Modern Warfare 2

Anyone read the manual? I cant believe how basic it is, practically tells you the controls and thats about it.

I turned of the assisted shooting, but does anyone know if this applies in Multi-player? E.g. is everyone on the same settings or is it like FIFA 10 manual vs Assisted?
The manual is shit, it has to be said.

But then I'm old school gamer who used to open games in actual cardboard boxes and have manuals as thick as novels inside. They were the good old days when you used to take the manual to the toilet and have a read when you took a break from the game :)
The manual is shit, it has to be said.

But then I'm old school gamer who used to open games in actual cardboard boxes and have manuals as thick as novels inside. They were the good old days when you used to take the manual to the toilet and have a read when you took a break from the game :)

I remember the manual for Grand Prix on the Amiga (Geoff Crammonds version).

Manual was about 400 pages and had loads of info on the origins of F1, right through to how the cars work, technical data, how to drive/corner like a real driver etc. Was amazing!

Of course, the advantage in those days (for those that remember).

"Please enter the word on page 326, column 2, line 36, word 6"
I remember the Jet Set Willy manual had a card with colors on it that you entered to enable the game to be played. A kind of crude licensing method.

Anyways, back on topic. Is the battlefield level in MP mode when it comes to control options?
cant beleive all the glowing reviews on this game. I have been thru the first three levels, snow mobiles were cool, some of the other stuff is samey.. i would think online co-op is pretty bad ass, but playing by yourself, ehhhh. And the story line is retarded... You dont go from prvt first class to CIA/terrorist in a week.. And this guy shepard is he supposed to be realistic or a parody of the general in metal gear, LOL
I agree with you about the single player story, its all over the place, one minute your doing a tutorial and then suddenly your in the middle of a fire fight. What happened in between?

Too many characters for my liking.
online is the real McCoy! Does anyone know the perk for having Steaming? Is it some kind of server? If my data gets lost will steam have it backed up encase my pc crash? I love pc gaming ,but I`m new to this Steam thing
I thought the story was confusing, but I thought generally the missions and the ideas behind it were fantastic. I'm done with the offline anyway, just playing special ops and multiplayer! Reached level 35 today.
The single player wasn't great for me, the story itself was all over the place... confusing. I didn't think the missions were that great either, I felt like I was just playing out a role in a movie. Seems to me they focused so much on the plot and forgot to give the gamer some proper action to go have fun with. There isn't many levels that I'd enjoy replaying again.
Nice games we had last night in the Evo Web room :)). Have to say I prefer the more tactical and slightly slower Rainbow Six though. Still, it'll do until the next Rainbow is out!
Have to say I prefer the more tactical and slightly slower Rainbow Six though. Still, it'll do until the next Rainbow is out!
I agree. It's a shame Spec Ops is limited to 2 player, it's still good but not like an old fashioned terrorist hunt.
I'm disappointed they took out some hardcore modes

They were always more tactical then the run and gunning modes with invincible people they have put in now

also shooting from long range in these normal mode is almost imposable now unless they are stood still
Patch 1.02 has killed the online part of MW2 for the PS3 it seems :LOL:

Great work, IW :APPLAUD:

I agree. It's a shame Spec Ops is limited to 2 player, it's still good but not like an old fashioned terrorist hunt.

I'm disappointed they took out some hardcore modes

They were always more tactical then the run and gunning modes with invincible people they have put in now

also shooting from long range in these normal mode is almost imposable now unless they are stood still

i thought this game was epic and game of the year potential?
I remember the manual for Grand Prix on the Amiga (Geoff Crammonds version).

Manual was about 400 pages and had loads of info on the origins of F1, right through to how the cars work, technical data, how to drive/corner like a real driver etc. Was amazing!

Of course, the advantage in those days (for those that remember).

"Please enter the word on page 326, column 2, line 36, word 6"

Remember it well. One of the greatest games ever in a time when manuals really were manuals.
Modern Warfare 2 has sold 1.23m copies in one day, smashing the previous record set by Grand Theft Auto IV (631,000 units).

That performance made Activision around £47m, whereas Rockstar made only £27.2m.

"These first day sales figures are astonishing and clear evidence that videogames are now mainstream in the UK," said Michael Rawlinson, boss of data collector ELSPA/GfK-ChartTrack.
I do but that's not saying much, GTA4 was boring.
I think GTA IV one player is better but i've always preferred the multiplayer on COD.

I'm all for these cinematic game experiences and i loved Uncharted 2 however and this is a gripe of mine for all one player fps's. They always feel like a linear experience.

Don't get me wrong. It's a technically sound experience and the solid game-play is coupled with top class presentation audibly and visually, all tied together with a decent story....but that's it in one player and there isn't much to do apart from travel from set-piece to set piece without dying. I think decent 3rd person titles like Uncharted 2 get around this because you can take out the enemies in multiple ways, stealth-em up or hand to hand or explode something near them...Whereas always in the majority of fps, you see a guy, you shoot him.

If there was a non intrusive cover system you could perhaps take out enemy teams with more flair in an fps game, something i think they need to work on.

Sadly it always seems fiddly in these games but i would love them to get a proper cover system working in a game as overall well put together as the later COD games. The enemy and your team-mates do it. You see them blind-fire and peep out to pop shots at the enemies.
This would make veteran mode a fantastic game in my opinion, i like those "one shot-one kill" levels of difficulty in war-games.

The problem is you always have that problem of getting stuck to walls and barrels and shit; They never seem to get the balance right in fps between a cover system and freedom to break from cover to cover.


I bought this for multi-player and at £30 i can't complain. I will get months out of it and especially when i start getting my favourite class or a collection of them. Eventually i'll get games with my mates where we have all specialised to be snipers, support or stealthy basts...and when that all clicks the game is superb, especially in hardcore mode.

Initially i thought the multi-player was a bit "random" because of all the fancy stuff going on around you. It plays more like a hardcore mode from the previous games but with all the stuff from you're HUD and more ways to track you down. However now i've put a few perks together and got some weapons i like i'm enjoying it because so long as your connection is good people tend to die when you shoot them instead of that stupid little hit mark or juggernaut symbol from the previous games. It's a nice balance between arcade and hardcore.

Personally, if you've paid £25 for this then i think if you're only playing single-player you've just about paid the right amount. It's a good single-player campaign but as always is linear.

Multi-player wise this game is up there with Street Fighter IV between two people who know that "spamming" is ineffective and throws are easily tech-able.

With a good team it's as good as 2v2 Pro Evo where you and your mate and covering the passing lanes and playing in the right positions, putting together quality moves.

If you're not burdened by nostalgia. It's a better multi-player experience that Goldeneye, especially with the perks and weapon set-ups you can do. It eventually becomes one of the least "random" fps games you will play, where you can stealth around hunting campers, be an invisible sniper or hole up with mates and make a "killzone".

The bad news is, even if you're a normal person in every other aspect of your life. You might actually feel like you "PWNZORZ" if you have a particular good game.
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Knew this sodding game would make me turn into one of "them".

I used to think these kind of games were for the kind of people who call themselves "professional gamers", wear army clothes to bed and own a collection of knives.

COD games have been the games which have given me the best laugh in recent years with mates apart from Everybody's Golf.

My other favourite game, SF IV gets a bit too serious and you can guarantee some hate-mail if you play random matches on that, and it's never worth using a mic in it because someone is always going to complain that you hit them too much, you block too much or you basically beat them...too much.

All you have to put up with in COD is the occasional hick who calls you a "dumb ass Brit" (or mistakes your northern accent for an Australian one) or a gangsta who'se usually entertaining if he's on your team and popping caps at the other "n****z". I liked Boyz In The Hood so i can let that stuff slide.


Sometimes, especially in hardcore mode things click, and it's cool when it does.

Just two people who decide team up can wreck the other team and it almost becomes like a sports game with explosives and fatal wounds.

On occasion me and my mate Martyn will team up on maps and become stealthy gits and smoke out all the hiding little snipers and have a perk that lets you see bombs etc. It's quality if you can get into a rhythm and get the other team out of their comfort zone because then because you have them running around out of cover, your other team mates pop them off.

The best games we get has my mate Tom as a sniper, Martyn sneaking about with his silencer, me with my good old automatic rifle and my mate Tank doing his best impression of Blaine from Predator and just planting himself down an alley to mow down the other guys single handedly.

Sometimes it clicks and you spot a sniper, Mart goes to sneak attack him, someone sees Mart and tries to sneak on him, that guy gets popped by Tom who was covering Martyn. Then every other team member decides to rush the house Mart just whacked a sniper in, meaning they run across the sights of me and Tank who shoot them up as severely as if we had a popular Mo-Town song blasting in our ears.

The bad news is i've bought a few t-shirts with skulls on since i've started doing this, and had a few friday nights in where i have decided to PWN some people instead of mingle amidst drunken mid-twenty something lasses which i should be doing....but i don't have a collection of combat knives yet. So i'm ok.
Sadly it always seems fiddly in these games but i would love them to get a proper cover system working in a game as overall well put together as the later COD games. The enemy and your team-mates do it. You see them blind-fire and peep out to pop shots at the enemies.
This would make veteran mode a fantastic game in my opinion, i like those "one shot-one kill" levels of difficulty in war-games.

Brother's in Arms: Road to Hill 30 was the best single player fps I've played. It was all about using cover, laying suppressing fire and flanking the enemy. You couldn't run-and-gun through that game.
Modern Warfare 2 has sold 1.23m copies in one day, smashing the previous record set by Grand Theft Auto IV (631,000 units).

That performance made Activision around £47m, whereas Rockstar made only £27.2m.

"These first day sales figures are astonishing and clear evidence that videogames are now mainstream in the UK," said Michael Rawlinson, boss of data collector ELSPA/GfK-ChartTrack.

it made 47m in one day!

i hope nobody has pirated this game, because we wouldn't want those poor developers to be in a position whereby they're unable to feed and clothe their kiddies...

it's a FUCKING disgrace that they charge so much for games...
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