[Next Gen] Fifa 14 - General Discussion

Stuff like your tip earlier about using backspin by pushing back on the stick? Football games have a strange history of not being clear on their controls!

Hmm not sure! I'll try to think while I'm playing of any useful tips!

I do use super cancel a lot to defend rather than using the contain button, not sure if that helps!
I just played my first full manual game last night and was absolutely blown away. Enjoyed it even though I got trashed 4-0. Placebo any idea what tweaks I should make to your sliders in order to use them on professional or should I just keep them as is?
I don't want to adjust CPU sliders to be honest, once I get into that whole area I'll end up spending more time mucking around with them than enjoying the game.

That said, I've been fine with it up until this last week. I've only been playing friendlies with random teams, but I've generally done okay - won some, drawn a lot, lost some.

But this past couple of weeks, it's as if the COM has gotten a whole lot more aggressive. It hasn't as there hasn't been a patch, but it feels that way. The game is starting to thrash me almost every time. I just turned it off when I went 4-0 down against a lesser team.

I can barely score at the moment either. Once I get to the final third, all my players seem to just stand around doing nothing, being man-marked. And at the other end, I can't stop the COM from scoring, particularly in the last ten minutes. It feels like the game just scores when it wants and you can't do anything to stop it.

It's a great game, the AI on World Class is amazing, but I'm not enjoying it because I'm so bad at it. I can't even contemplate doing a Career Mode because I'd get sacked.

So I dunno. I did okay at the game at first, thought it's fine, I'll improve the more I play and learn the game, but I'm not improving at it at all. I'm now getting thrashed every other game. I mean I lost 8-0 yesterday, and twice switched the game off tonight when I went 3-0 and 4-0 down respectively. Switching it down to Professional level just doesn't have the same feel to it, so I'm not sure what to do with the game at the moment, because getting hammered all the time isn't much fun.

Well I play with the default settings (except for injuries) and I find the game an absolute joy. I did just yesterday move up to Legendary, so we'll see if I stay at default, but so far so good.

That said, personally I kinda think you have to make slider adjustments if you're going to play with manual settings, especially on the higher difficulties. Unless you're just awesome which, no offense, it doesn't sound like you are.

If you're going to stick with manual, you should really try different slider settings. Personally I prefer Orion's settings over at Operation Sports, but you could obviously try Placebo's too. You could try both, pick which you like the most, and just promise yourself you're not going to tinker with them.

You could also just take a break from playing manual for a while. Moving back to assisted can allow you to focus on other aspects of the game and allow you to keep playing the game while limiting the stress, and it might allow you to better recognize what you've been doing poorly. (I actually did this and I just haven't gone back to manual because I've been having so much fun on the default settings.)

You might also try actually playing on Legendary for a bit. If you think the AI on World Class is amazing, then you'll be blown away by it on Legendary. It's pretty awesome but in some ways the game is a little easier because it forces you to play smarter and more conservative. Playing on Legendary might help reboot your FIFA skills.

Last, taking a break from FIFA when it gets terribly frustrating is always an effective thing to do. Sometimes taking a few days or a week off is the best answer, and then when you come back the game feels so much easier to play.

(Also, there's no shame in starting a CM before you think you're ready. In fact, I would recommend it as it plays different than exhibition. Just do what I did and run a few "test" CMs. In my first, with Spurs on World Class, I got fired within a couple months. In my second with Chelsea, I made it past Christmas before getting fired. In my third, again with Chelsea, I finished in fourth in my first season, won the League in the second, and now starting in the third season I've just moved up to Legendary. So don't stress, you'll get better.)
(Also, there's no shame in starting a CM before you think you're ready. In fact, I would recommend it as it plays different than exhibition. Just do what I did and run a few "test" CMs. In my first, with Spurs on World Class, I got fired within a couple months. In my second with Chelsea, I made it past Christmas before getting fired. In my third, again with Chelsea, I finished in fourth in my first season, won the League in the second, and now starting in the third season I've just moved up to Legendary. So don't stress, you'll get better.)

Yep that's excellent advice and it definitely does play out differently, not least because form is such an influencing factor, neutral/positive form and you can beat the world, negative form and you struggle to pass the ball, being on a bad run of results in CM is a realistic nightmare that sometimes you need a scrappy 0-0 to break :)
Thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate it.

I've scrapped manual for the time being, I'm back on semi with manual through ball and long pass. I got hammered by Valencia in my first game, they kept just slaloming past me doing that high speed dribble where they constantly 'chop' the ball when changing direction. Second game, I actually won 1-0. I think the COM might not be so high speed on the ball if I let up on the direction stick a bit so I can change direction a bit quicker too, even when not sprinting, hard on the stick makes players move faster than going gently with it.

I also went back to the default camera and I seem to be much better with it than Tele broadcast, which is bizarre. Oh well, at least you see the lovely crowds and stadiums a lot more!

Oh and a quick mention of he backspin on long passes. It really does work. It turns a long pass into a viable option, I think pushing the stick back towards you does two things - adds backspin, and also brings the lone forward back towards the ball before it arrives to him (as you can move a player towards the ball as it approaches). I'm winning a lot more flick-ons this way.
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Hi all, Just been prompted to download a 490meg update (xbox one). Any idea whats in it?.
@Suuuuupertalk Your case sounds like a classic example of OCPD more than anything. Don't worry it's not an insult, just a common anxiety disorders. Most sportsmen have the same issue as well, especially for racer. Some people attributed it to superstitious but to me it's more about psychological.

I myself can spend hours on editing the sliders and tactics in both FIFA and PES in one go. Sometime more than playing the game itself, but in the end i always end up with the default because the 'uneasy' feeling of not getting the most out of the game.
Just played first game since update. Seemed to play a little different to me. Probably just me though.

I thought the game might have been a little faster-paced after the PS4 update, in that the COM was passing with a much more direct attitude. Less keep-ball, more counter attacking. Not sure if I was just imagining it though as no-one else had mentioned it, and there certainly don't seem to be any gameplay changes in the patch notes.

It'll be interesting to see if the XBO update screws with early evening lighting though, it's still broken on the PS4 version.
@Suuuuupertalk Your case sounds like a classic example of OCPD more than anything. Don't worry it's not an insult, just a common anxiety disorders. Most sportsmen have the same issue as well, especially for racer. Some people attributed it to superstitious but to me it's more about psychological.

I myself can spend hours on editing the sliders and tactics in both FIFA and PES in one go. Sometime more than playing the game itself, but in the end i always end up with the default because the 'uneasy' feeling of not getting the most out of the game.

When sliders came out for FIFA 12 I thought it was brilliant, but yeah, I totally admit it, if I start messing around with stuff like that then I can't leave it alone and end up trying to get the perfect slider set up. On FIFA 12 I kept changing my mind, as well as finding issues with the core gameplay when altering them, to the point where I realised I was barely enjoying the game as I spent my time looking for issues resulting from my own changes.

I resolved this time around to just enjoy the game out of the box as I'm terrible with sliders and settings etc. fortunately I'm loving the game out of the box. The only things I've altered are injury settings and increasing first touch error to 65 for both teams, which is perfect for me.

But yeah, I see what you're saying. I'd personally prefer to play the game rather than trying to improve it, and ultimately constantly changing settings all the time. But full respect to the likes of Placebo who do make changes and who share those with others.
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On XB1 the game is a mess atm, u cant play online friendlies while in a party, if anyone enters the party the game crashes back to the dashboard for everyone inside the party LOL. Evan if u try to invite a friend for an online friendly the same crash happens... not to mention the toons of times u try to invite someone and the invite never reaches the person.

Yup. Incredibly annoying.
I think the invites are delayed, for whatever reason. Gifting things also produces the same effect. Being in game and joining a party, trying to turn party chat on, more often than not will not allow you to turn party chat on. But that happens with any game, unless they fixed it.
What's in this update? If anyone knows.
The patch notes are as follows:

Some stability issues when entering Online matches.
Some cases where users with large friends lists can’t access certain Online features.
Allows the Goalkeeper in Clubs mode to change camera angles.
Modifications to a couple of camera angles in specific stadiums to improve playability.
Ensures the Brazuca match ball appears properly in FUT once redeemed in the EAS FC Catalogue.
Resolves some Online issues regarding match invites.
Improvements to some Kinect Global Speech Commands.
Occurrences of mismatched roster names in Seasons matches.
Virtual Pro Ball Skills varying from match to match.
Random list appearing instead of Friends Clubs list in Pro Clubs.
TBH I haven't noticed any similar problems on the PS4, can you upload a screenshot along with repro steps?

I'll try tomorrow. Basically if you select a kick off time at dusk, say around 7.30 onwards, the players in shade are a weird, almost silver colour. It looks really bizarre, and wasn't happening before the last patch.

On another note, I changed player auto switching from none to high in controller settings, I'm not fully sure what it does but my defending has instantly got a lot better. In fact I actually won a few games tonight!
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Brilliant game design/testing from EA. Zlatan just retired half way through the 2016 European Championships! WTF??? I managed to win a group containing Wales (3-0), Portugal (1-1) and Italy (1-1), next match is Spain, technically it runs into the new season, so I got an Email saying Zlatan Ibrahimovic had retired and they dragged another forward out of the Swedish pool of players. Gutted as he was my top scorer with 3 goals!
This is seriously pissing me off tonight, had to leave it. I think I lost six games in a row 1-0. Didn't score a single goal. Every game followed the same pattern. I dominate, get caught out by a lobbed ball over the top of my defence, go 1-0 down followed by the entire game with me trying to open up the COM defence, passing the ball sideways then back again as my fellow attackers stand around making virtually no runs. I alter tactics, player tactics, formations, nothing works.

But the game finds a way to score regardless. If I manage to defend the lobbed ball over the top, they score from some desperately lucky triple deflection that falls perfectly into an attacker's path in front of goal.

I dunno what's happened with this. It played so much more fairly, now it's increasingly feeling like old gen FIFA in some respects. Something's changed since the patch, the opposition now close the ball down much more aggressively and ping the ball around quicker too. And one of my favourite aspects to this game was actually that clearances no longer went straight to the COM players, now they seem laser guided straight to the COM every time.
Just went back to it and switched off after going 3-0 down inside half an hour. I hit the crossbar twice their keeper pulled off a quadruple reflex save, and they scored three breakwaway goals down to random clearances from their own box turning into pinpoint accurate passes and runs on goal.
Sounds like you need a break. I speak from experience when I say sometimes the problem is not the game.

I was getting extremely frustrated with the game before Christmas. Didn't play for a couple weeks around the holidays, came back and now I've had to move up Legendary because World Class was too easy. Go figure.
Just went back to it and switched off after going 3-0 down inside half an hour. I hit the crossbar twice their keeper pulled off a quadruple reflex save, and they scored three breakwaway goals down to random clearances from their own box turning into pinpoint accurate passes and runs on goal.

Same as FIFA always was
As many of here have stated FIFA still has the same core problems, it's worth noting so maybe one day ea will fix. The clearance bug has been a bad bad one for many years

Except it really doesn't and Suuuuupertalk's problems essentially stem from his refusal to adapt the game to his preferences (as we've tried to point out to him a number of times). The experiences he seems to be having are not the experiences I and many others who're being rewarded from a few minutes of tweaking are having. For example the AI never, ever exploits lobbed through balls against me, I am never caught out at the back like that and I play on Legendary and the AI builds up fairly slowly (except for long ball teams) with good passing and movement, they certainly don't exploit the same tactics over and over against me.

Have you played next gen Fifa14 with tweaked sliders on all manual on World Class/Legendary? If not your opinion is merit-less in this thread.
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I'm just shite at the game. I generally don't concede the same goals over and over but I did last night for some reason. I've noticed a pattern with lobbed through balls, it doesn't work against me for ages then I'll randomly play a game where the COM does it repeatedly. Really strange.

My main problem though is getting players to move off the ball, I notice the COM movement is brilliant, it drags me all over the place, but most of the time my players just stand around, it's all very static in the final third. That's will top teams on default tactics, and then when I alter them it doesn't make that much difference. I lost 1-0 against Hull as Chelsea last night three times in a row, they just packed their defence and I couldn't break it down. My only chances came from errors rather than good build up play.

At the end of the day it's all down to me being rubbish with the game though!
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