Next Gen Consoles

Not quite accurate. I read Mad Max, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3 are coming to xbox too. Titanfall also seems to be a timed exclusive from what EA/Respawn have been saying.

PS3 also allows you to swap between game and 'some' apps like going from game to web browser though not in the same way the xbox does.
Not quite accurate. I read Mad Max, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3 are coming to xbox too. Titanfall also seems to be a timed exclusive from what EA/Respawn have been saying.

PS3 also allows you to swap between game and 'some' apps like going from game to web browser though not in the same way the xbox does.

I thought at the Xbone launch a few weeks back the guy said that Fifas Ultimate Team will be Xbone exlusive? Did I hear that wrong????
I thought at the Xbone launch a few weeks back the guy said that Fifas Ultimate Team will be Xbone exlusive? Did I hear that wrong????

Its not exclusive, they get an exclusive thing for ultimate team. Ea wouldn't do such a thing, they'd lose too much money.
Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch:

Broadband too slow? Oeps...

Don't have an internet connection? Get the Xbox360!
Microsoft respond to Xbox One bashing

Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch:

Broadband too slow? Oeps...

Don't have an internet connection? Get the Xbox360!
Microsoft respond to Xbox One bashing


WTF, this is just ridiculous... They really deserve to be a failure with this attitude...

I believe there is a thread in this forum for people share their internet speed and we can clearly see that lot of people don´t have a good internet speed, even living in rich countries like Germany.
yeah that is terrible, the guys answer was just ridiculous. They aren't doing themselves any favours, that is for sure.
I realise that things have to move on and most people now have an internet connection, but even in Microsoft's back yard there will be millions of Americans living in rural areas without broadband or still on dial-up.

Always-on connectivity will be the future but we're not ready for that yet. The infrastructure isn't there.
I realise that things have to move on and most people now have an internet connection, but even in Microsoft's back yard there will be millions of Americans living in rural areas without broadband or still on dial-up.

Always-on connectivity will be the future but we're not ready for that yet. The infrastructure isn't there.

Microsoft is really betting on higher end technology which seems to be leaving a lot (based on the number of complaints) of gamers behind. If they can build a big enough user base I think it will pay off in providing a unique gaming experience that you won't be able to get anywhere else. What Microsoft has done with making these demanding system requirements (high speed internet, always online, Kinect integration, and extreme cloud servicing (the amount of servers they claim to have is INSANE... and the amount of processing that can be done off-site is humungous)) gives developers a reason to really reach for the stars when programming for the X1 because every user will be able to take advantage of it.

2 years from now, we'll see the first game developer really "get it" and make a game for the X1 that will take advantage of these features (cloud servicing being the easiest for me to imagine) and make some uniquely awesome game that can only be experienced on the X1 (not even high-end PC if no cloud servicing is available) and gamers will finally see a game "of the future" as envisioned by Microsoft.

I'm not trying to be a Microsoft defender (I own a PS1,2,3) but I think I can see their vision of gaming in the future and it's not nearly the doom and gloom that others see it to be. I've been using cloud servicing for the last 5 years for business and no information has been lost, nor have I heard of anyone losing information. Worrying about losing your games 20 years from now because Microsoft pulls the plug on some server is a very remote possibility from my perspective. In a few years, the world will get used to everything existing digitally in perpetuity and many of the fears of today will seem quite silly.

Where I take issue with Sony is their lack of pursuit in building an infrastructure for online services. PSN is not a bad network, but Sony is still FAR behind Microsoft in providing online services (although Sony still provides excellent value in other ways) and given that both services will cost functionally the same on a yearly basis the lack of features and readiness for PSN is significant to me. Sony briefly mentioned that they are "working very hard" to provide the same level of service now (on PS3) for the PS4 at launch. I'm very skeptical. This is the same company that's been promising cross game party chat for years to no avail and had their network go down for almost 2 months. They promised the PS3 would run Linux (until they killed it), would be backwards compatible (until they killed it) and many other promises ( including claiming CG video WAS gameplay (Go to the 3:40 mark of this video - from the mouth of Jack Tretton, they guy who just led everyone to believe the PS4 would be DRM free)... so I have some doubts that Sony is going to live up to their promises with the PS4.

Both consoles launch in the fall. Both consoles will have some "coming soon" features at launch for sure. Based on what I've seen presented and seen historically from both companies, I expect the X1 to have waaay more online functionality at launch than the PS4. However, both consoles will play the same/similar games but the PS4 will do it for $100 less. This is why I strongly recommend anyone who is going to be a one console gamer to wait until spring before making a decision. 6 months post-launch we'll have a much better idea of how each console is going to work out. Plus, the second wave of games for both systems looks waay better than the first.
What is the X1 cloud computing actually expected to contribute in the long run? I've not seen a single clear (or feasible) idea of how it could be used in a game - it can't be used in real time for anything meaningful like physics or AI. They can do a humongous amount of processing, but it can't be used in anything like the way people are being led to believe it can by the execs. By nearly all accounts it's being massively overplayed ,probably to compensate for the deficit in power between the two consoles.

I'm not trying to be a Microsoft defender
Though you can understand why the HYPERBOLE and the 'Jack Tretton lied 8 years ago, so how can we know the PS4 will be DRM-free' FUD might make that line sound a bit 'I'm not racist but...'
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What is the X1 cloud computing actually expected to contribute in the long run? I've not seen a single clear (or feasible) idea of how it could be used in a game - it can't be used in real time for anything meaningful like physics or AI. They can do a humongous amount of processing, but it can't be used in anything like the way people are being led to believe it can by the execs. By nearly all accounts it's being massively overplayed ,probably to compensate for the deficit in power between the two consoles.

Oh no, cloud computing is awesome. The most obvious use for it in early games is to compute physics/particles/etc. on the server and free up console resources for other things. Developers can shift all sorts of processing demands to the cloud to allow more players at once in a multiplayer game. Things like that are entirely possible.

For developers to use it, Microsoft has to actually come through with the resources. I believe they will, because they already run terrific cloud services for businesses.

Edit: And I'm sure Sony will offer cloud processing eventually.
Oh no, cloud computing is awesome. The most obvious use for it in early games is to compute physics/particles/etc.

Any physics or particles you'd be calculating would have to be trivial. Even assuming it was an online-only title, even the slightest lag on physics would kill a football game, or a racing game, or any other game that actually uses physics.

I know it's a launch concept, but Drivatar involves converting people's driving performance into AI, which isn't a terrible idea. The issues there are that (a) the AI all still has to run on the console, isolated from the cloud, and (b) the idea could just as easily be done by PS4 in downtime, or (if MS had had a brainfart and not blocked such things) by transferring the data from the small amount of work Azure would need to do onto PS4 servers. I can't imagine MS didn't put DRM onto their own servers though...!
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Sorry, when I was talking about physics/particles/etc. I meant in multiplayer games like Battlefield 4 for example. All the processing for the explosions and things falling to pieces (of the variety that don't require instant computation, like set piece buildings falling down, for example) could be done on the server side, then the data could be sent to the player and rendered by the console. So instead of shooter games having to lessen the "special effects" in multiplayer (as they all do know) to free up processing power to keep track of the other players in the game, all that stuff could be done in the cloud.

I've seen tech demos of cloud processing adding effects in real time, but it was done in a "perfect bandwidth" situation. How usable that will be over a large scale in the next few years will depend on the talent of programmers. Certain things though, will be pretty easy to add.

Good introductory article here:

EDIT: And by they way, this could all be Microsoft bullshit. They've said very little about it, other than it will improve some aspects of their console. It may never improve any in-game play, but maybe it will improve integration with other features of a game (like forge/theater mode for Halo able to be implemented in more games). I personally believe there will be a breakthrough in cloud computing, but it may not come in this generation of console games.
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This cannot be real can it :SHOCK::CONFUSE::ROLL:
Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch
Xbox One games are for activation and distribution only in specified geographic regions. See game package and/or retailer product information, for each game’s specific geographic regions.
Asian gamers will have to wait a year longer than their American counterparts to get their hands on Microsoft’s Xbox One, which will only be available in the region in late 2014, a year after its U.S. launch this November.

The cloud stuff was looked into by digital foundry and the gist I got was its years away from being possible in the sense of it really beefing up the games.

So far it seems the only example is the forza AI thing (which was in one of the first Forza's I think) which just seems to be your save file is automatically uploaded and then shared out to other gamers randomly. With Sony charging for online play now via PS+ they could do the same thing with their cloud service for your save files.
This cannot be real can it :SHOCK::CONFUSE::ROLL:



Next Gen Console Battle is over before it even started.
Microsoft will lose this fight clearly.
more than 50% of my mates are playing on Xbox360 right now, but almost all want to move to PS4 - just only about the news and facts that were revealed around the E3...
I think even good exclusive titles won't help to avoid a desaster...
This is the same company that's been promising cross game party chat for years to no avail

I've never once seen Sony promise that. I've seen countless rumours from it's EA's fault because their games wouldn't run well if sony added it to Microsoft holding patents. Never seen Sony promise it's coming other than maybe saying 'when we hear something, we will tell you'.

and had their network go down for almost 2 months.

They took it offline themselves because they were hacked into. They were hardly going to leave it online to be further hacked. Offline gameplay still worked perfectly though (unlike the Xbox one) and when it came back online we all got free games out of it! Infamous, Little Big Planet and Wipeout to name a few. 3 great games!

They promised the PS3 would run Linux (until they killed it),
It did run it though. They just patched it out because people could hack in through it. Surely the best option to take.

would be backwards compatible (until they killed it)
Again, it was and still is in the fat models. They had it as a feature for like 2 years? During that time sales were crap, the price had to remain high due to it containing PS2 and PS3 components. They didn't kill it in the same way to disabled Linux. If your PS3 ever had backwards compatibility... it still does. They just released a new slim model without BC for much less and it sales increased immediately.

and many other promises ( including claiming CG video WAS gameplay (Go to the 3:40 mark of this video - from the mouth of Jack Tretton,

I remember that 8days I think? Some guy running and shooting in what looked like a Las Vegas petrol station. Stupid thing to do. They did the same with Killzone claiming the trailer was in game... although the actual game ended up looking much better somehow.
That was a looong time ago though. I remember Microsoft promising to support the original xbox and yet when the 360 came they just stopped all game releases. They also claimed 360 would be backwards compatibly so that's why... yet it was only for certain games. Should we still hold that over them too?

they guy who just led everyone to believe the PS4 would be DRM free)... so I have some doubts that Sony is going to live up to their promises with the PS4.

You could say the same about the 'xbox one cloud'. Or all the promises that came with Kinect. Project Milo? They've been masters of smoke and mirrors for years at E3. They even did an event with Cirque du Soleil and Kinect to show it off... and it was just people pretending to play the game in front of a video.

I doubt either will live up to what we interpret their promises to mean. So far the only mysterious 'promises' of like 'imagine what you can do in the future' are coming from Microsoft (unless I've forgot something Sony said). They're talking up the cloud, yet Forza is just a sharred save file.

Sony have shown they've learnt a lot from the PS3 mistakes. A console designed for developers with their feedback and ideas incorporated. So no more shoddy ports because its hard to develop for. A cheap price, redesigned joypad, subscription online service which should allow them to use that money to improve the service and also because its paid for, they have a responsibility to keep it working and improve on it. Supporting the indies and allowing them to self publish, pricing changed so games can cost whatever the devs want, from free to 69p to a few quid to full retail. Free to use your own peripherals and HDD.
It's not like they did the old sony thing of calling the console an emotion engine etc... They seemed much more grounded and humbled.

Microsoft even seemed to have learnt from their mistakes choosing not to drag out idiot celebrities to read scripts this year. They just did what we all want and show great looking games.
Although their attitude elsewhere is just disgraceful. #dealwithit, "why would I want to live there" when asked about parts of the world that don't have great internet or the required 1.5mb speed. Telling them to buy a 360 if you don't like the xbox online requirement and then the Killer Instinct demo where that guy told the woman "Just let it happen. It'll be over soon". That's really disturbing in a sort of rape joke way. Hey let's bring a woman on stage and joke about how she's bad at games, and say stuff like 'relax, just let it happen, it'll be over soon'.

I'm curious what Sony are actually promising though with the DRM. Claiming it's not going to impose any 'NEW' restrictions is what he said. So does that mean online passes will still be on PS3?
Could someone like EA add activation codes to their games and block you from sharing etc - then sony would just say "hey that wasn't us"?

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The DRM will be the same as it is on PS3, a couple of Sony people have said that they can't imagine that 3rd party will risk the wrath of the people.

Also online passes aren't allowed because PSN + is needed for online play.
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