Next Gen Consoles

Nobody has a problem with using PC hardware which closely matches what the final console hardware will be, the issue is MS using an Nvidia gfx card for one and for two a gfx card which seems to be significantly higher spec than the AMD gfx card the Xbone will ship with.

But this is also to allow games to look better because they are still in development and haven't had there full visual and power finalized or even worked out yet if you know what i mean, so its a trade off most of the time to get a demo ready for e3, gamescom etc.

You know the reality of things that In a year and a half these games will all be bargain basement and look horrible like most early release titles lol.
Will be at least 2years for developers like Bethesda to realize the full potential of the new consoles with games like fallout 4 etc
Posted by editor of IGN on Facebook lol

@DMC_Ryan: I'm starting to think @MitchyD and I should do a Mythbusters-type article for next-gen game development, e.g. games being demoed on PCs, etc
Ultimately people aren't basing their next console purchase on what the games look like - at this stage they look much the same, and it'll take a year after launch for the tech gap between the two to make a difference. The huge difference in pre-order numbers is down to everything else surrounding the two consoles - even if this WAS deception (which it isn't) rather than the devs trying to better represent how optimised code would run, the X1 having slightly better LOD or smoother frame rates than it should do wouldn't make much of a difference.
I can't decide Xbox is future proof and has a much better line up of games and so far better proven online Eco system .
PS3 cheaper most of the same games more power but with a less online capable system
Tried to pre order a ps4 today and was told that they've had that many so far that they can't guarantee I'd get one on release day because they don't know how many they'll be sent. I had the same thing happen when I got a 360 on launch but luckily I'd got in early enough, I lost count of the number of people who got turned away. Some woman was cursing the staff saying they've just ruined her 8 year old Christmas because she told him she was getting him one tonight.
I can't decide Xbox is future proof and has a much better line up of games and so far better proven online Eco system .
PS3 cheaper most of the same games more power but with a less online capable system

Don't follow on the first two points? What do you mean by future proof? And surely the insinuation is that PS4 isn't - eh?

As for the better line-up of games. I guess this is subjective. MS have gone for it a bit more in terms of the launch titles, but long term it's extremely unlikely MS will equal or better Sony's offerings over the course of the generation, or even the first three years. Ryse and KI will be poor, Dead Rising 3 should be very good, Forza is a great series. But beyond that? Have to agree with EG. It's cookie cutter Xbox gameplay stuff. All very Michael Bay. I know some will love more of the same, and be excited by space marines and arcade blasters and the like, but considering my next console is a long term investment (I can't really justify two consoles) I'm far more interested in staying with Naughty Dog alone, never mind all the other first party studios who are making grown up titles for Sony. It'll be interesting to see how Project Spark and the TV tie-in game do, but I'll just watch them from the other side of the fence rather than bet any money on them filling such a huge gap in the XBox games library.
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That tv tie in, quantum theory? on a rev3games video they said the tv show comes on the disc with the game and you watch and play between them.
As good as the game could be, which is anyone's guess, the idea of having to stop to watch a tv episode is a turn off. Metal gears cut scenes are bad enough already, I don't need 30 minute breaks after each game section.

Project spark, again with rev3, they said they got some hands in play with it but to get anything out of the game you need to sit at it for hours. I'm sure some will make some great things like with little big planet, but I don't think I have the time or patience.
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Sunset overdrive, Titanfall and halo (not a halo fan)
Not interested in Ryse or KI.
What I mean by future proof is I mean Xbox live and the cloud are ready for online always on especially as broadband is going to spread.
PSN or any Japanese company for that matter just don't get online services and gaming and using the cloud saying its coming in 2014 was just a response to Microsoft they probably didn't even think about it.

Ppl whine about always on broadband bet everyone who reads this has a PS3 or 360 that's always connected and the 24 hours connection anyone here not had Internet for 24 hours that wasn't there fault or involved power failure.

But like I said before very attracted by PS3 price.
But not a hater like previous ppl on here and try and prove a close minded decision with jokes and false info
Sunset overdrive, Titanfall and halo (not a halo fan)
Not interested in Ryse or KI.
What I mean by future proof is I mean Xbox live and the cloud are ready for online always on especially as broadband is going to spread.
PSN or any Japanese company for that matter just don't get online services and gaming and using the cloud saying its coming in 2014 was just a response to Microsoft they probably didn't even think about it.

Ppl whine about always on broadband bet everyone who reads this has a PS3 or 360 that's always connected and the 24 hours connection anyone here not had Internet for 24 hours that wasn't there fault or involved power failure.

But like I said before very attracted by PS3 price.
But not a hater like previous ppl on here and try and prove a close minded decision with jokes and false info

For me you are also a fanboy since you keep calling the PS4 of PS3.
Sunset overdrive, Titanfall and halo (not a halo fan)
Not interested in Ryse or KI.
What I mean by future proof is I mean Xbox live and the cloud are ready for online always on especially as broadband is going to spread.
PSN or any Japanese company for that matter just don't get online services and gaming and using the cloud saying its coming in 2014 was just a response to Microsoft they probably didn't even think about it.

Ppl whine about always on broadband bet everyone who reads this has a PS3 or 360 that's always connected and the 24 hours connection anyone here not had Internet for 24 hours that wasn't there fault or involved power failure.

But like I said before very attracted by PS3 price.
But not a hater like previous ppl on here and try and prove a close minded decision with jokes and false info

Um... So much of this post is utterly spurious. Saying it's coming in 2014 was just a response to Microsoft?? What did you think would have happened otherwise?

How is a system that doesn't need to connect to the Internet 24/7 not futureproof? Are you saying PSN won't be able to cope with that many consoles connected at once? Surely not...

Games-wise - Titanfall is a perfect example of what I meant. When it comes out on PS4 (it's almost definitely a timed exclusive) I won't be buying it. Sunset Overdrive looks a bit lame to me, though to be fair I've only seen the trailer, no gameplay or any indication of how the game actually plays. Halo's a big title for year 1.
Ppl whine about always on broadband bet everyone who reads this has a PS3 or 360 that's always connected and the 24 hours connection anyone here not had Internet for 24 hours that wasn't there fault or involved power failure.

Don't mind being connected 24/7, but what I definitely mind is needing that connection to play my offline game. It does happen that I forget paying my bill from time to time and I'm left online-less all night. Don't want that turning my xbone into a massive shiny black brick. That's not very convenient. Why can't it just verify once and be done? Why the need for daily checks?

But like I said before very attracted by PS3 price.
But not a hater like previous ppl on here and try and prove a close minded decision with jokes and false info
Aren't you doing the same here? Throwing around assumptions like they're facts doesn't help.
Sony didn't say the cloud is coming 2014, they said they will be rolling out the backwards compatability (which it isn't) gaikai streaming of old ps1, ps2 and ps3 games. The cloud already exists for uploading your save files.

All the smoke and mirrors about this 3x the power with the cloud. Digital foundry looked at their claims and with speeds as they are, or even will be the next 10 years, it's practically useless for anything other than calculating time of day and setting the lighting correctly for everyone.
Rev3games said they attended a closed doors event where they talked about the cloud and they showed off a demo where they had all the asteroids in space accurately modelled and spaced out. They moved around the space looking around then turned the Xbox off.... The cloud though remembered where you were and where everything was and kept it all moving in real time so when they turned it back on it displayed the correct image right away.

I'm sure this type of stuff is done already with your consoles time of day, it's just that it needs to be programmed in that at this time, lighting will be here etc so it loads correctly.
Sunset overdrive, Titanfall and halo (not a halo fan)
Not interested in Ryse or KI.
What I mean by future proof is I mean Xbox live and the cloud are ready for online always on especially as broadband is going to spread.
PSN or any Japanese company for that matter just don't get online services and gaming and using the cloud saying its coming in 2014 was just a response to Microsoft they probably didn't even think about it.

Ppl whine about always on broadband bet everyone who reads this has a PS3 or 360 that's always connected and the 24 hours connection anyone here not had Internet for 24 hours that wasn't there fault or involved power failure.

But like I said before very attracted by PS3 price.
But not a hater like previous ppl on here and try and prove a close minded decision with jokes and false info

How about all the people who don't have regular internet connection ? Just because you may not see a lot of them around you doesn't mean they don't exist
I've had random issues where virgin media had a hiccup and we've been without Internet for a few days. When we first moved in it took us a few months to get the Internet put in too. We were going with virgin as they were the cheapest but there was no ... Connection? To our house. So we had to request it which took ages and some path being dug up and then had to wait for the installation. It took months.

Release date November 21???? :SHOCK:
Heard today you can connect and Xbox 360 into an Xbone:SNACK:

Anything with an HDMI out can go into the X1... It acts as a video/audio pass through and the X1 puts an overlay on top of it. Kind of a neat use of the feature if you don't have any reason to hook up a TV broadcast signal. Play an Xbox 360 game and then immediately switch to a friend invite for an X1 game? Not bad.
Can't see how M$ would bring out a console and developers would develope games that the console can't handle.

They won't. The games just probably don't run that well on Xbox specs right now so they're using the suped up pcs to make them appear to work fine. They probably will work come release, just maybe not look as perfect or have perfect frame rates.
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