NBA 2K11 - G.O.A.T.

Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

There are some Association specific fixes in the patch so you'll have to restart in if you want to get everything.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Great patch, totally fixed the framerate issues and a few other little niggles in the gameplay.

Still having a few issues with mis-matched defences though with my power forward often marking the opposing center resulting in him getting dunked on 2 or 3 times a match.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

PS3 patch will finally be out within the next 12 hours.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

did they fix "v neck" jerseys issue in xbox patch? that problem was present in nba 2k10 pc...
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Can't help you with that sorry.

I'm loving the patch already, the change defensively is lovely. Also they've added the option to upload your Association date to your profile on the 2K site.

Example from a member on OS,


Blog and info

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Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Also they've added the option to upload your Association date to your profile on the 2K site.

That is a great idea.
It reminds me of the (old) Master League thread on this forum where we did something similar.
2K Sports knows that doing something with the community that likes a game can be commercially interesting.
I've never understood why Konami didn't do a similar thing. The big handicap of the licenses and subsequent editing could become a trump card for PES. I see an online mode where people create their own teams with their own created players...and do a (ML ?) competition...we intelligent rules (a maximum number of ability points to divide for one team for example) this could become a fantastic mode...
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Cool video, the Parker circus shot was the best.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I've lost four games in a row in Association with the Suns, the first two were very close and could have gone either way. However the last two have been dreadful, all of a sudden I'm finding it very, very difficult to make jumpshots/3PTs with Barbosa and Richardson. They are key players and I can't win games without them contributing. Its forcing me to take a lot more shots with Steve Nash and that annoys me.

The new shot releases are a love/hate thing, some didn't need to be tweaked :RANT:
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Is that because of the patch tobi ???
I find it harder to win with the same thing after the patch (i started my association again).
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I don't think its the patch, its just the changes they made to the shot releases from 2K9 to 2K10.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

^Agreed. The game plays worse to me. And by far. It seems long shots are crap in the game. I have a shot percentage under 30% in mid and long range, and there's no reason for that. When I go to practice, I have a 70% percentage with players like Roy,Rudy and Outlaw. Once in the match, don't matter if my player is open, uncontested and I do the right timing, they tend to fail. I had to rise my sliders and lower a bit the CPU to find some fairness in shooting.

It is easier to go and dunk everytime than scoring from 4-5 meters. I'm quite shocked to be honest with some of the decisions 2k took with this iteration. Speed caching up it's a little suspicious and where the hell is the screen success slider?

The cpu can screen at ease, while I find it very difficult to exit succesfully from a screen. Pick & roll is bloody easy on the contrary. I don't get it, even after the patch there are some very fishy things in the game.

I've played 5 matches in my association with the Trailblazers and lost all of them. 2 of them I quit after getting irritated by many things and the matches I've completed have been all the same: early lead in the first quarter (when shots seem to go in), even secondth quarter, difficult third quarter (my players start to miss everything) and a odd final quarter (I feel it doesn't matter what I do, my shots are horrible in any situation. I had Roy missing alone under the basket two or three times).

So, I'm quite worried with the game...
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I'm going to adjust the sliders in my favour a but like you did and see if that helps, if not I'll knock the difficulty down from All Star to Pro.

Since the patch I'm not getting ridiculous final scores in My Player now, I started some games recently but I've been benched again. I'm averaging 6.7 assists a game.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I lost to the Wizards but I stopped the bleeding by dominating the 76'ers.

Check out my 2K Blog

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Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Something clicked in me today also, as I beated the Timberwolves by almost 20 points today with my Blazers. Oden and Roy were on fire. Thanks god I changed the sliders and now I have mid range shooting, quite a difference!

Still, pick and roll is too effective, dodgy deffensive AI now and then and sometimes the trends in the game feel so artificial.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Hey Tobi, how did you linked your association to and have blogs activated? I registered in 2ksports but I can't find where do I link my ps3 account to the game, nor any mention to activate associtation blogs.

Edit: Found it! What a crappy interface they had for this... they should put the linking stuff in your profile home!
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Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

It hasn't kicked off yet.

Sometimes I lose all motivation to play Association, I lost two more games today, both were tight but ultimately the things happened. Barbosa and Richardson can't shoot the ball and only score about 15 points per game and most of those points are from the free throw line.

Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I am one step away of trading the game, really. It is crap the way they have done things. In previous 2ks, you would get a "god mode" match now and then, that made your players crap and stupid and boosted your opponent. Tipically you would loose that match. The were some patterns in matches and a kind of overall pattern through the association mode calendar so at the end you wouldn't be able to win all the matches (that's with quite balanced sliders, of course).

Well, in 2k10 seems they have exagerated this patterns into a single match and in my oppinion, they have killed the game. We play for fun, they shouldn't forget this. And it's no fun when I always win the 1st quarter but then progressively my players turn into shit through the game, ending in a ridiculous way.

The game constantly wants, needs it's urged to balance things and when you have a good streak, suddenly you're unable to do a thing.

I've had 4 consecutive misses from star players ALONE 1 inch away of the basket. Roy has missed 8 consecutive open and uncontested shots and my team now and then is completely unable to defend. On the other side, my opponents, when they feel they need it, physicality suddenly disappears and they get through as many players as necessary to score. If you try the same, you won't get past the first defender, and hardly will have an open look to the basket.

It's a fustrating, irritating game, and it's not WHY I bought it. It has very good things and when everything works well and in your favor, you get a good time. But you know it won't last more than 2 minutes, and that sort of kills your gamer instinct. I know soone ror later the game starts to bend things in their favor. Unfairness should definitely be out of sports games, but right now it seems the only way they know to program things.

In my oppinion, they got too far with this one. I hate having drama all the time. I hate loosing 10 points in 2 minutes not because of my mistakes, but because the game wants it.

I'm so irritated everytime I end up quitting the matches before ending right now and going to look into 2k forums to see if there's some kind of fix to this. Otherwise, I will trade it ofr the first time in my life, I'm that infuriated.

There's something really odd with screens. Cpu players seem granite solid, while my players are made of paper.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

The My Player mode is enough for me to keep playing the game but I will continue to plug away with Association and pray that something clicks. I don't want to play the mode with another team but I may have to if things don't improve for me.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I am one step away of trading the game, really. It is crap the way they have done things. In previous 2ks, you would get a "god mode" match now and then, that made your players crap and stupid and boosted your opponent. Tipically you would loose that match. The were some patterns in matches and a kind of overall pattern through the association mode calendar so at the end you wouldn't be able to win all the matches (that's with quite balanced sliders, of course).

Well, in 2k10 seems they have exagerated this patterns into a single match and in my oppinion, they have killed the game. We play for fun, they shouldn't forget this. And it's no fun when I always win the 1st quarter but then progressively my players turn into shit through the game, ending in a ridiculous way.

The game constantly wants, needs it's urged to balance things and when you have a good streak, suddenly you're unable to do a thing.

I've had 4 consecutive misses from star players ALONE 1 inch away of the basket. Roy has missed 8 consecutive open and uncontested shots and my team now and then is completely unable to defend. On the other side, my opponents, when they feel they need it, physicality suddenly disappears and they get through as many players as necessary to score. If you try the same, you won't get past the first defender, and hardly will have an open look to the basket.

It's a fustrating, irritating game, and it's not WHY I bought it. It has very good things and when everything works well and in your favor, you get a good time. But you know it won't last more than 2 minutes, and that sort of kills your gamer instinct. I know soone ror later the game starts to bend things in their favor. Unfairness should definitely be out of sports games, but right now it seems the only way they know to program things.

In my oppinion, they got too far with this one. I hate having drama all the time. I hate loosing 10 points in 2 minutes not because of my mistakes, but because the game wants it.

I'm so irritated everytime I end up quitting the matches before ending right now and going to look into 2k forums to see if there's some kind of fix to this. Otherwise, I will trade it ofr the first time in my life, I'm that infuriated.

There's something really odd with screens. Cpu players seem granite solid, while my players are made of paper.

i thought this game was good? if yoru going to quit playing it, join me, tobi and co on fifa 10 BAP :BOP:
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I'll give a last chance to Association mode. Digging Operation Sports forums a lot of people is reporting PRO to be the best difficult setting:

A thread worth a read in my oppinion. Seems that PRO irons out a lot of the "cheating" and "bending" issues I'm having again and again, specially field goal percentage sinking towards the end and cheesy plays by the cpu alongside the typical unbalanced strength and speed.

A lot of people moaning there because of how cheats destroy enjoyment in the upper difficulties. At least I feel I share the pain. of speed catching up and 4th quarters general stupidity.

Now it's time to try it with pro with the right sliders set. I plan on trying these ones:

I really really hope it finally clicks. And I'm open to play with you on BAP of course!
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Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

I've been using Playmakers sliders over at OS but I'll try your link later on and report back.

Jonney the game is good and at times can be great but it can also test your last nerve.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

why play Association mode? surely a game like this is best played online? The AI will never be as good as a real human. Cant you set up a league/season that's similar to Association mode?
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Reverse that, online is only worth it with like minded people. Association is the bread and butter, no point buying the game just to play online.

The AI is very good/clever in the game and certainly play a more realistic game than the cheesers that dominate online games, its just certain things that frustrate.

2K8 to 2K10 so far I haven't played 10 games online. All the default online features are there and then some that make other sports game look poor in comparison but its just a bonus to me because I spend most of my time playing SP.

I'd love to play more online but we need more people to make that a reality.
Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Oks, I've tried some combination of things that resulted quite well, so the chance of being traded has been saved by now. In fact, I've had a quite exciting, fun and satisfying match.

I used puntNL 2.0 sliders for All-star difficulty, combined with the following game options (if something is not in the list, let it default or as you wish):

Game speed:50
Free Throws: 75 (real % free throws)
Charging: 60
Blocking: 75
Reaching: 90
Loose ball:90

When you apply the sliders, you can up decrease one point inside and close shooting for both you and cpu.

And that's it. Still need to adjust some minor things such as tendencies of play and shooting sliders but that needs more time to be seen. As of now, It's been quite a relief, because I'va had a great game and finally have had the feeling that I could nail mid-range and long shots without it being so easy, and in the final quarter my players didn't become braindead. Indeed, I played a very slow controlling basketball ending in some nice open shots.

In fact, the best thing was to constantly move and wait for the open man to nail it. Roy had an impressive match with 28 points, followed by Fernandez with 18 and three more players on the 10+ points mark.

Let me know if you try it what you think about it.

PS: I play 10 minutes quarters and the match ended 95-85. I had 50% FG and CPU had 48%, with 3 pointers I had 33% and cpu 45% (I had 3 last second shots from halftime in 3 of the quarters as I had the last possession, so I could have had a better 3 points average). Offensive rebounds have been drastically reduced (but because I score more).
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Re: NBA 2K10 - PS3, 360, PC, Wii, PSP

Reverse that, online is only worth it with like minded people. Association is the bread and butter, no point buying the game just to play online.

The AI is very good/clever in the game and certainly play a more realistic game than the cheesers that dominate online games, its just certain things that frustrate.

2K8 to 2K10 so far I haven't played 10 games online. All the default online features are there and then some that make other sports game look poor in comparison but its just a bonus to me because I spend most of my time playing SP.

I'd love to play more online but we need more people to make that a reality.

if fifa 10 had a good season mode would you consider that more than the already impressive online modes? for me, sports games of any kind is best played online whever its bball football or even tennis. most of the fun and challenging aspects are best experienced online for me.

it seems as though you should have got the pc version of last years nba 2k9 as it had the association mode but no online play. No online play was what got me a bit bored on nab 2k9. its a great game dont get me wrong but i feel its best played online like how i plated nba 2k6. i played all my games online and it was massively fun.

i am 100% sure their are many like minded players out there that you can play with. why not join a UK nba2k10 league? im sure there are a few out their.
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