- 29 July 2010
Sorry if this has already been discussed but, while I know 1080p is what we're expecting/hoping with the next gen consoles, has it been confirmed anywhere that FIFA (and eventually PES) will run at 1080p?
Went ahead and pre-ordered a PS4 today. Though I had both consoles, I preferred Xbox this gen, mostly because of the controller, so I'm really hoping this redesigned dualshock is more comfortable (the current DS is too small for me, feels like a toy, and causes cramping with extended use).
Ultimately for me the decision came down to really just being interested in a gaming machine first and foremost, the price, not giving a shit about Kinect, and the exclusives. MS exclusives don't excite me at all. Ryse looks cool, if generic, but all the quicktime deters me.
Went ahead and pre-ordered a PS4 today. Though I had both consoles, I preferred Xbox this gen, mostly because of the controller, so I'm really hoping this redesigned dualshock is more comfortable (the current DS is too small for me, feels like a toy, and causes cramping with extended use).
Ultimately for me the decision came down to really just being interested in a gaming machine first and foremost, the price, not giving a shit about Kinect, and the exclusives. MS exclusives don't excite me at all. Ryse looks cool, if generic, but all the quicktime deters me.