Next Gen Consoles

If Microsoft and Sony both push ahead with this thing, a lot of people are going to go over to PC. Which would be a damn shame.
Car dealers sell used cars. You don't see Toyota or whatever going crazy about it.

Cars are a necessity, video games are a luxury, rules will never be the same. You can't compare an industry with hundreds of manufacturers and one with only a few.
lesson about political correctness :P

Rashid Sayed: Xbox One has 8GB DDR 3 RAM and out of that 5GB is allocated to games, compared to the PS4 which has 8GB GGDR5 RAM and out of that, 7GB is allocated to games (reportedly). From a development perspective, will games on the PS4 look and run better compared to the Xbox One down the line?

Linus Blomberg: I think that is too early to say. Naturally it’s easier and cheaper for the developers to develop for the smallest common denominator, but if that difference becomes too large we’ll definitely see specific implementations for each platform.

Rashid Sayed: According to a couple of reports, the PS4 is apparently 50% more powerful than the Xbox One. In terms of raw processing power, does that figure really play a part when you actually develop games?

Linus Blomberg: Of course it does. But specs on paper are one thing, and actual performance is another. It’s not just about the TFlops, there are other hardware and environment differences coming into play too. We don’t know what the actual difference – if indeed there is one – will turn out to be yet, as drivers and system software isn’t final at this point.
I imagine a lot of people will forget all about the issues if they pull out some cool looking games, halo, gears, Forza and a few more.
Hakers will found way to hack this NEW consoles, they will emulate own servers or.. something like that ,so who what to download free the games, he will do it. All these measures will hurts more loyal customers, not pirates.
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Not a lot shown on the Microsoft conference that looked 'next gen' in ways other than graphics.

Metal gear looked fantastic but it's Multiplat so...

The learning ai of Forza is cool. That's the type of next gen thinking I want to see.

Spark? I think it was called. Project copy little big planet.
To be fair though I do like the idea of it and being able to use your smart glass and all that stuff.

Ryse. Graphically wow. Gameplay... Erm... So you hit guys a few times and then it becomes quick time event overload. Hmm... Project copy god of war.

Erm... I'm forgetting what else they showed off. That's not good.

Oh dead rising 3. I hated the second so I'm not excited about the third even if it is open world.

Titanfall. Another shooter.

Battlefield 4.... When it works..... Looks fine. Multiplat though so moving on.

Price £429

Are they having a laugh? COncerned about the ps4 price now although with no kinect camera bundled in. It should retail for about £100 less. Though knowing the way this works, I expect ps4 for £399 or £499 if they're shits.
Other than the gorgeous graphics (which the PS4 will have also) absolutely nothing impressed me about any of those games or the briefing.
They announced games. They showed games that are for the most part exclusives.
Whether you can like it or not, it was a good presentation.
Until the price... Damn conversion again...
Graphics isn't really that impressive I think. This will be the graphical standard for 10 years now. A proper PC can already produce similar graphics.
They announced games. They showed games that are for the most part exclusives.
Whether you can like it or not, it was a good presentation.
Until the price... Damn conversion again...

I agree. It reminded me a lot of the Sony conferences, just loads of games back to back. A lot of the exclusives weren't that great though, some still cgi trailers or running 'in game' but not giving us a clue what the game part is.

Also crappy how they didn't reveal what comes day 1 and laughable that they didn't have the balls to bounce the price themselves, instead got that guy from respawn to awkwardly do it.

Once you throw an extra pad in and a game or two... You're looking at £500-£600! Crazy money.
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Quick thoughts after having watched both Microsoft and Sony's conferences... for the first time in a long time there are two distinctive choices for console gamers.


The PS4 is essentially a more powerful PS3 aimed purely at gaming with few new features other than improved gaming hardware. As such, they are pricing their system considerably cheaper than the Xbox One and are keeping the disk format for games (... and presumably still require the disk in to play games?) No new DRM rules, no change in used gaming, just sticking to what's worked the last 3 console generations. Will now require a Psplus membership for online gaming now it seems.

Xbox One:
The Xbox One is aiming to completely take over your living room as the only device needed to be connected to your TV. There are a whole lot of features in the hardware itself to blend gaming and all other forms of TV entertainment. Looks interesting to me, but will it sell systems? Especially at the much higher price point vs. the PS4. If the consumer is only interested in playing games, it's a tough sell for Microsoft... spend an extra $100 (US price difference) although which gets you a Kinect (if you care) to play very similar looking games with a similar looking controller. Microsoft is going to have to educate consumers over the next few months as to how their DRM policies and TV integration features are going to really improve peoples leisure time or face a possibly rough launch if the price difference kills them.

The price point will probably have less of an effect in the USA where the Xbox brand is very well received, but I assume the price difference in the EU (where the Sony brand is more popular) will really hurt sales. Although, with the PS3 Sony launched with a very high price point (and few good games) but managed to come out even with the Xbox 360 in terms of console sales at the end of it all... so who knows?


Things aren't always so clear as to what's exclusive and what's not at these press conferences, so it's hard to say for sure exactly what games will only play on Xbox One or PS4... but for my gaming tastes Microsoft came out decidedly ahead.

Loved the look of Infamous: Second Son, Killzone, and the Order:1886 was stylish (although no real gameplay it seemed). Lots of timed exclusives with the arcade/indie games, not a real selling point for me (I like the games, it just doesn't matter to me if they're available a month ahead on one console vs. another.) Neither was the announcement of HD remakes of various Final Fantasy nor the upcoming Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy sequels. (I've just outgrown Square RPGs at this point, my inner child rests in peace, sadly.) Sony was very careful with their wording and I believe FF14 (the MMORPG) is Sony exclusive while Kingdom Hearts and FF15 are not... although neither are games I'll pick up myself.

I think that was it as far as PS4 exclusives (ignoring the timed dlc and stupid "exclusive costume" content...) although their PS3 games looked nice and special praise should be given for just how good Grand Turismo looks time and time again.

Xbox One:
Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Forza, Quantum Break, Project Spark, Halo, and Titanfall all seemed substantial exclusives from Microsoft... they certainly won the exclusives war for me. Titanfall looked the best exclusive between the two consoles for me, I could see myself getting sucked back into the online FPS genre once again with that one. Project Spark looked pretty neato as well, the best game-building-within-a-game I've seen so far.

Microsoft left me the impression of having a lot more in-game display of games... and I still really love the instant switching between games/media that Microsoft loves to show off.

**Multiplatform games:
Bungie's Destiny and Ubisoft's The Division both looked awesome. The gameplay reveal of The Division was terrifically done. Battlefield 4 was incredible, and I'm guessing it will overshadow COD for this generation. A Mirror's Edge sequel was nice, and the rest of the EA line-up looked strong... and please show me more of the Star Wars Battlefront game. Watch Dogs from Ubisoft continued to impress as well. Assassin's Creed 4 however continued to raise suspicions with me. After having not enjoyed AC3, AC4 looks like more of the same. Not a good sign that the game crashed during the Sony demo. I blame that on a rushed developer, not the PS4.

Quick Conclusion:
The best in-game gameplay seemed to be from 3rd party games and Microsoft... with Sony trailing behind a bit. However, assuming all those 3rd party games will be hitting both systems at the same time (launch window) Sony gamers should have plenty to chose from. It feels like Microsoft and Sony have switched places from the PS3/360 launch... Microsoft has the best exclusives but at a higher console price, while Sony looks a little thin on early exclusives but will launch with strong 3rd party support.

I'm probably not going to buy either system at launch (unless my friends all do) and then get one or the other next spring. The price of either console seems fine to me, when I was in my 20s I would have appreciated the price difference, but now it doesn't matter too much. If Microsoft can offer enough content to get me ditch satellite I'll probably buy an Xbox One first as I pay $115 a month just to get TV now so the system would pay for itself pretty quick.

Overall, ignoring price difference, both systems look great. It's worth waiting for me to see how things shake out though once the hype machines for both systems die down.
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