[Next Gen] Fifa 14 - General Discussion

My 2 pence...

I'm playing with placebos and Matt10's sliders mixed slightly.. On world class difficulty I'm having the greatest experience in a football game in god only knows how long. Not just in terms of the action on the pitch and how they affect movement, speed etc. But how it has a knock on effect elsewhere.

In career mode I've taken Portsmouth to the championship and really had to fight for every point to get there. Now I'm there I'm struggling to keep in the top 5/6. Plus because I'm not winning every game my best players sometimes get fed up and leave meaning I have to use youngsters or rely on free transfers, loans and disgruntled players at other teams.
When I do sell, it's almost always through gritted teeth and I'm gutted to lose the star players. I can't remember any other time I've felt this. Usually Im not bothered and just let them go for whatever is offered even if it's quite low and then blow some money on a random high rated player with inflated wages.

Because I'm not winning everything I'm forced to run the club on a small budget and so every decision I make has to be mulled over for a while. I can either buy a new scout or an average player from another team or improve some of my teams wages to keep them happy and at the club. But I don't have enough to do 2 or all 3.

I've also found the scout now useful. Before I didn't give a shit and never hired one. But now I need them to scout the leagues and other teams I'm facing so I know who they have in their side, their stats and then can plan my tactics against them. Now I NEED man marking and have to change my formation against certain sides. On default sliders or on professional difficulty with sliders... I hardly ever needed to change formation, man mark or even look at the team I was playing.

My full time stats always look pretty legit/realistic. Against lesser sides my shot count will be 2 or 3 higher bit still hardly ever higher than 5-7. Against the bigger clubs I'm torn apart if I attack so my shot count is lucky to hit 4 due to me knowing the keeper will save most attempts so I only shoot when I'm confident of scoring. Or the opposing defence is just too hard to break through and so I tend to play much more defensive and counter attacking or hoping to nick a goal from a set piece. I tend to go in trying to play for a draw most times.
When I come up against a premiership side or some of the better championship teams, I'm playing for draws. And in the cup I'm trying to steal an away goal and then close up shop on the home tie.

I do see the odd annoying scripted goal against me. Usually it's cut backs and rebounds on saves that go directly to the ai players. And I do wish that the ai took more chances. They play too conservative and rarely take long range shots or try to shoot through a crowd. They seem to be set up to play passing football and can't do anything else. No hoofing it up to a tall player to hold it up or trying to intimidate you off the pitch with bone crunching tackles and powerful attacks.

I think they should add manager ai to the game so we can change each manager to have their own traits, player preferences, favoured formations etc. That way each team should feel different and in career mode you could see a shite team get a new manager and start to get rebuilt and become a force.

Also.... I think Alan smith hates Portsmouth. At the start of EVERY game he talks about how he thinks I'm going to lose this match.
Even if I'm on a good run of form or have scored a goal or two early on.... He either has no confidence in me at all, or he just hates the club and is willing us to lose.
Mate, you get personally offended every time i question EA. if its anyone else you laugh it off or usually belittle or play dumb regarding the issue. You actually become angry and agitated when i speak. As if you feel insecure about me not liking the game.

Its highly unlikely someone to behave like you do towards the game without some contract of some sort, your not that big of a fanboy surely.

People who dislike he game are making legitimate concerns and why the rush to try brush them under the carpet i really don't know.

Klash, it's just a shame that you have to equate not agreeing with your particular criticisms as the same as not being critical of the game at all. You have a strange way of interpreting things if you think all I have is praise for FIFA - from the commentary, to CM, to defensive AI, to referees, to player switching, to tactics, I've been consistent in pointing out areas that are lacking.

Yes I am a fan of the game, but if by "fanboy" you imply someone who has nothing but blind praise, then you're being quite the revisionist, if not intentionally duplicitous. I don't know why you feel the need to create conspiracy theories and paint as villains those who disagree with you, although at least you have the balls to say it here rather than just send insults via private message like zeemeister.

And no one here is brushing legitimate concerns under the carpet, it's just that your criticisms are debatable at best, considering how they stray to the extreme and do not coincide with what most people are experiencing.
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Klash, it's just a shame that you have to equate not agreeing with your particular criticisms as the same as not being critical of the game at all. You have a strange way of interpreting things if you think all I have is praise for FIFA - from the commentary, to CM, to defensive AI, to referees, to player switching, to tactics, I've been consistent in pointing out areas that are lacking.

No you haven't. You have been contradictory. You praise the game for providing variety and different team styles but then now your saying the game isn't good tactically. :FAIL: They are the exact same thing.

Anyway this is your clever political way of diverting my original point, trying to start an irreverent argument by claiming things which you haven't said. The main point which is you refuse to accept peoples opinions who don't follow you and say this is the best football game. those who point out legitimatize flaws you dodge or brush them under the carpet.

Your biggest problem is your arrogance regarding your football knowledge, you need to stop being so scared in thinking you know more about football than anybody and be open to learn off others. Many people have different levels of understanding of football, nobody knows everything, hence why we are here to be honest and learn.

Yes I am a fan of the game, but if by "fanboy" you imply someone who has nothing but blind praise, then you're being quite the revisionist, if not intentionally duplicitous. I don't know why you feel the need to create conspiracy theories and paint as villains those who disagree with you, although at least you have the balls to say it here rather than just send insults via private message like zeemeister.

You don't, its just YOU, only YOU that i say this to, nobody else. No point trying to deflect this on others, they are not shills. Its you. Your not a fanboy, your connected to EA, you come here for feedback and you look actively to meet all the simulation aspects desire by people. If i was working on something and i thought it was the best thing ever and someone trashes my work, i understand why your annoyed.

For someone to get so annoyed of somebody else's post like you did regarding the Wrong foot accuracy regarding Arjen Robben is not of a fan, he's something else.

And no one here is brushing legitimate concerns under the carpet, it's just that your criticisms are debatable at best, considering how they stray to the extreme and do not coincide with what most people are experiencing.

Again, you claim wrong foot frequency and accuracy not being pronounced enough is just a small thing. Brushing a legitimate concern under the carpet.
My 2 pence...

I'm playing with placebos and Matt10's sliders mixed slightly.. On world class difficulty I'm having the greatest experience in a football game in god only knows how long. Not just in terms of the action on the pitch and how they affect movement, speed etc. But how it has a knock on effect elsewhere.

I've been trying to mix them up aswell but to no positive effect.

Would love to know what your slider settings are mate!
I've been trying to mix them up aswell but to no positive effect.

Would love to know what your slider settings are mate!

Oh god pressure.

User sliders

Injury freq 60 (I did have it at 70 but my team is falling apart sometimes getting 2 injuries in a match and then 2 in the next)

Com sliders


World class difficulty
Normal speed

I don't know how top tier clubs feel with these. I'm a mid to upper table championship team who I want to struggle with. Maybe using man city with these will make them terrible and more difficult to use than they should be
I'm gonna defend mfmax and state that he has, on numerous occasions, stated stuff he doesn't like with the game and always had a balanced discussion about it. In fact he's listened to a lot of my moaning and tried his best to help me enjoy the game, as a more experienced FIFA player than I am.

I don't understand the grief he's getting on here. I've never seen one example of him being some kind of EA apologist as has been suggested.
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Hey guys, already tried my luck in ea support forum but no one helped me out there.

I got a huge issue with ultimate team and especially with finding new players on the market. Almost every time I click the search button there is a window popping up saying "No matching results ... Try again".

I'm really pissed off since this actually makes the game unplayable.
BTW: The problem is not only in the web app but in the game as well.

Hope you guys can help me with that.
Thx in advance.
No you haven't. You have been contradictory. You praise the game for providing variety and different team styles but then now your saying the game isn't good tactically. :FAIL: They are the exact same thing.

Anyway this is your clever political way of diverting my original point, trying to start an irreverent argument by claiming things which you haven't said. The main point which is you refuse to accept peoples opinions who don't follow you and say this is the best football game. those who point out legitimatize flaws you dodge or brush them under the carpet.

Your biggest problem is your arrogance regarding your football knowledge, you need to stop being so scared in thinking you know more about football than anybody and be open to learn off others. Many people have different levels of understanding of football, nobody knows everything, hence why we are here to be honest and learn.

You don't, its just YOU, only YOU that i say this to, nobody else. No point trying to deflect this on others, they are not shills. Its you. Your not a fanboy, your connected to EA, you come here for feedback and you look actively to meet all the simulation aspects desire by people. If i was working on something and i thought it was the best thing ever and someone trashes my work, i understand why your annoyed.

For someone to get so annoyed of somebody else's post like you did regarding the Wrong foot accuracy regarding Arjen Robben is not of a fan, he's something else.

Again, you claim wrong foot frequency and accuracy not being pronounced enough is just a small thing. Brushing a legitimate concern under the carpet.

Klash, this "you must work for EA" conspiracy theory is such an absurd and pathetic attempt at character assassination. Please stop. It's just sad.

In regards to having arrogance regarding football knowledge, you might do well to look in the mirror. Though it's kind of a strange insult to make considering how rarely we actually discuss real football in here.

Now if you want to discuss the specifics of the game, I'm more than happy to, though once again I see that you're revising my own words to fit your point of view.

For one, saying that one of the game's weaknesses is its tactical depth does not mean that we don't experience a variety of team styles, especially when we're speaking relative to past FIFAs. I notice teams playing with greater variety than I've experienced in past FIFAs, and I notice the CPU switching tactics within the same match to a much greater degree than ever before. I am not the only one here to make this observation. This is an area of improvement, and a clear contradiction of your patently false claim that the AI has not improved since FIfA 08, so I praise that improvement, but that doesn't mean it's excellent by any means.

Plus, one of the areas that I refer to when I talk about lacking tactical depth has nothing to do with how the CPU plays - it has to do with the tactical options that we are given to setup our own team. That for me is just as, if not more, important.

And you again twist things around about wrong foot frequency and accuracy. You came in here posting a video of Robben using his wrong foot and argued that this one instance implies a total lack of foot preference. I stand by my argument that your example only proves one thing: that foot preference isn't 100 percent accurate 100 percent of the time.

I remember that rather than "brush anything under the carpet," Placebo, myself, and I think maybe one or two others, specifically stated that in our experience foot preference mattered quite a lot, and I stand by that. I also remember stating that yes, foot preference is NOT 100% accurately represented yet in FIFA, there are failures in its representation, and that I was bothered with how in one instance Angel di Maria, one of my CM players, was able to cross accurately with his right foot.

That said, I'm now into my fourth season of my current CM and I notice how much more accurate my players are when I get them on their preferred foot. So to argue that foot preference is irrelevant in FIFA, like you did, is false, and anyone with enough experience with this game would surely come to that conclusion. There certainly is room for improvement but I stand by the claim that foot preference matters.

I am not brushing anything under the carpet. I simply reject your overly exaggerated (and often inflammatory) criticisms and believe that the truth, as it often does, lies somewhere in the middle.
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Hey guys, already tried my luck in ea support forum but no one helped me out there.

I got a huge issue with ultimate team and especially with finding new players on the market. Almost every time I click the search button there is a window popping up saying "No matching results ... Try again".

I'm really pissed off since this actually makes the game unplayable.
BTW: The problem is not only in the web app but in the game as well.

Hope you guys can help me with that.
Thx in advance.

This was happening to me too and I fixed it by hitting the reset search button, or whatever it is. Try that.
Klash, this "you must work for EA" conspiracy theory is such an absurd and pathetic attempt at character assassination. Please stop. It's just sad.

Again, Your still running away from my point, you still have not explained why you got so angry with my post on weak foot frequency. This along with many posts over the years has lead me to think your working with EA since you spend little to no time whatsoever speaking about PES (not that you have to anyway) and when you have spoken of PES over the years its just shit and arcadey to you. So it seems your a FIFA man only.

In regards to having arrogance regarding football knowledge, you might do well to look in the mirror. Though it's kind of a strange insult to make considering how rarely we actually discuss real football in here.

Now if you want to discuss the specifics of the game, I'm more than happy to, though once again I see that you're revising my own words to fit your point of view.

For one, saying that one of the game's weaknesses is its tactical depth does not mean that we don't experience a variety of team styles, especially when we're speaking relative to past FIFAs. I notice teams playing with greater variety than I've experienced in past FIFAs, and I notice the CPU switching tactics within the same match to a much greater degree than ever before. I am not the only one here to make this observation. This is an area of improvement, and a clear contradiction of your patently false claim that the AI has not improved since FIfA 08, so I praise that improvement, but that doesn't mean it's excellent by any means.

On FIFA 10 you could set teams like Arsenal and Barcelona to play good, flowing passing, one-two touch football all the way up the pitch. On FIFA 14 its back, but poor and 'fake' since they stop their nice buildup in the final 3rd only to look for the usual scripted goal chances. This is not progress.

And you again twist things around about wrong foot frequency and accuracy. You came in here posting a video of Robben using his wrong foot and argued that this one instance implies a total lack of foot preference. I stand by my argument that your example only proves one thing: that foot preference isn't 100 percent accurate 100 percent of the time.

I remember that rather than "brush anything under the carpet," Placebo, myself, and I think maybe one or two others, specifically stated that in our experience foot preference mattered quite a lot, and I stand by that. I also remember stating that yes, foot preference is NOT 100% accurately represented yet in FIFA, there are failures in its representation, and that I was bothered with how in one instance Angel di Maria, one of my CM players, was able to cross accurately with his right foot.

That said, I'm now into my fourth season of my current CM and I notice how much more accurate my players are when I get them on their preferred foot. So to argue that foot preference is irrelevant in FIFA, like you did, is false, and anyone with enough experience with this game would surely come to that conclusion. There certainly is room for improvement but I stand by the claim that foot preference matters.

Your just digging yourself a hole here. Your so convinced because 'I' claimed something which you believe isn't an issue, you don't even understand my point and now your just rambling, go back and read it again. Read it properly. Its about the core system which is the problem. You build a game to have players with two perfect feet and balance then try to add in the realism after, it's unwise and it doesn't work consistently. It needs to be implemented into the core. This is my overall point when it comes to FIFA, it needs a big revamp from its core and things implemented properly and harmoniously into the game.

I am not brushing anything under the carpet. I simply reject your overly exaggerated (and often inflammatory) criticisms and believe that the truth, as it often does, lies somewhere in the middle.

Its because you scared to see what i see and your scared i might actually have a point. I'm empathetic, i like seeing other peoples awareness's, I see yours, i just don't find that type of game fun anymore.
this thread is becoming so fun as the old PES thread, and it's even better because the mods are too lazy to come here and stop these ridiculous childish personal fights. :LOL:
Again, Your still running away from my point, you still have not explained why you got so angry with my post on weak foot frequency. This along with many posts over the years has lead me to think your working with EA since you spend little to no time whatsoever speaking about PES (not that you have to anyway) and when you have spoken of PES over the years its just shit and arcadey to you. So it seems your a FIFA man only.

On FIFA 10 you could set teams like Arsenal and Barcelona to play good, flowing passing, one-two touch football all the way up the pitch. On FIFA 14 its back, but poor and 'fake' since they stop their nice buildup in the final 3rd only to look for the usual scripted goal chances. This is not progress.

Your just digging yourself a hole here. Your so convinced because 'I' claimed something which you believe isn't an issue, you don't even understand my point and now your just rambling, go back and read it again. Read it properly. Its about the core system which is the problem. You build a game to have players with two perfect feet and balance then try to add in the realism after, it's unwise and it doesn't work consistently. It needs to be implemented into the core. This is my overall point when it comes to FIFA, it needs a big revamp from its core and things implemented properly and harmoniously into the game.

Its because you scared to see what i see and your scared i might actually have a point. I'm empathetic, i like seeing other peoples awareness's, I see yours, i just don't find that type of game fun anymore.

Klash, I haven't addressed why I got so angry because I've never been angry to begin with. Why you keep insisting that I'm both angry and scared is truly bizarre.

I've spoken less and less about PES over the years because I've played it less and less. I had hoped that this year would be different but it wasn't. I find the game to be broken and incomplete, while Master League lost my interest years ago. Personally I fear that PES is a sinking ship. Unlike yourself however, I don't enjoy popping into the PES thread just to bring up issues I have with the game.

But so just because I don't speak much about PES anymore and I primarily discuss FIFA - and oh my gosh actually like FIFA - that makes me not only a fanboy but an employee of EA? That's one crazy leap of logic.

This is getting extremely tiresome so this will be my last post addressing you Klash. You don't like the game, and you find it extremely flawed. I get it. I think we all get. Personally I find your critiques to range from the incoherent, to the bizarre, to the overly critical. I like the game, I think EA has done a very solid job transitioning to next gen, and though I see plenty of flaws and loads of room for improvement, I personally find this the best single player football game I've experienced. And I'll just leave it at that.
This was happening to me too and I fixed it by hitting the reset search button, or whatever it is. Try that.

It didn't solve the problem but anyway, thx for your help.

I click the search button up to 10 times always getting that error message, but with the 11th click a lot of players appear.
But just after I started scrolling through the pages the same annoying "No matching results found." message appears again.

I'm so angry right now!
Klash, this "you must work for EA" conspiracy theory is such an absurd and pathetic attempt at character assassination. Please stop. It's just sad.

In regards to having arrogance regarding football knowledge, you might do well to look in the mirror. Though it's kind of a strange insult to make considering how rarely we actually discuss real football in here.

Now if you want to discuss the specifics of the game, I'm more than happy to, though once again I see that you're revising my own words to fit your point of view.

For one, saying that one of the game's weaknesses is its tactical depth does not mean that we don't experience a variety of team styles, especially when we're speaking relative to past FIFAs. I notice teams playing with greater variety than I've experienced in past FIFAs, and I notice the CPU switching tactics within the same match to a much greater degree than ever before. I am not the only one here to make this observation. This is an area of improvement, and a clear contradiction of your patently false claim that the AI has not improved since FIfA 08, so I praise that improvement, but that doesn't mean it's excellent by any means.

Plus, one of the areas that I refer to when I talk about lacking tactical depth has nothing to do with how the CPU plays - it has to do with the tactical options that we are given to setup our own team. That for me is just as, if not more, important.

And you again twist things around about wrong foot frequency and accuracy. You came in here posting a video of Robben using his wrong foot and argued that this one instance implies a total lack of foot preference. I stand by my argument that your example only proves one thing: that foot preference isn't 100 percent accurate 100 percent of the time.

I remember that rather than "brush anything under the carpet," Placebo, myself, and I think maybe one or two others, specifically stated that in our experience foot preference mattered quite a lot, and I stand by that. I also remember stating that yes, foot preference is NOT 100% accurately represented yet in FIFA, there are failures in its representation, and that I was bothered with how in one instance Angel di Maria, one of my CM players, was able to cross accurately with his right foot.

That said, I'm now into my fourth season of my current CM and I notice how much more accurate my players are when I get them on their preferred foot. So to argue that foot preference is irrelevant in FIFA, like you did, is false, and anyone with enough experience with this game would surely come to that conclusion. There certainly is room for improvement but I stand by the claim that foot preference matters.

I am not brushing anything under the carpet. I simply reject your overly exaggerated (and often inflammatory) criticisms and believe that the truth, as it often does, lies somewhere in the middle.
Yah its not 100-percent doesnt mean its not broken, Last year i scored with messi's right foot more accurately than his left and he played it between the keepeer's legs, that is one reason why i am done with the game. As for supertalk scripting is just as much in friendly games as it is in career mode, just give it time
Again, Your still running away from my point, you still have not explained why you got so angry with my post on weak foot frequency. This along with many posts over the years has lead me to think your working with EA since you spend little to no time whatsoever speaking about PES (not that you have to anyway) and when you have spoken of PES over the years its just shit and arcadey to you. So it seems your a FIFA man only.

On FIFA 10 you could set teams like Arsenal and Barcelona to play good, flowing passing, one-two touch football all the way up the pitch. On FIFA 14 its back, but poor and 'fake' since they stop their nice buildup in the final 3rd only to look for the usual scripted goal chances. This is not progress.

Your just digging yourself a hole here. Your so convinced because 'I' claimed something which you believe isn't an issue, you don't even understand my point and now your just rambling, go back and read it again. Read it properly. Its about the core system which is the problem. You build a game to have players with two perfect feet and balance then try to add in the realism after, it's unwise and it doesn't work consistently. It needs to be implemented into the core. This is my overall point when it comes to FIFA, it needs a big revamp from its core and things implemented properly and harmoniously into the game.

Its because you scared to see what i see and your scared i might actually have a point. I'm empathetic, i like seeing other peoples awareness's, I see yours, i just don't find that type of game fun anymore.
yup that is all i am saying the problem is very fundermental
Yah its not 100-percent doesnt mean its not broken, Last year i scored with messi's right foot more accurately than his left and he played it between the keepeer's legs, that is one reason why i am done with the game. As for supertalk scripting is just as much in friendly games as it is in career mode, just give it time

You're done with the game because FIFA depicts the greatest player in the world, potentially of all time, as regularly scoring with both feet? Does it really matter?
You're done with the game because FIFA depicts the greatest player in the world, potentially of all time, as regularly scoring with both feet? Does it really matter?
add that to the dumb defensive ai, lobbed through balls online, lame attacking ai, and the totally scripted matches where EA sports has decided u will not win by any means, and the 90th minute goals and momentum without regard to fatigue, and every player running the same way. Yes i am done i'll rather play yei ar kung fu on the old nitendo entertainment system
Can anyone please tell me how to accelerate in this game, cause iv noticed when I just tap the sprint to accelerate, it doesn't do much, all players have a similar acceleration, whereas in pes acceleration with different players was very obvious. Can anyone help me out thanks
Think I've found my slider adjustments, and they're minor tweaks that make a huge difference. I lowered line length to 49, pass error increased to 51, and first touch error increased to 65. That's the same settings for both teams, and it makes all the difference. The COM can't get past me now simply by unrealistically twisting and turning on the ball - first touch error makes a huge difference and slows them right down. Likewise, I have to rely on my better dribblers to even attempt dribbling now, as control and dribbling touches on the ball are heavier. I'm having to use L2 a lot more now which is nice. Because control isn't instant any more, and touches sometimes get away from players, it's eliminating that floaty, instant feel to the game. Games have far more error in them and you need to think about who is on the ball as it magnifies their stats.

All in all they're tiny changes that most wouldn't be bothered about but they seem to be fixing my number one beef with the game, and it's all down to first touch and pass error. Both sets of players can no longer chop and change on the ball like they could and it makes everyone feel heavier somehow, whereas simply increasing pass error by one seems to make the ball behave a bit more realistically, there's more spin and weight to it. It s a minor tweak but I'm happy with it.
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Think I've found my slider adjustments, and they're minor tweaks that make a huge difference. I lowered line length to 49, pass error increased to 51, and first touch error increased to 65. That's the same settings for both teams, and it makes all the difference. The COM can't get past me now simply by unrealistically twisting and turning on the ball - first touch error makes a huge difference and slows them right down. Likewise, I have to rely on my better dribblers to even attempt dribbling now, as control and dribbling touches on the ball are heavier. I'm having to use L2 a lot more now which is nice. Because control isn't instant any more, and touches sometimes get away from players, it's eliminating that floaty, instant feel to the game. Games have far more error in them and you need to think about who is on the ball as it magnifies their stats.

All in all they're tiny changes that most wouldn't be bothered about but they seem to be fixing my number one beef with the game, and it's all down to first touch and pass error. Both sets of players can no longer chop and change on the ball like they could and it makes everyone feel heavier somehow, whereas simply increasing pass error by one seems to make the ball behave a bit more realistically, there's more spin and weight to it. It s a minor tweak but I'm happy with it.

This is what we have been telling you for weeks, there are no perfect "sliders" but the ability to make minor or major tweaks to the sliders (depending on how you play the game) and difference it makes is why FIFA for me is the best football game that I have played in years.

For example I found Placebo's sliders perfect for me, but my mate he tried them and didn't like them 100% so made slight changes to fit in with what he wanted for the game.
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