NBA 2K11 - G.O.A.T.

The Art of Passing

Nuggets@Magic video due tonight.

YouTube - NBA2K11 Nuggets@Magic





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No date yet, could be the week before release.

Lots of positives in the video but despite the dunk players, I think the Gamescom video is better, it seems further along.

Love new scoreboard/presentation.

Jameer Nelson's pass to VC at the beginning was lovely, that wouldn't have happened in 2K10.
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Oh my christ - that looks and finally SOUNDS incredible. The commentary lines sound so much more fluent now.
hope they can do some thing with the facial expression. Looks dead to me. except for Jordan.
They finally fixed Tony Parker's face and all those branded shoes look a lot better than previous games.

Re: NBA 2K11 Gameplay Video: Denver Nuggets vs. Orlando Magic

Originally Posted by ffaacc03

Da-Czar, could you please express your impressions on the counters (if any were placed) to the new passing features, specially on the post area ? I mean, with all that new offense arsenal (fake passes, tip passes, lob passes, lead passes, bounce passes ... Ky M standing dunks ... as well as some new post moves or refinements, maybe ?) it would seem like the paint is even more relevant and yet potentially even more enticing to make the game more of a paint fest.

This are purely assumptions since I cant sincerelly say that I have seen that consistency in any of the videos.

I have yet to see a video that represents the experience I have had with the game. I can't say too much just yet but I will say this. The benefit of having me or Pared or whoever play these games is that you guys know we play the game a certain way somewhat similar to yourselves from the same perspective as you do. We want a SIM. While I may not be as big of a stickler as many of you in certain specific area's. The same general consensus applies.

That said with the way I played the game. On Sim allstar and above all the passing options are NECESSARY because the defense is so active. Especially guys that are known for being great defenders.

I have seen the cpu man guarding the post entry pass sprint back to tip my passes into the post. It not a canned animation but the post defenders will stand in front of your post up man and dare you to make that pass. I have seen other defensive players not guarding the man posting up drop down on the pass and steal the ball.

When running half court sets on All star sim I found that I had to use Icon lead pass to to move the guys catching the ball so it wouldn't be stolen. I found it much more difficult to run plays or stay in my offense on allstar.

With the offball collisions and other things happening they can throw the timing of your offense off and yet you can have possessions where your offense is so crisp you get a great open shot or backdoor cut for a dunk but the key is what i experienced was BALANCE and VARIABILITY.

Playing this game is so much different than watching this game. The cpu is much more aggressive on both offense and defense.

Another thing I loved when playing is that there is a Ton of variability in the way the cpu plays this year.

IE just because you see a user get away with something once it in no way means that will happen all the time.

Best example I can use is defenders defending cuts. I have seen them get beat bad following someone around a screen. Same game I have seen them play it by getting perfect positioning. I have seen the defender be a step behind but help from his teammates negates the pass .. Etc etc etc.

I have had game where I shot 15-20 ft in the first half 12 min qtrs cause i was taking it too the rack. Other games with others teams have flowed differently

So In most cases I wouldn't take one or two instances and extrapolate that across the entire game. Maybe some cases that is appropriate but on stuff your seeing from the cpu remember it can vary.

This cpu opponent is the most human like I have ever faced.

I don't know if I can or should say this but we will see if they make me delete it.... 2k11 is finally not just about adding more animations. The code beneath the animations has had some SERIOUS work put into it.

as an example. In that video where guys are complaining that the help did not come from the corner. Well this year if you set someone or the cpu sets someone to deny their check the basketball they will not leave him. I think boiler alluded to this but it is in fact in the game unless they took it out.

so now your coaching setting are going to have an impact on the results your seeing on the floor.

There are some changes like that to where your really going to want to play it and get into it before dismissing something you may be seeing. as always let me say the game is not perfect.

But without doubt it represents the most nuanced hoop game I have played to date. (8-25-2010).

So there will be times when the defense breaks down, there will be times when they do score inside just like real life. But i have also seen where they paint is full of contact and I have been forced to take contested jumpers possession after possession.

Again does not mean there aren't some things that are just not working as intended.

The lead AI engineer is a BEAST !! and he Loves the intricate small things that make basketball basketball.. the not helping when set to deny is just one example of several little goodies he has dispersed in the code.

I for the life of me don't know why they let people who can't properly demonstrate the strengths of their game be the first ones to show it too the world. Its just crazy to me !!!! ROTFLOL and it happens every year.

Hope that answered your question and didn't get me in trouble at the same time


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Great hands-on! I've just come back from holidays and after the big let down of fifa, it seems 2k11 can take a lot of my time this season!
I always eventually moved back to the Alternate B setup because I felt more comfortable with the dribble moves on the right stick.

Everything has changed now so I don't have a choice, that's a good thing I guess.
I doubt it Matt, it's no FIFA or ISS (over here that is).
I will, its my only option.

I hope the PS3 version has the custom audio this year like the 360 had last year, I want to recreate the ESPN/TNT game nights.
Just out of interest regarding the Jordan mode - is it full seasons against others in the 90s era? Playing against Charles Barkley, Muggsey and Ewing would be great, and if so, does that mean authentic courts home and away? I'm liking the Bulls court from the 90s, but would love to be playing at the Hornets and Celtics away.

I'm such a huge fan of 90s bball as I grew up as a fan of the Bulls - they're still my team today (I have a Deng jersey). Watching Pippen, Jordan and Horace Grant with those specs on gives me goosebumps.
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Just out of interest regarding the Jordan mode - is it full seasons against others in the 90s era? Playing against Charles Barkley Muggsey an Ewing would be great, and if so, does that mean authentic courts home and away? I'm liking the Bulls court from the 90s, but would love to be playing at the Hornets and Celtics away.

I'm such a huge fan of 90s bball as I grew up as a fan of the Bulls - they're still my team today (I have a Deng jersey). Watching Pippen, Jordan and Horace Grant with those specs on gives me goosebumps.

You'll be able to play the 10 Jordan Challenges:

The Jordan Challenge:

The Arrival

When: April 20, 1986. Game 2, 1st round playoffs vs. Celtics
Goal 1: Score 63+ points
Goal 2: Shoot 50%+ from the field
Goal 3: Dish out 6+ assists
One-liner: Jordan made his mark with this 63 point playoff game against a heavily favored Celtics team.

69 Points

When: March 28, 1990. Regular season game vs. Cavs
Goal 1: Score 69+ points
Goal 2: Shoot 50%+ from the field
Goal 3: Dish out 6+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: This time Jordan gets the win by dropping 69 points and putting a dent in the Cavaliers’ playoff plans.


When: Any date in 1990. Regular season game vs. Hawks
Goal 1: Outscore Dominique
Goal 2: Hold Dominique under 25 Points
Goal 3: Dish out 5+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: Jordan and Dominique Wilkins face off in some of the all-time greatest scoring performances of the era.

Bad Boys

When: May 26, 1990. Game 3, Eastern Conference Finals vs. Pistons
Goal 1: Score 47+ points
Goal 2: Dish out 4+ assists
Goal 3: Win the game
One-liner: Jordan showed the Pistons and the world that no defensive strategy could stop him for long.

1991 NBA Finals

When: June 2 thru June 12, 1991 vs. Lakers
Goal 1: Average 31.0+ points
Goal 2: Shoot 55%+ from the field
Goal 3: Average 11+ assists
Goal 4: Win the series
One-liner: Jordan silenced the doubters by coming back from a game one embarrassment to thrash the Lakers in these Finals.

The Shrug

When: June 3, 1992. Game 1, NBA Finals vs. Blazers
Goal 1: Score 35+ points in the first half
Goal 2: Make 6+ threes in the first half
Goal 3: Hold Drexler to under 20 points
Goal 4: Win the Game
One-liner: Just to prove a point, Jordan sets the tone for the series by dominating the first half of this first Finals game.

Double Nickel

When: March 18, 1995. Regular season game vs. Knicks
Goal 1: Score 55+ points
Goal 2: Shoot 55%+ from the field
Goal 3: Dish out 2+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: After a stint with the bat, Jordan returns to New York to tear up the Knicks for 55 points and an unforgettable pass.

Father’s Day Victory

When: June 16, 1996. Game 6, 1996 Finals (last game of series as Bulls won 4-2) vs. Sonics
Goal 1: Score 22+ points
Goal 2: Grab 9+ rebounds
Goal 3: Dish out 7+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: Michael ran the table over the entire league but this fourth title would prove to be just as special as his first.

The Flu Game

When: June 11, 1997. Game 5, 1997 Finals (not the last game of the series as it went to 6) vs. Jazz
Goal 1: Score 38+ points
Goal 2: Grab 7+ rebounds
Goal 3: Dish out 5+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: A very ill Jordan still manages to both dominate the game and hit the winning shot in the last seconds of the game.

Michael’s Last Dance

When: June 14, 1998. Game 6, 1998 Finals vs. Jazz
Goal 1: Score 45+ points
Goal 2: Get 4+ steals
Goal 3: Dish out 1+ assists
Goal 4: Win the game
One-liner: With one final resounding shot, Jordan seals both his legacy and the fate of the Jazz’s championship hopes."

And then play the MJ Create-a-Legend mode:

"Last but certainly not least is a mode called MJ Create-a-Legend that opens up after you've completed all ten challenges. The premise is simple: players insert Rookie Michael Jordan into any team they want (yes, you can run with Lebron, Bosh, Wade and Jordan on the Heat if you want) and then try to develop him into the player we know and love, but with the current crop of NBA talent. Jordan's look will change as you progress through his career and will mirror the physical differences that we saw as he moved from '80s Michael to late-'90s Michael. He begins as a high-flying youngster with an overall rating of 79 and it's up to you to bring him to greatness. The gameplay performs just like My Player in that you're player-locked to Michael Jordan and will have to complete different objectives for each game."

Did you guys see the pics i posted above? I edited a previous post, they look amazing!
Wow, the MJ modes sound incredible. Thanks for the info mate.

Yeah those screens look great, really fine attention to detail. From the look of those vids the game is so much smoother. It looks very slick and polished.
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