NBA 2K11 - G.O.A.T.

Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Football games are different because there will always be people to play with, can't compare the two in that regard.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

i see so footy is indeed more popular than nba? im sure there are millions who play nba 2k10 over in america? maybe catch a few games with those guys?

If it was as popular as footy, would you concentrate in the online modes more than association?
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

The time difference is key Jonney and no I'll always take Association, Master League, Manager Mode over online,

I'm not against online at all but nothing beats your own personal adventure with a team.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

ahh i see what you mean, each to their own though but cheers for the clarification. i always thought you loved nba 2k games online.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Drekkard I just played a game with the sliders you recommended and up to a point in the fourth quarter the game was neck and neck. Then the Rockets flipped the script and went on a stupid 15-5 run, I say stupid because it came from nowhere, it wasn't natural.

I was hitting jumpshots/3PTs with Barbosa and J Rich but that stupid run killed my enjoyment of the match.

Stats from the game, I only scored 13 points in the 4th :RANT:

I'm going to tweak the sliders a bit now, for some reason my players were double teaming Yao and leaving Brooks open throughout the game.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I've played 5 games and lost only one, won the other ones for 5 points or more. About the 4th quarter run, dont' know, I'm experiencing now and then strong comebacks of the cpu, when I notice this I start to play very slowly, resorting to pick and rolls with my star players and defend very cautious. But yes, sometimes help deffense is crap and your defense gets messy.

I noticed in auto defense play calling that sometimes your team will start defending in "zonal" and you'll get trashed. I put it on manual and man to man and reduced a lot stupid double teams.

I tweaked a little the sliders, raising CPU mid range shooting one point and lowering mine 1 point and also lowered a little the shooting and reaching fouls (both to 65 now).

The good side of all is at least you could start nailing jumpers, isn't it? Now and then one of my players gets in a cold streak and I know I have to stop shooting with him for a while, they have exagerated this things a little over the top, to my liking.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I have finally found some balance in the sliders and options for my matches, and I can consistenly score even in the last quarter. There are still some annoyances, but I think they are part of the game and we won't be able to get rid of them (some general deffensive dumbness, cpu doing alley-oops at your face now and then...).

What I would try is to share the sliders and maybe between all us we can "release" a EVO-WEB slider set and game settings. First step; I'm going to share the current sliders under the name EVOWEB SLIDERS for anyone interested. Note that are meant for ALL-STAR difficulty level and if you're a begginer in the game you may find it a bit difficult at first.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Thanks, look forward to it.

Are you playing My Player much? Its a great mode, especially when your a starter.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Yes, I like it, and it seems less prone to cheat than the regular association when I play it, but I just love to play association the classic way. I'm 14-6 on my Portland association.

Now and then you get a match in which your players are rubbish and you have to use your superstars to the limit. But when things "click" the game is amazing. You know it. And the most irritating thing ever when it doesn't, just like old pes.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Yes, I like it, and it seems less prone to cheat than the regular association when I play it, but I just love to play association the classic way. I'm 14-6 on my Portland association.

Now and then you get a match in which your players are rubbish and you have to use your superstars to the limit. But when things "click" the game is amazing. You know it. And the most irritating thing ever when it doesn't, just like old pes.

man really that is how the nba is bro... with the exception of a few elite teams..
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

man really that is how the nba is bro... with the exception of a few elite teams..

I know, I see a fair ammonunt of matches. I was refering to cheats or the feeling you're being denied because the cpu wants to balance the scorelines. THAT is what makes the game irritating. For instance, yesterday Roy missed 2 consecutive layups completely alone, and Oden was alone and missed a dunk by no reason in the last quarter. That things happen to you regularly while it never seems to happen to the cpu.

I'm talking about fairness, not the actual ups and downs of matches. Yesterday I was playing Miami and Beasley and Wade were destroying me by 16 points in the first quarter! I adjusted things and came back to almost tie it at halftime. In the third quarter we were tied agian and at the end I won by 8. It was a great game, but there were moments were I was being clearly cheated, and that should be out of the game.

I upped the shooting fouls slider to 75 and it's great. Lots of fouls. When you can't do anything else, you can always try to draw a fouol from the defenders. It's just great.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I played against Memphis and started the game slow, Rudy Gay go off to a hot start but he cooled off in the 2nd quarter. Jason Richardson played very well and had 26 points (finished with 36 points) at HT (down by one point).

At the end of the third quarter, I don't know what happened but I was down by 18 points. We hung in there though and with just under three minutes left in the 4th, Amare sets the pick, Dragic rolls to the basket, he has a clean, uncontested layup and he misses. (That's the BS missed layup you've referred to previously). If he had scored it would have cut their lead to six, to make matters worse, the Grizzlies next score was a uncontested layup.


I tweaked a couple of CPU things in your sliders Drekkard, can't remember which one's though. I'm going to start Association again tomorrow.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Mmmm, what I see in your screenshot is that Memphis had a very high shooting percentage. My opponents hardly go over 47%, while grizzlies here have 61%! It may be due to your suns having a very low deffense rating (probably one of the lower ones).

I also see you have a very low percentage of points in the paint. Don't know if it's because of the centers you have in the team or the way you play. Try to make some pick and rolls with your center now and then to change the pace, and some penetrations just to add some cheap points to your overall and don't depending too much on the perimeter. I know you already know all that, but it's what I can say by seeing those stats (I'll try to post mines next time!).

The grizzlies have been one of the most difficult opponents to play in my association because of gasol strength and gay penetrations, but once you discover how to stop them it really eases a lot. I would advise you to play AGAIN the same match, now that you know how they work. When I do, I usually have a much better game. It's a pain, I know, but it's been the way to learn how to play certain situations.

I have between 45-50% shooting now, with 3 pointers at around 30-35% and an average of 45% of points in the paint (that includes all my fast break and penetrations of course). And I love the ammount of fouls! You have to start caring about them and the cpu sometimes is forced to change players because of fouls. That's why I liked this specific slider set!

I wish there was a slider for "cpu deciding hot runs for a certain team", then the game would be 10/10.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I didn't get a lot of points in the paint because Richardson was making his jumpshots so I decided to ride the train until it crashed so to speak. Also Barbosa wasn't available (NBA Today), he usually gets the majority of my fast break points.

Compared to 2K9, having a C that can shoot jumpshots/3PTs is great because it allows me to draw out the bigs from the opposition. However so far I tend to get carried away with it, plus Frye is nothing special in the post.

When everything clicked in 2K8 and 9, I usually had about 40 points in the paint per game, sometimes depending on the opposition and how their playing me.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Just picked this up today - used to like the old B-Ball games and heard good things about this.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

What a game! I thought The Show was deep, but this is amazing.

Really annoying why devs can go into this much detail and put the effort in on some sports games, but FIFA and PES feel a million miles away from what 2K have done here.

Really need some help though guys as I'm not a massive BBall fan (though I would watch it if I had ESPN) and not sure on positions (currently PF in My Player) and the manual for this games is so bad its laughable.

Are there any NBA2k10 sites or good tutorial vids that anyone knows of please?!
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

There is a lot of info and tips at Operation Sports. There are three training videos in the 2K Online Community section, I haven't watched the videos yet and don't know what its about but they were recently added to the site.

Anything just let us know. :))
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Yes, operation sports is a great community. Start there, but don't hesitate to ask us. What I would recommend first is to stick to one team and learn the difference between players (they are so amazingly different to each other....) and KNOW your team. Once you know one team, start trying other teams to see the big and subtle differences.

If you start trying different teams, eventually you will loose direction and adjusting to the VERY different shooting routines of different players can be a royal pain.

And the biggest difficulty at first is to understand the pace of the game, specially defending (don't try to steal the ball all the time, basketball is mainly a game of denying position, so try to play positional deffense and learn your opponent plays to improve your deffense.

Don't get mad when the cpu suddenly makes 15 points in a row. With custom sliders and experience, you will learn how to overcome those situations and love the game despite it's sometimes artificial ups and downs.

For example, yesterday iw won the first quarte with my blazers against the bucks 26-11. 15 points ahead, my best first quarter ever. Then we tied the secondth quarter, so I was 15 up still. In the third quarter, all of a sudden, they did 13 consecutive points in my face while I struggled to do anything and kept loosing balls by no reason.

I kept myself cold, put again my stars on the paint and played some "safe" plays, drawing fouls or doing penetrations or pick and rolls. And I tightened a lot deffense. That way, I managed to get back my 15 points of difference and played the last quarter patiently and letting time run without crazy plays.

That's an example. If you let those panicking moments get you, you will definitely loose, so try to mantain order, pace and don't go crazy with your shots.

That's just two cents about things you won't find in manuals or in tutorials.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I'm a newbie like pboreham.
I'm playing an association with the Bulls (i was tempted by Noah...).
My star player is Derek Rose.
The Bulls started like a Rocket, but at the moment i have a bad patch...the Bulls are struggling to win matches. Against the Timberwolves, i had a 25 points lead, but scored only 4 and the 4th quarter and won by one point...i was a litle bit embarassed by that win...

My problem is taht i don't know nothing about basketball...for example i read a lot about pickand roll, but i haven't got a clue what it is.
Can somebody of the more knowledgeable guys help me ?

Thanks in advance...

PS: this is a great game, but maybe a litle bit too deep for me.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Just picked this up today - used to like the old B-Ball games and heard good things about this.

I've just ordered this also after playing the demo. The game does look awesome, my only problem is that I know absolutely fack all about Basketball. I only ever played NBA Jam :COAT:

I am interested in trying to get into this though, so I'll have a read up on all the rules, as I just kept giving away fouls from trying to get the ball.

I feel like a Yank who has never played or watched 'Soccer' and wants someone to explain the 'offside' rule to them.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

After the CPU scores a basket, at the restart how do I stop my player from throwing the ball all the way across the court to the far out of bounds line under their basket ?
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I've just ordered this also after playing the demo. The game does look awesome, my only problem is that I know absolutely fack all about Basketball. I only ever played NBA Jam :COAT:

I am interested in trying to get into this though, so I'll have a read up on all the rules, as I just kept giving away fouls from trying to get the ball.

I feel like a Yank who has never played or watched 'Soccer' and wants someone to explain the 'offside' rule to them.

wel man you gotta watch, basket ball is much more complicated then you think
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

After the CPU scores a basket, at the restart how do I stop my player from throwing the ball all the way across the court to the far out of bounds line under their basket ?

Use the icon passing, the point guard should be close to the ball.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

It tends to be overwhelming, but just keep on trying and you will be rewarded (and this from somebody who must be one of the least hardcore gamers on this forum). I've tried NBA 2K in 2003 (if i remember well) and came to the same conclusion as you.
Last year somebody who knew that i like games and who is a huge NBA fan gave me NBA 2K9 as a birthday present. This time i persevered (a litle bit) and now i'm hooked...

I know that the real specialists criticize the game (and this with good arguments), but to me this is an almost perfect game...together with FM10, this is IMHO the best game you can buy...
Shame that i don't know much about basketball (although i love to watch it).

PS: thanks tobi, i think i got the idea what "pick and roll" might be, i will try it in matches...
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Here's a great guid about pick and roll. It's of 2k9, but it's valid for 2k10 also, the principles are the same. Using icon passing is a must on pick and rolls as you will see.

At the beggining you may feel a little overwhelmed, but with practice you end up having your favourite variations of pick and roll. It depends on your players too. For example, I do great pick and rolls with Blake and Lamarcus Aldridge if I want Aldrige to score at the end, but use Oden to shoot with the point guard after the screen because Oden is slower but stronger.

Feel free to ask anything!
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I am on keyboard right now (broken joypad), anyone knows a good configuration, especially for a long time pes player??
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