NBA Thread

Memory check. Heat lost game 1 last year and then went on to win 4 straight. They are in big trouble if they lose game 2 though as the Spurs are solid at home.
..when james got his 6 rings (which he will not achieve imho...then u can call him one of the all time greatest).

Winning rings doesn't prove your merit of greatness, Malone never won any, Ewing didn't, neither did Wilkins and there up there with anyone in there position.
It's a lot different with Lebron though. He's on a MUCH higher pedestal than those guys. He's supposed to be on the same level as Jordan ability wise. Still don't get why he settles for jumpers when he can drive it to the hoop every possession. A loss this year to SA would tarnish his legacy. He will still go down as an all time great though.
weird game, untill mid 3rd i thought the spurs were actually the better team. then miami raped them.

well they got the split so game 3 is where the series will mostr likely be decided.
Jason Kidd head coach, good luck to him, Brian Shaw must be pissed.
Seems like a lot of people hate Miami, what is the reason for this? Just curious, I don't really mind which team wins (I was rooting for Pacers in the semis).
Manu has been terrible this series. Spurs need his spark of the bench to win the series IMO.
Personally I hate Lebron, not the Heat. Why? It's quite obvious:

- Arrogant: someone whoe proclaims himself as "the king"? Normally is the rest of the world who has to put this tag on you, not yourself. And he even tattooed himself THE KING in his body? It's pathetic, even if he turns to be the king. His attitude, for example, in the finals against Dallas was absolutely unacceptable, mocking Dirk when he was ill, etc... He got what he deserved that season.

- Flopper: being one of the strongest players in the league, he falls too easily, most of times even feigning contact. Totally unnecessary. I can't think the likes of Bird, Magic or MJ would do it.

- Childish: His attittude a lot of times has been inmature. The way he quit Cleveland and went to Miami with "the decision" is one of the saddest and most unnerving episodes of the NBA that I've witnessed.

- Power: This is a personal think. I love technical, smart players. Lebron is a great player, but primarily based on his raw power. It's like comparing Shaquille and Olajuwon. I would always prefer skill over raw power. Not that this makes me hate him, but if he was a very skilled player, very creative, maybe the points I put before wouldn't be so important. I could accept Bird flopping, or Magic taking a "the decision", but on the other side they mesmerized me with their plays, they were inventive. MJ was always creating and delivering in the creative part. Lebron totally lacks this "spark" element that would redeem him to my eyes. I know this point is very subjective, but maybe helps you understand why I want him to loose.
People hate the Heat mainly because they decided to all group together to be this super team.

In the past, you'd go through trades or draft to create your'd patiently wait for the team to be built to win. MJ joined in 84, and waited until they can draft Pippen to form the championship team. Lakers and Celtics traded and signed free agents (as a team first thing) They were the first player initiated free-agent signing and people didn't like that.

The 1 hour long show to make that decision and publicly (internationally) humiliate his home town did not help at all
I respect his game but I'm not a fan, primarily because of the flopper reasons Alexis gave.
I never liked LeBron, but every time I'm getting close to respecting him based on the quality of his play or leadership, he quits against the Celtics, does the decision, insults fans in press conference, flops ridiculously, and so on.

Once in a while he gives me a reason to dislike him.
what a pile of statistical bullshit.

No man wins rings on his own, jordan won jack shit untill the bulls assembled a good team, same goes for james in his own native land. I remember Jordan scoring 60 vs the celtics in a playoff game, yet the bull lost 3-0....when james got his 6 rings (which he will not achieve imho...then u can call him one of the all time greatest).

Anyway, great victory for the spurs. Good news is the spurs didn't shoot well at all (missed tons of open shots) and were dominated in the rebs, so winning in this condition in miami means a lot. As i thought, miami can't guard parker.

Parker last shot will become a classic in basketball.

Bro Jordan made those players better then they were.. Pippen was shit before Jordan and shit after Jordan wasn't playing with him.
The bulls never had a good team outside Jordan... Mostly role players, players who woukd never have won championships on other teams. These finals are proving how fucking good Jordan was, he never shit the bed like Lebron is in this series. He was clutch, always showed up to the big games. And I never liked Jordan, but as someone who isn't blind the guy did practically win on his own , you could have swapped out half his team for more non descrip players and he still would have won
Personally I hate Lebron, not the Heat. Why? It's quite obvious:

- Arrogant: someone whoe proclaims himself as "the king"? Normally is the rest of the world who has to put this tag on you, not yourself. And he even tattooed himself THE KING in his body? It's pathetic, even if he turns to be the king. His attitude, for example, in the finals against Dallas was absolutely unacceptable, mocking Dirk when he was ill, etc... He got what he deserved that season.

- Flopper: being one of the strongest players in the league, he falls too easily, most of times even feigning contact. Totally unnecessary. I can't think the likes of Bird, Magic or MJ would do it.

- Childish: His attittude a lot of times has been inmature. The way he quit Cleveland and went to Miami with "the decision" is one of the saddest and most unnerving episodes of the NBA that I've witnessed.

- Power: This is a personal think. I love technical, smart players. Lebron is a great player, but primarily based on his raw power. It's like comparing Shaquille and Olajuwon. I would always prefer skill over raw power. Not that this makes me hate him, but if he was a very skilled player, very creative, maybe the points I put before wouldn't be so important. I could accept Bird flopping, or Magic taking a "the decision", but on the other side they mesmerized me with their plays, they were inventive. MJ was always creating and delivering in the creative part. Lebron totally lacks this "spark" element that would redeem him to my eyes. I know this point is very subjective, but maybe helps you understand why I want him to loose.

Agree with all
Pippen was shit before Jordan and shit after Jordan wasn't playing with him.

Man, I see you were in a coma and you missed the 93/94 season didn't you?

He also played great after 98 despite his back problems and almost went to the Finals with Portland.

Jordan would not have won all those championships without Pippen. And I'm the biggest MJ fan there is.
Man, I see you were in a coma and you missed the 93/94 season didn't you?

He also played great after 98 despite his back problems and almost went to the Finals with Portland.

Jordan would not have won all those championships without Pippen. And I'm the biggest MJ fan there is.

by 93/94 jordan had made pippen into the player he was, pippen avg guy out of know where comming into the league, jordan got his full potential out of him. You guys are either not aware or dont recall HOW COMPETITIVE AND FIERCE JORDAN WAS. He didnt settle for teamates sucking, he made them all better. I dont see the same from lebron.

portland 99? are you nuts? that team had rasheed in prime playing time, steve smith, sarbonis, and stoudamire... rasheed, sarbonis and smith would have started or seen more playing time then the bulls starters with the exception of joran and pippen on those bulls teams.

i didnt say pippen was shit, but i doubt if pippen stays with seattle that they ever do anything but not win championships... pippen won championhips because MJ was on his team, not the other way around.
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