NBA 2K11 - G.O.A.T.

Its an art to break defences on this game, once you get used to it, its beautiful.

But if you want some help Dags use R1 so you can pick who you want to pass to, this is very useful attacking or defending.
Fucking ridiculous, even trying to make a basic pass and the CPU cuts them out EVERY SINGLE time! They're not even risky passes but the CPU has some superhuman reactions and I can't do jack shit against it.

Not having fun whatsoever :(

What doesn't help is that it puts you straight into a game, but doesn't explain anything apart from "Press triangle or up to jump for the tip off" ... and that's it. Nothing about any other buttons, tricks or plays. So why bother putting in how to make a tip-off but nothing else at all?
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The CPU defense is more active this year and you need to pass at the right angles, also the passing stats are a lot more important this year.

What type of passes are you attempting?
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Nope, full game starts off with Jordan walking into the arena and you play a 1991 game between the Bulls and Lakers. With zero help or tutorial after the tip-off.

Going to turn it off now and watch The Apprentice but I really can't see myself going back to this, it just seems like there's no learning curve at all and it's aimed squarely at experienced players. So I'm screwed :(

Edit: Just tried the practice mode, and again I don't think it's great. Rather than getting you to do a move/shot/play and then move to the next one, it just puts all of the instructions and you manually scroll through and have to keep going back and forth.

I dunno, it really does seem like it's not newbie friendly whatsoever?
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Fucking ridiculous, even trying to make a basic pass and the CPU cuts them out EVERY SINGLE time! They're not even risky passes but the CPU has some superhuman reactions and I can't do jack shit against it.

Not having fun whatsoever :(

What doesn't help is that it puts you straight into a game, but doesn't explain anything apart from "Press triangle or up to jump for the tip off" ... and that's it. Nothing about any other buttons, tricks or plays. So why bother putting in how to make a tip-off but nothing else at all?

I have read people on neogaf saying the same about the passing. Does seem you have to pick who you pass with using R1 if you wanna keep the ball.

What level you playing on dude. Pro or higher?
haha, according to those that have the game...they say that Sim mode and Pro levels are really aimed for the hardcore fans..

for those that like it more arcadey, they have that game mode there for you...and it'd always help if you lower the difficulty and move up...

Treat this as if you're playing PES for the first time...there's no way if you don't know much about football to start playing at Top Player for the start of the have to ease your way through them...
Default level, Pro I think it was. Maybe I should drop it down to amateur I guess, though I'm usually alright on default difficulty for most sports games. I guess I'm just incredibly rubbish at basketball or something :LOL:
Default level, Pro I think it was. Maybe I should drop it down to amateur I guess, though I'm usually alright on default difficulty for most sports games. I guess I'm just incredibly rubbish at basketball or something :LOL:

There's no shame in putting it down to Rookie, Pro can be very tough on inexperienced players. I didn't really get into the NBA 2K series till 2K8 and even then I had to stick it on Rookie to learn the ropes. Even now I'm not good enough to go higher than Pro.

Attacking - Basic attacking without even using the play book. When on the offence the biggest tip I can give you is don't rush it. Unless you're clear to the basket take it to the outside and wait for your players to find space. If you're not having any luck with the pass to an open man i.e. no one is free - drive to the basket, keep moving and more importantly make the defence move. If you cannot shoot come back out and drive again. I guarantee someone will find space eventually. Also, try not to be too fancy, only shoot when your player is open and you feel you're not going to be contested/blocked/crowded out as you make the shot. Also, only shoot 3 pointers with your shooting guards (SGs) and sometimes with your point guards (PGs) - it's rare you'll have any success with your SF/Center/PF so only use them for scoring inside the 3 point area. Focus your attention on the bread and butter 2 pointers. For me, as a Bulls player - I only ever use Deng for the 3 pointers, so if he's locked down I focus on being as much of a handful as possible with Rose.

Defending - stick to one defender ONLY and anticipate the pass or shot. On the ball defending is tough for an inexperienced player, so play it simple and don't switch player. Have faith in your team mates and do what you can to stop YOUR player only. Focus on limiting the space he can run in to (holding LT will lock on to the player, so just anticipate his movements). If he tries to shoot, try and get a hand on it and make him earn his points (contest his shot). You don't have to steal the ball, just get in his way and you'll more than likely put him off with a big hand in his face. Another tip is when the possession turns over immediately switch to your big Centre at the back (rb+y / r1+triangle) and focus on crowding the paint and stopping their Centre getting the rebounds - that way, when they try and shoot and miss you'll be there for the easy rebound, instead of them following up for the easy score. Rebounding is just as important as contesting shots IMO.

Finally, don't get too bogged down in the complexities of it, they come later when you're comfortable with the basics. Just focus on playing simple basketball and you'll have a great time.
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Good times with the demo tonight. Mostly I was handing Kobe the rock and trying to force the impossible, but it was fun. Seriously considering getting this at the weekend.

Not sure how I'm going to find time for this and FIFA and F12010 and FM2011 when that comes out :DOH:
Got the game last night. Managed to play 3 full matches. All I can say is I didn't see anything wrong with it, it's simply an awesome game with awesome gameplay that mimics so well the sport.

That said, it's a game for hardcores (just what we football fans are waiting for years) and with an impressive depth.

I've been playing this series for years and even I had big problems in the first match as Dags said. I had to get used to the controls and learn on the fly. I managed to win with a buzzer by Jordan. The perfect way to start this game.

But I can see newbies totally raped by the game at first. Maybe they should have put something like the FIFA first questions on the demos (are you an experienced user? a newbie? etc...) and have a lot more help for rookies.

My second match was a matter of getting used to things but my Oklahoma were butchered by the Bucks. I had to get used to how plays work now and specially all the things you can do with your gamepad. It's really frightening at first when you see you have to learn so much. I can't only imagine what Dags would have thought at the very beggining... I'm sorry for you, man, but get over it and learn things and you'll have incredible rewards later. It's like Demon's souls or full manual in Fifa.

There's a training area in which you can perform plays with your chosen team, and put defenders or not, etc... Look for it and spend some time training before going to matches or other modes.

The tips that mjsmith wrote are the basic principles of the game. In my 3rd match I picked my old Trailblazers and managed to destroy the Golden State Warriors by 20 points. I didn't make a single dunk in the game. I won by simply moving the ball better than my opponent, playing the right plays in the right moment and using my star players in the right way. It was an amazing game of pure basketball.

I don't think poassing is difficult. It's simply realistic. You won't try to pass like it's a videogame. You have to FEAR your opponents. They are bloody NBA players, so they will cut passes, use their hands and try to outwit you. If your passes are cut, you have to learn to pass better.

And you have to be very creative sometimes. I found myself in difficult situations sometimes when my plays aren't going well, and you have to improvise and suddenly do the unexpected. Sometimes I lost possession, sometimes I didn't even shoot, but sometimes I managed to brilliantly change the tide of a play and break it with a great pass to someone that gets open. And then it's a sure jumper.

Shooting is better than ever, and post plays are not as easy as in the demo. I mean, Garnet and Gasol are just too good and when you try to do the same with Krstic, you may end up ashamed...

It was late and couldn't test it more, but my first impressions is they took 2k10 and simply made everything great, and then they added new modes, new controls and a presentation layer that surpasses what any other sports game does.

I'll end up saying: Dags, please, put time to it, it may be too confusing at first. But lower your difficulty level, start on Rookie and learn the ropes and gradually go up. It took me almost 3 months to learn the game the first time years ago, and 2k11 is deeper than any other installment.

The only bad thing is that deep inside me, I know I constantly wish it was a football game...
Dags, try to stick to a team at the beginning. Try Boston, or Lakers or some good team and memorize who plays in which position. Then get used to R1 passing (using R1 and the icon of that player).

For instance, in my Trailblazers I know Brandon Roy plays in the :circle:, and Aldrige in the :triangle: and so on... so I can always pass to whoever I want in any situation without having to use the normal pass all the time (normal passing is weaker this year due to deffense awareness).

The very basics of the game for starters are:

- Take a good team and know the players. Gasol can't shoot from 3p, but he's a beast posting. Kobe is THe shooter, but Fisher can be a good one as well, etc... The same on deffense, artest and Kobe are hard on deffense, but Fisher is too slow so be prepared ot help him, etc...

- Only use sprint button when you have space. On crowded situations is far more effective to move and try to avoid contact, even if it gets you far from the rim. You'll find a way in eventually.

- Try to get comfortable with plays. Try them and learn the different things that a play involve, not only the passing. Watch out for open players even if it breaks the play. An open jumper is always a very good choice.

- Ask for screens. It's the best way to create chaos on the opponent without resorting to plays.

- Play long quarters, so you have a lot fo time to know your opponent and try different approaches to things.

- Don't get fustrated when your team seems unable to score. Streaks happen in the real world. Sooner or later your team will find a way and then you have to take the chance. Try to "break" your opponents hot streaks. Foul them if you need to.

- Simply enjoy doing plays and jumpers. The awesome plays will come with time, and eventually you'll be jumping of your seat with specific events of the match.
Cheers Drekkard. Love all of the tips and advice coming from everyone here, very nice chaps :D
I have the game on PC and I was wondering if someone knew where to go when configuring the joystick.I'm lost
Has anyone played online yet?

Has it improved?
The Jordan games are really challenging. I'm close but not enough. There's always one objective not completed or me not winning :).

edit : finally I've done my 1st against the Pistons : 84-68. Amazing game, I love it.

edit 2 : I managed to complete another challenge where I had to get a 55% accuracy. But I have to do it again.
Maybe because I decided to put Jordan on the bench to avoid any mistake when I reached the 55% (but no message told me that I completed this task, I didn't realize it before the end of the game) ?
So frustrating...
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I picked the lakers and lost my 1st game on pro difficulty v the rockets. Brooke and Davies killed me. I was within like 4 points until the 4th quarter and they pulled away. The game is incredible. The little things I am seeing the AI do is just dope. Sick little passes round he corner. I need to work on defense as I really struggle at times.
We WON the lakers!!!!!!

Yeaaah, I was there, an incredible atmosphere and a great physical game. Bryant was supposed to play 6 minutes but he ended up playing 25 because they were loosing!

And after the match, I went home and automatically put the game. I played some matches and some Jordan challenges. It's obvious that the Jordan challenges could use more minutes per quarter, but I think someday a patch will make this true.

As of now, I'm just testing the game and warming up. I've played mainly with the Trailblazers and the Oklahoma, but I don't feel 100% comfortable with any of them, I miss a lot of exterior threat in both teams, so I may try others before starting my association.

I haven't tried online, which is the only possible downside of the game. Mainly because I want to know the game first. I haven't played any online match neither with Fifa or PES, but I know I'll be doing 2k for some days.

The little details are amazing. And you have to be really patient and build up things. Going crazy for too much time produces turnovers aplenty.
Shooting feels inmense with the right stick, and deffensively I have been able to do some incredible blocks.

In one of my matches, I voluntarily let Curry to go past my PG towards the basket, because I knew Aldridge and Oden were near. Curry went for the easy layup, those layups that in previous games were an automatic 2 points. He jumped, but when going to score, suddenly Oden appeared from behind and put an amazing block that went to the table and out of the field almost at the midline. It was a WOW moment. I love being able to do this things. You can't assure the points until the ball is inside the basket.

They have done great to improve BOTH offensive and deffensive controls and you feel you can do what you want. You simply need to come to grips with the controls and the game flow, which is a little hard even for vets. I love it.

By the way, gamespot put a review about the game with frightening reports of bad online play:;thumb;5

It may be down to the first days of service, I hope. Cross fingers. Anyway, the rest of the review is simply pathetic and amateurish. They say it's the best sports game, much better than 2k10, yet they rate it an 8 (less than Fifa, less than 2k10)... it's a joke. The writer doesn't even get to talk at all about all the news controls and neglects all the good things of the game. Sounds really disgusting for a game that has received universal praise elsewhere.
I've been following them on Twitter and they've reset the server a few times already. I'm going to test it tonight.
online in this game have never been an issue for me.... i have a wizards season going, you definatley have to get your opposing defender off balance in this game, sick and reminds me of PES 2011
YouTube - NBA 2K11: Where Amazing Happens

And I just loved this pic from the press reel at the end of the game, only had my cell at hand, but took a pic anyway:

The highlight packages during/post game are stunning, the level of presentation is amazing. The commentary is, by a country mile, the best I've ever heard in a sports game, in fact the audio is terrific all round.

Spent my first few hours with the game like -> :WOOT:. I won one exhibition with a three-pointer at the buzzer which bounced off the rim at least twice on its way in :LOL:
Anywhere i can get this game on the cheap?

As an alternative for PES and GT?

Also is the game good for casual basketball fans like me who knows how to play pretty well but has no idea about tactics :CONFUSE:

@ drekkard excuse my ignorance but can i make a system that i did when i used to play (just for fun at school) Where 4 players would move around and all feed of me as a sort of, holdup player :LOL: who only really shoots.

I was very average, all i could do was shoot!
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The highlight packages during/post game are stunning, the level of presentation is amazing. The commentary is, by a country mile, the best I've ever heard in a sports game, in fact the audio is terrific all round.

Spent my first few hours with the game like -> :WOOT:. I won one exhibition with a three-pointer at the buzzer which bounced off the rim at least twice on its way in :LOL:

The commentary will go up another level once the NBA season start

In the NBA Today mode the real life stats/situations/storylines will dictate what they talk about. It's like Live Season in FIFA only better implemented and free.

Klashman you can also tweak the sliders to suit your play style.

I played Drekkard online last night, I won it at the death with 0.8 seconds remaining. I figured that he would be tight on Nash and Hedo so I brought in Goran 'the San Antonio Spurs slayer' Dragic and the decoy worked because he hit the game winning shot. In truth I didn't deserve to win, CP3 beat up Nash (when I was defending) and I had no reply at the other end with Nash at least.

The game was playable, some bits of lag here and there and I didn't have a problem making shots. It wasn't 60fps but it was a lot better than 2K10 in that regard. Still lots of room for improvement though.

Well played Drekkard, Peja is a ....... (insert angry word).
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