OFFICIAL WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW thread [hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

In real life when watching real football match I see tons of screamers..
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

rockykabir said:
Only played the game for a bit but first impressions:

- looks exactly the same but feels absolutely different from PES5. IMO more closer to :shock: PES2.
- Players are unrealistically fast. It's also way too easy to pass players.
- More difficult to get the perfect tackle in (a good thing)
- Liverpool are a lot better :)
- Shooting is a bit unrealistic in some situations. No disrespect to him, but I scored a 35 yarder with Crouch ffs!
- Gerrard's nose....WTF?
- Ronaldhino is a bit too good in this game. He's wicked in real life but not superman like - as portrayed in WE10. He just passed 6 of my defenders no probs.
- There was way too much space in midfield with some of the teams. Seriously, it was sunday league stuff.
- Annoying, annoying glitches. Sometimes, defenders don't get to the ball even though it's right next to them. Some players catch up 10 yards to beat the defender to the ball(!). I had Reina let in a v soft goal. It was a nothing shot, but it just crept in :(
- The extra moves are a bit scripted. It feels a bit like FIFA sometimes :shock:

I do like it - but perhaps for the wrong reasons. It's a lot more arcadey and I'm scoring crazy 30 yard screamers - reminds me of my PES2 days ;)

I wish they gave us more control prior to when a player receives a ball. Dare I say it, they can learn a bit from FIFA's aftertouch thingy where you use the analogue stick to control the receiving player prior to them getting the ball (i.e. do a quick turn/run on/goto left/goto right etc). It just seems a bit random at the moment.

It's like Ivory to Ebony with PES5 :shock:

Are you sure it's WE10 mate.. check the LOGO image when booting the game
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

could any of you guys post some instructions on how to take out the dummy files using isobuster and cd/dvd?

just quick, simple instructions. i'll be greatful.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Got the game today, played on it tonight with a mate - first I had a go while he was eating his takeaway so I played the CPU, me as Man Utd, CPU as Chelsea.

Liking the new movement, the shooting I think is excellent right on first impressions and still now. New animations - lovely. Had it on 5* on my first game, managed a 2-1 win on the sly, my winning goal bouncing off the bar then Terry's shoulder into his own net. Final impressions after first game? Really impressed.

Went on to let me mate have a game against CPU, I went off, had a shower, came back and we hit multiplayer mode.

The goalkeepers - and I'm not sure whether it's down to me and my mate - the GK's were both absolutely terrible at dealing with shots from inside the middle of the box, just outside the box in the centre of the field. It got to half time and the score was Inter Milan 6 - 6 Chelsea. By full time, 13-11 to my friend. It was a complete pisstake.

Sometimes they pull off great saves, mainly from angled shots if they can manage it. But shots from the areas I mentioned - plus when in one-on-one situations the keepers are worse BY FAR than in Pro Evo 5. It's such a disappointment, for the first time since Pro Evo 1 and all the WE games inbetween uptil now (we both be long-term ISS fans :)) we said at the same time - this game is an absolute pisstake. I fully believe the GK's have killed multiplayer Pro Evo (well WE) now.

Defending wise, there's now bits I like more about it - but I hate how defenders of huge stature can now fall easily to the likes of Defoe and Robinho, literally I had defenders such as Terry, Ferdinand, Nesta & Cannavaro falling over or being shrugged away easily by a walking attacker much smaller than them in height and build.

I'm on a knife-edge with this. When all the other games have come out over the years I've had a couple of minor gripes but opposed the huge outcries of "this game is shit". With WE10 - i'm for the first time disappointed, multiplayer was what this game has always been about for me.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

think the game is pretty poor in some parts, well imo as they are too arcadey.
- scoring from 30 yards in pes5 was way too easy and in we10 its even easier :(
- dribbling is way to easy (i dont know why people like this as its so unrealistic to dribble around 3-4 players again and again).
- i am scoring 4-6 goals a game in 10min games against ai on 5*. usually takes a few weeks to adapt from previous game and score so many for me.
- animations are too fast so make the game feal to fast even though its spot on really imo.
- some of the new tricks make it even more arcadey like the back heel shot flying into the top corner, i mean come on is this pes or fifa street?
- lofted through balls were perfect on pes5, didnt put you through everytime but did alot if you knew how to use them, now they are too easy to exploit which will be vey boring when online against opponents who dont want to play football an just want to win

still some things have improved like the refs, especially the advantage rule which is much much better. they let the game run instead of stopping it for ever little stumble.
keepers are hit and miss, animations are better but like most WE games they never catch the ball and let some crazy goals in (always changes for pes though)

all in all it has some improvements but it reminds me of pes2 and pes4 which imo are the worst of the series. havent played any of my mates yet but i think that multiplayer will be much better than pes5 which is a great positive for me
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Ive never been particularly "good" at WE - i like to pass the ball around and scorea couple of goals and I thought WE9 was too difficult - fouls given all the time, goalies hard to beat, computer gets ball off you too easily. This is even on 3*

In my first game of WE10 i won 5-0 on default difficulty. OK it was England V Belgium but still... :)

I think the goalies are too easy to trick - I noticed that 1 on 1s followed by a well timed sneaky crossfield pass usually result in the goalie being sent off! It seems they modelled the goalies on David James

Shots on goal are a LOT faster than before. You can put in some absolute belters - and it seems easy to get the shot on target when in previous versions It would bounce harmlessly off a defender

Tackling is pretty good now. Well animated, doesnt result in fouls all the time. Similarly jumping for the ball is good - you can easily go for the second balls when before you would be stunned following a missed jumping header.

On the subject of animations, these are great as usual - each installment of WE makes me wonder how they could ever add more realism - I particularly liked watching rooney loose posession to a defender and then barge him over with his shoulder!

Scoring goals seems a little stale. I dunno - most of the time you're not sure if its actually a goal until a second later. I think the crowd is a little slow to react to the ball hitting the back of the net!

I prefer it to the last one for sure. Great Job Konami, I will be supporting you when PES 6 hits the shops :D
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I've played this quite a lot today, and I'm starting to doubt how much of an improvement it is. We've gone from WE9 where the game was ultra defense-biased to WE10 which is ultra attack-biased. Sometimes, it's just impossible to get near the ball, the AI plays ping-pong football with deadly accuracy. When you move your defender into the correct position to intercept the ball, often the AI player will just run through you, undefendable.

I haven't figured out the dribbling yet, holding :l1: while dribbling definitely makes your player react differently to dribbling using directions only, or using :r2:.

My main gripe is defending, they've made it too hard!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

This is very normal. I remember most WE/PES titles you need at least one good month to really see whats up.. I'm sure all of you will change your mind.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

You are so right Classic. And it's much much worse when you are NOT playing the CPU. I just played around 10 multiplayergames against a mate. We scored about 8 goals on average per match. I love everything about this game except for the one thing a lot of ppl here have been complaining about: there is no balance whatsoever. If you got a good fast player up against another good fast player you will see that the game is all about offence. Winning Eleven has gone arcade. It's a shame.

I would loved to have had all the improvements over we9 like the ref, the animations, the passing etc etc etc but why did Konami change it into such an offensive game? Otherwise, this game would have been soo extremely tasty. I guess it was too good to be true lol
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

This is exactly as i was moaning or whinging about as you lot would say. Ever since i heard about the 'easier passing, shooting, dribbling' i was worried, and now ive been proved right.
Thank god im getting Fifa for my 360 soon. Atleast its an alternative.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you're all super players!!!
I play only few hours during the am not a "trained" player.
I didn't notice that arcade-style in WE10.
Human vs. Human and Human vs Cpu : max. 3 goals scored in a single match.
Maybe i'm a bad attacker but a good defender.
Fifa is still 30000000000000000 miles away from winning eleven.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

the highest score ive had on 5 stars 10 min is 4 goals.
still most games end in 1:0............
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

no high scoring games for me either. on a sidenote, the 4 man pileup humping like goal celebration is gone. replaced by a much better one. :lol:
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Off topic: Why was Johan banned? I cant say I like the guy but did he do anything wrong?
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

ClassicD said:
My main gripe is defending, they've made it too hard!

That hit the nail on the head. I just played the game.. and made sure i played an hour of WE9JL before my first WE10 game...

WE10 is AMAZING!!!.. but the defending lets it down big time. its not that dribbling is easier..its just that the defending responsiveness is really bad... the x button doesnt take the ball off too well..and the slide tackle is kinda hard to even time.. many times (after about 3 games).. id slide and go through the ballplayer... missing everything haha

Thats why the scores poeple are reporting have been too high. Gonna take alot of getting used to to defend.. im thinking with the x button defense.. that its easier (when one on one with attacker) to back peddle and move in same direction as attacker to get the ball..

haha also how the hell did that stutter-whistle bug get in the game.. haha im sure all this will be fixed in the next version, and i guess its just one of those things we'll have to put up with. Apart from that.. the game is the Best in the series :)
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

gogbog said:
think the game is pretty poor in some parts, well imo as they are too arcadey.
- scoring from 30 yards in pes5 was way too easy and in we10 its even easier :(
- dribbling is way to easy (i dont know why people like this as its so unrealistic to dribble around 3-4 players again and again).
- i am scoring 4-6 goals a game in 10min games against ai on 5*. usually takes a few weeks to adapt from previous game and score so many for me.
- animations are too fast so make the game feal to fast even though its spot on really imo.
- some of the new tricks make it even more arcadey like the back heel shot flying into the top corner, i mean come on is this pes or fifa street?
- lofted through balls were perfect on pes5, didnt put you through everytime but did alot if you knew how to use them, now they are too easy to exploit which will be vey boring when online against opponents who dont want to play football an just want to win

still some things have improved like the refs, especially the advantage rule which is much much better. they let the game run instead of stopping it for ever little stumble.
keepers are hit and miss, animations are better but like most WE games they never catch the ball and let some crazy goals in (always changes for pes though)

all in all it has some improvements but it reminds me of pes2 and pes4 which imo are the worst of the series. havent played any of my mates yet but i think that multiplayer will be much better than pes5 which is a great positive for me

I agree it is too arcadey.
It reminds me of PES 2 too :(
The through passes are "strange": it' s like the forward must always win over the defender. Defenders never hold the position. It' s really easy to enter the penalty area; the real challenge is to beat the GK in 1 Vs. 1. Through passes are to strong and accurate,no more midfield play.
I really don' t like We 10, i' m sorry. I never said a previous versione was better in all these years. But this time PES5 is much better than WE10 for me.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I havent played this game much... and with all the positivity ive shown in the past, im kinda embarrased to say that WE10 is kinda a step backward... im not embarrased.. cause all versions prior to this, simply got better with every edition so the positivity was worth it.

As it stands the best version in term of balance and gameplay is WE9JL. WE10 has great additional animations.. shots are better.. there is just so much promise..which makes it even harder. This game have been brilliant if it wasnt for just a few things. The defending is the worst of any series that i can remember..after playing WE9JL it actually seems (i play with Manual setting and not Auto) that the response is incredibly poor.. I pic my defender.. try to move one way.. and it seems the Autopilot programming sets in..and its very difficult to move where i want and when i want.. like i have a non visible force grabbing hold of me. In terms of defending WE9JL had more response.. ive played WE10 on 4 Stars (cause for first time 3 is way too easy) for about 10+ games now, and gone back n forward to we9JL so im not making it up. The Defense is the biggest problem.. if this was fixed the game would be brilliant.

AND NOW THE ANNOYING FK UP!!! THAT STUTTER WHISTLE BUG.. i cant believe konami let this game sell before fixing this. They had to of seen this bug.. unless it only happens with PAL or US version machines. Very interesting. Btw, my ORIGINAL WE10 copy (yes i bought one - as i support Konami 100%) arrives in about a week as playasia have said it has been 'shipped', so who knows.. the original version couldve got rid of the stutter bug...
But yeah.. when scoring a goal.. and having the occasional stutter as the balls passes to the net of the goal is very annoying and infact kinda spoils things. Its funny..cause it doesent seem to happen at the beginning of the game.. but as the game goes on.. it becomes more and more noticable..and happens almost 100% of the time as the ball is moving and the whistle blows. I dont know what more to say.. just that im kinda dissapointed, as this for me, is the first version that plays worse than its predecessor... and its only little things that really fk it up.

Well thats my opinion.. such a shame as it has so much promise.. there must be a FE or LE version coming out. I cant see konami finishing with the game on ps2 like this...

to finish, some things i like.. the shooting is amazing.. all the animations etc passing.. are awesome. The long balls are amazing.. as are the crosses.. The ref is amazing - first time WE has hired excellent refs.. givin cards when required..and just letting game go on when not.... and ive noticed the hitting-post sound is heaps better.. sounds very lifelike and really adds to the shots. In WE9JL the post hit doenst always make a nice loud woodwork sound. And love the new celebrations.. when u celebrate by jumping over the fence etc.. the camera men now follow you with their lense ;)

All i can say.. all aspects of this game have improved heaps except for DEFENCE and SMOOTHNESS due to STUTTER.

Will i play WE10 or continue playing WE9JL... hmm.. i still have to say, with the increased animations etc.. and still being new to it all.. ill go with WE10. BTW.. hollands kits are class ;)

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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

my greatest fear, was that we/pes would get too arcadey since pes2 the worst in the series, that scoring would be matter of just pushing :square:, instead of working the ball around and grinding out a goal,
no matter what we'll be plyin this game sick, but it would have been nicer to get an overall balanced game
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

i'm thinking we need an editor... hopefully, many of these problems can be 'solved'...

decrease everyone's attack stat: -10
increase defense stat for all: by +5
decrease shooting speed and accuracy: -5
decrease speed for all: -10 (except for gk)
increase gk skill by 10

should solve many of the problems discussed here
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

perhaps, 6 stars, when unlocked, will resolve many issues
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

i hate the license, there aren't ballack and kahn in the team of bayern munich !!! But the team is licensed i don't understandt that !!! And why are many german players so bad for example Jens Lehmann - Keeper Skills 78 ! I think he should have as much as Kahn !
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

proxi said:
Went on to let me mate have a game against CPU, I went off, had a shower, came back and we hit multiplayer mode.

I hope your mate was a hot chick or that just sounds wrong! ;)

I'm wondering, i dont yet own the game (hurry up UPS!)

Are you guys just so used to easy defending on WE9 that you have become lazy in defence and are you all so used to having to try as hard as possible to score that this shift in balance towards offence is only minor and yet more noticable because of the time you have spent on WE9?

In a few weeks when you are used to the game and you are playing a human, the goal average per game should be down to what it was in WE9 as you have mastered the art of defence, no?

Also, with there being less fouls, another thing is that the X button could now be used for pressing again, (am i right?) and maybe when defending you are worried about conceding a free kick and avoid using this button.

I'm just speculating as i havent played the game yet but the comments made today seem to be more 'cons' than 'pros' and i'm worried!
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

I'm really liking it. Thought Pro Evo 5 was horrendous in places tbh, some things it did well, but on the whole I found it quite poor. This however, has gone back to what I liked best about the series, being able to ping passes around with aplomb and at a decent pace, none of the auto side-step rubbish or the referee constantly halting play. Brilliant.

I'm willing to bet this version is more geared towards the arcade game in Japan.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

profit90 said:
perhaps, 6 stars, when unlocked, will resolve many issues
ye thats exactly what i thought, all the moaners :mrgreen:(joke) try unlocking 6 stars and see what its like, dont you think?? :)
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Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Bleeders said:
I'm willing to bet this version is more geared towards the arcade game in Japan.

Never thought of that you could welll be right. Still waiting for my copy as well it seems the improvements far out weigh the cons though. The ref imporvement and no more unrealistic side stepping are enough to improve it in a major way. Maybe defending is just harder in WE10 as mentioned above or that 6 stars could do wonders remember how different teams play on 5 and 6 stars in other WE's for example WE9 5 stars computer was very attackive but on 6 stars more defensive minded.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

studeep said:
ye thats exactly what i thought, all the moaners try unlocking 6 stars and see what its like, dont you think?? :)

Playing against the CPU isn't all that bad actually. It's playing against humans that i am moaning about ;-). Just imagine playing this game online. You would see some speedy shit that's supposed to resemble something we call soccer and it would contain mainly throughballs, dribbling and no midfield. I have played a lot of matches against three different persons and it did not feel like a simulation at all. Playing against the computer is actually a little more realistic (I never thought i would say this).
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

mazanga said:
Playing against the CPU isn't all that bad actually. It's playing against humans that i am moaning about ;-). Just imagine playing this game online. You would see some speedy shit that's supposed to resemble something we call soccer and it would contain mainly throughballs, dribbling and no midfield. I have played a lot of matches against three different persons and it did not feel like a simulation at all. Playing against the computer is actually a little more realistic (I never thought i would say this).

Why oh why do peoploe play WE/PES online its just cutback and score or Through ball down the wings its far to frustrating to enjoy. but hey thats just my opinion.
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

Concerning the defence, I think that we all need to learn again how to defend correctly, like in all the past winning eleven, it is always the same scheme, with every new version, we have to re-learn how to defend, so let's take our time
Re: WINNING ELEVEN 10 REVIEW[hands on we10+ingame pics and vids]

profit90 said:
i'm thinking we need an editor... hopefully, many of these problems can be 'solved'...

decrease everyone's attack stat: -10
increase defense stat for all: by +5
decrease shooting speed and accuracy: -5
decrease speed for all: -10 (except for gk)
increase gk skill by 10

should solve many of the problems discussed here
What about decrease dribbling?! That will do a lot of good. When you decrease the attack stat, you only edit the players willingness to go forward. But dribbling in combination with speed makes the game so unbalanced.

Normally I am a positive type towards to the new releases from Winning Eleven, but not this time :(
As I said above, the speed and dribbling makes the game very much an arcade-game from the cheapness of the worst FIFA-games.
Okay, the controll feels very fluent but you can overdo that. It now is easy to pass well too. But doing it with the current gamespeed makes you think you playing ping pong rather than football.
I noticed that Konami knew what they did to the game as they also tried to tweak the defense, but it is not enough to bring the balance back.
They tweaked the tackling; now you can close down on a attacker more than in PES 4 and 5 without getting a foul against you. Also, moving back with a defender without using speed makes him walk backwards, which makes it possible te react slightly more accurate. This feature was also available in PES 5 when using the R2-button. This time without R2.

So this is the first WE-game which has gone back in quality.
Has Konami fallen for the money? Did they make it more arcadey in order to win more average gamers? I think they cannot cheat their clients by changing it like this, because people went away from a game where you get an average of 8 goals a match.
Hopefully Konami learns from this and hopefully they don't make PES 6 like this.
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