Next Gen Consoles

Forza 4 was one big piss-take of a cash cow and Forza 5 looks to take this to the next level.

Some people will be able to justify paying the cost of the game again for a few extra car packs, but to me this has crossed a line and I hope gamers make a stand against it. The whole season pass thing is really cynical in my opinion.

I love good DLC that adds to a game but I cannot stand this concept of leaving content out of the retail product in order to rinse the customer further down the line.
The worst is pre-order DLC and those stupid season passes, some which don't even give you all of the DLC and cause confusion like Borderlands 2.

Oh and don't forget Capcom and on their on-disc DLC.
The worst is pre-order DLC and those stupid season passes, some which don't even give you all of the DLC and cause confusion like Borderlands 2.

Oh, Forza 4 did that too. The season pass didn't cover all the DLC.

Turn 10 really piss me off to be honest. They remind me of EA. Dan Greenawalt talks a lot of PR shit like Rutter, they love all the buzzwords, shiny cars and flashy presentations, but underneath all that the game is a pretty shallow money-making machine.
I really enjoyed the Forza series and this game was the one reason I ever contemplated going with an XB1, but this is a laughable package considering how expensive next-gen games are. No weather system, no night races, no storefront, only fourteen tracks, and a DLC system that will probably cost £40-50.

That's pushing £100 for one game. I think this kind of thing might end up being the reason I end up switching to PC or stopping playing games entirely. I have my limits, and this kind of pricing is way past the realms of value for money.
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Was just remembering the rumours going round that the Xbone had a second hidden, secret GPU which would make it win the power war, turned out to be bollocks didn't it? Wonder if that was MS trying to drum up sales...
I really dont get all this talk of whats best.

At the end of the day, buy one, turn it on and enjoy it. If you dont like it or want one then dont buy one.

Ive read so much shit in this thread about who has the biggest cock and PC users have also tried butting in. Piss off to your own thread.

In the end there wont be much difference apart from the money side.

That is all.
I really dont get all this talk of whats best.

At the end of the day, buy one, turn it on and enjoy it. If you dont like it or want one then dont buy one.

Ive read so much shit in this thread about who has the biggest cock and PC users have also tried butting in. Piss off to your own thread.

In the end there wont be much difference apart from the money side.

That is all.

What? So PC users can't have an opinion on a console now?
Was just remembering the rumours going round that the Xbone had a second hidden, secret GPU which would make it win the power war, turned out to be bollocks didn't it? Wonder if that was MS trying to drum up sales...

It's in the cloud!
Just got a call from Game.

Going in Tuesday night to pay for the 2 Xbox1's and discuss bundles. They then give me receipt and i walk in on day of release and just pick them up. Walk right by the queuing peeps!
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