PES 2008 demo - patches, files etc

Seems like you guys are gonna crack the timer soon, Good luck :)

You just can't stop posting, can you? I mean, you've been posting useless messages like this for hours now. How many of them, like 10, 15? Way too much anyway. Please, just stop =/
FFS all im saying is good luck, but fine then i wont say a thing ill just wait for you guys to do your stuff then ill leave you be, Jesus all im saying is good luck take a chill pill
FFS all im saying is good luck, but fine then i wont say a thing ill just wait for you guys to do your stuff then ill leave you be, Jesus all im saying is good luck take a chill pill

You have the paitence of a 6 year old, just shut up and wait for them to do it, then say thank you, how hard is that?
this is for all the guys that are worry about the camera settings look at this ;-)

kameratyp= cameratyp on german :)

ive founden many intresstat things in hex editor in the demo are all things from the full version in


the leagues:

eltliga.Internationaler Pokal.Europa Pokal.Afrika Pokal.Amerika Pokal.Asien-Ozeanien-Pokal.PUMA Pokal.Konami-Pokal.Meister-Liga.1. Division.2. Division.Asien-Ozeanien-Pokal.Europ..ischer Meister-Pokal.Europ..ische Meisterschaft.Liga Nord %s.Liga S..d %s.Liga Ost %s.Liga West %s.Liga Nord.Liga S..d.Liga Ost.Liga West.Liga A.Liga B.Liga C.Liga D.Englische Liga.Ligue 1.Deutsche Liga.Serie A.Eredivisie.Liga Espa..ola.Meister-Liga: D2-Liga.Meister-Liga: D2-Pokal.Meister-Liga: D1-Liga.Meister-Liga: D1-Pokal.Meister-Liga D1.Meister-Liga D2
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oh yeah \\:o/\\:o/you are so close to cracking the time counter when will it be done can you specify the exact seconds until it is done? Oh boy :D

just kidding

did anyone managed to import something in etc. kit or background image so that it worked in the game(i'd try but cant install new version of dkz,i mean i can but it wont run i just pops up 2 spanish messagess and quits)
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i have founden for all the people how think that are no groups in pes 08

Das Kontingent ist erf..llt, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht..Bewerbungsliste Die ..Bewerbungsliste.. ist voll, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht....ber eine Woche keine Verbindung mehr, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht..%s ist fertig

its on german can somebody translate this

bitte einer übersetzten habe grade keine zeit danke :D
Das Kontingent ist erf..llt, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht..Bewerbungsliste Die ..Bewerbungsliste.. ist voll, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht....ber eine Woche keine Verbindung mehr, es werden keine Mitglieder mehr gesucht..%s ist fertig

The contingent is .llt erf., it no more members is searched. Application list those. Application list. , it is full no more members searched….more ber one week no more connection, no more members are looked for. %s is finished
So it has the same leagues, spanish, english, german, french, italian and dutch.. It would be nice to know how many more teams it has besides those...since it has been said that PES2008 has more than 250 comparing to PES6 200. That's a big difference.. You could have the scottish, portuguese and greek leagues in there plus some other 15 european teams.. not the 30 FIFA leagues but very acceptable, imo.

Anyway, we have time to check that out when the game gets released.
So it has the same leagues, spanish, english, german, french, italian and dutch.. It would be nice to know how many more teams it has besides those...since it has been said that PES2008 has more than 250 comparing to PES6 200. That's a big difference.. You could have the scottish, portuguese and greek leagues in there plus some other 15 european teams.. not the 30 FIFA leagues but very acceptable, imo.

Anyway, we have time to check that out when the game gets released.

i have founden that languages in hex editor values

Having those languages doesn't mean it has those leagues..from the competition list you posted it seems clear that it still has the same leagues..the question is, how many other team slots there are?
Actually, as a portuguese Im quite surprised the attention they given to our country on this year's version...with the Portugal licensed, portuguese language and 3 of 15 stadiums on PS3 version are portuguese...from none to 3! Let's hope they're also available on PC version.

Sorry for the offtopic.
Indeed. In the end I could stop the timer onscreen, but the internal would still be counting.
However with some memory editing I could access the forbidden menu's in the pause screen and made some screenshots.
Oh and unlimited substitutions lol.
But there are no camera settings to be found in the menu :(

in wich value are the 2nd controller and the time??
i tryed to change the team to one that isnt listed in the menu and voila:

changed to Japan but looks that other teams not included, only dummys:

here ingame sreens:

only want to give this information to you so you know there arent any other teams in the demo :D

Turkey Kit :)
could be either. thing is i'm getting lots of addresses with the time value, but searching for the timer interval is a pain in the ass. i'll look on the IMG files

me to, but they never stop xD you could do scan's the whole day and you'll find thousands of adresses:x
Youshould tryto enter in the non-selectable menu of time for matches, as you entered in the hidden menu inside a match. Then you should be able to change the duration of match to 15 min. or 20, or 10, don´t you?
Youshould tryto enter in the non-selectable menu of time for matches, as you entered in the hidden menu inside a match. Then you should be able to change the duration of match to 15 min. or 20, or 10, don´t you?

Sounds good to me \\:o/
Youshould tryto enter in the non-selectable menu of time for matches, as you entered in the hidden menu inside a match. Then you should be able to change the duration of match to 15 min. or 20, or 10, don´t you?
Can anyone confirm this?
For searching about time string, you should also have in account that time may be all seconds, I mean, 90 min. of game are 5400 seconds, so, when starting a match look for 5400 seconds ( or zero seconds), then when it shows: 5:34 time playing (for example) look for 334 seconds or the inverse 5066 (5400-334). Have u tried it?
Have a look at it!!
Youshould tryto enter in the non-selectable menu of time for matches, as you entered in the hidden menu inside a match. Then you should be able to change the duration of match to 15 min. or 20, or 10, don´t you?
What I mean is that if WestenKinds was abble to access to the forbidden menu in the pause screen, he may be able to access the forbidden menu in the options screen before selecting a team. Try it!!
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