Next Gen Consoles

Some funny shit being posted in this thread.

What was the pic all about from TG with "No Comment", whats he trying to gloat about? the inside of the PS4 looks better?... wow :LOL:

and the interview and quotes that airjoca and Honome posted. Mike Wong!?!?! saying the PS4 is better :LOL: and a Metro Reporter fanboy adding [acting very embarrassed] and [still feeling very awkward] to most of the response to put a negative spin on the Xbox :LOL:

You guys love scouring the internet for bad things about the Xbox dont ya? Why don't you add some PS4 things as well and this thread would be a happier thread rather than Fanboys go wild.
One game sizes:

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - 20GB
Battlefield 4 - Currently not on the marketplace
Call of Duty: Ghosts - 39GB
Crimson Dragon
Dead Rising 3 - 19GB
FIFA 14 - 8GB
Fighter Within
Forza Motorsport 5 - 31GB
Just Dance 2014 - 22GB
Killer Instinct - 2.4GB (Source)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Lococycle - 13GB
Madden NFL 25 - 12GB
NBA 2K14 - 43GB
NBA Live 14 - 9GB
Need for Speed: Rivals
Powerstar Golf
Ryse: Son of Rome - 34GB
Skylanders: Swap Force - 15GB
Xbox Fitness
Zoo Tycoon
Zumba: World Party - 24GB
Some funny shit being posted in this thread.

What was the pic all about from TG with "No Comment", whats he trying to gloat about? the inside of the PS4 looks better?... wow :LOL:

Wasn't sure what that was all about either. Those images of the internals are of little significance really.

I know TG is a massive Sony fanboy but no need to become a parody of himself.
No harm in what TG posted and no need for a comment really as the images and those associated with them speak for themselves. He's obviously an admirer of quality kit as are a lot of people and Sony's engineering is a lot more remarkable than Microsoft's. This is to be expected though as that's Sony's bread and butter whereas Microsoft's is software.
TG implied that Japanese Engineering > American Size


The images don't imply that at all. We know the XB1 is bigger than the PS4 and have done for some time. Will most consumers care? I don't think so. The 360 was a hefty console with a massive power brick but it did rather well.

The interior of the PS4 looks neater, but as above, who cares?
The images don't imply that at all. We know the XB1 is bigger than the PS4 and have done for some time. Will most consumers care? I don't think so. The 360 was a hefty console with a massive power brick but it did rather well.

The interior of the PS4 looks neater, but as above, who cares?

Hardcore gamers don't but clueless fathers who wanna grab one for his child may care..
Lucky gamer gets his xbox banned....

Welcome to always online everyone!

Btw, not a dig at the xbox (the tagline just works out well), but I find it crazy that people who have bought an item legally and are posting harmless info online can get it banned! Wouldn't put it past Sony either to pull this sh!t, utterly ridiculous!
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I'm not all too fussed about these next-gen early releases. I know it won't be smooth sailing. The potential won't be realized in short time frame.

The only new title that i look forward to is Rambo. It's not even on next-gen, it's a budget rail-shooter. I feel like a hipster..
Lucky gamer gets his xbox banned....

Welcome to always online everyone!

Btw, not a dig at the xbox (the tagline just works out well), but I find it crazy that people who have bought an item legally and are posting harmless info online can get it banned! Wouldn't put it past Sony either to pull this sh!t, utterly ridiculous!

Sony came out today and said they wouldn't.
Their pr has been so easy this time....just let ms shoot themselves in the foot and then say "we wont do that". But they shouldnt be getting any credit for doing what is so obviously sensible.

How scared are MS?! Did the guy even post anything that wasnt already posted by MS themselves? And data sizes for games cant be the reason.
Their pr has been so easy this time....just let ms shoot themselves in the foot and then say "we wont do that". But they shouldnt be getting any credit for doing what is so obviously sensible.

How scared are MS?! Did the guy even post anything that wasnt already posted by MS themselves? And data sizes for games cant be the reason.

Indeed. Microsoft's messaging and PR has been awful with the Xbox One. If Microsoft can get out of its own way I think the console will be great.
Fifa is the same size on current and next gen, that should be a clue about how different they are...

Agree. It seems that it will only be a port from the Fifa 14 CG with the new "ignate some shit", same bullshit from EA year after year, no surprise in that. After seeing NBA2K videos EA should be enbarassed about their NG games and i doubt they will release any further info/videos until they are released.
In FIFAs case, they bumped the resolution from 720 to 1080p, added the 3d crowds, and it seems that only 6 stadiums have the exterior and outside surroundings modelled.

Player models look the same, as well as gameplay.
Lucky gamer gets his xbox banned....

Welcome to always online everyone!

Btw, not a dig at the xbox (the tagline just works out well), but I find it crazy that people who have bought an item legally and are posting harmless info online can get it banned! Wouldn't put it past Sony either to pull this sh!t, utterly ridiculous!

Major Nelson got in touch with the guy and told him it's a temporary ban until release.
Ridiculous. Still no reason for even a temporary ban. Should be thankin' the guy for spending $500 to purchase the thing. Weak sauce.
In FIFAs case, they bumped the resolution from 720 to 1080p, added the 3d crowds, and it seems that only 6 stadiums have the exterior and outside surroundings modelled.

Player models look the same, as well as gameplay.

+ new presentation + a bit more cloth movment = good enough to me for a 1st NG launch ;) (way better than the first fifa onthe 360)
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The images don't imply that at all. We know the XB1 is bigger than the PS4 and have done for some time. Will most consumers care? I don't think so. The 360 was a hefty console with a massive power brick but it did rather well.

The interior of the PS4 looks neater, but as above, who cares?


There's a few in here seemingly posting stuff just to show one console has one up on the other.

Showing the innards as a comparison is the most blatant fanboy post I've ever seen. Homeone and airjoca need to step up there game :LMAO:
In terms of engineering obviously all that matters is will it be reliable? Well it be quiet? Then the next one is how much electricity will it use, then and only then are things like size and whether the PSU is internal/external are important.

I'm as pro PS4 as anyone but trolling about the innards of the console is pathetic.
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