[Next Gen] Fifa 14 - General Discussion

I ended up throwing my pad across the bloody floor in anger, which is most unlike me. I played Everton at home, had 21 shots on goal to 1, lost 1-0. I hit the bar three times, Soldado missed two open goals - one, I charge the power at three quarters to lash the ball in and for some reason he stumbled into the ball and gave it away from three yards out then I aimed into the middle of an empty net, on assisted shooting nonetheless, and it bizarrely went wide. I also missed three one v ones where their keeper saved evey effort, then Everton went up the other end and Defoe, who I sold to them, scored a BYCICLE kick from 25 yards.


Seriously, I think you need to give it a break. You shouldn't play this everyday and for hours.:))

Seriously, I think you need to give it a break. You shouldn't play this everyday and for hours.:))

I've had enough of it now, anyways, it's getting boring very quickly. The AI constantly works the ball into the same area of the pitch, this little area just to the side of the six-yard box, so it can try and flip up a tiny cross into the middle. And I'm sick of every loose ball, clearance, goalmouth scramble falling perfectly for the opposition.

What is it with this year's football games? We've never had better technology and yet I've got fed up with both football games because they display traits from old games from decades ago. I mean in PES all the AI tried to do was work it wide and pass into the near post, again and again and again, it drove me up the wall. And in FIFA the game is absolutley OBSESSED with cross and headers.

I play loads of different games but I only ever rage at football games, frankly I think because both just leave a sour taste of screwing you over and really feel that you are playing against robots, more than any other genre.
Classic Suuuuupertalk :D


Me playing every other type of game = :D

Me playing football games = :RANT:

But seriously though I'm growing to absolutely detest the way the COM dribbles with the ball, I've never seen a real person do this ever. This constant high speed travelling one direction, then chopping back on the ball with the outside of the foot or the instep, constantly turning left and right, it's been in FIFA for far too long.

The thing is, in real life, if you turn on the ball one way, then check back the other way, then chop left on the ball, then back again, all you do is lose all your acceleration and momentum. Any defender will run in and take the ball off you with ease. But in FIFA, it's the opposite. The attacker can beat you by changing direction constantly, with their speed increasing rather than decreasing, and yet it's the defender who then loses all his momentum. There's no way that should be happening.

The other thing is how ridiculous the COM looks if you jockey them. You pretty much can't jockey in the penalty area because the COM has the ability to literally dribble 360 degrees in a complete circle, which totally throws off your jockeying player, and he hd a free run on goal. But seriously, how many times in real life do you see players beating the opposition through running around in circles? It looks stupid, frankly.
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Of course it's vital. It's one of the same reasons I'm not playing PES much either.

Well considering that we only in the last few years have had realistic physical interaction simulated in these games, I'm surprised that all of the sudden it's absolutely vital that it needs to be perfect. Because it's not as if there are no fouls, or a lack of physical contact, which would be a major problem. There's certainly fouling going on in my games, I see 2-3 yellow cards per game on average, the only real problem is that the ref doesn't recognize many collisions as fouls, and their is a bias against the user vs the CPU.

But gosh, vital? It's certainly important but I could think of a couple dozen things I'd consider a higher priority, though obviously that's personal preference, but like I said, it's not as if fouling is absent from the game and FIFA still plays a very physical brand of football. Personally I'd much rather have a football game that has accurate physical play with minor issues with the referees, rather than vice versas.

Well I can't. It's still not my cup of tea even though they've improved a few things a bit.

For the first time I'm not buying a Fifa game. Not because I'm implying it's the worst one, it's only because I've bought it every year and it still isn't what I want it to be. Plus I'm not throwing my money away like I used to; responsibilities etc. ;)

I hear ya, I just don't really get it. It lacks tactical depth, and I don't bother with online multiplayer, which I understand can cater to exploitable unrealistic play, but I've been playing football games for 25+ years and, from visuals to physics to AI, this is by far the most accurate depiction of the sport I've experienced.

If you can't enjoy this, at least if you're a single player who isn't committed to the PES brand, I struggle to see what major changes would need to happen for you to enjoy a next gen football game. Well, I guess if tactics are paramount, I could understand that, but what else is there that NG FIFA doesn't do well enough?
Another thing that absolutely got on my nuts was how the game to forces you to play a style.

You can't play Barca style holding the ball up and trying to dribble and shield the ball is not possible. Couple this with a stagnant AI you are forced to play the com wsnts you to.

Like I said there are numerous other issues I could write a book on them but why waste my time trying to convince people what I find wrong. Nor should you waste your time trying to convince me I am wrong.

Fifa is not for everyone and I doubt it will ever be.

Another comment that indicates that you probably didn't give the game enough a chance, or you're simply doing something wrong, 'cause you can absolutely without a doubt hold onto the ball Barca style. (Now if you'd had said a Barca-like pressing game, then yeah, you'd be more right.)

I mean, seriously, stagnant AI? Not being able to hold onto the ball and shield it? Forced to play only one way? I'd swear you haven't actually played this game. Improvements to the AI (especially in attack), hold-up play, and the variety, are three of this games strengths I'd say, not weaknesses.

Have you honestly played this game? You are aware that we're talking about next gen FIFA 14 right? Because it certainly doesn't sound like we're playing the same game.
I played on professional difficulty

If you can't hold onto possession and shield the ball on professional then you're most certainly doing something wrong.

And I would never recommend anyone play FIfA on pro difficulty for any length of time because it's so open and, well, easy, that it allows you to get away with so many things without ever truly learning the game or seeing the best out of the AI.
I've had enough of it now, anyways, it's getting boring very quickly. The AI constantly works the ball into the same area of the pitch, this little area just to the side of the six-yard box, so it can try and flip up a tiny cross into the middle. And I'm sick of every loose ball, clearance, goalmouth scramble falling perfectly for the opposition.

What is it with this year's football games? We've never had better technology and yet I've got fed up with both football games because they display traits from old games from decades ago. I mean in PES all the AI tried to do was work it wide and pass into the near post, again and again and again, it drove me up the wall. And in FIFA the game is absolutley OBSESSED with cross and headers.

I play loads of different games but I only ever rage at football games, frankly I think because both just leave a sour taste of screwing you over and really feel that you are playing against robots, more than any other genre.

What do you mean by OBSESSED with crosses and headers?

I'm curious because I've started to track CPU crossing stats, so that I can see how much the CPU pass error slider affects crossing, and in 18 games the CPU has attempted 76 crosses, completed 17 of them, scoring 3 goals. That equals to a 22% cross completion percentage, whereas the EPL average is 20%. So that's pretty spot-on.

Granted this is with the CPU error slider set at 55, but I can't imagine default being all that different. And I do have an awesome CM team, though this is on Legendary.

Me playing every other type of game = :D

Me playing football games = :RANT:

But seriously though I'm growing to absolutely detest the way the COM dribbles with the ball, I've never seen a real person do this ever. This constant high speed travelling one direction, then chopping back on the ball with the outside of the foot or the instep, constantly turning left and right, it's been in FIFA for far too long.

The thing is, in real life, if you turn on the ball one way, then check back the other way, then chop left on the ball, then back again, all you do is lose all your acceleration and momentum. Any defender will run in and take the ball off you with ease. But in FIFA, it's the opposite. The attacker can beat you by changing direction constantly, with their speed increasing rather than decreasing, and yet it's the defender who then loses all his momentum. There's no way that should be happening.

The other thing is how ridiculous the COM looks if you jockey them. You pretty much can't jockey in the penalty area because the COM has the ability to literally dribble 360 degrees in a complete circle, which totally throws off your jockeying player, and he hd a free run on goal. But seriously, how many times in real life do you see players beating the opposition through running around in circles? It looks stupid, frankly.

Are you using jockey in the penalty area? That's a recipe for getting burned, especially with default sliders. You simply can't stick with the CPU using jockey - only use jockey in low-risk areas.

I've found that on Pro difficulty, or playing against lower league teams, or sometimes with the right slider adjustments, you can get away with using jockey like that, but on default speed settings and on WC or Legendary, you've got to use contain. I don't like the feature but if you learn to use it the way it's intended to be used, it's actually very effective.

When defending, contain, contain, contain. And then use teammate contain. Defend the space and not the man.
Apologies I was playing on world class no slider adjustments

And mfmaxpowerfifadrone please don't insult my intelligence. Of course I am sure it's FIFA14 NG. When I said holdup play I meant holding the ball anywhere on the pitch particularly with A physically smaller team.

I don't have any time on the ball to try and find holes or play thinking football
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Well, I guess if tactics are paramount, I could understand that, but what else is there that NG FIFA doesn't do well enough?

You can't be serious
So lack of realistic ball Physics, lack of dribble technique, lack of momentum and inertia is fine.

Dude I am done reading this.

Enjoy your game don't worry about people who don't
Are you using jockey in the penalty area? That's a recipe for getting burned, especially with default sliders. You simply can't stick with the CPU using jockey - only use jockey in low-risk areas.

I've found that on Pro difficulty, or playing against lower league teams, or sometimes with the right slider adjustments, you can get away with using jockey like that, but on default speed settings and on WC or Legendary, you've got to use contain. I don't like the feature but if you learn to use it the way it's intended to be used, it's actually very effective.

When defending, contain, contain, contain. And then use teammate contain. Defend the space and not the man.

I try and contain but you end up not touching the ball for a full ten minutes of game time. I suppose the only option then is to increase the length of games because on 7 minute halves I just don't have time to watch the COM running round in circles and playing keep ball for half the game. I do try to contain though, just within reason.

As for containing in the penalty area, I really try not to but the COM does burn me regardless sometimes. If I contain it beats me by running around in a circle, if I don't then it's incredibly hard to win the ball by manually running up and tackling.
Apologies I was playing on world class no slider adjustments

And mfmaxpowerfifadrone please don't insult my intelligence. Of course I am sure it's FIFA14 NG. When I said holdup play I meant holding the ball anywhere on the pitch particularly with A physically smaller team.

I don't have any time on the ball to try and find holes or play thinking football

I have players like Eriksen, Lucas Moura, Hazard - not particularly big guys - who excel at holding onto the ball using LT/RT shielding. I score tons of goals with Eriksen specifically through manipulating his body in tight spots. I honestly don't see this as a problem.

Yes, when the CPU is playing aggressive you aren't given much time in your buildup play, which is realistically similar to high press in real football. But just like in real life, you can create time for yourself and beat the press, but you don't beat pressing game by holding onto the ball. And it's not as if the CPU plays a high press all the time.

And apologies, it wasn't intended as an insult of your intelligence but an expression of my surprise at your opinions.


You can't be serious
So lack of realistic ball Physics, lack of dribble technique, lack of momentum and inertia is fine.

Dude I am done reading this.

Enjoy your game don't worry about people who don't

All I can say is that you can't be serious about realistic ball physics and lack of momentum/inertia. I rarely see unrealistic ball physics and I find inertia in NG fifa to be very good, and a massive upgrade over previous fifas. And what's so wrong with the dribbling technique, whatever that's suppose to mean?

Ball physics have been solid in FIFA for years, so I can't imagine that being a real area of concern. Momentum and dribbling have been major areas of weakness in the past but I find both a joy in this game, though some defensive animations still exhibit some sliding and weird transitions.

It's just weird because you point out weaknesses that it seems most people consider strengths and improvements with NG FIFA.
I try and contain but you end up not touching the ball for a full ten minutes of game time. I suppose the only option then is to increase the length of games because on 7 minute halves I just don't have time to watch the COM running round in circles and playing keep ball for half the game. I do try to contain though, just within reason.

As for containing in the penalty area, I really try not to but the COM does burn me regardless sometimes. If I contain it beats me by running around in a circle, if I don't then it's incredibly hard to win the ball by manually running up and tackling.

I agree, it can be really frustrating. I play on 10 min halves and I wouldn't recommend less than that if you want the best out of the game.

But you do have another option!!!

The CPU's ability to retain possession is certainly one of, if not the, biggest imbalance in the game and probably the best argument of using an increased CPU error slider. Setting it at 60 will give the CPU a pass accuracy average of ~80%, which is the EPL average, and would really help ease your issues, at least as you learn and improve. You can always decrease the slider if it gets too easy.

Seriously, just make that one change and see if you don't enjoy the game more. Please, for the sake of all our sanity, help us by letting us help you.

And I've said it before but you've gotta make sure you're using the high press quick tactic and a high pressure custom tactics in situations where you need to get the ball back.
i dont really feel sorry for suppertalk since he will not use sliders...
i cannot fathom why he wont.. but to each his own.. i think slider are a great option to any game, regardless your feelings towards said games
Well I probably will use them but it seeing as most people's sliders seem to have greater error on the CPU's part, it doesn't detract from the fact that it's deliberately hamstringing the game to make it easier.

That said, before anyone gets offended, not my intention, but maybe you're right in that the CPU does need levelling off a bit. Max, I'll take your advice and try it with CPU pass error to 60 and leave mine at 50. And I'm now just playing full assisted controls except for crossing. I enjoy it more that way, I can still try and play realistically and it might yet level off the pass accuracy rates of both teams. And I'll increase the game lengths too.

As much as I've been bitterly moaning I do still appreciate everyone taking the time to help out. So cheers :)
The use of sliders vs the cpu, even against another human, is still a much needed thing in Fifa 14. Very glad the option is there, if not, the game would become unplayable very soon. CPU is just ridiculous on higher difficulties, default sliders.

Try it Suuper. Games are not made like they were years ago, when they were a challenge, and made with "love". Different beasts now.
The use of sliders vs the cpu, even against another human, is still a much needed thing in Fifa 14. Very glad the option is there, if not, the game would become unplayable very soon. CPU is just ridiculous on higher difficulties, default sliders.

Try it Suuper. Games are not made like they were years ago, when they were a challenge, and made with "love". Different beasts now.

Completely agree. I would have stopped playing FIFA after about a week if it didn't have sliders. And the lack of sliders in PES is probably the main reason I don't play it at all.

Once the cpu starts cheating and ignoring stats to boost itself, in PES, you just have to sit there and take it, so I always ended up turning it off in disgust after about half a match. With FIFA, you can control the cpu cheating. You can customise the game to be the way you want it and not have to be stuck with the way the developer decided to make it, with it's stupid boss-mode cpu. With PES, you're stuck with it, with FIFA, you can control it.

Yes, you can end up spending ages tinkering with the sliders, but I've personally found a balance that I like and makes the game very playable for me. I also don't feel that I must play on the hardest level - the cpu is bound to to be heavily boosted.
Sliders shouldn't be compulsory in the first place. It should be treated as developer's tool, totally optional. Unfortunately the way the default AI is set-up you have no choice but to play around with those sliders. I don't think anybody should applaud the developers too much in this regard.
They are optional. If world class all manual is too hard for example you can simply go down to professional or play world class semi/auto. Sliders let you balance the game to your personal preference without having to overly compromise yourself. I will certainly applaud any developer who includes as many ways as possible to tweak/modify the gameplay, I buy the game to play it how I want it, how I enjoy it, not how some random person somewhere else in the world decides I "should" be playing my football games.
They are optional. If world class all manual is too hard for example you can simply go down to professional or play world class semi/auto. Sliders let you balance the game to your personal preference without having to overly compromise yourself. I will certainly applaud any developer who includes as many ways as possible to tweak/modify the gameplay, I buy the game to play it how I want it, how I enjoy it, not how some random person somewhere else in the world decides I "should" be playing my football games.

Exactly. Being against the idea of sliders is being against the idea of giving more game customization options to the gamer, which is just moronic.

Would you also like just one difficulty setting? One camera view? No options to configure your button layout?

I would think that if one thing is blatantly obvious from participating in a community like evo-web is that gamers have a wide variety of preferences. Obviously the goal should always be to provide the highest quality experience possible on default settings but providing options that allow gamers to adjust settings - whatever settings those may be - is only a good thing.
As expected, any opinion which is regarded as 'unpopular' by two or three vocal fanboys will instantly shot down with smarmy remarks (ex. moronic). I don't even think my old post contain any slightest hint of engaging, confronting tone. It's frustrating when you try to be nice, not to break the ToS, all of the sudden some random dude picking on you for no reason.

And how could you say it is optional when you yourself recommend others your custom sliders to get the most out of the game? It's only natural to think the developer could do better without leaving the user to tweak the AI behaviour by themselves. FIFA is not the only game that include sliders. NASCAR (Papyrus) dated more than a decade ago also included built-in AI sliders and telemetry. But I don't recall the community having to tweaks a lot since the preset difficulties are already good to go.

I'm not against customizations. But there are the basics, fundamental part of any game shouldn't be left to the user to be dealt with. Sliders in FIFA is only optional in theory, but the reality is the defaults are too unbalanced. In the end user have no choice but to tweak the sliders.
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As expected, any opinion which is regarded as 'unpopular' by two or three vocal fanboys will instantly shot down with smarmy remarks (ex. moronic). I don't even think my old post contain any slightest hint of engaging, confronting tone. It's frustrating when you try to be nice, not to break the ToS, all of the sudden some random dude picking on you for no reason.

And how could you say it is optional when you yourself recommend others your custom sliders to get the most out of the game? It's only natural to think the developer could do better without leaving the user to tweak the AI behaviour by themselves. FIFA is not the only game that include sliders. NASCAR (Papyrus) dated more than a decade ago also included built-in AI sliders and telemetry. But I don't recall the community having to tweaks a lot since the preset difficulties are already good to go.

I'm not against customizations. But there are the basics, fundamental part of any game shouldn't be left to the user to be dealt with. Sliders in FIFA is only optional in theory, but the reality is the defaults are too unbalanced. In the end user have no choice but to tweak the sliders.

I see you point. Its a great one because it's something which has been apparent since FIFA 12 and now with FIFA 1 it shows sliders is killing offline FIFA, not because they are there, not it's people using sliders to make up for EA's incompetence.

Sliders for this game are only a good thing but cannot be used as a pathetic scapegoat to hide the game's glaring problems. Regardless of the settings you implement the flaws will still be there.

What is indefensible from anyone is simply this:

Many games ave included sliders to change and manipulate the gameplay.

The best way to implement the sliders is when a company takes the time to test the sliders out and actually provide some preset slider setups which are orientated to produce a certain type of gameplay with explications.

I won't even talk about NBA 2K. I remember Smackdown 7 i think or Smackdown 2007 with Triple H on the cover, that had sliders and importantly had presets so if you wanted an

'Arcade', 'Casual', 'Hardcore', or the other few presets they where available and also you could tweak from the presets to get your perfect gameplay for yourself.

That shows a company which understands its game and has implemented the sliders and tested it's game so it gives a desired output. Why is this important. Simple, it's a game, its designed to be 'mastered' The default settings is important because people play on them to get as good as possible on the game itself. Then after mastering the game change sliders to suit them. It's very important to understand the basic game setting to understand the core faults and strengths.

Now, as you know, EA have not done this, simply because they cannot be bothered. Nothing is stopping them from putting an effort into their offline game, quite literally after FIFA 13, they have done absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever apart from add in a horrible broken inertia/momentum system into the game since last year. Making the game even more restricted and scripted than before. To understand this further, they didn't even bother to edit the AI is they themselves had the new momentum and inertia applied in a even basic realistic way. The game on the default settings is so unbalanced it's ridiculous.

The AI still play in the exact way as they did 8 years ago on FIFA 08, all play like an army of Zidane clones, pass, pass, pass, maybe a long through ball depending on the custom tactics. Every AI attack, actual attempt on your goal is a pre-scripted hence why the AI always score the same goals from the same positions, there is no AI intelligence here. Same way the AI automatically backs off you regardless of the player you select once you hit L2 (slow dribbling).

EA's focus is online, it's on the kids and ultimate team, EA know they don't have to worry about offline since people now say 'use sliders' (use sliders for about a week till you master that setting,t hen change it, change it again, then again, again). Offline the game has been a shambles for years, yes i think the sliders are good that they are actually there, despite them not actually adding any realism to game physically since they don't tie into the stats properly, instead they increase and decrease the percentage of 'success' or 'fail' for things regarding accuracy at complete random. Regardless of your angle, ability, if you set passing error to higher than 50 regardless of you or the AI, the player has on every occasion he passes a random chance from a certain percentage of getting the pass right or wrong.

Essential: You could be off balance and stretching for a ball but you have the same percent chance to make pass as when your 5 yards away on balance. So the big problems with every match feeling the same never goes away as per usual.

That is how pretty much all of the functions in the game work. Same even on what was manual controls, which is now just as scripted and restrictive as assisted. I play this game against friends on PC now, played next gen vs a mate here in oz, the times I've tired this offline, so much has got worse over the years!
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