yeah seen Princess Mononoke and was completely knocked for six, such was it's greatness. honestly, i had heard great things about it but for some strange reason i was a bit apprehentious when i rented it, but oh my god did it not just turn out to be one of the best films i've seen this year! i'll definitely be picking it up on DVD and it may even surpass Ghost in the Shell as my favourite anime film. still yet to see Spirited Away, though if it's up to the same standard as Miyazaki's other works i can't see myself being disappointed.
other highlights of the year (both good and bad) for me:
finding nemo - fell somewhere between toy story and monsters inc in my opinion. which is not a criticism. it made me laugh, and the seagulls nearly made me wet myself.
intacto - an utterly brilliant spanish film all about chance/luck. if you haven't already seen it, go and do so. now.
matrix revolutions - though not without it's faults, this is still a deep, complex and visually mesmeric film that simply demands to be seen. far too many people it seems are all too quick to jump on the "overly critical" bandwagon on this one i feel.
the italian job - okay i guess if you're easily pleased. for the rest of us, spend the extra few quid and get a copy of the original.
bad boys 2 - give the £4.50 (or whatever it costs you to go to your local film emporium) to a friend, and in return have him massacre your eyeballs with a red-hot rusty poker. you'll enjoy it more. michael bay should be strung up by his furry beanbag and towel-whipped to death with the american flag, all to the tune of "God bless America" for being allowed (yet again!) to produce tripe like this.
killbill - fu(king brilliant. i have nothing more to add on this one.
donnie darko - if you still haven't seen the new cult movie of the decade, then go and pick it up now. and don't forget your copy of intacto while you're at it!
the pianist - engrossing, absorbing and empowering stuff. adrian brodie fully deserved his academy award.
punch drunk love - i know, i know, i don't like romanic comedys either, but this is a strangely compelling film that makes you smile rather than laugh out loud. it's hard to put my finger on it (it is on odd movie there's no doubt about that, and a lot of people will really hate it) but it's unusualness and weird humour really make it stand out. you won't see anything like it anywhere else, and it has a great soundtrack. overall a very enjoyable, odd feel-good movie that isn't quite up to P.T Anderson's other masterpiece Magnolia. but then again, what is?
just my thoughts
other highlights of the year (both good and bad) for me:
finding nemo - fell somewhere between toy story and monsters inc in my opinion. which is not a criticism. it made me laugh, and the seagulls nearly made me wet myself.
intacto - an utterly brilliant spanish film all about chance/luck. if you haven't already seen it, go and do so. now.
matrix revolutions - though not without it's faults, this is still a deep, complex and visually mesmeric film that simply demands to be seen. far too many people it seems are all too quick to jump on the "overly critical" bandwagon on this one i feel.
the italian job - okay i guess if you're easily pleased. for the rest of us, spend the extra few quid and get a copy of the original.
bad boys 2 - give the £4.50 (or whatever it costs you to go to your local film emporium) to a friend, and in return have him massacre your eyeballs with a red-hot rusty poker. you'll enjoy it more. michael bay should be strung up by his furry beanbag and towel-whipped to death with the american flag, all to the tune of "God bless America" for being allowed (yet again!) to produce tripe like this.
killbill - fu(king brilliant. i have nothing more to add on this one.
donnie darko - if you still haven't seen the new cult movie of the decade, then go and pick it up now. and don't forget your copy of intacto while you're at it!
the pianist - engrossing, absorbing and empowering stuff. adrian brodie fully deserved his academy award.
punch drunk love - i know, i know, i don't like romanic comedys either, but this is a strangely compelling film that makes you smile rather than laugh out loud. it's hard to put my finger on it (it is on odd movie there's no doubt about that, and a lot of people will really hate it) but it's unusualness and weird humour really make it stand out. you won't see anything like it anywhere else, and it has a great soundtrack. overall a very enjoyable, odd feel-good movie that isn't quite up to P.T Anderson's other masterpiece Magnolia. but then again, what is?
just my thoughts