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No chance Danny! :D

I really enjoyed Arnie playing on the good side for once in the terminator series, fookin brillant actor. His definetly up there with the best actors in the world along side Sly Stallone, Jean Claud Van Dam and the creap of the crop Will Smith. Arnie rocks and is the best action actor ever!
I actually never said he was a bad actor in this movie, he plays his part of being a big lump who talks like a robot very well ;).

He was a "goodie" in T2, a movie with better special effects than T3 ffs, and how old is it now...
I did a marathon comedy movie watch the other night. First up was Shallow Hal that was very good. Followed by Zoolander, I heard it was good, however it wasn't all that funny as I thought it'd be. Then I followed it up with Freddy got Fingered (although I missed the start, caught it when the guy had broke his leg). Thought that was very funny indeed, although a bit overly-mad.

fd1972uk said:
I did a marathon comedy movie watch the other night. First up was Shallow Hal that was very good. Followed by Zoolander, I heard it was good, however it wasn't all that funny as I thought it'd be. Then I followed it up with Freddy got Fingered (although I missed the start, caught it when the guy had broke his leg). Thought that was very funny indeed, although a bit overly-mad.


Jesus Christ! I just came into this topic to talk about Zoolander on Sky on Sunday night and there you are talking about it! :shock: That is well freaky! :shock:
Anyway, I thought it was a great film Zoolander, that blue steel look cracked me up every time he did it. :mrgreen: Stiller films are always quality, same with Sandler.
Freddy got fingered is strange! Tom Green is the most disgusting comedian i have ever seen! he once started to french kiss a man on his show.
ClassicD said:
Personally I also think Robert Patrick's liquid metal T-1000 would annihilate Loken(sp?)'s T-X ;).

Yeah, i thought that too. This new Terminator is supposed to be the Ultimate version, but it looks like something they got in a car boot sale compared to the T-1000. What i thought of the movie.. Suprised.. in a good way. I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out alright, and the ending was not something you usually see in a Hollywood summer Blockbuster. Still reckon the first Termiantor movie is the best of the lot though.

"Say, that's a nice bike..."

Deuce Biggolow Male Giggolo is the funniest movie I've seen in some time. Freddy got fingered is just plain crap, not funny at all in my opinion.

Saw Snatch again the other night, great movie. Brad Pitt is the best actor ever his in all my fav movies, se7en, Oceans Eleven, Fight Club, Spy Game and Snatch! :D
I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't rate se7en, Snatch was well funny, though I think Lock, Stock wins over it, but it is close. As for T3, I hope it's a good show, I really loved T2, and it was out in 1992 I think, around then anyhow, it was the same summer as Silence of the Lambs, now that was much better than 7.

Oceans Eleven was a great film, tis very easy to kick back and watch over and over.
Holio did you ever whatch the movie Ronin? Robet De Nero was superd in that movie, though I think his best performance was in Casino. So many great movies! :D
Dazza. said:
Zoolander is a class film :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


"derek, tell me, what happens wen you fall off the horse"

long pause

"im sorry maury, im not a gymnast"

another long pause

"you get back on it derek!"

HAHAHAH, ben stiller (in case SOME ppl didnt noe, ben stiller worked with his dad, jerry stiller (maury in ZOOLANDER) and his wife christine taylor , whom i fancy, as Matilda Jeffries)

I've been watching loads of films on Sky lately. "Bedazzled" last night and "Joe Dirt" the night before. Both have their tedious parts, although both are quite inspiring stories in the end. Anyone else?
Also, Training Day, watched that last Saturday. Excellent film, one of the best I've seen.
I have watched Mr Deeds recently and it is very funny.Adam Sandler is class and the servent is very very sneaky.
Gnairn3 said:
I have watched Mr Deeds recently and it is very funny.Adam Sandler is class and the servent is very very sneaky.

he he, training day is quality too, hutch!!
Yeah Hutch I want to see that, missed it last week, has had great reviews/comments.

Gnairn - I've also heard Mr Deeds is very funny, like Adam Sandler a lot.

Just watched Rush Hour 2, enjoyed it very much. Jackie Chan has always been my favourite martial arts guy as he mixes it with comedy. Funny film.

I've got The Eye (Jap. version) and need to watch that too.

fd1972uk said:
Yeah Hutch I want to see that, missed it last week, has had great reviews/comments.

Gnairn - I've also heard Mr Deeds is very funny, like Adam Sandler a lot.

Just watched Rush Hour 2, enjoyed it very much. Jackie Chan has always been my favourite martial arts guy as he mixes it with comedy. Funny film.

I've got The Eye (Jap. version) and need to watch that too.


Rush Hour 2 is quality!
saw T3 tonite, quality, obviously not very plot ridden but some class one liners from arnie.

well set up for T4 as well.
Watched Donnie Darko, it was not bad, although can't say it was as impressive as I had heard.

Quite fancy this new Pirates of the Caribbean film. :D

The 70s? Damn right.
You got films like Star Wars, The Exorcist, The Omen, Cuckoo's Nest, Wicker Man, Enter The Dragon, Dawn Of The Dead and way more. Definitely my favourite era for films.
may i add the Godfather, the Deerhunter, Taxi Driver, Serpico, Midnight Express, Once upon a time in America
zebula77 said:
The 70s? Damn right.
Enter The Dragon, Dawn Of The Dead and way more. Definitely my favourite era for films.

You can't beat abit of bruce Lee, I have all his films.

Dawn of the Dead! Classic: :D

I watched ZooLander again last night it was on sky at 10 o'clock That is one funny film! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
joostebrood said:
may i add the Godfather, the Deerhunter, Taxi Driver, Serpico, Midnight Express, Once upon a time in America

Thanks, Joost. Those are all class films. ;)
There's so much shi­te about as well though, I mean FFS, 'Freddy VS Jason'? :roll: I also wish they'd stop these fookin comedy sequels, like American Pie and Scary Movie, rank the lot of them.
ClassicD said:
There's so much shi­te about as well though, I mean FFS, 'Freddy VS Jason'? :roll: I also wish they'd stop these fookin comedy sequels, like American Pie and Scary Movie, rank the lot of them.

Well said.
I've just got the first 2 Terminators on DVD. F*ckin Quality! I can now also laugh at the quote posted a few pages back-
"Say, thats a nice bike" :mrgreen:
ClassicD said:
There's so much shi­te about as well though, I mean FFS, 'Freddy VS Jason'? :roll: I also wish they'd stop these fookin comedy sequels, like American Pie and Scary Movie, rank the lot of them.

have you seen Scary Movie 2?

it's a very funny film, 'take my hand'

'give me our other hand.'

'no this is my strong hand.'

:D :D :D :D

and at the beginning when they're sitting round the piana singing, that ra song?
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