OFFICIAL WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW thread [hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

antred said:
Well had a few goes of this and this is what i think...
The keepers are fantastic, i just upped the stats of his agility, balance, defending, goalkeeping skilss, and gave him one on one special ability and reaction and viola the goalies are spot on. lots of new animations, the keepers actually dive properly now.

Could you be more specific? What skills exactly did you upgrade and by how many points?

Thanks in advance.
mazanga said:
antred said:
Well had a few goes of this and this is what i think...
The keepers are fantastic, i just upped the stats of his agility, balance, defending, goalkeeping skilss, and gave him one on one special ability and reaction and viola the goalies are spot on. lots of new animations, the keepers actually dive properly now.

Could you be more specific? What skills exactly did you upgrade and by how many points?

Thanks in advance.

Well as a rule, and some of you purists out there wont like this, i always knock up balnace, defending, agility, response, goalkeeping and mentality to between 88-90+ points depending on keeper. I also sometimes up consistency and give stars in special ability of reaction, agility, one on one and pk.

I only do this because the keepers are always weak in the game. im always surprised at the low scores given to keepers in the gamme because to be a top keeper you have to be really good, its consistency that sets the top keepers apart from the rest.

But it makes the keepers a bit harder to beat.
antred said:
mazanga said:
Well as a rule, and some of you purists out there wont like this, i always knock up balnace, defending, agility, response, goalkeeping and mentality to between 88-90+ points depending on keeper. I also sometimes up consistency and give stars in special ability of reaction, agility, one on one and pk.

I only do this because the keepers are always weak in the game. im always surprised at the low scores given to keepers in the gamme because to be a top keeper you have to be really good, its consistency that sets the top keepers apart from the rest.

But it makes the keepers a bit harder to beat.

Yeaaa good idea mate:applause: i will do that now:)
The game is quite a bit too fast in my eyes. Looks unrealistic but still an improvement. The trough-long pass has been aproved but sometimes it go's too high and too slow. What I still dislike is the STATS KONAMI! How the hell is it possible that Huntelaar is so weak!!!!
Hi there everyone....

Thought i'd add my opinion...Well i've not played any WE/PES since Xmas when our first child he is settled its time to get back into WE...and WE10 is a breath of fresh air.

The gameplay can be slowed down or speeded up depending on your style...scoring is okay i like this version more than WE9/PES5 as I got bored really quickly and never went back....WE9JL gave me more fun...but this is back to form..

Video football played with a bit of fun which is what we are after isn't it ??
Talk about milking the cow dry.

WE10 is the quintessential rip-off.

It scores 0 out of 10 from me.
Nick Cave said:
has anyone seen the keeper handle outside the box or is he still on that magic cord that stops him dead.........

Nope i had before on a match that the keeper made a great save by coming outside he's goal and outside the box to clear the bal:)
was realy suprised.
How most of you think that is a great game?This we is the worst ever IMO!
Fast pace,perfect dribble,perfect passes,super shot,you can score from every angle,bad defending,the collision always favours the attacker!
I played a match 5 minutes ago with a friend (he is good at we/pes) and i beat him 7-0 in a five minutes match!OMG Konami!What are you thinking?
You can take Henry or Ronnie and past 6 defenders every time!And dont tell me i am wrong!I tried so many times........
Very bad release...
I will play pes5 and wait for pes6.Although i dont expect anything to change in pes6 for ps2.
I have xbox360 and i am preying for a good release......
I am playing about 10 years and for the first time i am so dissappointed....
polakis said:
How most of you think that is a great game?This we is the worst ever IMO!
Fast pace,perfect dribble,perfect passes,super shot,you can score from every angle,bad defending,the collision always favours the attacker!
I played a match 5 minutes ago with a friend (he is good at we/pes) and i beat him 7-0 in a five minutes match!OMG Konami!What are you thinking?
You can take Henry or Ronnie and past 6 defenders every time!And dont tell me i am wrong!I tried so many times........
Very bad release...
I will play pes5 and wait for pes6.Although i dont expect anything to change in pes6 for ps2.
I have xbox360 and i am preying for a good release......
I am playing about 10 years and for the first time i am so dissappointed....

I'm sure you can against your mate, but you wouldn't be able to do that against me or other people who have figured out how to defend.

Give it a few weeks of playing time before you throw it to the back of your collection. You need to practice before you can enjoy!
Nick Cave said:
has anyone seen the keeper handle outside the box or is he still on that magic cord that stops him dead.........

I haven't seen him run outside the box yet, but he ALWAYS runs out to stop me. He even gave me a penalty and he got a red card. Thats why you don't need to do anything to go past the keeper, you don't have to dribble, you can just run across him.
polakis said:
How most of you think that is a great game?This we is the worst ever IMO!
Fast pace,perfect dribble,perfect passes,super shot,you can score from every angle,bad defending,the collision always favours the attacker!
I played a match 5 minutes ago with a friend (he is good at we/pes) and i beat him 7-0 in a five minutes match!OMG Konami!What are you thinking?
You can take Henry or Ronnie and past 6 defenders every time!And dont tell me i am wrong!I tried so many times........
Very bad release...
I will play pes5 and wait for pes6.Although i dont expect anything to change in pes6 for ps2.
I have xbox360 and i am preying for a good release......
I am playing about 10 years and for the first time i am so dissappointed....

I have same feelings as you. I am disappointed as I am always fans of Winning Series. But this game is too unrealistic, not like playing footabll.
Pasada la emoción por la salida de un nuevo winning, y a medida que le voy jugando , les digo que cada vez me gusta menos, lo estoy viendo muy arcada, no se si a alguno le pasa lo mismo, pero lo veo en muchas cosas menos real que el 9, los jugadores arrancan demasiado rápido y a veces parece si lo ven en detalle que las piernas enloquecen, jugué brasil vs Argentina y hubo 2 goles porque al arquero el pelotazo le venció las manos.
Es mas rápido que el 9 , demasiado para mi gusto , me parece bien el tema de las faltas ,antes era muy cortado pero ahora casi no hay y eso tampoco me parece real, me gustan las gambetas pero tampoco que gambeteando te pases medio equipo, en fin me gustaria conocer otras opiniones
One problem I've had with WE10 especially with the defending, as some have mentioned the number of goals being easily scored is that i've seen defenders run away from the forward! For e.g. I was playing against my friend and it was a 1 on 2 situation. He managed to speed past my defender yet the computer controlled defender (who was marking no-one) ran away from the forward rather than towards him to intercept. Does anyone know how to stop this?

1-on-1 situations seem much easier to score too.
i dont see how this game is unrealistic.

i one for im glad the pace has been increased. i always thought the series lacked certain dynamic.

defending is good. no longer invloves instinct but skill.

the dribbles arent perfect. personally i find the hard to even pull off.

the beauty of the game comes out when playing against the good teams. im playin int challange on 5 stars and now in world cup 2nd stage i got France. I lost 1-2 three times in a row. the AI is simply fantastic. i cannot overcome them. they outplay me in the midfield everytime with the help of henry. their defensive play is too good. my strikers are marked at all times and the only way i can play is by quick 1-2 passing. great challange.

i find that so far the positives outweigh the negatives.
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DropshoT7777777 said:
Give it a few weeks of playing time before you throw it to the back of your collection. You need to practice before you can enjoy!

But he said he finds it far too easy. So he needs to practise so he can get worse, then enjoy? Sounds to me like crap, but worth a try.
jankoller said:
I have same feelings as you. I am disappointed as I am always fans of Winning Series. But this game is too unrealistic, not like playing footabll.
I feel exactly the same. I've been playing my copy for a while now and I must say that for me, this is the worst Winning Eleven (Pro Evo) game yet.

It's like they thought "How can we make this game as accessible as possible?" and by speeding the game up and making it less realistic they have effectively removed everything that seperated the series from other football games. It feels completely dumbed down and it seems to me like the developers are trying to pander to the casual gamer.

It's far too easy to dribble and shoot. Before it took skill to take on more than one player, now it's not difficult at all. It's also ridiculously easy to score from outside the box and on average, there are far too many goals a game (My first game on 3 stars I beat Spain 5-1; this just never happened before on PES5). It also used to feel like I had achieved something when I scored, now it happens all the time and because of this the fun (and whole point of the Winning Eleven series) is gone. In the past, when I played a new PES it took time to master the new gameplay and actually score, this time I started scoring immediately. The whole game just feels wrong, the game speed is far too fast, there is a heavy bias on the offense and both the balance/intensity are lacking.

I've been playing (and worshipping) the ISS Pro series since the first version on PSone and this is the first time I've actually hated a new version. Truly disappointed.
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Ok finally some bad feelings after this game.
Yes there is some good points and if you play it like WE9 surelly you will think it's a difficult game.
But after few games, i noticed this one is the most easiest ever.
Here is the bad points i noticed :

- Automatic tackles ( WTF ?!)
I was playing quarter final of nippon international challenge.My opposent is Argentine and i play Japan.Score is 2-2, Saviola escapes and one of my defencer gives a violent tackle without i asked him :/ Then penalty :(

-Too many crossbar/goalpost.It's obvious it's kinda automatic.

-Too easy to get the ball.With Ronaldo or other strong striker it's very easy to get the ball from defencer and then to goal.Defencer seems to be very weak.

Today i will try with 6 stars difficulty, but so far i played with 5 stars against the computer and i win all the time with at least 3/4 goals.but yeah the CPU can goal more than in WE9 at least :/
Sometimes i feel like it's not realistic at all.

Otherwise i like it so i can't say i prefere WE9.Afterall it's still new so have to give it more time to adapt.But i feel a little bit anxious because already very easy to score.
Several good points as well of course.

l_p_4_7 said:
It's far too easy to dribble and shoot. Before it took skill to take on more than one player, now it's not difficult at all. It's also ridiculously easy to score from outside the box and on average, there are far too many goals a game (My first game on 3 stars I beat Spain 5-1; this just never happened before on PES5). It also used to feel like I had achieved something when I scored, now it happens all the time and because of this the fun (and whole point of the Winning Eleven series) is gone. In the past, when I played a new PES it took time to master the new gameplay and actually score, this time I started scoring immediately. The whole game just feels wrong, the game speed is far too fast, there is a heavy bias on the offense and both the balance/intensity are lacking.

In your case maybe better to play with the highest difficulty instead of 3 stars if so :)
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Thanks Antred. I will fiddle around with the keepers stats. I will also experiment with the defenders stats because, as has been said here by others, the strikers easily manhandle the defenders for some reason. If they bump into eachother or if there is a little scrimmage the strikers wins the ball 75% of the time.

I agree with gakousei. Computercontrolled players tend to walk away from the striker or strangely move out of position, making it easier for the computer or a human opponent to give that decisive pass or make that decisive run. Maybe changing the stats will sort this.

But i'll mess with the defenders stats only after giving the game some more time. I'll start with the keepers, it's obvious that they punch the ball a little bit too often.
finally I got my copy and here are my thougts

+overall feeling. feels like football more than ever before

+freedom of movement. no more or nearly no more autmatic movement. you have full control

+cpu ai. PES5 got really boring for me as I would win every game on 6* by 3-4 goals. In WE10 I have big problems to score even a goal on 4*. The cpi plays actually football too and you can explore some kind of tactics by the ki

+goalkeepers. a lot of new animations and more realistic hence they do more mistakes. but sometimes the mistakes are too ridicolous so that the keepers cant hold the easiest balls. but the one handed parades are beautiful

+slide tackling much improved and finally usefull

+full load of new animations

+gamespeed. its nealry perfect now


-whistle stutter bug

-defending is too hard. x-button tackle is useless now.

-sometimes slowdowns by corners

-nearly all matches have 0 fouls on both sides

-low through pass. lands at oponnents feets in most of the cases

need to play more to see what else I will recognize
My opinion about particular gameplay-tweaks..

It's not THAT difficult, but the auto guard mode just isnt that nice..
The thing is (and this is already been said.. i'm just repeating it).. while in defending mode the players 'are' (they move around) slow when not holding the r1 button, because they're in guard mode (in pro5 with r2 pressed) thus making it more difficult to go for the ball or just stand in the way of the attacking team (or in the way of passes).
The positive in my opinion in PES5 was u didn't have that automatic guard mode as u could just run, sprint or press r2 to go into guard mode (and ofcourse x square and sliding..) u had variety in defending.
In WE10 it's more like this or that. That really makes a big difference while defending.
I hope they will fix the pace/way of the defenders back to the old PES5 style in PES6. (bring back R2-defend mode and not automatic defence mode)
I know a lot of people are experiencing problems with this including myself.
And I'm sure as hell glad that the 'just press x (and r2) and the ball is yours' is gone. Only guys like Stam or Puyol may have this ability to swipe the ball of your feet that easily. And not just everybody like in PES5. I could trip u (online/6 stars/human opponents) over the ball with just every player, and it was kinda lame looking... not so realistic at all..
I think by fixing this issue the game would be more 50/50 balanced in attacking/defending.. because to me this is the big difference maker..

Passes are good, but a bit too accurate.. (not for teams like barca because they're passing is accurate/good) but that's all dependable of the teams/players.. although it also depends on who u'r playing against.. because i don't play against the CPU (just sometimes).. mostly against human opponents.. and they can defend quite well (in PES5 also).. and passes can be intercepted and CAN BE given JUST WRONG (not just 1 but a lot actually).. just not as often (way too often actually) as in PES5..
Also the pace of the (good) passes really show in WE10 that they're faster than the speed of any player.. whilst in PES5.. the passing system really sucked and was quite often very slow and easy interceptable.

Keepers should be like 50% PES5 and 50% WE10. I just cant explain why i find that lol.. maybe another day.. but i guess there are more out there who agree on that.. or will after playing the game...

Hope some of u found this interesting..


PS: face it.. CPU just sucks, cpu sucked in every PES/WE.. don't hate the game hate the cpu..
C'mon boys, let's open your eyes, since PSP was out and Konami decided to release a PSP's winning eleven version, they started to make practices with the gameplay and controls of winning eleven PS2 version.

First, with the sidestep, then with the autoguard defensive mode, etc, etc...

It's simply clear, that Konami don't like to spend much time and money with game conversions, you have the examples of PC versions every year.

That's my opinion and thanks for your reviews.
I enjoy the game but it does feel very very fast. It's totally unrealistic in the speed department however everything else seems to feel better.

What's this autoguard defense thing people are talking about?
Wel there is allways some down part and a good part of a WE game, but i think there are more good parts of this game:).Play some more days and u wil get used to it,cuz u might need to ajust at the begining.Im playing it for 6 days now and i realy enjoy the game.
Konami cant please everyone...everybody has just a differt taste.And they put something in it for everyone.
I must admit im loving this game at the minute, heres some more thoughts.

Regarding Defending:

I've only seen on three stars the defenders strangely run away on four stars they dont however i have noticed that sometimes when you go past a defender with pace they let you go and move into another defensive position especially down the flanks, which is quite realistic in a way, no player chases you down like a hounddog all game!

I've noticed when playing lesser sides how they attempt to grab a goal and then go all defensive, and believe me they can be a tough nut to crack even with Barca.

The Goalies:

Well just do what i said, for the main keepers of every team increase stats on Defending, Balance, Agility and Response, Goalkeeping Skills and Mentality to between 88-90+ but make sure keeper skills are in the 90's. It makes a real difference. they dont become unbeatable but they are bloody good. They still make the odd mistake but they are sharper. I noticed when i was checking the stats a lot of keepers have been dumbed down to like 78 keeping skills and response in the 60's!!! Thats why they are kak!

it will take a bit of time to adjust stats but its well worth it.

I agree sometimes its easy to go past a man but sometimes with the likes of ronaldhno and henry and iquelme, you can overdo it, they are hard to control.

I love the keepers - at last they dive like they should.
P-dogg in pes5 when in defence run with your player not sprint just run.. without the ball ofcourse (but near a player with the ball).. now do the same thing in we10..
now.. in pes5 hold r2 while your running.. (near a player with the ball)
and then u'll see the difference..
I'm really, really disappointed. Winning Eleven 10 has lost the feel of "real" football.

On the plus side the crossing and headers have been improved - players will attack the ball properly now - and tackling feels infinitely more satisfying when you get it right.

The AI governing your teammates movement and positioning is awful - The auto guard mode means that a good player who constantly dribbles will nearly always beat a good player who has previously based his game on passing. Player selection, even on manual is decidedly suspect, which again means the game always favours the dribbling and tricks addict. You've also lost the "Cover" option from the marking section, unless they've hidden it elsewhere.

Your teammates don't make the same sort of logical runs they have done previously - get the ball with your right back, head down the line towards your right winger, and instead of breaking his neck to bomb past the opposition full back he'll just stand there and get in the way. Very frustrating.

The goalkeepers are just plain idiotic - I've lost count of the number of times Robinson has parried a ridiculously easy shot away for a corner when he should just pick the ball up. They also seem incapable of stopping some routine efforts at goal when the ball is around shoulder height.

I've no quarrels with the pace of the game - PES5 felt a little laboured at times. However, as a result, they've made the short passing more foolproof, resulting in a far more arcade, "on rails" feel to the game. It's also now rare to be able to switch the ball from one side of the field to the other with a long pass, even if your intended recipient is in space - you just don't seem to be able to hit the ball hard enough, resulting in an aerial ball that's too short and is often intercepted.

The tactics screens are now convoluted and confusing - there's just too much going on.

I'm gutted - it feels more like a video game than a football game.....and that should never have happened...praying they fix things for PES6, but can't see it.
paul631 said:
Pasada la emoción por la salida de un nuevo winning, y a medida que le voy jugando , les digo que cada vez me gusta menos, lo estoy viendo muy arcada, no se si a alguno le pasa lo mismo, pero lo veo en muchas cosas menos real que el 9, los jugadores arrancan demasiado rápido y a veces parece si lo ven en detalle que las piernas enloquecen, jugué brasil vs Argentina y hubo 2 goles porque al arquero el pelotazo le venció las manos.
Es mas rápido que el 9 , demasiado para mi gusto , me parece bien el tema de las faltas ,antes era muy cortado pero ahora casi no hay y eso tampoco me parece real, me gustan las gambetas pero tampoco que gambeteando te pases medio equipo, en fin me gustaria conocer otras opiniones

I don't understand a damn thing, but i couldn't agree more with you mate!!!! Well said!!!
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