OFFICIAL WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW thread [hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

been playing the game now for a couple of days so i thought i'd put up my opinions for what there worth.
personally i like the gks. saving a lot but not catching everything, makes it a more exciting games, just like real life, u dont know if its gonna be turned round the post or back into the 6 yard box..gotta be on your toes when defending, cant just watch your keeper and see whats happens.
as for defending in general, its has been made harder but i think its more a case of players having to adapt the way they defend. going to the ball all the time will result in your team getting ripped to shreds, u have to learn how to defend the 18 yard box, and use sqyare a lot more. chasing an attacker with one defender is a big no no. what else.....passings better, u can now pop it about in midfield with one touch passes with nice accuracy. it is easier to dribble, not sure about this, its one of those things that almost rewards weaker players over better ones, a veteran will probably never even attempt some of the dribbles i've seen the cpu get away with because of how previous versions of the game have programmed us, while someone fresh will just get the ball to a skilled player then be off. the new tricks a ok, was wanting some moving skills but maybe next time. i havent really analysed the chipped thru ball yet. still in we9/pe5 mode where u could only really play it from the back, or on very few occasions from deep midfield, but it seems to be more useful it the final third then in previous versions.
qucik free kicks nice...a bit random though, but i dont see why, u should be able to use it all the time.
much better refs, exactly how they should be.
the game does stutter, but when the ball goes out or the ref blows, so it doesnt really effect gameplay, in fact lets u stop worrying about offsides because u instantly know.
havent seen the picth reporter, dont really know whats meant to be happening in regards to that.
like the way the scorers and assists r shown when u press pause, nice touch. i think the game is a bit more lenient with assists now. before so many of mine would be robbed a chalked off by the computer, due to length of pass, of the amount of touches the scorer took.
the only real problem i have with the game is the speed that it is played at. it is very intense, if it could be slowed down by maybe 20% the aspects which have been improved would be able to shine. at the moment u blink an its half time, blink three times and the final scores up, and u feel like you've been playing for about a min.

sorry about the length of this post.

one more thing....if u havent played barc yet go and do it. they play the beautiful game, possesion football, one touch passing on the edge of the box, very nice. just dont go in there focusing on ronny like i did. the real danger is messi. u have been warned.

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

aussiepesfan said:
the x button doesnt take the ball off too well..

Sorry but in pes5 the r1+x X defencemethod is in we10 not more effective...i like that. When i play pes5 online i have so many problems against noobs which only hold r1+x button in the defence and it was to effectiv in pes5.That is the reason why so many pes4 noobs are so good in pes5,because the defence is tooooooo easy.....and now you must learn to defend in we10. That is what i am expect from a we or pes game.
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I agree with people who say it's easier to score in one on one situations, but then again in real football it is much easier to score a one on one than it was in PES5.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Yea..defending is a lot more difficult (maybe that's why I'm scoring so many goals?). But I kinda like it. Timing your tackle is even more crucial now and when it happens, it feels (nearly) as amazing as scoring a goal.

The one on ones are a real letdown. Let's hope (somehow) that six stars improve things on that side. I can imagine it being next to impossible playing against someone who has Ronaldhino or Rooney in their side :( - I'm just trying to keep it real by playing with Crouch(!) ;)

I hope this is not the direction that Konami want to head. The 6-5 scorelines are a worrying sign. But if memory serves me right, they tend to "tough it up" with PES don't they?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Like every year people bitch for a few weeks n then the games great!

People need to chill the games great just need to tweak the keepers a bit!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I think sometimes it's good to be critical; If all people say that the game is good, Konami will not improve their game. Just because we know they listen to us, we need to be critical ;)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

luke909 said:
I agree with people who say it's easier to score in one on one situations, but then again in real football it is much easier to score a one on one than it was in PES5.
exactly!! they also say its easy to pass the ball in midfield and do a ping pong game, well watch real live games more often sonny, the midfield is the heart of play for almost all teams and from what i have heard and seen (gamewise) it is the case.... take all the points you dont/didn't like in WE9 and WE10 and compare them to real life, then tell me what game simmulates footy more realistically. (apart from the speed of the game) answered that yet?? i thought so, back to traing mode people ..;)
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

in pes5 the game was to fustrated deffensive, its like u couldn't breth, maybe more realistic but less enjoyble to play.
i don't have we10 but i think, we need to learn how to deffend now wich is a good thing, i thing people here where so use to pes5 that the deffending was way to easy & lazy, that doesn't enquire skill to deffend, especialy when i plays with some frends that they have no idea how to play pes, and they deffend like if they are playing the game every day, cos of the com programing. now i thing the gameplay is deppending on how good u are at the game, reather com doing the job for u, like in good old days.
well hope so i still can't coment, as i have to wait for pes6 to come out first and try it my self.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Han said:
I think sometimes it's good to be critical; If all people say that the game is good, Konami will not improve their game. Just because we know they listen to us, we need to be critical ;)

Course its good to be critical!

The games great just a few tweaks here n there, hopefully for next gen at end of year!

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

It's so funny to read these reviews. Every year is the same thing: some love it some hate from the beggining, others love it as they pick it and hate it after 24 hours.. :)

For me I'll just wait a few more weeks before a final conclusion, specially after some human tourneys. For the moment I'm just relatively happy that i haven't yet come across things I've witnessed in previous versions like:

- free kick bugs
- over interveining ref
- too much colision
- supremacy of "combo dribbling" over directional dribbling (for me the second one is the real art)

Since non of these came across I'm currently happy with what I've seen, even if I also feel much harder to defend but I love the feeling of knowning a 1-0 score against another human manager is everything but a finished result. At the end of the day I rather have a version that favours positive attacking football than a defensive, fouling one. The question is: does this version brings dribbling to a ridiculous level as PES2 (or PES 3, can't remember) did? Only time and a lot of human clashes will tell me what's the case.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

DropshoT7777777 said:
can someone upload to anywhere else but Rapidshare?

There's something very, very wrong with that video. I can't display it properly, although I should have all important codecs on my rig.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

fernadez said:
one more thing....if u havent played barc yet go and do it. they play the beautiful game, possesion football, one touch passing on the edge of the box, very nice. just dont go in there focusing on ronny like i did. the real danger is messi. u have been warned.

Agree 100%, they are an absolute nightmare to play against. In fact it was the last game I played before I posted that maybe WE10 isn't such a dramatic improvement after all. I remember reading in the run up to WE10's release that the game now had 'styles' of play for it's AI teams, that's definitely the case with Barcelona. Short, fast passing, and the amount of players they manage to get into offensive positions is unbelievable!

I also agree that maybe 8 months of playing WE9/PES5 have conditioned us to not focus too much on the skill of defending. Heck I said it myself earlier, WE9 was a very defensively-biased game, the game engine did a lot of the defensive work for you. Perhaps getting used to that not being the case anymore is proving to be the biggest challenge.

Although I still think there are times when you have defended properly, and you should be stopping an offensive player, but he'll just run through you.

I'm hoping when all the tactics screens get translated a bit more light will be shed on this.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

btw, did the quick setting option for "all attack, all defend, counter attack, wing attack" etc. dissapear?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Kezz said:
There's something very, very wrong with that video. I can't display it properly, although I should have all important codecs on my rig.

It's just a capture from a little camera! So the extension is .avi, no special codec needed! I will try to capture my goal with a better method, the quality is quite bad...
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

The Probe said:
It's just a capture from a little camera! So the format is .avi, no special codec needed! I will try to capture my goal with a better method, the quality is quite bad...

It's not about the quality, here's how it looks for me.

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Nice bike, havent pulled one of those off for years!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I got the game and now already an hour plus just browsing thru the edit mode.I'm glad to announce that there are new templates in the kits area.Now we can make 06/07 kits easily.Cheers
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Good game, slightly better than PES5, but compared to WE9JL it's pretty poor actually, in fact it's miles behind, even graphics wise.

I find the slow dribbling annoying, honestly how many players in the world dribble like that at walking pace?, maybe a few, so every other player shouldn't be running rings around you like that. Goalies are pathetic to be blunt, end of.

And alot of the cpu goals seem to come from either corners, or though crap defending when the cpu does that slow dribbling thing.

The game lacks the intensity that WE9JL had for some reason..maybe because scoring goals isn't all that hard as it used to be.....and once you grasp defending against cpu the game gets even more easier.

I'm sticking to J-League, I like my games difficult, though I'll give level 6 to try just to see if things improve somewhat.

However I'd sum the game up as more frustrating than fun.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Seabass1977 said:
The game is GREAT!!!
Please, learn to defend mates !!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:

I'm totally with Seabass on this one. Come on guys, learn some marking skills and don't compalin about the defensive system. I salute and congratulate Konami´s decision to almost remove completely :r1: + :x: efficiency. I'm sure :r1: +:x: (+ referee stoping) is the tumor in the WE/PES series for the past year, it destroys the beauty and any chance of skill in the game. I can even imagine Eric Cantona making a commercial spot on this subject :lmao:

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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

i've only had about ten games but struggled to stop using x to tackle, what i find works a lot better is the R2 defending when you position your defender/midfielder and retreat and try and cover angles, when you go and watch a game of football nowadays there arent too many tackles made, players tend to cover the ground in front of a player and keep dropping deeper and deeper forcing the attacker to try something ie a pass that can be intercepted or as they start to run and the ball is less controllable, thats when you nick the ball of them....

saying that i havent played against a human yet ( cos i've got no mates :) )
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Has aynone tried WE10 in two player coop? Are you still getting draged towards the ball (holder)? It's pretty annying in WE9. You are getting zoomed towards the ball even though you are trying to go in the other direction.

Thanks in advance.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

rag74 said:
:applause: :applause: :applause:

I'm totally with Seabass on this one. Come on guys, learn some marking skills and don't compalin about the defensive system. I salute and congratulate Konami´s decision to almost remove completely :l1: + :x: efficiency. I'm sure :l1: +:x: (+ referee stoping) is the tumor in the WE/PES series for the past year, it destroys the beauty and any chance of skill in the game. I can even imagine Eric Cantona making a commercial spot on this subject :lmao:


eh, wasn't L1 + X used in order for the passer to make a run after passing the ball, thus enabling the possibility of playing a 1-2?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

mikemcenroe said:
what i find works a lot better is the R2 defending when you position your defender/midfielder and retreat and try and cover angles, when you go and watch a game of football nowadays there arent too many tackles made, players tend to cover the ground in front of a player and keep dropping deeper and deeper forcing the attacker to try something ie a pass that can be intercepted or as they start to run and the ball is less controllable, thats when you nick the ball of them....

This has been the key to good defending for the last few iterations Mike. ;)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I received the game today and just played my first 2 games:

Arsenal - Real Madrid : 6-0
Arsenal - AC Milan : 4-1

10min, 5 stars, green arrows.
I didn't even use my own formation, so the game is really too easy when playing against the computer... with Henry, Hleb or Ljunberg, I can do whatever I want.
This isn't really important for me, as I almost never play against the computer, WE/PES is so better when playing against another human, I just hope that the defenses in "human vs human" mode aren't so weak. Unfortunatelly, the friend I usually play with isn't here right now, so I haven't tested it.

What I noticed so far:

- Players are really responsive and when they collide with another player, they can recover quickly.
- Passes seem to be more precise and arrive at destination more frequently.
- Keepers almost don't "hit the ball with their fists" (I don't know the exact english expression, LOL), they often just let it fall/bounce in front of them, so 2nd chance goals are much more frequent (maybe too frequent, but I only played 2 games, have to play more to see).
- Supporters in the stadium are in 3D during the cinematics, don't know if they are during the "live game".
- Shooting seems different, the R2 shoot doesn't work the same way anymore, and I used it a lot with Henry. How exactly does the shooting work now?

Btw, don't forget to watch Arsenal's victory tonight ;)
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

can you upload your videos on YouTube or something so we can see them, there was an error downloading codec for kel's video, and Rapidshare just doesn't work cause it's shit
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