[Next Gen] Fifa 14 - General Discussion

And how could you say it is optional when you yourself recommend others your custom sliders to get the most out of the game?

Err because it's optional if people want to use my suggested sliders? Wasn't aware I exert so much influence that me posting sliders stops them being optional, I shall start charging a fee from next year knowing that! :)
I see you point. Its a great one because it's something which has been apparent since FIFA 12 and now with FIFA 1 it shows sliders is killing offline FIFA, not because they are there, not it's people using sliders to make up for EA's incompetence.

Sliders for this game are only a good thing but cannot be used as a pathetic scapegoat to hide the game's glaring problems. Regardless of the settings you implement the flaws will still be there.

What is indefensible from anyone is simply this:

Many games ave included sliders to change and manipulate the gameplay.

The best way to implement the sliders is when a company takes the time to test the sliders out and actually provide some preset slider setups which are orientated to produce a certain type of gameplay with explications.

I won't even talk about NBA 2K. I remember Smackdown 7 i think or Smackdown 2007 with Triple H on the cover, that had sliders and importantly had presets so if you wanted an

'Arcade', 'Casual', 'Hardcore', or the other few presets they where available and also you could tweak from the presets to get your perfect gameplay for yourself.

That shows a company which understands its game and has implemented the sliders and tested it's game so it gives a desired output. Why is this important. Simple, it's a game, its designed to be 'mastered' The default settings is important because people play on them to get as good as possible on the game itself. Then after mastering the game change sliders to suit them. It's very important to understand the basic game setting to understand the core faults and strengths.

Now, as you know, EA have not done this, simply because they cannot be bothered. Nothing is stopping them from putting an effort into their offline game, quite literally after FIFA 13, they have done absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever apart from add in a horrible broken inertia/momentum system into the game since last year. Making the game even more restricted and scripted than before. To understand this further, they didn't even bother to edit the AI is they themselves had the new momentum and inertia applied in a even basic realistic way. The game on the default settings is so unbalanced it's ridiculous.

The AI still play in the exact way as they did 8 years ago on FIFA 08, all play like an army of Zidane clones, pass, pass, pass, maybe a long through ball depending on the custom tactics. Every AI attack, actual attempt on your goal is a pre-scripted hence why the AI always score the same goals from the same positions, there is no AI intelligence here. Same way the AI automatically backs off you regardless of the player you select once you hit L2 (slow dribbling).

EA's focus is online, it's on the kids and ultimate team, EA know they don't have to worry about offline since people now say 'use sliders' (use sliders for about a week till you master that setting,t hen change it, change it again, then again, again). Offline the game has been a shambles for years, yes i think the sliders are good that they are actually there, despite them not actually adding any realism to game physically since they don't tie into the stats properly, instead they increase and decrease the percentage of 'success' or 'fail' for things regarding accuracy at complete random. Regardless of your angle, ability, if you set passing error to higher than 50 regardless of you or the AI, the player has on every occasion he passes a random chance from a certain percentage of getting the pass right or wrong.

Essential: You could be off balance and stretching for a ball but you have the same percent chance to make pass as when your 5 yards away on balance. So the big problems with every match feeling the same never goes away as per usual.

That is how pretty much all of the functions in the game work. Same even on what was manual controls, which is now just as scripted and restrictive as assisted. I play this game against friends on PC now, played next gen vs a mate here in oz, the times I've tired this offline, so much has got worse over the years!

So did you finally bought a PS4 with Fifa 14 or you keep judging the game from videos???? :TTTH:
Some sliders are great. Cursor speed, fullbacks positioning, pass speed, shot speed, width and length of teams... All there for us to tinker with, offline alone or vs mates. Nice addition, glad it is there.
As expected, any opinion which is regarded as 'unpopular' by two or three vocal fanboys will instantly shot down with smarmy remarks (ex. moronic). I don't even think my old post contain any slightest hint of engaging, confronting tone. It's frustrating when you try to be nice, not to break the ToS, all of the sudden some random dude picking on you for no reason.

And how could you say it is optional when you yourself recommend others your custom sliders to get the most out of the game? It's only natural to think the developer could do better without leaving the user to tweak the AI behaviour by themselves. FIFA is not the only game that include sliders. NASCAR (Papyrus) dated more than a decade ago also included built-in AI sliders and telemetry. But I don't recall the community having to tweaks a lot since the preset difficulties are already good to go.

I'm not against customizations. But there are the basics, fundamental part of any game shouldn't be left to the user to be dealt with. Sliders in FIFA is only optional in theory, but the reality is the defaults are too unbalanced. In the end user have no choice but to tweak the sliders.

So do you really think that providing gamers with LESS options is anything but a dumb idea?

The thing is, us "fanboys" are plenty critical of the game. Placebo and I, for example, regularly rant about the bugs and terrible design issues within CM. The defensive AI and player switching issues drive me nuts. The lack of tactical depth is a major weakness. I could go on.

But then there are criticisms that are just so out of sync with what most people are experiencing with the game that you just can't help but feel that they're not giving the game a fair chance, or that they're being critical just for the sake of. Not to mention that often their posts are inflammatory by way of massive exaggeration.

And regarding sliders, I only recommend them for those who don't enjoy default settings. Personally I've had a blast on default, find the game perfectly enjoyable without any changes, and the adjustments I've made are extremely minimal. I agree, the default gameplay is unbalanced, but the reality is actually that the vast majority of FIFA players enjoy the game without messing with sliders.
I see you point. Its a great one because it's something which has been apparent since FIFA 12 and now with FIFA 1 it shows sliders is killing offline FIFA, not because they are there, not it's people using sliders to make up for EA's incompetence.


The AI still play in the exact way as they did 8 years ago on FIFA 08, all play like an army of Zidane clones, pass, pass, pass, maybe a long through ball depending on the custom tactics. Every AI attack, actual attempt on your goal is a pre-scripted hence why the AI always score the same goals from the same positions, there is no AI intelligence here. Same way the AI automatically backs off you regardless of the player you select once you hit L2 (slow dribbling).

Klash, where on earth do you come up with these opinions? I mean, seriously, the AI still playing the same as 8 years ago? Really?

Sliders killing the offline? Seriously?

The AI backing off you: um, just about the biggest complaint you typically see is the opposite: the over aggressiveness of the CPU defenders.

The offline game being in shambles? Honestly? This is by far the best offline FIFA I've played since 08/09.

And by the way, L2 slow dribble doesn't exist in the game anymore.
The referee on this game should not even be called a referee. Just terrible.

And the CPU players on your team. Sick of seeing them making runs then stop and get in the way of shots/dribbles passes.
I've been experimenting with sliders on advice from Max and Placebo,I'd post in the sliders thread but it seems mainly for PS3/360.

I'm adjusting them mainly to make up for EA's imbalances in gameplay, but hey ho, it is what it is. However, this game is miles ahead of previous FIFAs and PES2014 IMO.

Right, well, I reduced acceleration, sprint speed and pass speed by -1 to 49 (I kept pass speed in line with player movement reductions as I don't want any imbalances there) and that made an instant different even by just one point being reduced. I have first touch error at around 54 for me, 58 for CPU as they can be really overpowered in that regards sometimes.

Biggest oddity is the pass accuracy. I increased it to 60 for both teams and, well, it made everything go 'strange'. The ball would one minute go slow, then bizarrely fast,and it had a strange kind of 'wobble' to the ball physics due to the spin on the ball.
Err because it's optional if people want to use my suggested sliders? Wasn't aware I exert so much influence that me posting sliders stops them being optional, I shall start charging a fee from next year knowing that! :)

Your sliders are a blessing mate, it's the thing which has kept me playing FIFA for the past couple of years. Over the course of the year I slowly tweak yours to my exact requirements but basically I use yours as my guide to start with because you seem to be able to replicate the dynamics of the English Premier League really well - keep up your great work Placebo!!
Your sliders are a blessing mate, it's the thing which has kept me playing FIFA for the past couple of years. Over the course of the year I slowly tweak yours to my exact requirements but basically I use yours as my guide to start with because you seem to be able to replicate the dynamics of the English Premier League really well - keep up your great work Placebo!!

Much appreciate feedback, definitely won't charge you next year ;)
So did you finally bought a PS4 with Fifa 14 or you keep judging the game from videos???? :TTTH:

I played vs a mate.

Klash, where on earth do you come up with these opinions? I mean, seriously, the AI still playing the same as 8 years ago? Really?

this is completely pointless since your part of EA anyway here i'll let this guy tell it how it is:

YouTube - FIFA 14 | PS4 Career Mode | #8 | Cracks Appearing

2:15 : "Basically playing the AI on legendary is like playing against Barcelona with no attacking threat whatsoever."

The attacking threat normally comes from a scripted move which results int eh AI scoring the same goals over and over again, just watch the series and see. Changing sliders does not stop the AI from picking out certain scripted attacking moves which give a 50/50 chance of a goal.

FIFA 08 it was the same thing on Legendary, but harder. Exactly the same thing.

Sliders killing the offline? Seriously?

Yes, the mentality is just wrong here. How long can you guys keep making excuses for EA not to put some effort into offline, what i said about slider presets at the very least is valid!

The AI backing off you: um, just about the biggest complaint you typically see is the opposite: the over aggressiveness of the CPU defenders.

Hold L1 or L2, do the slow dribble and watch the scripted AI back off.
I've been experimenting with sliders on advice from Max and Placebo,I'd post in the sliders thread but it seems mainly for PS3/360.

I'm adjusting them mainly to make up for EA's imbalances in gameplay, but hey ho, it is what it is. However, this game is miles ahead of previous FIFAs and PES2014 IMO.


Same game from years gone by. Played Pes 2014 Lastnight again and ended up saving every other replay for nuances you just dont get in fifa

What Konami does better:
- Real momentum and Inertia
- Improved player and opposition AI
- Improved ball Physics
- A huuuuge pitch that you can explore with gay abandon
- Even at this stage the Fox Engine poops all over the Ignite engine
- individuality: The holy grail for me. Pes still takes a thick, almost peanut textured shit allover Fifa. EA need to understand small does npt necessarily mean easily dispossessed

What i do miss from Fifa
- Aesthetics, commentary, visuals etc
- Shooting bit too easy but atleast its there
- Smooth as silk online play

Where Both fall short:
- goal keepers will not save you. Both are ridiculous. Atleast PES is consistently shit. Fifa makes yours shit and the CPU great
- Scripting. I tend to restart a game when the ball keeps falling in the path of the CPU again and again.
- variation in scoring opportunity: Fifa for me has always been and Pes is becoming limiting in this area. PES lack of shooting anywhere ouside the box and fifas lack of midfield make for systemic gameplay. I can play 2-3 games at a time then switch off from sheer boredom amd frustration
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Changing sliders does not stop the AI from picking out certain scripted attacking moves which give a 50/50 chance of a goal.

Changing sliders absolutely does stop the AI from picking out certain scripted attacking moves.

Try reading this thread.

Repeated complaints about people conceding chipped throughpass goals all the time, I never see the AI doing that with my sliders as I've posted in here.

Repeated complaints about people conceding headed goals against the AI all the time, I rarely concede headed goals.

Sliders most definitely change the way the AI attacks, perhaps you should actually experience stuff yourself instead of assuming someone else's rants are fact.
Changing sliders absolutely does stop the AI from picking out certain scripted attacking moves.

Try reading this thread.

Repeated complaints about people conceding chipped throughpass goals all the time, I never see the AI doing that with my sliders as I've posted in here.

Repeated complaints about people conceding headed goals against the AI all the time, I rarely concede headed goals.

Sliders most definitely change the way the AI attacks, perhaps you should actually experience stuff yourself instead of assuming someone else's rants are fact.

Thing is, your slider settings reduce the AI competitiveness, they play like they are shacked! When you can keep the ball so easily and for so long, the AI never have time to attack in the first place, hence why your not seeing it, you haven't explored the game outside your sliders enough to get a feeling of its core status.

I saw this in the PC version, and versus my mate, i saw your videos, the matches looked un-competitive. There is just too much time and space available.

I don't want to play a game in which i'm forced to tie one hand behind my back to excuse huge flaws, something both games suffer from this year.
you haven't explored the game outside your sliders enough to get a feeling of its core status.

Of course I have, I start the game playing purely on default sliders, not least because I was adjusting to the new controller so started on Professional default, then World Class default, then World Class tweaked sliders, then finally Legendary tweaked sliders.

Not sure what videos you were watching but the games I play are certainly competitive. And I unfortunately never hold onto the ball for very long, even with tweaked sliders it's hard to stop the AI from being able to tackle you too effectively on Legendary, so again, what videos were you watching?

How many matches have you played yourself on next gen with tweaked sliders? Until you've played some how on earth can you try to tell us what the game does or doesn't do?

Same game from years gone by. Played Pes 2014 Lastnight again and ended up saving every other replay for nuances you just dont get in fifa

What Konami does better:
- Real momentum and Inertia
- Improved player and opposition AI
- Improved ball Physics
- A huuuuge pitch that you can explore with gay abandon
- Even at this stage the Fox Engine poops all over the Ignite engine
- individuality: The holy grail for me. Pes still takes a thick, almost peanut textured shit allover Fifa. EA need to understand small does npt necessarily mean easily dispossessed

What i do miss from Fifa
- Aesthetics, commentary, visuals etc
- Shooting bit too easy but atleast its there
- Smooth as silk online play

Where Both fall short:
- goal keepers will not save you. Both are ridiculous. Atleast PES is consistently shit. Fifa makes yours shit and the CPU great
- Scripting. I tend to restart a game when the ball keeps falling in the path of the CPU again and again.
- variation in scoring opportunity: Fifa for me has always been and Pes is becoming limiting in this area. PES lack of shooting anywhere ouside the box and fifas lack of midfield make for systemic gameplay. I can play 2-3 games at a time then switch off from sheer boredom amd frustration

I would have agreed with you until quite recently on the individuality, but not this year. There's individuality in FIFA, still not enough, but PES totally lost it this year.

As for anything PES does better, for me it's all irrelevant until they put out a game that works properly. Every feature, every addition Konami make is utterly pointless when you can't score from further than 20 yards out, specific shots go in 100% of the time, and the keepers are the worst I've ween in videogame history.

I'd be loving it if PES2015 is some amazing revolution but until that I'm happy enough with FIFA, at least it works on a core level. But each to their own, I respect your opinion.
@Placebo, if I try your sliders, will they not work on assisted or semi controls? I can't do manual and haven't got much interest in learning to be honest!
I would have agreed with you until quite recently on the individuality, but not this year. There's individuality in FIFA, still not enough, but PES totally lost it this year.

As for anything PES does better, for me it's all irrelevant until they put out a game that works properly. Every feature, every addition Konami make is utterly pointless when you can't score from further than 20 yards out, specific shots go in 100% of the time, and the keepers are the worst I've ween in videogame history.

I'd be loving it if PES2015 is some amazing revolution but until that I'm happy enough with FIFA, at least it works on a core level. But each to their own, I respect your opinion.


You're right the shooting is shameful
@Placebo, if I try your sliders, will they not work on assisted or semi controls? I can't do manual and haven't got much interest in learning to be honest!

Absolutely. I'd suggest trying semi for all that has semi and see how you feel, if your passing completion/shots average is too high raise the error a little but it shouldn't need too much more to find a good balance of the AI's strengths versus your weaknesses (and vice versa).
Cheers I'll give them a go tonight :)

I tried manual but found it too difficult, I know practice makes perfect but I switched it to assisted and still found a lot of player individuality in passing, so was content at that to be honest.
Short passing is one of the hardest I found to get used to, through balls are definitely the easiest and it feels really rewarding the first few times you score a goal you set up with a perfect manual through ball :)
Like someone posted earlier, your sliders make this game playable Placebo mate, ive just started my 5th season in be a pro career and im still not bored of it, I usually want to kick fuck out of something within half hour on normal slider settings, great work mate.
I play semi and assisted and I kicked the shit out of whoever I played with Placebo's sliders 7 - 0. Started to try and tweak them myself now.
this is completely pointless since your part of EA anyway here i'll let this guy tell it how it is:

Seriously? Your conspiracy theories have now reached the point where someone who enjoys the game and disagrees with your exaggerated opinions has to work for EA?

Once upon a time I respected your opinions, even if I disagreed, but this is such a new low for you.

The attacking threat normally comes from a scripted move which results int eh AI scoring the same goals over and over again, just watch the series and see. Changing sliders does not stop the AI from picking out certain scripted attacking moves which give a 50/50 chance of a goal.

FIFA 08 it was the same thing on Legendary, but harder. Exactly the same thing.

All that I can say is that I'm into my third CM season on Legendary and this is not my experience - not on default settings, nor with sliders. Yes, in the beginning I conceded loads of similar goals - particularly lofted through balls and headers from crosses - but I no longer do.

There are defensive issues when playing against the CPU on Legendary with default settings but it's not an issue of scripting, while the goals I concede tend to be of a decent variety.

I'm curious, how many seasons, or even games, have you played on next gen FIFA on Legendary?

Yes, the mentality is just wrong here. How long can you guys keep making excuses for EA not to put some effort into offline, what i said about slider presets at the very least is valid!

You assume for some reason that including sliders means not putting effort into improving the default experience, right? I honestly don't understand how you could know this (unless you work of EA), and I don't understand how anyone who has played this game even semi-regularly could argue that it hasn't improved significantly.

Hold L1 or L2, do the slow dribble and watch the scripted AI back off.

Please post some vids of yours to show this because this simply isn't my experience. Read this forum and others and you will see people complaining of an overly effective aggressive CPU. You're the first I've heard to argue that there's a problem with the CPU backing off.

Same game from years gone by. Played Pes 2014 Lastnight again and ended up saving every other replay for nuances you just dont get in fifa

What Konami does better:
- Real momentum and Inertia
- Improved player and opposition AI
- Improved ball Physics
- A huuuuge pitch that you can explore with gay abandon
- Even at this stage the Fox Engine poops all over the Ignite engine
- individuality: The holy grail for me. Pes still takes a thick, almost peanut textured shit allover Fifa. EA need to understand small does npt necessarily mean easily dispossessed

I agree that PES does nuance far better than FIFA, and you pull off some beautiful stuff in PES that is just sublime. That said, I don't see where these other criticisms of FIFA come from.

I'm curious as to why you think momentum in FIFA is still such a problem? It used to be a prime area of weakness - and in fact was the reason why last summer I was truly hoping to switch back to PES - but personally I don't understand how you could argue that player movement is still an issue. I see issues with some of the animations when defending, but what is it that's poor otherwise?

PES's default gamespeed is slower than FIFA's, which might account for why you'd think momentum is more influential, but other than that I find them not nearly as dissimilar as they once were. Player movement in FIFA was a huge upgrade this past year and the general consensus seems to be that it's been a success. What are you seeing that makes you disagree?

Which game has better AI is highly debatable - both have their strengths and both have some terrible weaknesses. FIFA has issues with it's defensive AI and issues with player awareness in 50-50 situations. PES is better in some areas but has some terrible defensive AI and some terrible player awareness issues. I score too many goals in PES as a result of shockingly poor defensive AI. That video you posted, for example, exhibited some shocking defending, even if it was a slick passing movement. A reason PES keeps disappointing me is because too many goals are scored due to breakdowns in various aspects of the game. This sometimes happens when I concede in FIFA, but rarely when I score.

Ball physics? This for me has been a strength for years with FIFA over PES. What's wrong with ball physics in FIfA?

About the pitch: pretty sure the player to pitch ratio is 1:1 to real life, so I'm not sure why this is an issue. I can't think of how the pitch size is limiting anything I wish to do. What's the problem?

How does the Fox Engine "poop" (seriously?) over the Ignite engine? Both seem very good to me.

Individuality. It's always been a strength for PES but I find individuality rather good (and excellent relative to past FIFAs) in NG 14. From dribbling to shooting to tackling to marking to passing, I see huge varieties among my CM team, and it's critical that I have the right person doing the right thing. The one area I find to be a weakness is in the mental stats, but otherwise individuality is very good.

I do think it takes longer to recognize the differences between players in FIFA than PES, which may account for why some think individuality isn't as pronounced, but once you become familiar with your players, using each to their strengths is of paramount importance on the higher difficulties. Play on Legendary and you must do this in all phases of the game.

And sorry but it seems like you simply didn't master the protect the ball features in this game if you think small players = easily dispossessed. My small #10s and wingers are excellent at retaining possession in tight situations.
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I agree that PES does nuance far better than FIFA, and you pull off some beautiful stuff in PES that is just sublime. That said, I don't see where these other criticisms of FIFA come from.

I'm curious as to why you think momentum in FIFA is still such a problem? It used to be a prime area of weakness - and in fact was the reason why last summer I was truly hoping to switch back to PES - but personally I don't understand how you could argue that player movement is still an issue. I see issues with some of the animations when defending, but what is it that's poor otherwise?

PES's default gamespeed is slower than FIFA's, which might account for why you'd think momentum is more influential, but other than that I find them not nearly as dissimilar as they once were. Player movement in FIFA was a huge upgrade this past year and the general consensus seems to be that it's been a success. What are you seeing that makes you disagree?

Which game has better AI is highly debatable - both have their strengths and both have some terrible weaknesses. FIFA has issues with it's defensive AI and issues with player awareness in 50-50 situations. PES is better in some areas but has some terrible defensive AI and some terrible player awareness issues. I score too many goals in PES as a result of shockingly poor defensive AI. That video you posted, for example, exhibited some shocking defending, even if it was a slick passing movement. A reason PES keeps disappointing me is because too many goals are scored due to breakdowns in various aspects of the game. This sometimes happens when I concede in FIFA, but rarely when I score.

Ball physics? This for me has been a strength for years with FIFA over PES. What's wrong with ball physics in FIfA?

About the pitch: pretty sure the player to pitch ratio is 1:1 to real life, so I'm not sure why this is an issue. I can't think of how the pitch size is limiting anything I wish to do. What's the problem?

How does the Fox Engine "poop" (seriously?) over the Ignite engine? Both seem very good to me.

Individuality. It's always been a strength for PES but I find individuality rather good (and excellent relative to past FIFAs) in NG 14. From dribbling to shooting to tackling to marking to passing, I see huge varieties among my CM team, and it's critical that I have the right person doing the right thing. The one area I find to be a weakness is in the mental stats, but otherwise individuality is very good.

I do think it takes longer to recognize the differences between players in FIFA than PES, which may account for why some think individuality isn't as pronounced, but once you become familiar with your players, using each to their strengths is of paramount importance on the higher difficulties. Play on Legendary and you must do this in all phases of the game.

And sorry but it seems like you simply didn't master the protect the ball features in this game if you think small players = easily dispossessed. My small #10s and wingers are excellent at retaining possession in tight situations.

EA has no idea how to cover space and make a proper football game. Thats why they make small 5X5 pitches.
Of course I have, I start the game playing purely on default sliders, not least because I was adjusting to the new controller so started on Professional default, then World Class default, then World Class tweaked sliders, then finally Legendary tweaked sliders.

How many matches have you played yourself on next gen with tweaked sliders? Until you've played some how on earth can you try to tell us what the game does or doesn't do?

Well, there you said it, you didn't try Legendary without sliders.

Only played a few games versus my mate, the attacking AI is a bit better along with much better animations in Next Gen better and that is really about it in regards to being really that different to Current Gen. I don't like it and its pointless to waste anymore time on it than is needed. I've played the shit out of most FIFA's since FIFA95 until FIFA 12 ( I played 11-12 much vs mates), i know how the game works, it's 'fake', scripted and limited for me.

Seriously? Your conspiracy theories have now reached the point where someone who enjoys the game and disagrees with your exaggerated opinions has to work for EA?

Mate, you get personally offended every time i question EA. if its anyone else you laugh it off or usually belittle or play dumb regarding the issue. You actually become angry and agitated when i speak. As if you feel insecure about me not liking the game.

Its highly unlikely someone to behave like you do towards the game without some contract of some sort, your not that big of a fanboy surely.

People who dislike he game are making legitimate concerns and why the rush to try brush them under the carpet i really don't know.

Once upon a time I respected your opinions, even if I disagreed, but this is such a new low for you.

A long time ago you looked for FIFA to be created in the image of what some of my posts said. But EA have failed, they take too many short cuts and not put an effort in and done things properly.

Please post some vids of yours to show this because this simply isn't my experience.

Read this forum and others and you will see people complaining of an overly effective aggressive CPU. You're the first I've heard to argue that there's a problem with the CPU backing off.

Read my last post again.

Anyway I'm out, it seems you guys are too sensitive when it comes to viewpoints which say FIFA doesn't play like football should.
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Well, there you said it, you didn't try Legendary without sliders.

And why would I need to? Anyone who plays Fifa knows that the difference between World Class and Legendary is purely in how the AI is unrealistically boosted, super pressing, super tackling, super passing, super shooting, beyond the general stats of the teams/players. My sliders are designed purely to humanise the AI as much as possible by making them less perfect in what they do to make the game more balanced.
Fair enough.

Placebo, i do have respect for you, i like how you don't bite at people, you can have a good conversation.

You know i'm going to say what i'm going to say, fundamentally lets put all this aside in the sense, the reason i say the things i say is because i want things to move forward, FIFA was moving forward from 07-10, bringing in new concepts never seen before, since PES 11 it's been Konami who have brought things to the table never seen before.

All things aside to sum it up FIFA doesn't bring anything to the table for me in pure gameplay, I can't get from PES 4/5/6 etc.. infact they are even a bit similar. PES 5 plays a bit like you sliders, but that is 10 years ago now almost. It still have the same age old issues.

You can't expect everyone to agree with you. Infact it's better at times to be unique and have your own view. It's your life, your experience! There is no such thing as missing out.
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