NBA Thread

bulls miami was a tight game almost to the end. one sided refs and bad ft shooting hurt the bulls.

i guess the league wants a miami new york final in the east.
Memphis need to win this championship, for the sake of old school basketball.
Every day comes up an article or somebody recommending going small, spread the floor, get faster and shoot more from 3PT.
Its more entertaining indeed, but I don't see it becoming the game like some do, this generation just don't have those dominant post guys.
Also if the teams want to go small, stop giving ridiculous money for big men who just defend, at least this way they will try to improve they scoring right Dwight Howard?

:CONFUSE: Wow what a game last night to prove my points.

Tim Duncan showing his value, Boris Diaw posintg up Draymond Green, showing how Green is not the next Battier :LOL: Diaw and Duncan posted Barnes and even Landry very well too.

Lee offense still very very needed.

On a bright side though, Curry showed he is as real as a point guard gets, people need to stop this he is a shooting guard bs.
Just compare he running the show with Jarrett Jack, Curry just make way better decisions and he is one tough PG to guard cause he draws so much attention he almost always get someone open, and he can often find that someone.

I think the reason Mark Jackson lets him on SG so much is to rest him, usually when he is there he just run around screens, catch and shoot or even just runs to draw attention, just notice that when he is on SG, the ball usually goes to Klay on the SF.

That's why I think Mark Jackson let Jack run the show so much lately, and yesterday it costed us some serious turnovers. Curry is exhausted, you can see him dropping the ball of the dribble at times.
Surely Danny Green has been great, but he is guarding him running of those screens, not a healthy with the ball Curry. Maybe it would be better to decrease his minutes and let he be who he is, a point guard.

Again Lee would make this a much better team, this going small thing is ridiculous, basketball still a bigs game, Draymond Green showed us last night.
As i said here before, knicks are a powerful yet very onedimensional team.

and in the po the lacks of options and some dodgy d here and there are difficult to overcome even with an offensive monster like Melo. Melo needs to trust his teammate and start getting some assists.

i'd say indiana in 6, memphis in 5 or 6, spurs in 7 and miami in 5 or 6 (even if i hope the bulls can come up with a miracle).
what a series gsw spurs is!

i expect a phenomenal game 7!
Defensive player of the year is only the third best Center in the NBA according to those that voted.

bulls ran out of gas. well they are a solid team with a lot of depth, without injuries they can clearly be a title contender next year. rose is the ultimate pussy though.

robinson 0/12...i guess that must be some sort of record for a pg in the playoff!
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Defensive player of the year is only the third best Center in the NBA according to those that voted.


nah, mate, that's because that the coaches select the all-defensive 5's and that the journalists select the dpoy. the same happened with chandler too last year.
I think Marc Gasol is showing he's one of the best centers in the NBA considering defense/offense balance. A lot of people underrated him those years. Maybe he won't shine as much as his brother, but he knows what he's doing and is the best Center in assists, which is something a bit "european", if you allow me the adjective.
I think Marc Gasol is showing he's one of the best centers in the NBA considering defense/offense balance. A lot of people underrated him those years. Maybe he won't shine as much as his brother, but he knows what he's doing and is the best Center in assists, which is something a bit "european", if you allow me the adjective.

i think he might be better then his brother...
nah, mate, that's because that the coaches select the all-defensive 5's and that the journalists select the dpoy. the same happened with chandler too last year.

Your right but it's a flawed system.
the knicks look very frustrated at the end of the first half. they can't defend indiana and struggle to score even with melo pretty inspired.

tough series for them.
as i thought since the beginnig of the season, the knicks are an overrated one dimensional team. If Melo had some vision of the game and some basic IQ he would start dishing out 7-8 assists per game like lebron since the whole opposite defense collapse on him. but no, he can't do that, he's too medriocre in his mind and has no understaing of team bball.
But my guess is that the main blame goes to the coaching side. Properly coached the knicks could be a title contender.

anyway if wade keeps being out of shape then indiana can give miami a tough series. They are the best team at defeding 3shootings and miami relies heavily on that.
I saw a big chunk of the Knicks game. They've changed the way they played in the regular season, and it's not doing them any good. Where is Pablo Prigioni?
I saw a big chunk of the Knicks game. They've changed the way they played in the regular season, and it's not doing them any good. Where is Pablo Prigioni?

not sure i agree. in the play off defense get tight, everyone sticks to his man and make that extra run, plus psychologically you get more pressure ergo shooting from distance stats are generally much lower. PLaying intense game every 2 days also get fatigue into the equation.

Knicks have 0 offensive variation: melo iso/3 pointers if melo is doubled or jr driving, . Now once they find a team that can defend 1v1 vs Melo and can kill chandler on the rebs they are basically left to Jr smith driving because there are no shooters open. they have 0 paint offense, little post moves, little or nothing mid long 2 post up (garnett and bosh are great for that), not much transition and kidd seems lost.. he can't run pick and rolls anymore.

MSG can give them some help and once they are 3-2 down is all down to a tough game 6. But i think indiana is solid and should close in 6.
knicks were overrated as i alwasy claimed. probably poorly coached plus Melo is too egocentric to be a title winner.
yes, that's some retarded decisions. go for a d. to guard shooters when it's clear to everyone that james would handle the last shots.
this bitch makes lebron look like the most classy guy in the nba

that should be a 6 months suspension..

anyway indiana can make it to the final, they really screwed up an almost won game 1 and took game 2.
After Golden State was eliminated I got depressed with NBA, have not watch a single game since.

What is happening to Memphis? They were supposed to stop the Heat dammit.

Do yall think Spurs have a chance against them?
After Golden State was eliminated I got depressed with NBA, have not watch a single game since.

After NY was eliminated I got depressed with NBA, have not watch a single game since. Then it got worse when Benfica lost the League, the Europa League and the Cup.
Miami indiana is a hell of series, worth watching.

as far the spurs dominating the series 4-0, parker just made conley his bitch and that was pretty much it.
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