OFFICIAL WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW thread [hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

TheWolf said:
Played it for a good few hours last night, against the CPU and my buddy.

- Refs definitely an improvement. If Konami can just keep them like this, we should have no more problems with them.
- Good freaking riddance to the sidestep!
- Dribbling improved. In real life Ronaldinho can and does dribble past 3-4 players so it's only right you can do that in the game.
- You can actually tell the difference in playing styles from team to team other than just by players being better on one team than another.

- Shooting from distance far too easy. I scored 3 30+ yard screamers in the same game on 5 stars with Ronney against Liverpool.
- Dang stutter when the ball goes over the goalline.
- Dribbling is good for star players but not every player should be able to dribble like C. Ronaldo or Ronaldinho. With practice it's pretty easy to beat 2-3 players with almost any player on the field.
- Goalkeepers are the worst in terms of "butter fingers" they've ever been. They parry shots which you wouldn't expect reserve semi-pro keepers to drop and it seems Konami use it as another way for the CPU to cheat when it's behind as inevitably, the CPU attacker will be in the right place to score from the rebound while your defender goes into a trance.
- Still have the unrealistic substituion choices from the CPU.
- Scoring an average of 3-4 goals per game on 5 stars. Against my friend we were commonly getting scores like 6-4 and no, we don't both suck at defending. I hate to think what the goal difference column will be like at the end of a league season.

we need you to start patchin buddy :)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

is it me or did we9jl had over 40 stadiums total while we10 has only 30?

maybe im wrong but why would they take out the stadiums?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

yeah we9jl had some awesome stadiums aswell..bout 60ish.. some cool ones :)
Btw.. im beggining to like WE10 more.. defending still hard..but im getting better.. just dont go in for the tackle as i used to. Still its not necessarily the difficulty, but the fact that u make a good tackle, that goes through the ball n player.. thats whats hard to get past.

The great things about the game do outweigh this though.. the animations are terrific.. and i dont know if anyone mentioned this before.. but the long balls and high passes (circle) in open play are awesome.. nice flat and more accurate how they usually are in real life.. ie. more responsive controls.

Once i get past the stutter bug -hopefully once i get my Original DVD from playasia- then things will get better. I can deal with the defence.. but the stutter has to stop hehe

Ive done a bit of a 180 in the past 24hours.. how embarrasin :)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

My First Impressions....

Recieved the game this morning from play-asia, got stung when it arrived for a £20 custom charge making the grand total of getting this game a whopping £100 (inc buying swap magic + flip top) :shock:

Anyhow, this is my first WE game although i've had every PES and Iss since god knows when.
I've played around 7-8 matches up to now. After reading all the comments made on here about how fast the gameplay was, how easy it was to take on 4defenders with Ronny, keepers piss-poor, how they trashed Real Madrid 6-0 on 5* on their first go, i was so worried that Konami had made a mess of this game.
However, i can say, i am pleased with the way this has turned out so far.

-The gameplay speed seems just right to me, its a notch up from PES5 but its just what i wanted, i found PES5 too slow and frustrating at times but this seems just to my liking.
-All the games i've played so far have been against the CPU on 4*, I scored only 1 goal in the first 3 games 1-0, 0-0, 0-1, then the CPU killed me as Liverpool when Rooney was dismissed and i switched to 3 at the back, then i beat them 3-1 in a rematch. I am finding it just as difficult as PES5 to take on players even with Ronaldinho, although it does seem that when you are trying to take someone on, you have the chance that the ball will break in your favour instead of falling to the defending player and your man stuttering to a standstill. This is the reason i think people are finding it hard to defend, in previous games when someone attacking runs directly into your defender the ball is almost certainly yours, this is no longer the case and i think with a little experience the defenders will find new ways of tackling and winning the ball.
-Goalkeepers, i cant quite judge them yet, although i have experienced the 'fumbling' a couple of times, most noticably off a luis garcia shot that should of gone into my keepers hands instead it slipped through and went into the net, you dont expect keepers such as Van der Sar to make mistakes like this but hey it happens, i wasn't complaining at the time but i know i will be cussing him when it happens against my friends. The goalkeepers parrying the ball happens a lot more now and that makes the games more exciting imo and more realistic, especially with the new one handed and full stretch animations the keepers can pull off some fantastic saves and you just think 'oh you beauty i'll let you off for that little cock up that almost let such and such in!' Its one of them things, the keepers can no longer be relied upon to stop every shot they would have done in PES5/WE9, but you've just got to come to terms with that and learn to live with it.
-CPU AI, like i said, all i've been doing is playing the CPU on 4* except 1 game on 5* when i accidently started a Konami cup, i was England against Czech Rep. I took the lead through a slick Owen-Rooney move and was one up at half time. I was suprised to see how the CPU approached the second half, usually its just similar linear gameplay in the first and second half but this time the CPU really came at me attacking left right and centre. Under pressure they equalised and i stupidly got Gerrard sent off and that was it, they dominated posession in midfield and run out 3-1 winners. Maybe i could do with a bit of practice before tried 5* but it certainly was an experience. I've never felt like i've been outplayed by the CPU before this and that can only be a good thing right? i dont know if they changed their formation or what but my team just fell to peices. Maybe the best thing about it was- i didnt feel cheated by any of the goals i conceded and was pleased with the result at the end. :roll: :D
-The referee! everyone has been raving about the referee so i dont need to go on about it, Konami have mastered this one and all credit must go to them because of that (Thanks guys!) PES5 was almost unplayable for me in the end because i had jsut grown tired of all the stoppages and what not.
-The 'Whistle Stutter Bug':shock: this has got to be my biggest problem at the moment. i cant believe Konami have let this slip through, i dont know if its just my computer or what, a lot of people have experienced this so far but others havent for some reason, i hope there is a way around this. in the first half it is almost unnoticable but as the game draws to the end or enters extra time the stutter becomes more apparent and it gets very annoying. It occurs every time the ref blows the whistle and its worse when you shoot and the ball goes in or wide as it crosses the line there is a little stutter where the game stalls for a split second. Its gettin reet on my tits!

In conclusion, WE10 is turning out to be just what i wanted from Konami, a more playable and enjoyable game all round. Hopefully my oppinion will not change as i play more games and more importantly- when my friends come round after work.

Good luck everyone eagerly awaiting your copy, you wont (shouldn't)be dissappointed ;)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Hi there, im glad to hear you've been getting some realistic scores mate.

I'm not too keen on the change of pace as i like it nice and slow, although perhaps if you get a mo, you could compare say two mid/low ranking Serie A sides with the games youve played with the big boys to see if theres a diffrence depending on League/style of play etc..

thanks in advance ;)

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

got the game this morning and i will just say that it craps all over WE9/PES5.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

aussiepesfan said:
yeah we9jl had some awesome stadiums aswell..bout 60ish.. some cool ones :)
Btw.. im beggining to like WE10 more.. defending still hard..but im getting better.. just dont go in for the tackle as i used to. Still its not necessarily the difficulty, but the fact that u make a good tackle, that goes through the ball n player.. thats whats hard to get past.

The great things about the game do outweigh this though.. the animations are terrific.. and i dont know if anyone mentioned this before.. but the long balls and high passes (circle) in open play are awesome.. nice flat and more accurate how they usually are in real life.. ie. more responsive controls.

Once i get past the stutter bug -hopefully once i get my Original DVD from playasia- then things will get better. I can deal with the defence.. but the stutter has to stop hehe

Ive done a bit of a 180 in the past 24hours.. how embarrasin :)

what do u mean by "u make a good tackle, that goes through the ball n player"

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Konami could counter the speed factor with... the size of the field. Somehow the size of the field doesn't seem realistic for a few versions now, it should be bigger. Also it was not in WE10 that the wide campera allows once again a wider view of the field as it did a few versions back. Unfortunately.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

profit90 said:
what do u mean by "u make a good tackle, that goes through the ball n player"


A player has the ball .. and im defending.. i go for a well timed slide tackle, lets say from the side or front (not back), and occasionally the whole player collission goes out the window.. and its like i slide right between the ball and the player.. and miss everything. Classic explained it a bit better.. but its like a an 'auto-missed tackle' making a well timed tackle go wrong to allow for the cpu to attack easier and keep the ball. heheh im not making this up.. i swear haha im comparing it to the player-ball player-player collision detection in WE9JL. The difference is definately noticable.. just means i really have to get a heaps of players around an attacker now..using Square, instead of goin in by myself. Btw, this doesnt happen all the time.. but frequent enough to piss me off..
fair enough if its not a well timed tackle..but when im right next to the player (with no chance of missing), sometimes i just go right through..
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

denirobob said:
Hi there, im glad to hear you've been getting some realistic scores mate.

I'm not too keen on the change of pace as i like it nice and slow, although perhaps if you get a mo, you could compare say two mid/low ranking Serie A sides with the games youve played with the big boys to see if theres a diffrence depending on League/style of play etc..

thanks in advance ;)


I've played 2 more matches since my post above, Real-Barca and as you suggested a lower rated match- Manchester City V's Sunderland. Both on 5*

First, i must say that i have been getting low scores and i have been playing 20min matches. It seems to me that the 15min matches last as long as the 10min matches did on PES5 i'm not sure though it might just be me.

ANyway, the Real-Barca match was probably the best match i've played so far. Its amazing how the CPU utilises the players and their capabilities. For instance, i know its been mentioned earlier in this thread but Messi is outstanding to play against, he will run at your players and actually make you think weather or not you should go for the challenge or block his route depending on the positioning of your other defenders, ie: he will make you commit to him and then, with a quick flick, play in a team-mate. Its like when you play against your friends and you say 'aww well played', its like you want to applaud the CPU for making that run or playing that defence splitting ball that they never would have thought of on previous versions. Ronaldinho will play one touch passes around your box and try and supply Eto from the left. Its clear that, when Konami said "we want Barca to play like Barca" they meant it and a lot of effort has gone into portraying the properties and style of play certain teams possess. I am actually finding it a lot of fun playing Exhibition matches against the comp! :shock: :D
The match ended 2-0 to Barca, i put the pressure on at 1-0 down but they caught me on the break at the end.
The Man City V Sunderland match was a lot better than i expected and i think this was mainly down to the increased speed of the gameplay. I couldn't bear playing with low class teams on PES5 due to the slowness of most players but it seems that with the game speed increased that slight touch these teams are now accessible for me again. I went ahead through a defencive mix up by Sunderland and Vassell hit one in off the bar from about 10 yards out. Sunderland came back in the second half and went on to beat me 2-1 :roll:. Sunderland style of attack seemed to rely on their big CMF (?) playing lofted balls over the top of my defence.

Pleased to say the Goalkeepers performed well in both matches- David James pulling off an unbelievable save with one hand down to his left that would have certainly gone in on PES5 :applause:
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

The only thing that i can say it's "How to do a 0-0" in this game ???? LOL !
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Man..just had more matches..the more I play the interesting it gets. DropShot you are right mate. Now the low quality teams do have some speed in their PES5/WE9 if you play as FULHAM or Porto they are so damn slow. I played as Villareal and they play just like in real life..strong defence.. and attacks from WE9/PES5 they suck.


I am 100% sure this is not in PES5/WE9

When you have the ball near a throw in line..and you have an attacker behind you.. somehow I pulled this trick.. or maybe it was scripted but he kicked the ball over his head.. (NO NOT THE ONE THAT YOU NORMALY DO IN THE ATTACK)..but in a defensive way over the head kick.. SICK !

L1+R1 is very dangerous.. even the CPU uses it.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I managed it! O_O

Using Japan in the Nippon Challenge mode, the Uzbekistan goalie was saving everything! I had 27 shots on target, not one of em' hit the back of the net.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

DropshoT7777777 said:
It seems to me that the 15min matches last as long as the 10min matches did on PES5 i'm not sure though it might just be me.

It's not just you mate. I think it's because of less fouls and more fast paced/intense/frantic gameplay.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

We10 is too arcadey.

If Pes5 have We10 referee will be great.

We will have to wait one more year.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I am really shocked and saddened to hear that the game is not that great. At least to your expectations. I haven't played it yet, but I am very dissapointed to say the least on comments about shooting, tackles, speed, and stutter bugs.

I will find out tonight when I get home. Hope it's a good experience.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

im liking it.... shooting is not as good as we9... but thats my biggest complaint, the goalies are worse as well, but the passing and fluidity of the game is much better, once again Konami have taking steps forward, and backwards, not sure why they contintue this trend..
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

jflores, the game is good. it is plauged by a few problems some minor some bigger but overall, it's an improvement. dont forget new versions take time to set in. just because someone says the game sucks after 2 days of playing, doesnt mean it does.

I personally im liking it aside from a few things. Will write a review soon.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I feel the goalies have a real problem of getting off their line and getting out fast to enough to get a long ball before the forward. I dont know, it seems everytime I am holding triangle to get them out and get the ball, they are quite slow and dont grab the ball as they should thereby letting a forward score. It seems so routine to me that they would get it, but just seem so slow at it. And also, i think someone mentioned that when they block a shot, they seem to push the ball back into the center instead of wide more often than not, giving up easy goals on lots of rebounds. However, I feel they save more overall and in that sense of diving and making the initial stop are better.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

jumbo said:
jflores, the game is good. it is plauged by a few problems some minor some bigger but overall, it's an improvement. dont forget new versions take time to set in. just because someone says the game sucks after 2 days of playing, doesnt mean it does.

I personally im liking it aside from a few things. Will write a review soon.

Ok, sounds good. Thanks Jumbo. That's a bit of a releif I guess. I'll find out tonight for sure. Will write my short review in a few weeks.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

csaunders said:
im liking it.... shooting is not as good as we9... but thats my biggest complaint, the goalies are worse as well, but the passing and fluidity of the game is much better, once again Konami have taking steps forward, and backwards, not sure why they contintue this trend..

I'm always asking myself this when i play - why does the defender catch-up of attackers keep fading in and out with each successive versions - why are chip balls good one version, unresponsive to a players ability the next.

I know nothing about programming but i wonder whether it's just Konami struggling with the limitations of the console - each time they add something, they have to take something away? Ambition exceeding capacity of PS2?

I don't know - spose we'll find out when PES6 is out on PS3 - i.e if all the old problems are no longer an issue.

Is next gen PES guaranteed for PS3 launch in November?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

gurjisfit said:
Is next gen PES guaranteed for PS3 launch in November?

I don't think so. Heck, we don't even know the PS3 launch date yet :)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Doubla R said:
Junka did u insert boots in ur game? Because them boots Ronaldinho has look hot, I like the way they look, the studs and stuff and I thought I saw the nike sign too.

YES check the patch section....u can download my we10 bootpack8)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Oh I just wanted to know, because if the game brought those it would be nice, I can't patch so I can't have those boots :(
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Goalies are such a dummies. I cant believe. They have hands like butter.They cant hold a ball when you shot, they always reflect the ball into corner.

I like the passing and the movement of the players.

But shooting is again weird. Too much power. You can score to many long shots.

The best thing in game is refere.Very big improvement.No more stupid offside calls and fouls.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

jflores said:
Ok, sounds good. Thanks Jumbo. That's a bit of a releif I guess. I'll find out tonight for sure. Will write my short review in a few weeks.

My only major gripe is the goalies.

The goalies have definately been dumbed down. Shooting from anywhere in the PK pretty much guarantees you a goal. Even you if you fire straight at the goalie they seem to parry it into their own goal or completely miss it by a cm. They only catch 1/3 balls. The long range shots are easier now. The chips are easier too as GK come out a lot.

Fucking goalies man, KONAMI really fucked this one up. I'll see if anything changes as I play different teams.
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