OFFICIAL WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW thread [hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

rickyricc said:
Nice bike, havent pulled one of those off for years!

Yes it was the same for me before this one hehe :)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Hi, can someome answer my simple question please: Is PES 6 going to be just like Winning Eleven 10 or do things change like stats etc....
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

rag74 said:
:applause: :applause: :applause:

I'm totally with Seabass on this one. Come on guys, learn some marking skills and don't compalin about the defensive system. I salute and congratulate Konami´s decision to almost remove completely :l1: + :x: efficiency. I'm sure :l1: +:x: (+ referee stoping) is the tumor in the WE/PES series for the past year, it destroys the beauty and any chance of skill in the game. I can even imagine Eric Cantona making a commercial spot on this subject :lmao:


You mean :r1:+:x:. I am 100% agree! All the noobs online hold this two buttons and it is so effectiv in pes5,because of the perfect comAI and the fouls...i hate it!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

niller said:
Has aynone tried WE10 in two player coop? Are you still getting draged towards the ball (holder)? It's pretty annying in WE9. You are getting zoomed towards the ball even though you are trying to go in the other direction.

Thanks in advance.

Yeah we did that yesterday. I was very very happy to see that that problem has completely vanished. If u select a player, you get complete control immediately without your player getting dragged to the ball or the other player first.

And after you have selected your player you are free to go whereever you want. It really is spot on and has not been better in any pes or we version.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

The Power said:
You mean :r1:+:x:. I am 100% agree! All the noobs online hold this two buttons and it is so effectiv in pes5,because of the perfect comAI and the fouls...i hate it!
At least now we can see who the real WE/PES veterans are ;), because till now, when most people get a WE/PES game (speaking from experience), its straight to practicing new shots, trying long rangers, gerrard belters, new skills and what not, but now i love it as its not only perfecting attacking side of the game but people will also go to training mode to practice defence. :shock: (i could be probably right if i said, not too many people do the defensive tutorials of the past series..) which is good if you ask me, very good.. :applause: :applause:............... judgement day for those who depend on the CPU to do things for them, like defending ;).....
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

My views so far:

Best improvements:

+ heavy tacklers and tough marking abusers will have a hard time - In WE10 you can really pay the price of just sending soldiers to tackle or push oposition attackers. Ain't that a beauty. Players that just rely on double pressing defensive play and hard pressure over the player with the ball will have to learn how to play realistic football.

+ directional dribble once again - At last once again directional dribble and inteligent changes of pace really make a difference. It's back to ISS Pro Evo days all along. A good move as PES seemed to be doomed to convert to the "button combo" dribble philosophy.

+ rewarding shooting - Seems as shooting is less random. Once you are on the right foot, with clear space and if you pick the right moment you can really shoot some screamers, sometimes stopped by unbelievable saves by the keeper. Sublime.

+ No gameplay bugs so far? - It's still soon to say but still haven't witnessed any "bug free kicks" from midfield or "unstopable corner kicks" (although these are gladly once again dangerous).

+ What great refereeing - once again a wooden stick on the tackling vampires. In previous versions referees were like a box of chocolates (you know the rest)... now if you tackle an attacker who was going alone to the goal you receive the red one every time. Heavy tacklers will have to learn to cope with fair refereeing.

+ through balls - make the difference, but realisticly. As the game seems kicker due to more player responsiveness, the thing is that if you look carefully Konami have decresed the ball speed in through balls. A good and realistic compensation.

Overall feelling so far: You know that feeling of "how the hell, I wan'ted him to do this and he does that?!". WE10 is the version I've played so far in which players seem to do exacly what you wan't them to do, in terms of movement, reaction and passing. That has gotta be a great improvement. Of course this had to have a penalty: defensive play is no longer throwing quick pressure over oposing players. Now you have to time it wisely...

I may be wrong but untill now everything in WE10 seems sweet to me, even what others feel as aparently wrong (maybe because we simply hate to loose those first games against human oposition in these early testing days :)).
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

james_chelliah said:
eh, wasn't L1 + X used in order for the passer to make a run after passing the ball, thus enabling the possibility of playing a 1-2?

Sorry, mistook the :l1: and :r1: . The movement you talk about in fact is done only when you have the possesion of the ball, not in defense.That's what we are talking about.
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Mauras said:
My views so far:

Overall feelling so far: You know that feeling of "how the hell, I wan'ted him to do this and he does that?!". WE10 is the version I've played so far in which players seem to do exacly what you wan't them to do, in terms of movement, reaction and passing. That has gotta be a great improvement. Of course this had to have a penalty: defensive play is no longer throwing quick pressure over oposing players. Now you have to time it wisely...

good points.. many are saying that it is to offensive oriented, but that can be adjusted with some stat editing to tilt it more towards the defensive side to even things out - ie, decrease attack, increase defense, increase gk skill, etc... The key is that they're are no gameplay bugs as those can never be adjusted.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Dead Man said:
Like every year people bitch for a few weeks n then the games great!

People need to chill the games great just need to tweak the keepers a bit!

yeah, i agree, the keepers need tweaking
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Seems to me Konami has toned down the graphics quite a bit - not nearly as nice as WE8 and 9, for me. But I think it was the right decision. The game is much more fluid now, and I don't think Konami was going to impress anyone with PS2 graphics anyhow, what with 360 Out and PS3 around the corner. Rather than try and make an impressive-looking PS2 game, I think they just decided to optimize the gameplay, and leave the pretty effects for the next gen systems.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Hi i'm using a DVD, and i've burnt the ISO file into it. I put swap magic in, then change them over, then boot. But the screen just goes black.

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Been playing it some more, but still of the opinion that the game balance is not good. I can't even get used to attacking properly, I'm so conditioned to always find a pass that dribbling just seems alien to me, maybe a little time spent on lower difficulty is needed.

However I can't help feeling I'm trying to make excuses for what I essentially feel is a game I just don't like very much. I don't care what anybody says, on occassion the collision detection is absolutely piss-poor and players who should have been stopped by a perfect interception/tackle just run through the man.

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I feel you sadness.
The "receiving the ball with r1 to change direction" is completly gone. Darn.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

ehi boys there is the ronaldinho celebration with the surfer signs?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

After a 3 hour session of playing i have to say that my point of view about we10 is changed...It seems really more frenetic and fast than we9.
Oh my god. I have to play only a match per week........

kel said:
Agree with Daniel - the more I play it the less I like it.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Is it too fast now?
....didn't Winning Eleven use to be slow and good for passing and PES too quick... and now its the reverse!
Can't play pissed or I get run through like a knife!
Needs a 25% slow down option for oldies like me :)

At first I thought I loaded it up at the wrong Hz for my TV!
but there is no 50 or 60 Hz option is there?

I am looking forward to mastering defending though!
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

thank u jonboyo. i didnt think anyone else thought the same as me...its too fast!!!
but the best version yet at the same time
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

im dissapointed played about ten hours.balance is wrong play against a good attacking player & defending is so difficult. Dribbling too easy, goalies dive too late we9 for me.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

The frequent yellow card when you play agaisnt a friend is back i mean ref gave my friend loads of yellows without warnings yet i do bad foul and get no card.

One other problem is you cant challenge keeper that was in we 9 / Pro Evo 5 aswell its rather annoying when ball up in air and keeper gets it all the time you cant header or challenge.

Also i find through ball :l1: :triangle: to be useless when your playing friend rather like WE 9 ill give this time though and experiment this further.

Apart from what ive said it is a much better game then previous alot of improvements its definately on the up cant wait for Pro Evo 6 later this year.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

anyone tried it on 6* star yet, im hoping its a bit harder!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

ClassicD said:
Been playing it some more, but still of the opinion that the game balance is not good. I can't even get used to attacking properly, I'm so conditioned to always find a pass that dribbling just seems alien to me, maybe a little time spent on lower difficulty is needed.

However I can't help feeling I'm trying to make excuses for what I essentially feel is a game I just don't like very much. I don't care what anybody says, on occassion the collision detection is absolutely piss-poor and players who should have been stopped by a perfect interception/tackle just run through the man.


I think im with classic. I gave it a rest yesterday for half a didnt play we10.. and got back and started playing of my all time fav version WE7International(Japanese verion) (mainly cause i love the default view -intermediate medium or whatever its called) and you guys will probably laugh, but i actually enjoyed it much much much more than WE10... the ball physics obvoiusly arent as good.. its also amost impossible to get past a man without them catchin up n dispossesing you (major grip with this version), but it was so much more fluid as a soccer game.. seems more responsive aswell... my bet cause there are less animates etc..

Then i went to my all time fav version WE9JL..and i have to say, this is the perfect balanced game.. all the animations are there and there is a real fluidity to the game.. i love this game.

On Classic's point about defense. I know u guys think... its only the people who use the cpu assisted pressing (i think its the sqaure button but cant remember) that are having problems.... its not this at all..
my grip is fact they dont give me enough manual control when im defending... ie.. pick my defender (pressing L1) and go for the ballplayer.... seems really restricted in my movement to get to the player... and when i do... and for instance slide.. sometimes i go right through the player... he doesnt jump over me.. its just i go right through the ball an player... i think classic is right that there is a ball collision problem here....

Im still gonna give WE10 a chance.. but i still think the defence has kinda ruined it for me..
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

plz share some pics of santiago bernabeu stadium and realmadrid players like david beckham,casillas,....thanks
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

forgot to mention aswell the auto setting in WE 10 now like having an Assistant Manager doing the work for you changing formations and bringing on subs.

I find that very cool feature even if it aint to useful really still i find it good also can have advantages to it.

Oh ye and another sweet feature is the formations auto change ie i was Barcelona then ronaldinho was in squad then when i played second match he was on the bench this was also case for other players.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Played it for a good few hours last night, against the CPU and my buddy.

- Refs definitely an improvement. If Konami can just keep them like this, we should have no more problems with them.
- Good freaking riddance to the sidestep!
- Dribbling improved. In real life Ronaldinho can and does dribble past 3-4 players so it's only right you can do that in the game.
- You can actually tell the difference in playing styles from team to team other than just by players being better on one team than another.

- Shooting from distance far too easy. I scored 3 30+ yard screamers in the same game on 5 stars with Ronney against Liverpool.
- Dang stutter when the ball goes over the goalline.
- Dribbling is good for star players but not every player should be able to dribble like C. Ronaldo or Ronaldinho. With practice it's pretty easy to beat 2-3 players with almost any player on the field.
- Goalkeepers are the worst in terms of "butter fingers" they've ever been. They parry shots which you wouldn't expect reserve semi-pro keepers to drop and it seems Konami use it as another way for the CPU to cheat when it's behind as inevitably, the CPU attacker will be in the right place to score from the rebound while your defender goes into a trance.
- Still have the unrealistic substituion choices from the CPU.
- Scoring an average of 3-4 goals per game on 5 stars. Against my friend we were commonly getting scores like 6-4 and no, we don't both suck at defending. I hate to think what the goal difference column will be like at the end of a league season.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

ActionHank said:
Seems to me Konami has toned down the graphics quite a bit - not nearly as nice as WE8 and 9, for me. But I think it was the right decision. The game is much more fluid now, and I don't think Konami was going to impress anyone with PS2 graphics anyhow, what with 360 Out and PS3 around the corner. Rather than try and make an impressive-looking PS2 game, I think they just decided to optimize the gameplay, and leave the pretty effects for the next gen systems.

who cares about graphics if it means gameplay/fluidity is going to improve
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

i'm enjoying it so far, i need to improve my attacking as in Pro Evo 5 the majority of my goals came from passing and then the through ball of various strengths when you could see on the radar the attack was hanging off the last defender...this dosen't work for me nowadays as balls seem to be intercepted quicker which i like in truth as i didn't like it in previous versions when i would'nt 'animate' to latch onto that pass just a few cm away from me.
It's forcing me to dribble and find space better instead of passing directly which i tended to do.

Defending wise i won't be able to decide for myself whether it's good or bad until i get everyone round for a multiplayer blast....i'm winning less tackles in midfield at the moment so i can tell the X button method has changed, but since the days of ISS Pro Evo 2 on PSX i've always had to drop deep and cut off the lines or tackle without the X button to avoid me stumbling over due to my mate making super stat players on his team...It does feel like similar to that game in my eyes and i've suffered a few of the 'none tackles' where the attacker just ignores my player and passes me.....

I'm probably kidding myself but i think tactics make a difference, at least i've been trying stuff like concentrating attacks down one side and at the moment it looks like the team tactics are more noticable...but i tell myself this with every Winning 11 :)...also setting defence and sitting on a lead looking for a counter has worked a treat for me when some teams come at you chasing the game, i liked that.

Overall i like it, i get the impression it might be a dribblers game like the PSX games and that means one of my mates is going to be a real nasty opponent, but i've got better at defending since then so i'm long as the game dosen't overdo the 'none tackling' or 'auto miss' block tackle animations then i can stop him in his tracks heh
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]


New feature if u press pause button u see the score information on right above the screen and the goal makers.
Tevez CF 1
Samueal CB 1

Alsow if the match is over and u see the highlights,u alsow see right above the goal scorer like usual and alsow from who the assist was.

This the second time i have done this move....but seems like the Ronaldinho flap doing the lookawaypass?
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