).

But I've been bored of the base-PES engine since the early PS2 days, simply because it's not been rewritten from scratch for the CPU power on the PS2, LET ALONE the PS3, which is criminal. So that means the same AI, the same AI cheating, the same repetitive scripts, the same "on-rails" players, the same "on-rails" ball movement, the same automaticness about everything you do (with the game deciding whether to be kind and let your pass get through or your shot go in, rather than your skill at playing the game, which gets to the point where I think "I might as well let the CPU play the CPU because if I've got no control in crucial moments I might as well have no control at all) and even the same Master League (which bears no resemblence to real life, IMO). All from the PSX era.

This is outweighed for some people by the good points, such as the old reviewer's golden comment when it comes to PES, "you never see the same goal twice" - which is absolutely right, very satisfying, and the reason why I still play PES2008 on the PSP. So I can totally 100% understand why people still play PES. It's not the "absolute worst football series in the world ever omfg" that some people make it out to be. But as far as I'm concerned, the PSP is where it belongs and where it plays best, because it's simplified, ten-year-old (or "tried and tested" depending on your viewpoint) gameplay. That doesn't mean it's an awful game.
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Why spend about £300 on a console plus the game, and maybe another £500 or so for a HDTV to play it on, coming to £800 just to play a game with ten year old gameplay plus some decent graphics (not great graphics)?

Some people have more money than sense.
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